Never Get Enough (Enough #1) (25 page)

“Bray,” I tried to say, but it came out all scratchy. “Yes, baby doll, I am here. How do you feel?” I tried to talk again, and it came easier, “I feel disoriented and a little nauseous. What
happened?” He looked mad for just a second, and I could tell he was trying to calm down for me. “Tanner drugged you with chloroform and tried to take you somewhere in his car.” What, that part with Tanner was real. Oh shit, Bray probably killed him. This is so bad. “Bray, I remember him trying to talk to me about how much better he would treat me. I am so sorry I didn’t think he was obsessed. I just felt bad that he was ostracized on the football team when he walked in on me. Bray, he said he had been following me. I think he finally just snapped. I hate that I thought he was okay when you were telling me something was wrong. I’ll try to listen to you about guys from now on!” He smiled and said, “Baby doll, I hated him since he walked in on you. I thought he watched you really intensely and only tried to talk to you, but I had no idea either that he was a crazy stalker. If I had, I would have done something about it a long time ago.” I am nervous to ask the next question but I have to know or I will just continue to worry. “You didn’t kill him, did you, Bray? If you would have, they would have handcuffs on you, right?” He lets out a laugh and says, “I didn’t kill him, baby. It was close, and Jace had to pull me off him. Dad’s lawyer has already been called and has explained that it was self-defense. He was keeping me from getting to you, and I could tell that you were not yourself. I will be fine. Don’t even worry about it, and he is getting charged with attempted kidnapping. So hopefully, he will be serving time, and you can get a restraining order against him. Damn, am I glad I at least got to beat the shit out of him. Makes me feel a little better about the whole thing, I was so fucking worried, baby. You just wouldn’t wake up.”

The nurse comes in the room then, and I finally look around and realize I am
in a hospital. “Oh, wow, you’re awake. This sweet young man has been so worried about you. All of your vitals are looking good, but we will be keeping you overnight to make sure that everything is okay before we send you home.” Bray starts to interrupt her, and she turns to him, “Young man, I know you will be staying too. I could already tell there would be no kicking you out tonight.” She leaves us soon after that with a little more fussing over me. Bray tries to get me all set up to go back to sleep, and I just look at him with my pout. “Will you just hold me, please? I had a dream that you were just not in my life, and it was so awful. I just need to feel you against me.” Bray lets out a sigh of frustration, “Baby doll, please, do not pout right now. I will not make you comfortable in that little bed. You need a good night’s sleep, and you still have your IV in. What if I lay on it? I can’t handle the worry all night. No.” I just look at him and hope he can see the need in my eyes. After trying to hold out, the look eventually wears him down, and gives in. “Fine, don’t look at me like that! I can’t handle you being upset with all you have been through. I always need to be touching you so I really get the wanting to be close. I just don’t want to hurt you or hinder the doctors from doing their jobs.” He gently lifts me up and slides underneath me. He starts just tickling my arms and hair. He whisper, “Love you, baby, so much.” I want to respond to him, but I am already drifting off to sleep.

The next day all my vitals
are still looking good, and they can’t see any long term damage from the chloroform. I get all my paperwork done and am walking out of the hospital by ten in the morning. Bray had Jace bring him the Range Rover last night since he rode in the ambulance. He helps me into the passenger side, and then practically drives at the speed of a snail home. “Bray, I was drugged not beaten; I am not an invalid. You can go at a normal speed. Promise, I will be okay!” “No, baby doll, you don’t have any clue how I feel. This happening to you took years off my life. Your safety and well-being is too precious to me. I might be driving slow and treating you carefully for a while. At least until the shock has worn off.” I just shake my head at him in irritation, but I will be tempting him to stop all this careful crap as soon as we got home.

I felt the deep need inside me
, as I always do with him. I knew I wouldn’t last very long without making sure he gave me what I needed. I know he needed me just as much as I needed him. He was wound so tight with all the worry from last night on him. Both of us really needed to be able to connect physically and work out all the stress from what happened. If I had to walk around in front of him naked, I would. There was no shame in my absolute need of him.

He pulled in the garage and helped me out of his car.
We headed into the house, and I said right away, “Bray, I need a shower. I just feel dirty and gross since I woke up in the hospital. I’m going to go up and get one. Don’t worry about me!” He looked torn and confessed, “Baby, I don’t know what to do. I don’t want you to get a shower alone because of just coming off the drugs, but I don’t think I can handle being in the shower with you. I will touch you, and we won’t be able to stop. Your body just doesn’t need that right now.” I smile to myself, we’ll just see about that.

I suggest
to him, “Why don’t you just sit in the room beside the bath, and if you hear me call, you will know I need help. It will make you feel better.” He looks at me confused and a little suspicious. Normally, I would insist we shower together, but I really do want to feel clean after Tanner. I also want to feel at my best when I show him how much I want him. That has to be with my hair done and my garters on. Finally he smiles and agrees, “Okay, beautiful, that sounds like a perfect solution. Come on!” With that he just picks me up and starts walking up the stairs. I just study his face and how gorgeous it is. His hair is even more everywhere than usual, but I just love it. His dark blue eyes are burning with desire and the intensity makes me just want to curl around him. I don’t even know how he thinks it’s possible for us to not have sex right now. We both obviously are wound way too tight. I can feel him stiffening just from carrying me, but I don’t pick a fight about it. I know I will get what I want soon enough.

He sets me down in the bath that is connected to my full closet. He practically runs out the door and closes it decisively behind him. I just giggle to myself and start the shower. The shower feels so good and I take my time with it. After I get out, I work hard to get my hair big
and sexy. I put on my white bra and garter set with the panties that show way more of my ass than they cover. I put on red lipstick and look in the mirror. I can’t believe the image looking back at me. I look like I belong on the set of a porno so I decide to complete the package and put on my highest red heels.

I slide the door open and look at where Bray is. He is sprawled out on the couch at t
he end of the room watching ESPN. He glances up when he hears the door shut behind me, and then his gaze lock on me as I start strolling towards him. “Fucking hell, Carter. What the hell are you trying to do to me?” I keep walking towards him and don’t stop when I get to him but just slide on him as smooth as I can. I can feel how hard he already is, and I just smile at how he reacts to me. “Baby, please don’t torture me.” He begs as I just start to rock on him over his jeans. “I really want you to rest and just take care of yourself. I just can’t deal with you not feeling good or pushing your body when you shouldn’t!” I just ignore him and lean down to kiss his lips. He responds to me immediately, and I know that whether he want to or not. He needs me bad right now. “Bray, I want you so much. I need to feel you inside of me. Especially with everything that happened. Please don’t deny me anymore. Just give me what I need.”

“Damn, baby, of course. But I want to take things really slow. You were just released from the hospital an hour ago.” “We’ll go slow then, so s
low. Just need you.” I would agree to anything just then to have him. He pulls off his shirt, and I lick my lips as his muscles just ripple with the movement. “Oh baby, that lingerie on you has to be the sexiest thing I have ever seen. I love it when you lick your lips, but when you look like a sex kitten, I just want to bury myself in you and never leave.” I lean down and rub against him and say, “Then don’t.” I bite his lip, and he groans loud and deep like he has had about as much as he can take. I slide down and unbutton his jeans and pull them down with his boxers. I lean down to take him into my mouth, and he pulls me back up. “Baby, with the way you look right now, I would not last ten seconds with your mouth on me. I want to be inside you when I come.” So I take that as an invitation and pull my panties to the side and just climb on.

I slide onto him, and he fills me so completely I cry out. I look at his face, and he is just trying to hold back from pounding up and into me. I start bouncing on him, and it feels so good. “Slow down, baby doll. Do not hurt yourself, please.”
I can tell I am being too enthusiastic for his peace of mind, but he just feels so good. He reaches his point where he can’t take anymore, and he pulls me off. Bray lays me down on the bed and holds both my hands with one of his over my head. He has me at the very edge of the bed with my legs hanging down, and him standing in between them. He starts to slowly push in and out of me. I love that he is in total control of how much he gives me. “Please, Bray, please,” I beg him, “Give it to me faster.” “Oh no, baby doll, you are the one who had to have her way, but we are not going to have you strain yourself. I will make you feel good, but we will do this at my pace now.” Even as he was talking, I felt the pull of an orgasm coming at me. “Oh, Bray, please, I need all of you now.” Just then he slams into me and gives me what I need. As I am coming apart, he tells me, “Baby, I know you are always worried that you aren’t enough for me, but all I am only ever wants all of you. Not only are you enough, but I always feel like I can never get enough of you. I will always want more of you, more of all of this always!” At that he groans, and I can feel him orgasm with me.

We hold each other after this all night
. Talking about all our plans and what we want to do in college and after. I think back to how I felt in that dream where I didn’t have him. How lonely my whole life felt just cause he wasn’t in it. I know now from what we have been through that we are forever. Neither of us would ever get enough of each other.



























We had a month in Virginia before Carter and I packed everything up and headed down to Florida State. She and I had spent every minute that we could together before we had to move. We have lived together for four years, but now she had to be in the volleyball dorms. I had to be in the football dorms too, but we knew the majority of the time we would still spend out nights together. It still felt weird to be in separate living quarters though. I am glad to be heading down t
o play football with my brother, and Carter and I know that it is the right decision to be close and support him. He has sounded so alone every time we have talked to him on the phone. His main dream in life was to be with Carter so he is coming to terms with the fact that Carter is with me. I wondered if it would hurt more for him to be with us and around us or to feel alone and without support or family.

Carter doesn’t understand how dee
p he feels for her. She hates for him to feel sad, but I think she doesn’t realize how far gone for her he really is. She told me on the car ride to Florida today, “Bray, Kell is going to realize soon how many beautiful girls are out there just waiting for him to notice them, and then he will be over me and this crush so fast you won’t have time to blink.” I smiled at her and didn’t disagree, but I have seen how my brother treats Carter. How he has always looked at her. He will love her for his entire life. I know him, and I have struggled as his brother with knowing this. The problem is I love Keller more than anything else in my life except for Carter. I would never be able to give her up. He will always be the better brother and person because he loves her and me enough to let us be happy. I know I could never just accept it and do the same.

But for all my selfishness, I am trying t
o be there for him and still help Carter be there for him too. We are his family, and I want to be there in any way he could need me. We are a few miles away from the Florida State dorms, and I can feel Carter watching me as I drive. “I love you, Bray. Just want you to know that no matter what else changes in our lives, I will always love you!” “I know, baby doll. Remember, I will never get enough of you. We are going to be busy, and life might get crazy. But I can never get enough of you.” She squeezes the hand that was holding hers, and we pull into the football dorms. We are meeting Keller here so he can help me move Carter in first.

I see him in the parking lot by his truck, and I smile that my patient brother is bouncing on the balls of his feet. He must be really impatient for us to be here. I watch him as we pull in, and his eyes never leave Carter. I sigh to myself, but I don’t get the same feelings I do when another guys smiles at Carter. No, for my brother, I just feel sad and guilty. I hate that for me to find my ultimate happiness with the most beautiful, pure girl in the world, my brother has to suffer. I turn off the truck and Keller opens Carter’s door and helps her out of the truck. She talks to him about the trip down and the football camp he helped with the last few weeks. His normally somber expression is lighter and more expressive already. He looks at her like all the answers to life rests in her smile. Maybe for me and him they do, and maybe they always will.

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