Read Friend-Zoned Online

Authors: Belle Aurora

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Friendship, #friends, #adult, #Humor, #funny, #Contemporary, #Humour, #Series, #friends to lovers, #friendzoned

Friend-Zoned (19 page)


Chapter Fifteen
Best dream ever

I wake with a start. It’s
still pitch black.
Where the frick am
This is not my room. My room is
smaller. My bed is slightly smaller. And there is usually no man
snoring next to my ear in my bed.
Well, it’s not quite a snore. It’s more of a snuffle.
The man has his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and my bottom
is pressed back against his crotch.
My body turns stock still.
Who the
hell is that?
It’s definitely not
Ghost. He doesn’t seem like the cuddling type. Besides, he’s sexing
up Nat. Max’s frame is somewhat leaner than this man’s muscular
build. By process of elimination, I figure its Nik.
I smile to myself.
It’s like my fantasies are coming to life!
I snuggle back in to him and hear him moan lightly. My eyes widen
and I still for a moment. I do it again and his arms tighten
further around my waist. I feel a growing hardness in between my
ass cheeks.
Oh My
Nik is asleep and has an erection!
An erection that is sitting between my butt cheeks and that is oh
so close to my lady bits!
And it feels delicious.
When he softly rubs his hard length against me, I fight the urge to
not come on the spot.
Moisture seeps from my core and I become fidgety.
I want this. I want Nik to rip my panties off and take
Take me,
One of his hands brush under my
breast, I still again and my mouth forms an
Touch my boob, you
He does one better. The hand
under my breast moves up a little and he runs his thumb over the
hard sensitive peak. His other hand moves down my ribs and belly,
between my legs and his large hand cups my damp mound.
My eyes roll back in my head and I sigh. I hear snuffles in my ear
and realize Nik is still asleep.
Regardless, he grinds the palm of his hand right on my sweet spot.
I bite my lip to stop a moan. My heart rate accelerates and I
I need this so badly!
Nik shifts in his sleep and I use every bit of will left in my body
to still. He sighs and mutters sleepily, “Best dream
I agree,
His muscular arm tightens across
my stomach and his palm continues to rub me while he pushes his
cock up and down my behind. The friction is wicked.
I’m flushed and the tingles start low in my spine. My mouth opens
slightly and I breathe heavily.
This can
My first orgasm in five years and it’s with a sleeping man!
White dots spot my vision and my head lolls forward. The
contractions of my orgasm start and it’s so intense I think I’m
going to pass out. This is pure bliss.
If this is what he can do asleep just imagine how good he’ll
be awake!
Oh, dear god, what have I
I’ll tell you what…I just humped a sleeping person!
I haven’t noticed Nik stiffen and but I have noticed his arms
tighten around me. I feel wetness on my naked lower back.
Did he…? He came!
Phew, now you’re
Oh, god!
I feel ill. I literally feel like I could be sick. My stomach
knots. I’m embarrassed and ashamed.
Nik relaxes against my back and his hands move from my most private
areas back around my waist.
His mouth is at my ear and he whispers dreamily, “Tina.”
Oh wow!
He wasn’t just having a dirty dream. He was having a dirty dream
! I want
to jump with joy. I smile as big as I can without splitting my
face, then yawn.
Wow. Five years’ worth of orgasm really takes it out of a
I relax in Nik’s perfect arms, snuggle back closer to him and fall

Oh god. Best dream
Kind of weird that the star of
my fantasy is sleeping right next to me, though. I wonder what Tina
would think if she knew what I was doing to her in my dream? It
felt so real.
I love Tina’s ass. Soft, round but still firm.
It’s no shocker than I dreamt of her. I usually do. And I was
pressed up against her all night.
Normally she’s doing dirtier things to me though. This dream was
But hot damn, it was like I was actually touching her. I can still
feel her curves.
Thinking of my fantasy girl, where is she?
I open my eyes and look around. I can see sunshine behind the
curtain and my bed is empty.
She must have slipped out trying not to wake me.
I sit up and rub my face. Then I smile. I liked Tina in bed with
I never spend the night with girls. My bedroom is my sanctuary. My
place to relax and unwind.
I never wanted to bring a girl into my bed. Until now.
If I thought she’d agree to it, I’d ask Tina to move in with me and
share my bed permanently.
Who knew
sleep could be so enjoyable?
I flip
the sheet off and make my way to the bathroom to shower. I undress
and I swear there’s come on my boxers.
What the hell? Did I have a wet dream? What am I
After I shower I find
another pair of boxers to wear and head out to the place I’m sure
Tina will be.
I walk into the kitchen and find Tina with her back to me. Her
pajamas look so sexy on her. When she stretches up to reach into
the cupboard for spices, the hem of the shorts rides up.
She’s got a batter made and is getting ready to cook up pancakes. I
love pancakes. My mom makes me pancakes whenever I’m there for the
I walk up behind her, put my arms around her waist and chuckle when
she yelps.
She turns around, pushes my shoulder and shouts, “God, Nik! You
scared the life out of me!”
Her face is trying to hold a look of contempt but she’s smiling. I
move closer to her, hold her hips in my hands and ask, “How’d you
sleep, sweetheart?”
Tina swallows hard. In a quiet voice she says, “Just fine. How’d
you sleep?”
I smile big and say, “Best sleep I’ve had in a long time.”
Her cheeks flush and she turns to the skillet. She clears her
throat then speaks, “I’m making pancakes for everyone. Can you see
if they’re up?”
I walk over to the bedrooms and knock. Max is the first up and when
the door opens I burst out laughing. He’s black and blue. His nose
is swollen and his lip is split. I’m laughing so hard I use one
hand to hold onto the door frame and hold my stomach with the
other. I can’t believe little Tina inflicted this much damage on
such a big guy.
He scowls at me and says, “Laugh it up, knucklehead.” Then he goes
to Ceecee’s room to wake her.
I walk back into the kitchen. Tina has a stack of pancakes ready.
She hums while she cooks. It sounds like she’s humming ‘The way’ by
Fastball. I like that song.
Tina holds the platter of pancakes out to me and asks, “Could you
please put this on the dining table?”
We never eat at the dining table. I don’t even know why we have a
dining table. We normally eat on the go, at the breakfast bar, or
on the sofa. But I nod and take the platter over for her.
When everyone takes a seat at the dining table, Tina emerges from
the kitchen with another stack of thinner, wider crepe-like
Nat, who looked barely alive when she emerged from Max’s bedroom,
sees them and gasps “Palačinke?!” It sounds like Pa-lah-chink-eh.
Nat groans “You know I’m a Palačinke-holic.”
Tina smiles and places them right in front of Nat then walks over
to a seated Max. She touches his face softly and says, “I’m so
sorry, honey. I know they aren’t cupcakes but this is all I could
find the ingredients for in the kitchen. And I’m going to serve
you. I’ll be your waitress this morning.”
Max takes her hand and kisses it. He assures, “Don’t worry about
it, doll. I’m a big boy.”
Tina looks at him with adoration and kisses his head.
She sits and claps her hands together. She looks at the food and
says, “Well, c’mon, don’t leave your tummies rumbling. Dig
Ghost is the first to take a pancake and that’s everyone else’s cue
to attack the food with gusto. There’s Pancakes, Palačinke, fruit
salad, orange juice, coffee, butter, syrup, and jelly on the table.
And it’s all wonderful.
The pancakes have cinnamon in them and taste great. We all try the
Palačinke which you spread jelly on and roll them up before eating
them, they’re good. The cantaloupe in the fruit salad is perfectly
sweet. And the coffee is heavenly.
I’m a little surprised that Ceecee has managed two pancakes, one
Palačinke, fruit, and juice. She never eats well in the morning. I
look closer at her and she takes bits of pancake and puts it over
the side of her chair. I don’t hide it when I look under the table
and she stiffens.
I see a black and white cat sitting next to her chair, licking its
mouth and purring. And that’s where Ceecee’s extra pancake got
I smile at her and shake my head. She lowers her head and bites her
lip to stop from giggling. She looks back up and I wink at
Our little secret, baby
I see Tina look around the
table. She wears a smile and looks content. I like it.
It takes me back to the day she explained why she didn’t open a
bakery. How she explained that baking for people is a gift she
likes to give and everything she makes contains a small piece of
her. I guess cooking for friends makes her feel the same.
She turns her face to look at me and catches me staring. She pokes
her tongue out at me.
I want to suck
on that tongue.
I totally do. I think
about that kiss all the freakin’ time; her soft lips and sweet
tongue on my lips and in my mouth. And, dammit, I want it to happen
again. But Tina made it clear she was only settling some curiosity
in her, that’s all. Which sucks ass.
We’ve finished eating and I motion for Max and Ghost to help me
clear up. The girls get up too, but I quickly explain, “In our
family, whoever cooks does
clean up. Mom’s rules. You girls get ready for
Nat walks over to Ghost and smacks his butt hard. She kisses Max’s
cheek then mine. Tina kisses all of our cheeks and Ghost even
smiled at her. Then they walk down to their rooms to get ready for

When we get to the store,
I send Nat to Winnie’s for coffee. As soon as she returns, we open
up and I tell Nat how I molested Nik while he has sleeping.
She laughs a full minute at me then says chuckling, “I’m pretty
sure you consentingly molested each other!” She looks happy for me.
“So, you finally found your big O again! How was it?”
I couldn’t put it into words. It was indescribable. I respond,
“Absolutely amazing. Too bad he didn’t even know about it,
Nat’s face turns thoughtful. “You trust Nik, right?”
I don’t hesitate and answer, “Yes.”
She turns my shoulders so we’re face to face and strokes my hair.
She asks, “Then why can’t you have some fun with him. You have
amazing chemistry together. You can’t deny that. And personally, I
like the idea of you two together. He’s a family man.”
I know what she means by this. She means he would take care of me
if I were to get pregnant. He wouldn’t be like Jace. And she’s
right. But I don’t want children again. Never again.
I stroke her hair right back and smile as I say, “Why don’t you
tell me what’s going on with Ghost?”
She sighs dramatically and replies, “Don’t even go there. It was a
one-time thing. We hate each other.”
I put my hand on her shoulder, squeeze and remind her, “Hate is
such a strong word. Don’t you think? Besides, you know what they
say, there’s a thin line between love and hate. How was the
Nat’s eyes squint, she bunches her face and smiles. She whispers,
“It was incredible. I’ve never had crazy monkey sex before. But I
don’t know if it was good because it was intense or because it was
with Ghost. I don’t even know what happened. One second I was
walking back to the booth from the bathroom the next Ghost was
dragging me to the conference room. It was out of this world.” Her
face turns serious. “He said he didn’t like me playing with Max
when I should be playing with him.”
I lean back and fan myself with my hand then I lean forward and
whisper, “Holy smokes! I don’t know about that dominant stuff but
that made me hot just from talking about it!” And we giggle our
asses off.
Still smiling, she questions, “Why not just sleep with Nik and see
where it goes? If nothing comes of it you’re both mature enough to
walk away being friends. Even if nothing serious comes of it you
can have a lot of fun together.” She wiggles her brows at
Because he’ll break my heart,
that’s why.
I focus away from her
eyes and say softly, “I don’t know hon. I like him enough to know
if we sleep together I would get too involved and pretty much set
myself up for a whole bunch of disappointments.” I lower my face
and play with a piece of paper on the counter and whisper, “I can’t
do another Jace. I don’t know how much is left of my heart to break
but I know enough to say next time would destroy me. Right now I’m
bent, not broken. Next time will break me. I don’t need a perfect
relationship. I just need someone who won’t give up on me.”
Her face flashes disbelief. She puts an arm around my waist, pulls
me next to her and says, “You think Nik is capable of hurting
I shrug and utter, “You didn’t see how he treated Sissy at the
restaurant. It was like she was nothing. Less than nothing! And he
was sleeping with her for four months!”
She shakes her head and says softly, “That’s because she
nothing to him. He
told her exactly how it was and she tried to force something
I’m exasperated and respond a little too loudly, “Exactly! That’s
how it’ll end up with us, too! I’ll get too involved and he’ll tell
me to move along and then I’ll become She-Devil Teeny and Sissy and
I will start the sisterhood of Nik’s Anonymous for women who are
having trouble getting over Nik then we’ll have to hire a church
and make sandwiches and punch for the thousands of women who
Nat giggles and hugs me. She whispers into my ear, “Why not go out
on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is?”
Holy Cannoli! She’s right…I want
But the question remains, can
I have the fruit I desire?
And will the fruit treat me right.

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