Guarding Hearts (Living Again #3) (4 page)

Closing her eyes, she allowed the vibration of the bus to relax her. She remembered when she was sixteen and wrote a story for her English class about becoming a famous country star. She remembered her classmates giggling at her when she read it to the class. When you grow up in Nashville, everyone wants to be a star. People are constantly moving to the Country Music Capital to try to make their dreams come true. So, it wasn’t unusual for kids in school to say they were going to make it big. But her best friend Lacey and her high school boyfriend, Gage, had believed in her, and so had her parents.

Gage. Her heart still clutched when she thought about him. She hadn’t talked to him in years. Not since the ‘incident’, as her parents liked to call it. They had dated all through high school, until she had been forced to cut him out of her life when she was eighteen. She knew from the grapevine that he had moved away for college in Chicago, and was probably still there. She never looked him up on Facebook or tried to contact him, because it scared her. She knew he had to know that she had made her dreams come true. She was just glad that he hadn’t decided to get some fame himself by coming out that they used to be an item, or what had happened with them. She knew already that the tabloids and paparazzi were relentless with their pursuit of the past. The only reason that it hadn’t been uncovered thus far was because her father was a meticulous business man, and left nothing to chance. Including Gage. She probably didn’t want to know what he had done to keep him quiet. Then again, Gage would never want to hurt her that way.

She loved her parents, she did. They couldn’t help it that she had been their only surviving child. They had lost Sam’s little sister, Chrissy, to leukemia when she was only two. Sam had only been three and she really only remembered little bits about her sister. When Sam hit it big, she decided to donate part of her proceeds to help fund leukemia research, and she would be doing a whole benefit concert for them in October, Leukemia Awareness Month. She never wanted anyone to suffer the way her parents did.

When Chrissy died, Sam knew that a part of her parents died with her, and she could sympathize with that. Her dad, Samuel Kerrigan, threw himself into being the best businessman he could be, buying up struggling companies in Tennessee and using his management skills to turn them around. He was a millionaire before he was thirty. Sam’s mom, Ella, never worked; having stayed home with the girls when they were small. Once Sam was in school, she started doing charity work around Nashville, and quickly became known as a kind hearted, dedicated part of the elite society.

Her dad was now the manager for her career, and her mom was there for moral support. What they didn’t seem to realize, however, was just how controlling they were. Sam had little choice over what she did. At twenty-three, she knew she had a lot to learn, but she would like to be part of at least a few decisions that affect her.

Like this new security thing. They were headed to Florida after she did a few shows in Georgia, and her dad was determined they were adding someone else to the team. One of her guys, Brian, who was lifelong friends with her dad, was friends with a guy in Florida that could hook them up while she was there. She wasn’t allowed to question his decisions. She was glad he wanted to protect her, because this stalker thing was freaking her out. Never had she thought that someone would want to
her. She hadn’t been worried about it at all until she or he started getting into her dressing room, leaving flowers and notes. She just assumed it was a he, based on the letters, but Brian had said they couldn’t be sure about that. Whoever it was, they were determined to get to her in person, and if this person really had a few screws loose, no one could let that happen.

Brian thought that this was an inside job; someone was allowing this freak access or was helping deliver the things. That made her the most scared of all. What if someone was helping this weirdo? Someone that was close to her, could get to her at any time?

She was shooting a video while she was in Florida, so she would be out on the open beach for a while, and that was her dad’s main reason for wanting someone else. The best, he said. Only the best for his little girl. She couldn’t argue with that.



The shrill ring of her phone caused her to bolt straight up. She had fallen asleep. Now her neck ached from slumping over. Groggy, she picked up the phone and saw Lacey’s face on the screen.

“Lace,” Sam answered. She was so glad to hear from her best friend. They had been inseparable since they were kids, kindergarten to be exact. She had always been her biggest supporter.

“Hey, Super Star Sam!” Lacey’s exuberant voice filled the line. She always called her that now. “How’s the tour bus?”

Sam looked around, taking in the rich leather and wood decorating the bus. “It’s beautiful! If it wasn’t so small you would think you were in someone’s swanky condo.”

Lacey snorted. “Yeah, baby. This is your life now. I’m so jealous. Here I am, staring at a textbook, and you are going to travel the US living your dream.”

Lacey was in graduate school to become a veterinarian. She had wanted to come on the tour badly but couldn’t forfeit her semester. “You stop that. You’re going to be a fabulous vet.”

“So, any progress on the new security? This whole thing with the stalker just freaks me out, Sam.”

“Dad said that Brian has it under control and has a guy that’s going to start once we arrive in Florida.”

“But what about Georgia? Why isn’t he meeting you there? Atlanta is a huge city! What if crazy ass strikes again?”

Sam’s stomach clenched because Lacey just hit the thing she was most terrified of. “Lace,” she said, tears wobbling her voice.

“I’m sorry, Sam. Forgive me. I’m just so worried about you. I didn’t mean to make it worse. I’m sure Brian has things all under control.”

Sam turned as she heard the bedroom/ office door open in the back. Her dad emerged, having been back there ever since they left, probably managing what was going to happen once they arrived in Atlanta. She smiled thinly at him, then turned her attention back to watching the road and talking to Lacey.

“It’s okay, Lace. I think they already hired additional security for Atlanta, and when I arrive in Florida I’ll be there a week because I’m doing some music videos and photo shoots at the beach. I have a few stops there and then will be heading to my other stops before ending up in Nashville next month.”

“Is new guy going to come with you after you leave Florida?”

Why was Lacey so interested in this? “Uh, no, I don’t think so. From what I know, this is a side job for him and he’s a cop. I doubt he wants to travel in a tour bus with a country singer any longer than he has to. He’ll be with me in Florida only.”

Her dad sat down across from her, and her eyes met his. She knew he didn’t like her telling Lacey everything, but she always had. Lacey wasn’t going to any tabloids or magazines to sell information about her. That wasn’t the way she was.

“Lace, I gotta run. Keep up on your studying, okay? I’ll call you once I’m in Atlanta.”

“Love you, Super Star Sam. Be careful, or I’ll have to come guard you myself. You know they don’t want any of that.”

Sam laughed out loud, causing her dad to lift his eyebrow at her. Lacey was a big talker that couldn’t hurt a fly, but she liked to pretend she could. Disconnecting the call, she put her phone down on the table and gave her dad the attention he so obviously wanted.

“What’s up, Dad? Everything okay?”

He smiled, his eyes crinkling up in the corners. Her dad was a nice looking man. Now in his fifties, he was starting to show the wear of a stressful career. His salt and pepper hair was more salt than anything, and the worry lines on his forehead were deepening. He kept fit by running and working out, and prided himself on his appearance (and Sam’s, too).

“We confirmed the guy for Florida. He comes highly recommended by Andrew, Brian’s friend. He’ll travel with us while we are there. He and Brian both will be assigned to you at all times. No one is getting past them.”

Sam knew he was trying to make her feel better, but it didn’t. Sticking her shaking hands under her legs, she bit her lip to keep the tears from coming. She was living her dream, but at what price?

“Samantha,” her dad said softly. He and her mom were the only ones that called her that. It wasn’t often he spoke to her in that voice. Usually it was his business-minded, only-the-best-for-you voice. She looked at him, tears blurring his features. “It’s okay. We’ve got it under control. You just worry about singing your heart out, and I’ve got the rest. Between Brian and the new guy, we’re all going to sleep easier at night.”

“What’s his name?” Her voice sounded shaky, and she hated it. This is exactly what this person wanted, her afraid to live her life.

Her dad frowned, then scrolled back through his phone. “Ellis Warner. He’s been an officer for nine years and just recently became a part of the SWAT team. He’s been trained in all sorts of special circumstances. Best of all, the guy’s got the brawn to keep you safe.” With that, he turned his phone so she could see the picture that Brian had sent to him so they knew who they were hiring.

The breath left Sam’s lungs in a rush. He was dressed in black cargo pants in the picture, with a tight grey t-shirt that said S.W.A.T across his chest. It fit him snugly so she could see every outline of his defined chest and abs. He had his arms crossed in front of him, making the muscles bulge under the sleeve of his shirt. His dark hair was spiked on the top, and his five o’clock shadow gave his chiseled face a rough, rugged look. He wasn’t smiling, but wasn’t frowning, either. The look on his face she could only describe as smoldering. Well, to her at least. She couldn’t see his eyes because they were hidden by a pair of aviator glasses. He was leaning up against a black sports car, his right leg crossed over his left. Even the pants couldn’t hide his sculpted legs. He was sinful. And he was her new security. She was
in trouble.

She met her dad’s eyes, trying and probably failing at keeping her reaction off of her face. As much as she loved Brian, he was her dad’s age and definitely not anything fabulous to look at. But she knew if she had any reaction to this guy at all, her dad was likely not to hire him. He thought she needed to stay focused on her career, and that having interest in anyone was just a waste of her time. She was shocked that he approved this. He looked like he was in his mid to late twenties. She
to get that picture off her dad’s phone and send it to Lacey. Then they could giggle like schoolgirls and Lacey would string a line of expletives at her for getting to have that man ‘protect’ her. Ellis. Even his name was hot. Florida was looking even hotter than she expected it to. She couldn’t wait to get there.

He put his phone back on the table, and she smiled. “Seems like you found a good one. As long as he does his job, we’ll be good.” She knew that was what her dad wanted to hear from her.

“We’re almost there,” he announced, standing up. “Your mom should be there by the time we arrive.” Ella had flown to Atlanta from Nashville, then would go with them on the bus to Florida. Without another word, he headed to the back of the bus.

Sam pressed her forehead against the cool glass and watched the Atlanta skyline come into view. She loved Atlanta and was glad she was playing here. They would be here for two days, two back to back nights of sold out performances. It was surreal. Looking back at the table, she realized her dad’s phone was still there. Making sure he wasn’t coming back, she quickly opened his texts and sent herself the picture.

Putting the phone down, she sent the picture to Lacey with a caption that read, ‘This is my new security. Lacey, meet Ellis.’ It took mere seconds before she received Lacey’s shouty reply.
Sam giggled quietly, staring at the photo one more time. Ellis Warner. This photo would come to life in two long days.



Sam sang the last chord of her new song,
Last Chance
, then stepped back from the microphone and blew a kiss to her audience. The crowd roared, chanting “Sa-am, Sa-am!”

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