Guarding Hearts (Living Again #3) (7 page)

She rested her hand on her flat stomach and closed her eyes. She hardly ever allowed herself to go there, but for some reason the past few days it had been front and center in her mind. She resolved to find Gage and to at least find out that he had moved on, he was happy. That would make her feel better, wouldn’t it?

Brian opened the door for her and her mother, and Sam stepped out, automatically turning her face towards the warm Florida sunshine. She could hear the waves breaking on the shore, and she had an overwhelming urge to go running into the water. She knew her life was no longer that carefree, however, so instead she followed Brian and her parents up the shell driveway to the front door.

She grinned as she saw the view through the house. It was breathtaking. She could stay here forever.

“Nice place,” she heard from behind her, and she froze. Even though she knew he was there, hearing the rumble of his voice made her heart rate accelerate.

“Sure is,” she smiled, turning to look back at Ellis. Her parents had continued walking through the house, and Brian was out getting things from the car. They were alone. “I never got to thank you for taking the job, wanting to help keep this nutcase away from me.”

Ellis smiled, and she swore she audibly sighed. She really had to stop it, or she was going to embarrass herself. “It’s no problem, Sam. I want to help Brian, and work with the authorities to help nab this bastard. I’ve seen this many times, of course never with a celebrity. Usually it’s harmless, just a bit of a freak, but when you are in the public light, you can never be too careful.”

“Want a drink? There has to be something in here,” Sam indicated the kitchen area, then turned and started walking, hearing Ellis behind her.

“Just water is fine for me,” he answered.

Sam stopped in her tracks, causing Ellis to bump into her from behind. “I’m sorry,” he said, following her gaze. There were a dozen red roses on the kitchen counter, with a card sticking out from the top.

Sam clutched the counter for support, her breathing shallow. Who would send her flowers? Her parents were here, Lacey wouldn’t… it had to be him. Or her. Whoever it was.

“Sam? Are you okay?”

“T-the flowers,” she stuttered. “No one would send me those.”

“No boyfriend, friend, anyone?” Ellis’ voice sounded concerned now, and he moved over to them.

“No. They’re just like the ones I got…” her voice broke, and she covered her mouth with her hand. Not again.

Ellis looked all around the flowers as she watched, unable to move. “Brian!” he bellowed, and she flinched at the loudness of his voice. “Sorry, Sam. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Within seconds, Brian appeared, and Sam pointed at the flowers on the counter. Brian swore under his breath and went to stand next to Ellis.

“Who was allowed in here?” The hard edge to Ellis’ voice made her start shaking.

Brian cursed under his breath, then gently took the card off the top of the flowers, using a washcloth from the counter so he didn’t touch it. Sam closed her eyes, feeling her body swaying. They got in here. Someone had been here.

“Hey,” Sam heard, then felt a touch to her elbow. She opened her eyes, tears filling them. “It’s going to be okay, Sam. We’re going to figure this out.”

Brian didn’t read the card out loud, but he didn’t have to. She knew it was another psychotic note about how much they loved her, wanted to be with her, and that they were soul mates. “Stay with her,” he demanded to Ellis, walking outside with his cell phone on his ear.

“What’s going on?” her parents appeared, then noticed the flowers.

“Honey,” her mom wrapped her arms around her, and Sam let the dam of tears that had been threatening fall.

“Why is this happening to me? All I want to do is sing, mom,” Sam cried, realizing she was sobbing like a toddler in front of Ellis. “How did they get in here? It’s like we just can’t stop them, no matter how much security we have.”

Her dad turned to Ellis. “Brian on this?” Ellis nodded, indicating Brian outside on the phone. “What did the card say?”

Ellis looked at Sam, and she turned her watery eyes to his. Their eyes linked for a moment before he turned back to her dad. “Come here,” he said quietly. She knew he didn’t want her to see the note.

“What does it say,” she demanded.

“Sam,” Ellis warned.

“I want to know. This sick freak is after
, so I should know what he is saying.”

Ellis looked at her dad, and he nodded his head. She took a step towards the note.


My dear love Sam,

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

What I’ve already said

Is that I belong with you.


I will be with you, and very soon.

Adding Ellis to the team won’t stop me from being with you.

We are meant to be.


Sam gasped, the room swaying around her. She knew she was going down. Right before the world went black, she felt a pair of strong arms surround her, holding her.



Sam blinked her eyes open, realizing she was on the lying on the couch, her parents, Brian, and Ellis sitting around her.

“She’s awake,” her mom said, coming over to smooth her hair back. “Are you okay, honey?”

“What happened?”

“You passed out,” her mom answered. “Thank goodness Ellis was standing right there and caught you, or you could’ve hurt yourself.”

Sam slid her eyes over to Ellis’, and he winked at her. She bit her tongue to keep from groaning out loud. She had been in his arms, and she wasn’t even awake for it? And now he was winking at her? Oh, she was a goner.

The memory of what happened came flooding back, and she turned to Brian. “What’s going on with the flowers?”

“I’ve talked to the local police department, and my buddy Andrew, Ellis’ boss. They are sending someone over to collect the roses, the note, and dust for fingerprints. Of course, this is a rental, so God only knows how many fingerprints they will find in here. We talked to the management company about who had access to the beach house before we got here. So far, all they seem to know is the cleaning people. We are checking with local florists to see if they can help us, but the roses could’ve come from outside of this area, or been bought at any regular grocery store. Finding where they came from is going to be a long shot.”

“So we have nothing, just like before,” Sam said, pushing herself off the couch. Brian stood, followed by Ellis. “No. I’m going to my room. Alone.” Not waiting for an answer, she walked purposefully down the hallway and shut the door behind her. She just couldn’t take one more minute of thinking that this person was going to continue to get away with doing this to her. Was it ever going to stop? Now this guy knew about Ellis? Who was this freak?

Opening the balcony that was off of her room, she settled herself in the chaise lounge that overlooked the beach. Pulling out her cell phone, she tapped Lacey’s number and hoped she wasn’t in class.

“Sam! How’s Florida? Getting a suntan?”

Sam smiled, so glad to hear Lacey’s voice. “Hey Lace. Well, I’m sitting on my balcony looking out at the beach, but I don’t have time today to get a suntan. I have to be back for the show in a few hours.”

“How was rehearsal today?” Sam could hear noise around Lacey and knew she was probably walking in between classes. “How’s Ellis? Hot as that picture?”

Sam laid her head back against the back of the chair, a smile playing on her lips despite the stress she was feeling. “Oh Lace, he’s so much more than that picture showed. I turned into a bumbling idiot when I met him. There’s just something about him that’s so magnetic. I think it’s his eyes; it’s like he can just see right through me.”

Lacey sighed. “Sounds like a romance novel,” she teased. “What was his reaction to meeting you? It’s not every day you get to meet a celebrity.”

Sam laughed. “You know I don’t see myself that way. And he was very professional, but I think he felt the connection between us. It’s hard to tell with him. But, he did wink at me a little while ago.”

at you? Oh my. He’s totally going to fall in love with you. How amazing would that be?”

“Well, seeing as how I live in Tennessee and he lives here, not so amazing, Lace. He’s only with me for a week.”

“Pfffft. True love doesn’t matter.”

“Lace, I met the man a few hours ago. Let’s not marry us off yet.”

“Who could resist you, Sam? You are positively adorable. Now tell me what else is up, other than Mr. Hottie Pants.”

Sam laughed, wishing she was sitting here with Lacey instead of just on the phone with her. She needed her. Taking a deep breath, she told Lacey about the flowers in the beach house, as well as the creepy note.

about Ellis? And even his name? Oh my god, Sam. I just got the chills.”

“Me too,” Sam admitted, looking down at the bumps covering her body at the thought. “Someone that knows what is going on with me is doing this. I just don’t understand why they are able to hide so well. I mean, they have interviewed my roadies, the band, and come up with no inconsistencies. But someone knew what house I was staying at, knew about Ellis, and got in here before we did! What if next time
is in here, waiting for me? It’s only a matter of time, and you know it.”

Lacey swore. “Sam, I know that Brian would never let anything happen to you, and I’m guessing Ellis is the same way or he wouldn’t be there. Just don’t leave their sight, not even for a second, until this jerk is caught.”

“I know,” Sam agreed. “I do feel a lot better with Ellis here. He definitely seems like a no-nonsense kind of guy. He looked like he was about to rip someone’s head off when he realized what those flowers were.”

Lacey whistled. “Damn, I need to come meet this man. Caveman meet hot SWAT guy slash bodyguard. Maybe I need a stalker…”

“Lacey!” Sam giggled, and the girls dissolved into laughter together. “You don’t wish that on yourself, believe me. I probably shouldn’t even be out on this balcony right now, but I had to have a few minutes to talk to you. I love you, Lacey. Thanks for always making me feel better.”

“You knock ‘em dead tonight, Super Star. Don’t worry about a thing, unless it’s how you get that hottie to fall in love with you and have Super Hottie babies.”

Sam laughed again. “You are too much, girl. I’ll call you tomorrow. We start shooting the video on the beach, and that will probably be a day or two. Then I head over to the other coast to do a few shows.”

Setting her phone down next to her on the table, she turned her face to the sun, hoping to lose herself in the warmth for a little while.



Ellis paced the living room of the beach house, his mind reeling. Sam was in her room, and all he wanted to do was go in there. For what, he didn’t know. He just wanted to be with her, to tell her that it would be okay, that he wouldn’t rest until this asshole was caught. But he didn’t.

The roses and note had been collected, and the guys were here dusting for fingerprints. Brian was dealing with them. He had been told in no uncertain terms that Sam was his responsibility and he had to make sure that she was safe. The first precaution they were making was switching Sam to the other beach house where the team was staying, and put them here. The problem was, he felt like he was out of his league here. He had no idea what to do to make sure she was safe, and hoped moving houses would be enough. It was only next door, but they figured anything they could do would make a difference. He needed help. Tapping a few buttons on his phone, he put it to his ear as it began to ring.

“Ellis. Good to hear from you, son,” Carl greeted him. Carl, Officer Richards, was not only his mentor into this life of being an officer, he was also the only father figure he had ever had. He had taken to calling him son over the last ten years, and every time he did it, it made Ellis’ stomach clench with an unknown feeling.

“Carl,” Ellis said. “I expected you to be working.” Officer Richards lived in Miami, his hometown.

“I am,” he laughed. “But I’ve been trying to reach you for quite a while, so I knew I needed to answer while you were calling me. What’s going on, El? How come you haven’t been answering my calls?”

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