Read Friend-Zoned Online

Authors: Belle Aurora

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Friendship, #friends, #adult, #Humor, #funny, #Contemporary, #Humour, #Series, #friends to lovers, #friendzoned

Friend-Zoned (20 page)

Thinking about Tina.
Thinking about Tina’s perfect ass.
Thinking about Tina panting under me in my bed.
Going to the bathroom to jerk off.

I walk back into my office
after finally getting some much needed relief.
Not hard anymore, are you?! Take that,
Tina sits behind my desk with
the chair turned sideways. She hasn’t seen me come in.
She looks so cute behind my huge desk. I chuckle quietly. She’s
I clear my throat to get her attention and say, “Excuse me, Miss
Tomic, I think you wanted to see me.”
She turns and flashes me a beaming smile.
I like that smile. She’s so beautiful. I think I could fall in love
with that smile.
“Of course, Mr. Leokov, please take a seat.” She points to the seat
she normally sits in when she visits. When I sit, she continues. “I
believe it’s someone’s birthday coming
Max! I’ll fuckin’ kill
“…and I wanted to know which
cake you’d like me to make for you!”
I run a hand over my face. Her smile is killing me. She’s not
someone you can say no to easily. I rub the back of my neck and
begin, “Sweetheart, I don’t do birthdays. I mean, I do other
people’s birthdays. Not my own.”
Her face falls dismally and I feel like an asshole. She speaks so
softly and the light in her eyes she came in with has faded. She
replies, “Oh…Okay. Ceecee wanted you to have a nice cake but if you
don’t want one I’ll just have to—”
My back straightens and I ask, “Wait, what? Cricket wants me to
have a cake?” I’m stunned.
Tina gets up and walks over to me then sits on my knee. She
explains, “Yeah. Ceecee stopped me this morning when we were
heading out. She said you never have a cake on your birthday and it
makes her sad.” She pouts her lips. Not in an I’m-so-cute way but
in an I’m-really-sad-for-you way and it makes my heart
My two favorite girls are ganging up on
You’re so
I pull her more firmly on to
my lap and hesitate, “Uh, I really hate the whole birthday thing,
She leans her forehead on my cheek and sighs, “I don’t want
you to
do something you don’t want.” She pulls on my lapel. “What if I
just make you some cupcakes and you take one home to Ceecee? That
would work.”
The thought of disappointing Cricket makes me ill. I love my niece
with all my heart and soul. I would do anything to make her happy.
It’s got nothing to do with what happened to her either, just the
fact that she’s a good kid who loves her
It’s only a damn
I breathe in Tina’s sweet scent
and pull on a lock of her hair. I concede, “Tell you what. You make
a cake and bring it over. We’ll sing happy birthday and she’ll be
good for another year.”
I feel Tina’s body still. She pulls back with wide eyes and
whispers, “Really?”
I lean back in the chair, shrug and say nonchalantly, “Sure. I
mean, it’s only a cake, right?”
Tina leans closer to me. She puts her hands on my cheeks and smiles
sweetly, “No. It’s not just a cake. It’s a child’s happiness. You
can’t buy things like this, Nik. You’re giving Ceecee a gift.” She
ends on a whisper.
Then she does something that surprises me.
She leans forward and tilts her head, places her lips on mine and
kisses me.
A sweet, soft kiss which lasts for approximately thirty seconds,
not that I was counting.
Just as I’m about to lose control and bend her over my desk, she
slowly pulls back.
Her face is flushed and her eyes are hooded. She looks stunning. I
like this look on her.
She smiles a shy smile and says softly, “You’re a good man, Nik.
I’m so glad we’re friends.”
Friend-zone level infinity.
want to yell fuck friendship! Let’s get it on!
But instead I pull her close to me and hug her. I whisper to her,
“Me too, sweetheart”

Chapter Sixteen
Go, Niki, It’s yo

Last night when Nat and I
came home, Ghost was waiting on us. Inside my apartment.
That doofus broke in again!
At least he brought Bear back with him.
He showed us how to use the new alarm and panic button. We caught
on pretty easily.
He said firmly, “If you’re not sure, press the panic button. It’s
better to tell the cops you made a mistake then for them to come
pick up your bloody corpse.”
advice, me thinks.
He left shortly
after and I told Nat that we were going to Nik’s on Wednesday night
for his birthday.
She was excited about that. Nat loves a good party.
I also had to tell her a bit of news I didn’t dare tell her today
at work.
It was around three o’clock this afternoon and I was getting a
life-saving fix of caramel latte at Winnie’s when I was stopped by
a very good looking man. He asked me out.
And here’s the weird thing.
I said yes.
What the heck, you say?
Well, after today’s lunchtime kiss with Nik, my heart was
Not a good sign.
I think I agreed to go on this date to distract myself from
If he wanted something with me, he’d let me know. And even then I
wouldn’t be with him til I was sure he could be what I need.
So I have a date with Chad the Accountant on Thursday night. Which
means I’ll miss Poker night.
I’m sure I won’t be missed anyways.
Nat sits on the sofa reading my e-reader. I clear my throat and
begin, “So, I’ve got a date on Thursday.”
Nat’s body stills, she looks up from the e-reader and stares at me.
After about ten seconds she does the exact opposite of what I think
she’ll do. She smiles huge and yells out, “Finally! For the love of
Pete, it’s about time woman!”
“Uh, what are you talking
about? I thought you’d be pissed!” I tell her.
She looks confused and utters, “Pissed? Why would I be pissed? I
told you this morning to try things with Nik…”
I lower my eyes and cut her off with, “The date’s not with
A tormenting, long silence.
Then she sits up straight and explodes, “What the HELL is wrong
with YOU?”
I flinch and start, “His name’s Chad and he’s an accountant. I met
him at Winnie’s this afternoon.”
She lowers her eyes and shakes her head in disbelief. She queries,
“Let me get this straight. The day after Nik’s birthday you’re
going on a date…with someone who isn’t Nik.”
I nod then shrug and say, “It’s not like he cares. I’ve told you
before he doesn’t want me and I freaked him out by kissing him this
She squawks, “You WHAT??!”
“…and then Chad asked me out and it seemed the perfect distraction
from Nik…”
She flaps her arms in the air and wails, “Why would you
“…and I think I might be in love with him!”
She gasps and covers her mouth with a hand. I hear a muffled
sympathetic, “Oh, honey.”
I feel tears burn my eyes. I murmur, “Why does everything
She stands up, walks to me and grips me tight in a bear hug. She
tells me, “So you know when something really great comes
My bff is Mister

Wednesday morning comes
and I’m busy in the kitchen baking away. I sent Nat to Safira with
my car so I can spend the entire morning preparing without
I can’t believe Nik gave in about the birthday cake!
Ceecee stopped me just before we had to leave to ask me, “Please
make uncle Nik a birthday cake. He never gets one and it makes me
sad. I want to show him how much we love him.”
So, here I am, baking a seven layer chocolate fudge caramel cake
and I’m also baking a batch of white choc raspberry cupcakes to
take as well. I made a last minute stop to the supermarket early
this morning and came across some icing pens which I thought Ceecee
would enjoy. So I’m taking the cupcakes for her to decorate.
That’ll be her gift to her uncle who she loves more than
I finish baking and turn off the oven. I have to wait a while to
ice the cake. It needs to be completely cool.
I sit on the sofa and sigh with relief when I lift my legs onto
I didn’t sleep very well last night. Nat told me my going on a date
the day after his birthday will really cut Nik deep. The thought of
hurting Nik is enough to make my heart squeeze. I’m not sure what
to do. I want to believe her but he hasn’t given me any indication
that he’s interested in me as more than a friend. He ran from me
and regretted our amazing kiss! That’s enough to say I’ve been
friend-zoned, right?
I’m really regretting saying yes to going on a date with Chad. I’ll
still go and give him a shot but I don’t see it going far.
I look up at the wall clock. Enough time has passed.
Le sigh.
Time to
ice this monster cake.

I don’t know how this
I just assumed when I told Tina to make a cake that it would be
just Tina, Max, Ceecee, and myself.
I look around the room and try to figure out why my mom and
sisters, Ghost, Trick, Nat, Lola, Mimi, and Tina are all here,
Ceecee sits at the dining table decorating the cupcakes Tina
brought. That was nice of her.
I can’t stop thinking about yesterday’s soft kiss. I make the
decision that I’ll kiss her tonight and go with the flow of things.
Hopefully, she’ll tell me she wants me as much as I want her. But
Tina’s a hard nut to crack because she’s normally affectionate.
She’s not one of those girls who throw around affection to show she
wants more with someone like most of the other girls I know.
Also, something with Tina is off tonight.
I turn to see her talking and laughing with my mom and sisters in
the kitchen. They’re all busy bees tonight and if I’m being
truthful. I’ve seen this scene in my head many times. I like it.
But she’s avoiding me. I think the soft kiss she planted on me has
made her a bit shy.
Mom made three different types of Paella for everyone’s dinner. I
love my mom’s cooking. She’s Mexican and cooks with a lot of
spices. Everything she makes is tasty and usually has a bit of heat
to it. It’s comfort food. Well, to me it is. During my childhood,
Mom made Mexican food at least four times a week. She would make
Russian food to appease Dad a few times a week, too. I think she
makes more Russian food now that Dad’s gone. Sort of making sure we
still have the best of both cultures.
We eat, drink, and mingle. Then it’s time to cut the cake.
Tina brings out a mammoth of a cake. It’s really tall. And it’s
covered with thick and gooey chocolate fudge. She tells everyone
it’s a seven layer chocolate cake with alternating chocolate fudge
and caramel cream throughout it. All the guys groan their
I’m thirty five today.
It’s been nineteen years since my dad died. If anything could make
this night perfect it would be to have him back for even just a
moment. I’d like to hear what advice he would give me on this
particular birthday.
Ceecee watches me with a huge smile on her face and claps
I smile right back at her.
This one’s
for you, kiddo.
The crowd sings happy
birthday and I blow out my candles. According to Ceecee I need to
make a wish, too. I close my eyes and
I wish for Tina in my
All the girls come up to me and
kiss my forehead. After they’re done they all laugh at the amount
of colored lips there are on it. They guys slap me on the back and
wish me well.
Tina cuts the cake and we eat it. It’s the best thing I’ve ever
tasted apart from Tina’s mouth.
The sponge is soft and fluffy and the fudge is thick and sticky.
It’s perfect. Not that I expected any less from Tina.
All the women help clean up the mess and wash the dishes to help
Mom and my sisters take their leave and Max puts Ceecee to bed over
an hour after her bedtime. Cricket had a total ball tonight.
The rest of us move outside and we lounge on the outdoor patio
drinking beer and joking around.
I look out to the yard and think about tonight.
I don’t regret it. It’s the first birthday I’ve celebrated in
nineteen years and all that matters is that I’ve been surrounded by
all the people who are important to me.
I have no idea which
direction it came from.
I stand and cake falls off my face onto the
What the
I wipe icing off my face and
look around at my friends.
The girls have their backs to me with shaking shoulders. They’re
trying hard to contain their laughter. The guys don’t try so hard.
Max is pointing and laughing at me. Ghost and Trick chuckle into
their beers.
Happy Birthday to
I notice one person
The goddamn slip of a woman is trying to give me the
Game on, amiga…You just

It’s getting really late and my friends start saying goodnight. But
I haven’t seen Tina in a while.
In fact, I haven’t seen her since I got a face full of cake.
I seek out Nat and she explains, “She told me she was putting your
present in your room. I don’t know what’s taking so long.”
Mimi and Lola say goodnight and Nat tells me she’ll get a ride with
them so she won’t have to wait.
And then everyone’s gone.
I walk down the hall to my room and open the door. And there’s Tina
passed out on my bed.
Well, it might
not have been what you had in mind but you got your
The poor thing looks exhausted.
I think for once in her life, baking has drained her.
I walk quietly over to the bed and look at her.
She’s gorgeous. Lying on her side, her knees drawn up to her chest
with an arm under her head as a pillow, her hair long dark hair
sprawled out on the covers. Not a stitch of makeup on her face and
still beautiful.
There is a blue bag resting slightly under her. I have to lift her
hand by the wrist to get it out. I empty the contents lightly on my
bed so as not to wake her.
When I pick up the first item, I have to bite my lip to stop myself
from laughing out loud.
She bought me pajamas. Not just any pajamas. The tops and bottoms
have the young Simba from The Lion King on them. They’re bright
yellow and say ‘I Just Can’t Wait To Be King’ all over it. They
look like kids pajamas, only bigger.
The other item is wrapped. I open it as quietly as I can. It’s a
magic eight ball. There is a post-it note on it.
For all those times you need a
second opinion at work. Keep it on your desk. Love Tina
I smile to myself. I love it. I lean over her sleeping form and
plant a whisper soft kiss on her lips.
Looks like that will have to do as the kiss I promised I’d give her
tonight because she’s passed out cold.
I undress and put my new pajama pants on. They’re actually
I make a snap decision and start undressing Tina. I take off her
sandals, unbutton her jeans and slowly lower them down her legs.
When I straighten myself slightly, I realize my face is right in
front of her panty covered sex. I don’t know what possesses me but
I lean forward and bury my nose lightly in all that is Tina. I
breathe her in like she’s an inhaler to an asthmatic.
My pupils dilate and within seconds, I’m rock
That was smart.
She smells perfect and I want
to taste her. I’m drunk on her.
I busy myself with removing her blouse and once that’s off all I
can do is stare at her.
All she’s left wearing is a white lace bra and plain white cotton
panties. Her body is curvy and soft and her skin is pale as a
porcelain doll. She looks innocent, almost virginal.
And I want to muss her up real bad.
Fuck me! Why did I think this was a good
Restraining myself, I take the
pajama top and slide it over her head and arms. I’m beginning to
think a marching band could come through here and she still
wouldn’t wake.
I turn down the covers, pick her up and set her back down on the
sheet. I hop in behind her and pull her back to my chest.
I sigh. My body warms and I’m instantly relaxed.
I smile, shut my eyes, and fall asleep.

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