Never Get Enough (Enough #1) (21 page)

A little while later
, Carter gets free from all the people trying to talk to her, and we grab Hampton and Jace out of the crowd. We all are ready to get something to eat and head back to our own town which is over an hour away. Grant and Gray are having a field party tonight out on their family’s land. We all are going to go and celebrate the volleyball team’s win together out there. I ask Jace to drive his car though so Carter and I can leave whenever we want. After seeing her play today and seeing how capable my girl is of controlling the whole game, I just want her all to myself for a little while. She had me so turned on when she was bouncing up and down getting ready for her serves. I have to make my dick calm down because it is going to be a few hours before anything can even happen, but I want her alone as soon as possible.

We all walk over to my car to drive back home together, and I look down at Carter and can’t take it anymore. I pick her up and just cr
ush her between the car and me. I kiss her like my life depended on it, and she sighs happily and works her body against me encouraging me on. Jace pounds me on the back, and I finally let her go. “Man, I have been trying to get you to stop for five fucking minutes. Look, I know you want time alone with your girl, but you at least have to take me and Hampton back to my car. Watching you guys is getting me so damn turned on that the team would have been walking out into an orgy if you hadn’t stopped.” Jace interrupting and spouting the truth just pissed me off. I always want Carter, but right now, I am almost consumed with just thinking about being inside of her. I speed back to our town as fast as I possibly can and finally get to Jace’s car. The lot is empty at the school where we left Jace’s car, and Jace and Hampton scramble out. Hampton opens the passenger’s door and gives Carter a big hug, “You kicked ass today, girl! You are so awesome.” Carter smiles and tells her, “Thanks for being there, Hampton! It meant a lot.” Jace just gives me a pat but can tell I am strung up tight right now, and I just want them to clear out.

I don’t know what it is but there are just times when I have to have my girl. She already know
s what I want and looks around the lot to make sure nobody else is around. Then she pulls down her sexy shorts as I slide my seat as far back as it will go. Her body looks so good with just her fitted tank top on and a pink thong. I crook my finger at her and she jumps on my lap. I start kissing my way down her neck and work my fingers into her. She is already wet for me and I can’t even believe how lucky I am. “Did you want this as bad as I did, baby doll? I just felt like I had to have you after that game. You just shined so bright and did so well, and all I could think is that beautiful talented angel is mine. Just mine!” She moaned at that as I am working my finger in and out of her. “Yes, Bray, I am yours, all yours!” And I hate to rush any of this normally, but I just want to be inside her so bad. “Baby doll, I don’t want to hurt you, but are you ready for me? I can’t take much more without you being inside of me!” She pulls my dick out of my pants and just slides right on it as soon as I tell her that. She feels so tight around me, and I don’t know how long I am going to last. She moves up and down me, and it just feels so fucking fantastic that I can’t stand it. “Bray, I’m going to come!” Oh shit, that’s awesome, because I wasn’t going to last another minute of her bouncing on my dick. “Good, baby, come for me!” And I come inside her right as she lets out a loud moan and tightens around me.

We both have our arms around each other and come back to earth slowly after that quick but rewarding car sex. “Now we are going to be late for the party, I have to go home and shower and change.” She says. I look at her amused, “When do you ever wear those volleyball
shorts and I don’t want to fuck your brains out? You should have been at least a little mentally prepared for this, baby!” She grins at me and relents with, “Alright, you might be right.” Then she looks around the empty parking lot a little wearily. I ask her, “What you doing, Carter? You look upset.” She shakes her head confused, “I feel like somebody is watching me a lot, Bray, but I never see anybody around me. It must just be in my head, right?”

Now that makes me nervous cause Ca
rter is not a girl who is prone to being scared easily. I wonder if someone is watching her and try to spot anybody in the parking lot. I don’t see anybody at all and explain, “Baby, I don’t think anybody is out there. I don’t feel anyone’s eyes on me, but let me know if you keep feeling this way. I know there are enough guys at the school with crushes on you, and any of them could easily stalk you. I will keep my eye out for anything weird when we are together. Please keep your phone on you to be able to call me at all times.” She nodded and agreed quickly, but I could tell she was still a little nervous that someone had seen us having sex.


























Chapter 21


We are driving out to the field party, and I am just feeling so full with life and happiness. Winning the state championship was a big goal of mine and being awarded the MVP award made it even better. Bray was so supportive through all of it, and he looked so proud of me after the game that I just felt like who cares if I don’t have loving supportive parents. I have a person that know all of me and loves me through all of it.

He is tickling my hair with his right hand and driving with his left. I love that he can’t seem to resist touching me, and this is even after we had sex in the car already. After all my mother’s hate and bullshit, I really am glad that I can just trust in Bray and know that I am loved.

I look over at him and have to lick my lips at how good he looks even now. His face is just perfectly carved and his dark blue eyes stand out against his tan. His hair is short but still crazy just the way I love it. His eight-pack is defined from his form fitting t-shirt, and he is looking at me with all his sexy focus. I just want to melt into him and top the quick sex we had, with some lengthy satisfying time with him rocking inside of me.

He takes a sharp intake of breath, and I know that he has been able to sense where my thoughts have quickly taken me. But I shake my head at him and bring the situation back under some sort of control. “We have to make an appearance, Bray. Jace and Hampton know that we were heading in that direction. Plenty of time at home in our comfy bed to enjoy each other tonight.”

“Okay, but since you decided to just come in what you were wearing to the game, stay right beside me. Those volleyball shorts and that tank top are way too disturbing to any guy’s peace of mind for them to behave themselves. I will threaten and intimidate all night long if I have to, but I want you to stay beside me so that I can stay on top of any problems you might have.”

I rolled my eyes at him but nod my head and agree to his demands. I didn’t want to drive all the way back to the house to get ready since it
’s another hour away round trip from the field party. So I just wore the outfit that I played in. I didn’t think it would attract any guys since I feel disgusting and sweaty, but Bray seems to have a different opinion.

We pull up and I see a bunch of people from our high school around different campfires set up in the field. Trucks have music cranked up, and I see some girls from Jefferson dancing in their bras with shorts or skirts. It’s after 11 so this party has been going on already for quite a while. We head over to Gray and Grant. Bray refuses a beer when it is offered to him, and I take a wine cooler that Gray handed me. We see Cole over at the fire with a beer in one hand and Kristen from the volleyball team in his lap. He looks like he has had a few tonight, and his fingers are slowly crawling up her thigh. We sit down close to him and see Hampton and Jace talking across the fire. Even while his hand is moving up Kristen’s leg, Cole is just watc
hing Hampton and Jace angrily.

Bray pulls me into his lap and sits down. I ask him, “Why didn’t you at least get a beer tonight?” He just smiles and answers, “I don’t want to drink if I am going to drive you home, period. It’s just not safe for me to be impaired, especially with the most precious cargo that I will ever have in my car.” Bray is just too sweet to me sometimes. I don’t ev
en know how to handle the way I feel about him. He treats me like I am the most important thing in the world, and that is so opposite from what I am used to with my mom. I love being his in every way.

The night moves along and I drink a little more. We sing songs together as somebody breaks out the guitar
. Jace and Bray belt out “Dream On” by Aerosmith together, and we all laugh cause they are surprisingly good. We all, except Bray, sing drunkenly some Philip Philips songs, and I just look around and enjoy how comfortable and happy I feel at this moment.

I move over to sit with Hampton and Leia as Jace went to get a drink,
and Bray went to go find Cole who was really wasted. He wanted to make sure he didn’t drive home. Jace came back, and we were all laughing and talking about how mad Bray got at some of the comments the guys in the stands were making about me at the volleyball game. Jace imitated Bray, “One more comment, fucker, about my girlfriend’s ass, and I will take you outside and whip your ass!” Hampton laughed and added, “That’s what he said to a kid that had to be a freshman, Carter. It was so damn hilarious when this kid got a look at how big Brayden is. He just skulked away after Brayden’s jealous rant. It was hilarious!”

I was just laughing at how territorial Bray can get with guys even looking at me, and then I started to
get concerned at how long he has been gone. He never normally lets me out of his sight for long at a party with drunk guys, and he had been gone for more than thirty minutes. I got up and start to go look for him when Jace asks, “Carter, where ya going?” “I want to go find Bray and head home, Jace. Tonight has been great, but I am wiped out from the game and now the party. Just want to crawl into my bed and dream about my win.” Another senior football player, Will, has to add in, “How about I crawl into your bed and do even more than dream about you, Carter?” I give him a not amused look, “And say no thank you, Will. I have a boyfriend, you remember, Bray, right?”

He actually laughs at that and says, “
Well he didn’t look like your boyfriend a few minutes ago when he was up against Lena! So why don’t you give some other guys a chance around here?” I started to walk away from the group at that and my heart started to pound against my chest. Bray had been gone a long time, and Will saw him with Lena. All my fears about me never being enough for Bray started to flood my mind, and everything my mother has said about me and Bray started to come back to. I could barely breathe I was so scared of what I would find if Lena and him were together. He had been my rock and support for so long. I needed him to only want me and be faithful to me. I couldn’t stand it if I didn’t satisfy him. I walked deeper into the woods until I heard his voice. It was dark, and I moved quietly to where I could see and listen to him without being scene. I wanted to know what was going on with Bray and Lena. They were standing really close together, and I could tell they were both upset.

“Lena, you are drunk and not thinking clearly. You do not need to tell Carter anything. I will tell her about us, not you. She will be upset, but I know that she will understand that I love her. You and I are nothing but a meaningless fling. So shut up and stop trying to cause trouble.” Oh shit, he had cheated on me with Lena. How could Bray do this to us? Lena puts her hand on Bray drunkenly, and he doesn’t even try to remove it. “We are so good together, Bray. You know we fit each other so much better. I bet you would still drink at parties if you were with me, but your little princess is too delicate. She has turned you into a fucking nurse maid.”

I had heard enough. He wanted to be the one to tell me that he had cheated, and she slept with my boyfriend and was making fun of me. I had to get out of there. I rushed back to the fires and the crowded areas. I looked around to see who could take me home and finally decided to start walking towards Gray and Grant’s house. I will just call a taxi to pick me up from their main road. There was no way I could face anyone else tonight after hearing that. I was so worthless and undesirable that I couldn’t even hold a boyfriend that had worshiped and treasured me. Nobody was ever going to really love me. I was destined to just be alone. Bray was the sweetest, most wonderful guy in the world. I truly felt like he had loved me. He cheated because of me. I obviously would never be enough.

The taxi picked me up on the lonely silent road that led to Gray and Grant’s house. He looked at me and asked me where to head and I said the airport. It was over thirty minutes away, and I just sat in the back and planned out what I needed to do. I couldn’t even cry because I just felt shocked and almost numb. My whole life was going to change in a matter of hours. Bray and I were supposed to go to the same college. He was going to play professional football, and I was going to play volleyball
in college, get a business degree, and run my dad’s company. I can still do most of that but without Bray it all just seemed like too much to think about. I didn’t even want to think of pushing myself to the next steps without his support.

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