Never Get Enough (Enough #1) (22 page)

The taxi stopped at the small airport. I paid the taxi driver and got out.
I went to the counter and asked how long it would take to book a small plane to take me to Tallahassee, Florida. She sighed and said it could take a while, I pulled out my American Express gold card and told her I would pay whatever it took. I just needed to get in the air as soon as possible. Finally, she got hold of a small plane and pilot. It was going to cost twenty thousand dollars, but it was completely worth it to be out of Bray’s reach while I recovered from the shock of him cheating on me. I was in the air in only an hour, and I just thought of what I would tell Keller when I saw him. How could I explain to him that Bray and I got together, but now we’re not cause he cheated on me. I don’t even know how many times.

The plane lands at the Tallahassee airport at two in the morning. I grab another taxi to Keller’s dorm room. I know it is only guys in his football dorm, but I will get in to him. I need the only person other than Bray in the whole world that loves me. Keller is the closest thing I have to a big brother, and I need his arms around me desperately right now. A guy at the front desk beeps me in to the front of the dorm. I explain to him that I
am studying for a test and left my book in room 214. He laughs at me, “Honey, I have been at this desk all night, and I would have definitely noticed you walking in or out of this dorm. But whatever, just tell Keller or Micah, they owe me one. I know they would kill me if I turned away a hot piece like you.” I look at the way his eyes are ogling my body and realize that I never changed out of my volleyball shorts and tank top. I am in such skimpy clothes begging to get into a boys room at two in the morning. Can’t blame this guy for getting the complete wrong picture here, I just thank him for his help and rush to Keller’s room.

I knock on the door loudly and nobody comes. So I knock harder and finally hear some movement
inside. Keller and his roommate start arguing, “What the fuck, man? You know we have football practice at six. Why the hell would you have a booty call this late? I am so sick of this shit, Micah. Start thinking with your head a little more than your dick, or I am asking for a different roommate!” “Damn, man! That is harsh. I didn’t invite anyone over. I have no fucking clue who is knocking at the door at this time of night. I know we have practice at six. I’m not a fucking idiot!” Neither of them has taken the time to answer the door amidst the arguing, and I just want Keller right now. I knock again louder and wait for the door to open. “What the fuck do you want?” says a guy I’ve never met before. Then he just stares at me openmouthed until I finally say, “I just need to see Keller, please.” I start holding back tears just thinking about having Keller’s arms around me, and finally Keller pushes his roommate out of the way and picks me up into his arms. “Princess, what are you doing here? I thought you won the state championship tonight. That’s what you texted earlier. What happened since then?”

Just having him hold me and finally feeling safe, secure, and loved, I just start sobbing and don’t stop. He takes me over to his bed and just
lies down with me on top of him. “Sweetheart, you seem really upset but exhausted. Just go to sleep on me and you can tell me everything tomorrow. Is that okay?” I nod but say, “Kell, please don’t tell Bray where I am. I know he is going to ask you, and I just can’t deal with him right now. Please?” “Of course, princess, he already called and texted to see if I knew where you were, but I just thought you got split up at a party. I won’t let him know anything else until you are ready to tell me everything, but it has to be tomorrow that you come clean. I am so pissed that you’re this upset that I want to kill whoever did it. So get some rest and then fill me in. Tomorrow though I have to know, I can’t be patient when you are this upset.” I was already falling asleep as he was talking, and couldn’t help but think how grateful I was to still have Keller. I don’t know what I would have done right now without him.












































Chapter 22


She fucking left. She’s gone. I can’t find Carter anywhere, and I am terrified she went home with someone who was drunk. What if they took advantage of her or wrecked. She could be dead on the fucking side of the road for all I know. I can’t stand this. I want to just rip the field apart; one damn tree at a time.

Jace runs over to me and calmly explains the information he has been able to obtain
from people since he is not acting like a suicidal maniac. “Some guys saw Carter walk down to the road that leads to Gray and Grant’s house. She waited and then got in a taxi there. They have no idea where she went after that, but they all said she was fine when she got in.” Why the fuck would Carter call a taxi when she could have asked me to take her home. I didn’t really want to come to this party at all, and then Lena started drunkenly harassing and coming on to me when I was trying to manage a drunken Cole from fighting Jace. It was a miserable fucking night except the time I got with my girl and now she has just disappeared.

“Jace, do you know why she would just up and leave the party in a taxi. Did somebody here upset her or hurt her? Did anybody come on to her and make her feel uncomfortable?” Jace slowly shook his head, “She was good, talking to Hampton and Leia. Then she went to go find you and I never saw her again. She didn’t find you at all?” I shook my head, but thought,
worriedly, maybe she did find me. Lena was just not leaving me alone tonight, and I didn’t want her to say anything to Carter until I could. I had tried to convince Lena to just let Carter alone, but she kept trying to get me to touch her. Could Carter have seen and heard that and drawn her own conclusions. That would be so fucking bad. Carter is riddled with her own doubts and insecurities already..

“Jace, I am heading back to my place. She might have just gone home, and I can talk to her about everything there.” I tried to say all this confidently and keep the worry out of my voice but my best friend sensed it. “I’ll come with you, man. I’m as worried about Carter as you are. The disappearing act just isn’t her, and I think something went seriously wrong somewhere.” I decide to confide my fears to Jace, “I’m scared she overheard Lena and me arguing. She could be really pissed that I never told her Lena and I hooked up. She might have had a hard time with me not telling her.” He looks at me, his eyes full of sympathy because he knows how much I love Carter. “Man, it’s gonna be okay. You can explain everything to her when we find her.”

Jace carried Hampton, who was passed out to my Range Rover, and we headed back to my house. My mind was still racing a million miles a minute thinking how I was going to explain why I never told her I had slept with Lena. It came down to me being a coward, and I didn’t want to make Carter uncomfortable or sad. I was going to have to admit all of that to her and see how I could work on winning her trust back. I called her again to see if she would pick up and her phone was still turned off. I left another message where I begged and pleaded for her to call and let me know where she was. I told her that even if she was mad she could yell or scream, but I just wanted her to call and talk to me.

I drove up to the house and could tell that no one was there immediately. There were no lights on at all, and the alarm was still on the away setting. Carter had definitely been upset enough not to come home, and I started to get nervous of when I would even see her or find her if she wasn’t here. I called Keller to see if he had heard from her and he had not. I called all her volleyball and dance team friends. No one knew where she was. The only person I didn’t check with was her mom. I knew Carter would never go running to that poisonous bitch, and I didn’t want her trying to take control of this situation or giving her any power at all.

I stayed up all night just waiting for the phone to ring to let me know where she was so I could go get her. But it never rang and by morning I knew she wasn’t just coming back. She had heard the worst of Lena and my argument. She had lost her trust in me, and I might have lost her forever. Worst morning of my fucking life, where the hell is she?



































Chapter 23


I wake up to Keller and Micah still arguing with each other. “Dude, she is the hottest fucking girl I have ever seen. I never knew a girl could look like this in real life. I thought this kind of perfection was just a trick of the men’s magazines. This is your stepsister, Keller. I almost passed out last night when she was just standing there looking up at me with those wide blue eyes. I really felt like no air was getting to lungs, but I still couldn’t stop looking at her.” Keller whisper yelled back at Micah, “Would you shut the fuck up, shithead! For whatever reason, she is here, she needs me. Not someone like you drooling all over her and thinking disgusting thoughts about her. I want her to sleep and then have some time with just me so she can tell me what the fuck has
her so upset. I will fix it, and she will be happier. She is still in high school. So don’t think about her or talk to her. Just leave her alone and let me take care of her. Can’t you go stay at Audrey’s place for a few days while I get everything straightened out?” Micah groaned then, “Are you serious, dude? The hottest girl I have ever seen comes to stay in my room, and you are kicking me out.” Keller must have growled at Micah then because Micah caved right after that and agreed to find another place to stay.

The next time I woke up it was just Keller in the room with me. He was looking at m
y face and smiling his sweet smile that he saved just for me. “Hey princess, you ready to get up and tell me what is going on?” I smiled and suddenly everything just felt a little better. I could bring my problems to Keller, and he would help me work out a plan to make things better. If I couldn’t have a committed relationship with Bray, I at least had the supportive loving relationship with Keller still. It felt unnatural, but I was able to smile back at him. “Can I have a shower first, Kell? Please, I am so grimy from the party I was at and the field party? I can wear a t-shirt of your and some swear pants, but I just have to feel clean again.” Keller grabs some things out of his drawers and throws them to me. “I got you a Florida state t-shirt and shorts so you are set, princess. We just have to sneak you into the bathrooms since it is an all guys dorm. I will stand watch as you shower so nobody will come in on you. Please, wear my flip flops though; all the guys are disgusting.”

Sneaking in sounds a lot more complicated than it actually was. I was back in Keller’s room in thirty minutes, fully showered and clean. We sat on his bed together, and I knew it was time to fill him in on why I showed up at his door in the middle of the night. I took a deep breath in and told him everything that happened since he had left. Skimming over the sexual details but making sure he knew what had happened. I wanted Keller to know everything now because I felt I had been lied to. I didn’t want the only person that truly cared about me to ever feel the same betrayal that I had felt with Bray.

After I was done, Keller pulled me back into his lap and I cried in his arms. He had just listened without commenting the whole time. I knew it had hurt him that after he told me how he felt about me that I had pursued a relationship with Bray. But he still wanted to be there for me, and I could tell that he was hurting just cause I was hurting. He helped to heal some of the gaping insecurities that Bray had helped to open. Keller is so good and steady. When he was holding me I felt his love. If Kell could love me the
n I must be worthy of some type of love. He is to real of a person to love somebody who isn’t worth loving. I just wrapped my arms around him and settled peacefully there for I don’t even know how long.

Someone started hitting hard on the door, and then I heard Bray yell, “Kell
er, I know you are in there. Carter is gone, and I have to know if she is with you. She heard some things last night that could have been interpreted the wrong way! I have to make things right. I am fucking dying inside not knowing where she is or if she is safe. She took a damn taxi to get away from the party.” He started pounding even harder and started yelling louder, “Fucking let me in, Kell! I know you are in there!” Finally Kell looks at me and whispers, “It doesn’t sound like he is going away. Do you want to see him, princess?” I solemnly shake my head no and he nods in understanding. He opens the door as I cower in his bed. “What the hell, Bray? I told you I didn’t know where Carter is, and you come down here to harass me about it. What’s wrong with you.” Bray answers back in a mean tone I’ve never heard him use, “Don’t fuck with me, Keller. I know she is fucking here. I can smell her perfume in this damn room. I am telling you that if you don’t let me through the door; I will take your ass down. Nobody, not even you, should come between me and my girl, ever.” Keller takes a deep breath and says, “She doesn’t want to see you, Bray. I am not going to make her. She will see you in a week when she comes back to school. Until then you just need to let her be.” “No fucking way am I leaving here without my girl!” Bray yells and then lunges for Keller. Keller slams into the wall hard and Bray comes down on top of him. Bray starts swinging immediately until Keller pushes him off and lunges for Bray. Bray ducks Keller’s right swing but doesn’t see his left. Bray crashes into the wall himself, but pushes Keller back off and tackles him into the room. Bray locks eyes with me and all the fight suddenly goes out of him. “Baby doll, I missed you so much. I was so worried about you.” He moves towards me then, and Keller blocks his way. “You hurt her, Bray. All she has done since she got here is sob about you and Lena. How fucking could you do that to Carter. If I had her I would never look at another girl. Hell, I don’t have her, and I still can’t look at another girl now. What the hell is wrong with you? I thought Carter was everything to us!”

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