Never Get Enough (Enough #1) (17 page)








































Chapter 16


Jace was going to die tonight. I could just tell by the look on Cole’s face. Fuck! I had just wanted alone time with Carter and no drama. I already had the Lena obsession to worry about. I was trying to figure out a way to broach the subject to Carter, and now my night is going to be shot trying to convince these two not to kill each other. Hampton also looks to be fuming and directing all of that anger towards Cole right now. Ah hell, I am suddenly grateful Carter and I at least got some time in the shed because that might be all I get tonight. I take one last longing look at her tits in that tiny little string bikini top, then I jump in between Cole and Jace and pray for a way to resolve this to just come to me.

Putting a hand on Cole’s shoulder, I ask him, “Man, what is this all about?” Trying to get him to use his words instead of his fists right now, Cole starts to explain, “Hampton disappeared from the party. She has been doing that a lot lately, so I decided to go look for her this time. I come up on her and Jace with their tongues down each other
’s throats, and his hand up her skirt. Of course, I’m upset that she would be such a slut, but I am also pissed that Jace would do that to me! He should have respected me enough to at least tell me what was going on instead of letting me walk in on it!”

With that, I can tell Co
le is done with explaining anything, he tries to go around me to get at Jace again. Hampton jumps in front of him and starts screaming, “What the hell is your problem? You always said you wanted to keep things casual with no commitment. I went along with that, and now you are upset that I was hooking up with someone else. Don’t you think that is a little hypocritical?”

Cole focuses on her and stares her down. “I was always honest with you, Hampton. I never led you on or made you have any false expectations. You were not the same with me. Coming to a party with me means at least we are together for tonight. Yeah, I wanted to keep thing
s casual, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want you to remain with me for at least the things we do together. All I ever asked of you was honesty, and you couldn’t even give me that.” He shakes his head in disgust, but I can tell the fight has gone out of him.

Hampton nod
s in understanding and says, “I apologize. I was not honest about hooking up with Jace, and I should have been. I think it would be better for me and you if we didn’t see each other anymore.” I can tell that shocks Cole because Hampton has always been happy with whatever he would give her, but he nods and seems to at least understand what she is saying to him. She walks away after that, and Jace and Cole’s eyes follow her until she disappears into the night.

Jace attempts to tell Cole he is sorry, “Cole, man--- “ Cole cuts him off and in a cold voice says, “We are no longer friends, mother fucker. You are a disloyal bastard, and I no longer want to know you. Just stay away from me!” With that Cole stomps away, and I don’t know what to say. Carter has already run off to follow Hampton.

Turning to Jace, I just have to ask him, “Why, man? You knew they were together. Even if she would’ve ended whatever they had first it would have been better. He looks really upset about this. Was she worth it? I didn’t even know you liked her like that.” Jace just looks like he is still thinking about the whole thing, and I think he could be asking himself some of the same questions that I asked him. His shoulders are slumped with the guilt of doing this to Cole, but then he tries to explain it all to me.

“I don’t know why, man. I have always crushed on and been almost in love with Carter since ninth grade. When you two finally started dating, I knew any chance that I even hoped I had was done. I don’t know why but I just started finding myself thinking about Hampton more and more. She is a lot of fun and was with us a lot during the last few weeks. If you don’t compare he
r to Carter, she is banging hot too. I just started feeling pulled toward her, and I think she was feeling the same way with me. We didn’t want the team to be affected by us fooling around together so we thought we would just keep it quiet. She was going to let Cole know tonight that she didn’t want to see him anymore, but we ran into each other while I was mixing people drinks. She was jealous that I had road out here with Lena, and we started fighting and then kissing. It was leading to even more when Cole walked in on it. I’m sorry, man. Didn’t mean to mess up the team dynamic or get Cole hurt, but I think I might really like her.”

Jace is my best friend other than Carter, and I want to support him. But Hampton makes me nervous because she has already pitted Cole against Jace whether it was by accident or not. She has also been a good friend to C
arter though so I will try to withhold my judgment until I get to know her better. Will make sure to watch her from now on though. I hate that she hurt my friends, but if she isn’t one hundred percent loyal to Carter, I would make sure she paid for it.

I sling my arm around Jace’s shoulders and propel him towards the cars. He can’t stay here tonight with it being Cole’s lake house. So now I have to try to find him a ride home before I go see if I can enjoy some more of Carter in that sexy bikini. We walk up and see Hampton standing by her car. She smiles tentatively at Jace and says, “Do you need a ride home?” I can tell he’s happy that she waited on him. He turns to me and give
s me a punch in the shoulder, “Thanks, man, for jumping in between Cole and me like that. Especially, since he had a right to kick my ass tonight. I know it took away time with Carter.” I look at him and say, “No problem, man, I’m always here for you.” Then I give a hard stare towards Hampton and say, “No matter if you are right or wrong, I’m here!”

They head out after that, and by Jace’s smile I don’t think they are just heading to th
eir own houses without some fun first. I shake my head at Jace, but I can’t be that mad at him about the situation because I am doing it to my own damn brother. Keller has told Carter that he loves her, and I know it. Just can’t stop myself from being with her. I will just have to beg my brother for forgiveness and understanding. But I know how painful it is going to be for him to watch us together. It hurts me when Carter just touches or pays a lot of attention to another guy. I can’t even imagine how I would go insane if she was actually with someone else. Since I can understand Jace’s choices even if I don’t agree with them, I can’t hold it against him.

The party is still goi
ng strong when I get back to where most of the crowd is. I still just want go to the room assigned to me and Carter tonight and enjoy some much needed alone time. I see her kicking back a shot and laughing which makes me smile. She is just so sexy with her hair shimmering all around her. Thank God, she put her tank top and shorts on again. I would not want her standing around here without me in that skimpy bikini. Finally, I take my eyes off of her and notice Tanner is sidled as close to her as he can get without touching. He is a shady mother fucker, and I know he is obsessed with getting in her pants. I can see it every time he looks at her, but she is so damn innocent because Keller and I protected her from all the guys that she can’t see it at all. I just keep my eye on him as I stroll as casually as I can towards them. He moves in even closer to her testing how close she will let him come, and she takes a small step back. I can see the let down in his face, and I think way to go, Carter, in my head. Keep a little distance between you. Finally, I get to her and wrap my arm all the way around her. She looks up at me and lights up, “Hey, baby! Jace okay?” She asks. Thinking of him riding off with Hampton, “Yeah, he seemed to be doing just fine.” I assure her but decide to add, “But I really need your help with something. Tanner, if you could excuse me I really need my girl for a second.” He nods and gives an understanding smile, still trying to play the nice guy for Carter. “Of course, you guys have fun. Good to see you outside of class, Carter!” Yeah, that’s the only place you will be seeing her without me, shithead, I think to myself. But then my mood turns around because I have Carter away from the crowd and walking to our assigned room in Cole’s lake house. I am excited to just enjoy the rest of the night with her.

We finally make it up the stairs and to our room which has a balcony and is facing the lake. Carter exclaims happily, “Wow, this is really nice. I don’t really get why Cole always says how lucky we are with all our money. His family seems to be doing pretty well for themselves.” I chuckle and agree, “They do really well, baby. But Cole’s parents are really strict about his allowance and how much he can spend. They got him a used truck when he was sixteen, and he won’t get a new one for a while. That’s why he is always going on and on about what we can just buy for ourselves. He doesn’t have the same amount of freedom.” “Gotcha, that makes sense then. If I had to just keep an old truck for years, I would want something new too. Poor Cole!” I sigh in exasperation, “Baby, you are so spoiled. You know that Cole’s truck isn’t really old, just two years. I know you would hate a truck though cause you drive so fast. When we have kids you are going to have to get your driving under control, or I won’t let you leave the house with them.” She had taken a gasp when I said kids, “Did you just say when we have kids?” she then asked when she got to breathing normally again. “Yeah, I did, baby doll, because if you are having kids, it sure as hell better be with me!”

She looks like what I said was a lot for her to handle so I try to take the pressure off. “Hey, you, that is not for forever, just putting it out there that I want all that with you, but not anytime soon. Okay, baby doll?” She nods her head and starts to look more relaxed, “Okay, Bray! You had a long game, Bray. Why don’t you go sit on the balcony, and I will go get us both beers from the kitchen so we can relax and unwind after the game together.” Now nothing sounds better than that to me, I quickly agree and go sit on a chair on the balcony. She comes out the door a few minutes later with two beers and only her bikini on and a cowboy hat. “Well, baby, what is the occasion for this? Not that I don’t love the getup. You look as sexy as hell in that.”

She gives me a naughty smile and hands me my beer, “I just want to be a good girlfriend and help you relax after givi
ng the school such a big win.” I see that we are going to start with some fun foreplay right now and I’m all for it. “Well, baby, how do you think the best way for me to relax is?” She keeps smiling and starts to pull off her bikini top. “I thought first I needed to give you my full attention by giving some kisses until you feel really good. Then I thought maybe I could just ride you while you sit and relax in your chair there. That’s why I am wearing this hat here; I thought I could be your cowgirl for the night.” My body is all ready to go just from staring at her half naked in front of, but I become painfully hard after the picture she painted of what she wants to do for me.

She starts to kneel in front of me, and she looks so sexy. “Baby, before you start on t
hat, can you let me suck on your tits for a minute? They have looked so good all night in that bikini, and I just want to give them the attention they deserve.” She leans in to me while she sits down on my legs, and I just start sucking and touching both of them. The noises she is making are so sexy that I feel like if she strokes me just once I will explode already. I know she wants to pleasure me tonight and help me relax, but I just have to get her off first. I untie her bikini bottoms have her bare on me in no time. I start stroking her there while still sucking on her tits. In no time at all she is rocking on me in time to my stroking. I love this time with her when she is just chasing her orgasm and lost all control to her responses. “Please, Bray, please give it to me!” she chants again and again. “I will, baby doll, I promise I will give you everything you need.” She clenches up around my fingers and I know that she will fall over the edge in just a second. She lets out a loud scream and I don’t even try to stifle it in the night air. I am proud of what I can do to her and how I can bring her to this place. She comes back to earth a few minutes later looking at me with an amused but frustrated expression. “The whole point of this exercise was to focus on you and help you relax.” I give her my practiced smile and say, “Well mission accomplished then, baby. The best way to get me to relax is watching you fall apart in my arms.” She just shakes her head in annoyance and then gets on her knees. “He didn’t have to wait though, did he? No, he didn’t!” She starts stroking my dick while she is talking to it, and I have to say it is extremely hot. She starts to put her mouth on it and move back and forth while sucking hard. I can barely hold my concentration enough to hold my beer anymore and I start shoving into her mouth, I just can’t help myself. “Ah, that feels so good, baby. Don’t stop, oh please don’t stop.” I can’t believe the begging is coming out but it just does as she sucks on me like this. She pulls off and I frown in disappointment, but then she jumps on my lap and slides onto my dick and just starts riding. It feels so fucking good that I can barely hold back from coming. The cowboy hat is still on her head and her tits are bouncing as she slides up and down. I love her like this, “Baby, I can’t hold back much longer.” “I know, Bray, I am almost there too!” “Just come when you are ready, baby.” Then I feel the tell-tale tightening of her pussy meaning that she is about to go over the edge, and I let my body joins hers. “Yes, baby doll, that feels so good!” “Yes, Bray, yes, yes, yes!” Afterwards she just falls on top of me and quickly falls asleep. I know she will want to shower later so I put her in bed. I get dressed and decide to go find something to eat. Carter and I like vigorous sex together which is a full workout.

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