Guarding Hearts (Living Again #3) (28 page)

BOOK: Guarding Hearts (Living Again #3)
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Ellis looked at the clock. It was just after noon. “Let’s find the number.”

“Tapes are in,” Detective Adams called. He clicked a button and they popped up on the screen. Everyone watched in silence to see if Sam would appear on the screen.

“That’s him,” Ellis saw him first, pointing at the screen. Sean was wearing a black hat and dark clothes, but Brian confirmed that it was him. “She’s not with him.” He had hoped for a glimpse of her, so he knew that she was okay. But he figured he wasn’t dumb enough to take her into public. He had been smart enough to orchestrate this whole thing while flying under the radar.

“He’s buying tampons,” Ellis said, zooming in on the video. He started laughing and couldn’t stop. Everyone looked at him a moment before joining in. “That was totally Sam. I can guarantee you that she’s at that house trying to find a way out while he’s shopping for tampons.” He was laughing so hard that tears were coming to his eyes. That was his girl.

“They’re looking up the records now,” Brian said. “They had to go back to archives to find it, but when I mentioned Samantha’s name, they were very willing to accommodate me.” He paused. “Yes, I’m here.” He indicated for paper and Ellis shoved a pen and paper at him. He scribbled the address, thanked them, and hung up.

“I’ve got it,” he said, waving the paper in the air.

“Detective, can we mobilize the closest SWAT team?”

“I’ll get mine ready. I hope you understand that I can’t let you be part of the team. It’s a conflict of interest.”

Ellis nodded. “I understand, but I’m going to be there regardless, even if I have to stand in the driveway. There’s no damn way they are going in to rescue her without me there.”

Brian nodded. “Same here. Ellis and I will be there with the team.”

“This is your son, Brian, are you sure you want to be a part of this?”

“My son more than likely murdered my wife and has taken Samantha against her will. She’s been like a daughter to me her whole life. I’m going to be there to see that justice gets served.”

Ellis was impressed. The urge to protect your child was usually an innate one, but in this instance, Brian was able to put it aside to see that his son was captured for what he had done. His fingers tingled and he felt restless. He was not far away from getting her now.

“How long will it take your team to get ready, and how far away are we from Sevierville?”

“From where this is, probably around an hour. I’ll have my team ready in fifteen minutes.”

I’ll be there in an hour
, he told Sammi.
Hang on for me, my love.



The team stopped a half mile from the house. Ellis could see it in the distance using binoculars. The car Sean had taken was in the driveway. He knew why he had picked this location, because there was absolutely nothing around. He watched as they all made their way through the trees on foot, not making a sound. It felt weird to be on the outside watching, and he couldn’t help but feel terrified. He thought of his friend Devin when he burst in to rescue a woman from a psychopath and it turned out to be the love of his life. At least he knew that Sam was in there, and as long as everything went well, she’d be out of the clutches of this guy very soon.

“It’s going to be okay, son,” Carl stood next to him, watching as the team made their way quietly closer to the house. Ellis paced the ground, not able to stand one more second without her. Nothing could happen to her. And he couldn’t stand here and wait, no matter what they said.



Sean was in the kitchen, not far from where she was sitting. He had been back from the store about an hour. Much to her dismay, she got absolutely nothing accomplished while he was gone other than getting overwhelmed and discouraged. Sean had done his homework. She wasn’t going down without a fight. He wasn’t going to keep her here.

“Sam, are you hungry?” he called.

“Sure, Sean. Could you make me a salad?” Looking out the back window, she saw a flash of black in the trees. Narrowing her eyes, she figured she must’ve seen a bird or animal when she saw it again. Someone was out there.

She began shaking, the anticipation of getting away from him making her mind race with possibilities. If she made a break for it now, she could be out the front door before he even realized she moved. The kitchen was far enough away that it would take him a moment to react. Then she would be safe. They could save her. She wondered idly if Ellis was part of the team outside.

“Anything for you, sweetheart,” he crooned from the kitchen, and she rolled her eyes. She wondered for the millionth time what had happened to him that had made him become this person she didn’t know. He had always been the nicest, most kind guy while they were growing up, and one of the best friends she had ever had.

She stood quietly, eyeing Sean as he cut up vegetables for her salad. Glancing back outside, she couldn’t see anyone but she just prayed that they were there. She had no shoes on, but she knew better than to try to get them. She was just going to have to make do.

Sam started moving away from Sean’s eyesight, stepping closer to the door with every passing second. Her heart pounded and her hands shook. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and she bit her lip to keep her teeth from chattering. She had to get out of here. It was now or never.

Looking back one more time, she sprinted for the front door, almost crying out in relief when it opened easily. He hadn’t thought to deadbolt her in, thankfully. She didn’t dare look back. She began screaming, her legs pumping wildly underneath her as she ran for the dirt road. She still didn’t see anyone, but it was too late now. She was getting the hell out of there, one way or another.

“You stupid bitch!” Sean’s voice boomed across the yard. She whimpered, but kept running. “Where the hell do you think you’re going? You can’t get anywhere!”

She heard him behind her, but she had a head start, and she was fast. Where were the guys she had seen? Had she just been seeing things? Was she that delusional? She weaved in and out of the trees, trying to evade him as he started gaining on her. He continued to shout at her, but she couldn’t make out his words over the pounding heartbeat resonating in her ears.

She looked over her shoulder and almost cried with relief. She could see the men, dressed in black, running behind Sean. They weren’t saying a word, but she knew they were heavily armed. She hadn’t been seeing things. They were here to rescue her. Someone had found her.

Sam turned, running along the edge of the dirt road. Her bare foot hit something sharp and she cried out, falling to the ground.

Footsteps slowed and stopped behind her, and she willed herself to get up, to keep running, but blood trickled from her foot. “Well, that sure was fun,” Sean’s cold voice resonated in her soul, and she shivered. “You’re trying to get away from me? You’re my soul mate, Sam. You know better than that.”



Ellis heard a shout, and his stomach fell into his feet. He knew it was her. He lifted the binoculars and what he saw made his blood run cold. She was lying on the ground, Sean leaning over her.
. Where were the guys?

He didn’t wait to see them in the binoculars, he just took off running. Carl and Brian were calling to him, but he didn’t stop to answer them. He had to get to her, now. To hell with not helping with the rescue. He wasn’t going to stand by and let Sean hurt her while he waited for the team.

It seemed like it took forever for him to reach the edge of the property, where he had seen her lying on the ground. As he ran, his mind raced a hundred miles an hour. If Sean hurt her, he knew he wouldn’t be able to control his reaction. Where were the other guys? How did she get out of the house? Why hadn’t they caught him yet? And worst of all, he wondered if Sean had a gun. He was obviously sick and would probably rather shoot himself or Sam than give up. Ellis had seen guys like him before. He couldn’t lose her, not now, and not like this. Sean was
going to have the last word.

As he got closer, he heard the distinct shouting commands of the SWAT team as they closed in on Sean. Sean left Sam’s side and started running, but Ellis knew if he continued on the path he was running, he would head Sean off before they would. He wasn’t getting away. Not while Ellis had anything to do with it. Ellis knew he wasn’t supposed to be over here, but there was no way in hell he could listen to her scream and just stand there. As Ellis got closer to him, Sean registered who he was and turned to try to head him off, but Ellis was too fast. He tackled Sean easily, both of them rolling on the ground together before Ellis ended up on top.

His chest heaved with the exertion of running full speed and the anger rolling off of him at this man that was supposed to be Sam’s friend. Her whole life, no one had ever tried to see her for who she really is, not even Sean. He was obsessed with her, loved her for the vision in his head of who she was, not who she really was.

Sean gasped underneath him, clearly not in as good of shape as Ellis. “Get off me, asshole. She’s
, now. You weren’t good enough for her and
belong together. She doesn’t love you.”

Ellis stood up, hauling Sean to his feet. He glared at him, his fists clenched at his sides. Sean looked over Ellis’ shoulder, and he knew that the rest of the team must be approaching. “You’re fucking delusional,” Ellis seethed. “If you hurt one hair on her head…”

Sean cackled. “What are you going to do about it, pretty boy? Why would I hurt her? I love her! Those supple breasts, that curvy backside…”

Ellis saw red, and before he knew it, his fist connected with Sean’s cheekbone, throwing him backwards onto the ground. He pulled him up by his shirt and hit him again, keeping him still with his one hand like he was a punching bag.

you speak about Sam like that,” Ellis spat, the veins in his neck and forehead bulging. “You were her
. Her friend! Look at what you did! You kidnapped her and kept her locked away from the world? Did you really think that would work? She trusted you, Sean. We
trusted you to keep her safe, and all along, it was your sick bastard self.”

Sean blinked, his eyes rolling back in his head. Blood trickled from his nose and mouth, and he had a split in his cheek from the force of Ellis’ knuckles. The only thing stopping him from continuing giving Sean what he deserved was the team walking up behind him and his need to know where Sam was and if she was okay.

“She’s my soul mate,” Sean slurred, dropping to his knees just as the team descended, grabbing a hold of him and radioing for medic. “You can’t have her. We belong together.”

Ellis ignored the desire to pound him until he shut up. “Where is she?” he asked. One of the officers pointed to the spot where he had seen her while he was running, where other officers were surrounding her. He took off running, scenarios going through his head of what Sean could’ve done to her. She had been so brave, trying to run away from him. But what had been the price?

It seemed like it took him forever to reach her. He had no idea what he was about to see, and his stomach recoiled at the thought. He had seen so many things in his career, but one that he knew he couldn’t stomach was seeing Sam injured.

BOOK: Guarding Hearts (Living Again #3)
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