Read Friend-Zoned Online

Authors: Belle Aurora

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Friendship, #friends, #adult, #Humor, #funny, #Contemporary, #Humour, #Series, #friends to lovers, #friendzoned

Friend-Zoned (23 page)

Still seated on Nik I feel
him soften slightly in me.
Best sex
I’m in a dreamland. Completely
relaxed and utterly spent. Still, we can’t take our mouths off of
each other.
We kiss softly and sip at one another’s lips. It’s perfect.
I feel loved.
I’ve never felt this way about another person before. Not even
Jace. And I thought I loved him.
Nik lies flat back on the desk and pulls me down with him so we
don’t break our tender kisses. I’m sure it’s uncomfortable but he
doesn’t say a thing. My knees, which are aching from the position,
surround his hips and we’re impossible close together. Neither of
us wants to disconnect from the other. Both my hands are on his
chest and under them I feel his heavy breathing soften and his
heart beat calm.
He whispers against my lips, “Missed out.”
I’m suddenly confused and
slightly panicky. I thought the sex was pretty darn awesome. What
does he mean
missed out
I lift my head a little and peer into his eyes which are soft and
the color of fine whisky.
He clarifies, “Two years. Missed out on you. ”
Oh my!
I think I’m
going to cry. I bite my bottom lip and my eyes mist.
I grip his lapels, sniffle, and lower my head. I run my nose up his
and use his tender gesture to show him what I feel.
He got me.
Nik sighs softly and says against my mouth, “Doesn’t matter. I got
you now, Tina. You’re mine.”
Happiness seeps through me and warmth spread in my belly. How this
happened, I’ll never know. But I’m

Chapter Eighteen

After our sexed up love
fest in Nik’s office we stay joined together for a long while
kissing and cuddling.
Sadly, the time comes for us to disconnect. I lift myself off of
Nik and our warm combined juices flow down my legs.
I stand up on shaky legs with only one shoe. I look over at Nik who
was still lying with his back on his desk. He puts his muscular
arms behind his neck, dimple smiling at me with dancing eyes.
I’m not sure what I looked like then but Nik obviously found it
I must look like
I can’t help but stare at his
still open pants to see his softening length and think
How did that fit in me
Nik bends forward at his waist, stands and leaves his pants open.
He walks towards me, kisses my forehead and says, “C’mon
sweetheart, let me clean you up.”
I nod then pull my dress back down and take off my one shoe. I
follow him into the bathroom and he lifts me under my arms to sit
on the sink. He looks at the rough paper towels in the holder and
looks thoughtful. He leaves the bathroom a minute and comes back
with a tie. Not just any tie, a navy blue silk tie.
He holds it up and states, “I think this will work better than
those” pointing at the towels. I’m confused.
Nik soaks the silk tie in warm water, wrings it out and spreads my
legs. I put one of my feet on his shoulder and bend the other up on
the counter. He wipes me lightly and cleans me up with his silk
Wow…That tie must’ve cost around a hundred dollars and he’s
cleaning me up with it.
After he cleans me, he kisses the inside of my thigh and scrapes
his cheek on it. I jolt in surprise. He chuckles and I feel his
breath on my naked sex. He says softly, “One day soon I’m going to
taste you.”
My belly quivers and my core spasms with
He nips my thigh; I yelp and
smack his shoulder. He chuckles again and I can’t help but
I put my legs down but remain on the counter. He moves to clean
himself but I take the tie from him and soak it. I squeeze out the
excess water and take hold of him gently. I use the tie to clean
him as he did me. I stroke up and down his length and I feel him
harden under my touch. He moves closer to me and licks my lips
which lead to more deep and passionate kisses.
After we’ve had a few minutes to hold each other and get ourselves
organized. He kneels in front of me and puts my shoes back on my
Just like
We exit the bathroom arm
in arm. He puts an arm around me and pulls me close to his side. I
put an arm around his waist and rest my other hand on his
He stops walking suddenly, turns to me and asks, “You okay with
I’m not sure what this is so I say quietly, “With what
His brow furrows but he smiles and replies, “With
There’s an
I whisper wide eyed, “There’s
Nik chuckles and pulls me even closer to him. He kisses me softly
and says against my lips, “Baby, there’s been an
since the day you
sent me candy.”
I whisper, “Wow.” And I
feel his smile on my lips.
Rather than answer him, I kiss him deeply and nip his bottom lip. I
He chuckles and says, “Finally. More than friends.”
I put on the most serious face I can muster and offer, “Yeah, more
than friends…Best friends forever!”
His face turns terrified. I burst out laughing and kiss his pouting
lips. I say, “Kidding, honey.”
Looking slightly relieved he mutters a sarcastic, “You’re so
We resume walking and make our way back to the club.

We walk back to the booth
wrapped up in each other. All the guys and gals are sitting at the
booth talking, laughing, and sipping on drinks.
When they see us approach their faces turn serious. Nik sits then
pulls me down sideways onto his lap. I put my arm around his back
and play with the short hair on the nape of his neck. We mustn’t
look any different than how we were acting before because no one is
looking at us any differently.
Max is the first to ask, “Are you okay, T?”
I smile big and nod. It’s genuine, too. I’m fine. I’m more than
fine. I’m wonderful.
Mimi’s face is still frowning. She looks really upset and says
apologetically, “It was all my fault. Teasing you while you were
walking away was dumb. I’m so sorry, Tina.”
Lola softly asks, “How bad was it? There was a lot of blood.”
Nat smiles and tells me, “I told them all you were a bleeder but
they wouldn’t listen to me. They thought you’d need to go to
hospital. But luckily, Superman over here,” she nods her head to
Nik, “scooped you up and saved you.”
I speak loudly so everyone can hear me, “I’m absolutely fine guys,
really. Nat’s right. I
a bleeder. I’m hemophilic. My blood doesn’t clot
like everyone else’s. It was just a little cut and Nik cleaned me
up. It was my fault, Meems. The poor waitress was mortified. I’m
fine. Here look.” I lift my leg to show them my bright pink Barbie
Band-Aid and we all burst into laughter.
Ghost eyes Nik and me slyly and says, “You look like you’re both
out of your bad moods.”
Nik and I lean away slightly to look at each other. We both share
startled expression. At the same time we ask each other, “You were
in a bad mood?”
Nik looks awkward and confirms, “Yeah, someone had a date the other
night.” He smiles then says, “Why were you in a bad mood?”
I lower my eyes, play with his lapel and say, “I couldn’t find
He smiles big and whispers, “Sweetheart.” Then leans forward, runs
his nose the length of mine and kisses me lightly on the
The table quiets and everyone looks around at each other
Lola shrieks, “Does this mean…?” She doesn’t finish her question
but nods her head vigorously.
Nik and I both smile like the idiots we are and nod and the table
erupts into whoops and cheers. There is a chorus of “About damn
time!”, “I knew it!”, and “That’s great you guys!”
All but one person looks happy. Natalie is wiping tears from her
eyes. I’m so startled by this I hop off Nik’s lap, sit on hers and
wrap her up tight. Her shoulders shake in to me as she cries. I
feel myself become teary and I ask shakily, “Honey, what is
She lifts her tear streaked face and puts her mouth to my ear. She
whispers, “Never thought I’d see the day.” Even quieter she says,
“After everything, you deserve to be happy, Tina. I love
I lower my face to her neck and we cry together for a minute. Then
I straighten up, clear my throat and tell everyone, “I think we
need a round of drinks to celebrate!”
Trick smiles, winks, and shoots me with imaginary guns. He gets up
and walks over to the bar to place the order.
I kiss Nat’s hand and she smiles an adorable wobbly smile. I touch
her cheek affectionately, move off her and climb back onto Nik. I’m
a little surprised when I see Ghost move to sit beside Nat and hand
her a napkin. He puts an arm around her shoulders and pulls her to
him. I’m even more surprised when she goes willingly. He whispers
something in her ear and she nods into his chest. Ghost smiles a
small smile at no one in particular and strokes her violet hair
with his free hand. My heart swells. Nat somehow got through to
this abrupt and broody man. She has a way of doing that and I’m
glad Ghost has her as a friend.
I look around the table and wonder how my life got so perfect. I
lean back into Nik. He nuzzles my neck.
Then I smile to myself.
Ahh, the
power of candy.

It’s almost been a week since Tina and
I made it official.
I can’t walk into my office without remembering what happened here
and smiling. Who knew under that little sweet woman was a sexual
vixen waiting to claw her way out. I can still smell her arousal
and taste her sweet mouth. I like it, but sometimes being in here
can be torture.
We haven’t had sex again since and it doesn’t bother me. Every day
this week we’ve been having lunch together and sneaking kisses when
we can. Everyone seems genuinely happy for us.
On Sunday night I told Ceecee that Tina and I were now together and
she went ballistic. If she could use her legs she would’ve been
jumping for joy. She twirled around me in her chair and was
cheering for me. She said she knew we would end up together because
the princess always finds her prince.
My little Cricket almost made me cry.
Ceecee asked if Tina was her Aunt now and I told her she wasn’t but
she was still her fairy godmother, she seemed pleased by that. She
can’t wait for Tina to come over again so she can have a girl talk
with her.
God, my niece is adorable.
Speaking of adorable, I have big plans for Tina this weekend. It’s
a covert operation and I’ve enlisted everyone’s help.
This weekend will be special. And Tina and I will be alone. Not
that I didn’t enjoy sex on my desk, because it was out of this
world. But I want to treat my woman better than that. She isn’t
some club groupie; she’s my girlfriend. I want to let Tina know
she’s special to me. I love Tina but I’m not ready to tell her that
yet, when I think she’s ready to respond to it, that’s when I’ll
tell her.
It’s not even been a week for Christ sake!
Max and the girls cover the transport side of things while Ghost
and Trick make reservations for me.
This weekend is going to be good.
Just me and my girl.

I can’t stop
Gahh! Who knew Nik would be such a perfect boyfriend?
He looked like a crappy casual sex partner but I can already see
that he treats me different than girls like Sissy. His eyes shine
with adoration every time he looks at me and I’m afraid I’m just as
gooey with him.
It’s Saturday night and the girls are here at the apartment getting
ready. I could be wrong but it seems like the girls are a little
quiet tonight.
Mimi, Lola, and Nat all keep sending each other secret smiles but
I’m sure we’re all just happy because it’s Saturday and we’re going
to The White Rabbit.
I’ve tried on three dresses and with every one of them, the girls
found something wrong with it. Just as I’m about to shriek from
frustration Mimi appears with a garment bag.
My hand goes to my chest and my eyes widen because I’m sure the
garment bag says Armani on it.
Mimi, Lola, and Nat can’t contain their smiles and giggles. As Mimi
walks further over to me with the bag, I back away from it. I
finally reach the wall and Mimi makes her way towards me. Once in
front of me, Nat and Lola hold the garment bag up by the sides and
Mimi lowers the zip.
Oh My Freakin’
I know this dress! I’ve seen it
online and at the Armani store which I like to browse in on
occasion. It’s a long tight black dress with an extremely low back.
The design is simple and elegant. It’s beautiful!
I’m normally too short for these types of dresses but when Mimi
holds it onto my body, it’s perfect. It looks as though it’s been
made to my measurements.
I’m speechless.
My brow furrows; this is not clubbing wear. Why on earth would I
wear such a classy dress to a club?
What is Nik thinking?
This is a three thousand dollar dress. I know this because I’ve
looked at this dress many times.
The girls are ready and waiting on me. Nat does my makeup. A little
more than what I’d normally wear. She applies a smoky grey shadow
around the eyes and lots of mascara.
Lola does my hair. She leaves it mostly natural in my long, dark
waves but slightly curls the ends and finishes with some product to
keep it from frizzing.
Mimi slips the dress over my head, careful to avoid my makeup
covered face. Then Nat and Lola hold my arms while Mimi slips on my
stunning new black Valentino pumps.
They all stand back and look at me as if assessing me. I feel
flushed and I’m nervous.
What the
hell is going on?
Every time I ask
questions all I get is “Patience is a virtue.”
Screw patience! I’m dying of curiosity. They won’t even let me look
in a mirror until what Lola calls the final reveal.
I think I’m just about ready to go when Mimi comes up behind me and
takes out my earrings.
Curioser and
I feel like Alice in
Wonderland. Maybe The White Rabbit is the perfect place for me to
be tonight.
Finally, I’m allowed to look in the floor length mirror. So I
And my heart stops.
I’m dying.
I’ve died.
Am I dead?
That woman in the mirror is
me. It can’t be. I’ve never been sexy. Not like
My three dearest friends are getting choked up behind me. Even Mimi
fights tears. Unbelievable.
I take a closer look at myself.
I look like an actress at an awards ceremony. The long black dress
has a small train at the back and this dress was definitely made
for my measurements. I’m a little too bootylicious for these types
of dresses to fit me properly. I look like a dark angel. The way
Nat has done my makeup makes my normally light green eyes pop a
vivid green apple color. Lola has parted my hair at the side. It
falls in long, dark, sleek waves which end in curls at my hip.
Thanks to Mimi I wear no jewellery but I look good.
They all silently cheer, clap and I hug them all tight and thank
When your friends are happy because of your happiness…those are
true friends.
The doorbell rings and I look out the doorway to the direction of
the front door.
All the girls squeal and jump up and down.
Now I’m really confused.
I’m even more confused when I’m blindfolded. I hear Max enter the
apartment and whistle long and low. I feel him press his body to my
side, kiss my cheek and he whisper in my ear, “T, you sure you’re
with the right Leokov?”
I giggle at his silliness.
He tells the girls, “You all look beautiful tonight. I’ll see you
all at the club. I have to take the princess to her prince.”
And we’re off.

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