Read Evince Me Online

Authors: Lili Lam

Tags: #wattpad evince me notice me bebechinadoll watty awards tristan lise monhegan moonlight werewolf

Evince Me (17 page)


Narrowing my eyes at Tristan, I shoved at his
shoulder and jerked my head towards Danny's retreating form. "What
was that all about?" I whisper yelled in an annoyed voice. Like
really? Did he need to scare of the poor tourist? Now he'll never
want to visit Port Clyde.


Feigning innocence Tristan shrugged his
shoulders in response. "I know you don't think you're in danger,
but there's always danger lurking." Tristan's eyes glanced over in
Danny's direction like he knew something I didn't. "So, if you
could please just humor me and always have someone with you
wherever you go. It would really help my peace of mind to know that
my Luna is safe." Tristan nodded giving me a warm smile telling me
he wasn't angry at me for leaving, just worried.

"Ok, I'm sorry I left by myself. I promise from
this day forward I'll have someone with me no matter where I go, as
long as you promise to stop scaring off guys that are simply
talking to me." I agreed, giving into his request. It's against my
nature to deny Tristan anything. As his Luna I have to work with
Tristan, never against him.


"That's my girl." Tristan smirked, "Can't say I
know what you're talking about. Dude left on his own, maybe he
needed to go to the bathroom badly." Tristan chuckled. Leaning
forward he placed the sweetest of kisses on my lips causing me to
forget my side of the argument.


He pulled away too soon and stood up, bringing
me up to a standing position in front of him. Tristan wrapped his
arms around me and kissed my forehead. Tristan was trying awfully
hard to act normal, but there was something off about the way he
was holding me just a little tighter than usual.


I tried lifting my head to peer into his eyes,
but I was distracted. As people began emerging through the doorway,
a familiar mop of black hair that came out had me pulling out of
the hug. I couldn't help the instant smile that spread across my
lips as I hopped up and down with my hands in the air like an
overexcited child.


I was greeted with the same cheesy smile as his
familiar eyes lit up with happiness. "Lonso, Rico, Dad...over
here!" I shouted excitedly. They were flying in for our wedding,
which is less than two weeks away. Is it sad that I'm ready for it
to be done and over with just so I could get straight to the


Yes, the Manzanares Pack has their own private
jet, but due to new safety regulations they had to land the plane
properly. Which means the pilot had to pull up to that long
stretchy walkway thing. Hence why I'm inside the airport instead of
pulling my car right up to the plane.


"Hey squirt." Lonso grunted as he lifted me into
a bear hug. "Who would've thought my little sister would be getting
married off even before I found my mate? Mistreat her and you're a
dead man." He laughed jokingly as he directed the false threat
towards Tristan.


In response Tristan punched Lonso playfully in
the shoulder. They began rough-housing while I latched onto Rico
and my Dad for a few minutes. After all the greetings, handshakes,
and hugs we made our way to the parking lot. "Lonso's driving your
car back, you're coming with me." Tristan announced leaving no room
for argument.


"Geez, bossy much?" I grumbled grouchily under
my breath trying to pull my hand angrily out of his. Tristan tugged
me along towards his truck leaving my brothers and Dad to go in my
car. First comes the jealous caveman and now he's ordering me
around like he's the boss of me? The sole purpose of me coming to
pick them up was so I could spend time with them.


"Please don't be like that." Tristan begged
coming to a halt at the passenger side of his truck. Before I knew
what was happening my backside was up against the truck and
Tristan's body was pushed up flush against mine protectively. He
was now holding both of my wrists above my head in one of his hands
as the other one wrapped around my waist.


Tristan trailed his nose along the side of my
face, his warm breath sent tingles down my spine as he all, but
growled in my ear. "Baby, you have to understand I need you close
to me right now. That guy back there wasn't innocently trying to
make conversation. He's a bad person and I'm a minute away from
losing control and going back in there to tear his head off. So
unless you want me to do that...I suggest you stop trying to get
away from me."


A bad person, how does Tristan know, did he know
the guy? Do I even want to ask what kind of a bad person Danny is?
Before I could open my mouth to ask, Tristan's lips claimed mine
possessively in a searing hot kiss. The only thing able to escape
my lips was a little audible "Mmph" as his tongue delved into my
open lips entwining with my own. Just that fast I forgot what I was
angry about again, damn him.


"Are you absolutely positive you don't want a
bachelorette party?" Anya asked for the hundredth time. We just
arrived home from the airport, obviously a while after my dad and
brothers got home! we were preoccupied with a heated make out
session in the parking lot. I found all the girls in the living
room area watching a movie and doing their toenails.


Tristan said he'd be off bonding with Rico,
Lonso, and the rest of the guys no doubt talking about pack stuff
and playing video games. Knowing Tristan, he's probably giving Axel
an earful for allowing me to leave on my own. Now that I'm away
from Tristan, I could focus and think clearly. I planned on finding
out if Danny really is a bad person or if Tristan was just being a
jealous buffoon.


I need to get to the bottom of this dilemma, my
wedding is fast approaching. Was I prepared to deal with the
outrageous protectiveness times a thousand? "Yes, I'm positive.
Besides how much fun could it possibly be if you can't celebrate
with me by drinking?" I inquired as I examined the finishing
touches of red nail polish on my toes.


Anya's eyes darted guiltily around at the girls
as an all too familiar expression appeared on her face. The look
Anya gets when she's up to no good. My eyes widened as I suddenly
realized she's already planned my bachelorette party. Hopefully it
doesn't involve any male strippers. I can just picture it now, all
of our mates barging into the room and tearing the stripper limb
from limb...poor guy.


"Why do I have a sick feeling you already have
something up your sleeve?" I sighed closing my eyes and shaking my
head. "Well." Anya's voice drawled full of guilt. "Lukey and I
decided instead of individual parties we should just have one big
one. So it's this weekend." The sound of her voice dying down to a
murmur at the end of the sentence.

My head immediately snapped upwards as I glared
at her, "When this weekend?" I tilted my head to the side in
anticipation for her answer. How can they possibly think there's
time for a party?!? This weekend is the final dress and tux
fittings, our pack meeting, and we're throwing a brunch for the


"Don't look so terrified, will ya? We've got it
all under control." Anya promised. Standing up and rubbing her
belly she squeezed me reassuringly on the shoulder making her way
towards the kitchen, no doubt for some food. That's exactly what I
was worried about, Luke and Anya being in charge...and their idea
of having everything under control.

Chapter 19: What In The?


Walking along the row of shops towards the
bridal store, I couldn't help the smile tugging happily at my lips.
Just the thought of the pack children pitching in this morning to
help prepare a meal for the elders was too stinking adorable. Messy
and chaotic, yes...but otherwise the cutest thing I've possibly
witnessed in my entire life.


Watching Anya teach the girls how to mix pancake
batter as I worked with the boys showing them how to properly crack
and scramble eggs, reassured me that she's going to make an awesome
Mom. Brunch was an ultimate success, considering no one died of
food poisoning. Thankfully all the food came out edible considering
the fact that kids cooked it.


The guys were scheduled for their tux fittings
this morning while us girls dealt with the whole brunch fiasco. I
was supposed to go with all the girls for our dress fittings at
3pm, but by the time everyone got done eating I opted for them to
go ahead without me. There was no possible way we'd clean up the
mess and get to our appointment on time, so Anya and I stayed
behind to clean up. Ria the owner of the bridal shop said Anya and
I could stop by when we were finished.


"See I told you everything would work out this
weekend." Anya smiled, her blue eyes sparkling proudly as she
pointed to herself. "In control." Was all she stated matter of
factly. Let's not speak too soon the day is still young, I thought
to myself but didn't dare utter a word.


Anya and I tried our dresses on and emerged from
the changing rooms at the same time. Thankfully Ria left extra
material just in case Anya gained some pregnancy weight. Her dress
fit perfectly showing her minimal belly, if one didn't know it
could be mistaken for a slight beer gut. "You look amazing." I
grinned at my best friend and her natural glow.


With a roll of her eyes the corners of Anya's
lips tugged up in a smile as she turned to face me, her hand
unconsciously landing on her belly. "Ehh, I look ok, not my usual
girlish figure, but it'll have to do." She answered shrugging her
shoulders dismissively. "Now you... you look like
Cinder-freakin-rella, so gorgeous Tristan won't be able to keep his
hands off you!" Anya gushed, her eyes trailing down the length of
my dress.


Staring at my own reflection in the mirror, I
could hardly recognize myself. Being silly, I bent my knees and
curtsied, then began giggling. I truly did feel like Cinderella.
Letting out a sigh, my heart beat rapidly against my chest at the
thought of Tristan looking debonair in his tux waiting for me as
both my Dads walked me down the aisle.


Since I have two Fathers it only made sense for
Daddy Foster to walk me halfway down the aisle where Daddy Perez
would be waiting to take over the rest of the way. It was only way
I could see things as being fair. I loved them equally wanting them
both to be a part of the biggest day of my life.


"Hey Lise, what do you say we go over to Rustica
for an early dinner?" Anya asked when we both came out the changing
room. "I'm starved and we both hardly ate this morning with trying
to maintain order." Now that she mentions it I am kind of hungry.
Nodding my head, I agreed. "Sounds like a plan."


We listened to music on the drive over to the
restaurant, each of us lost in our own thoughts. "Hey drop me off
up front will ya? I'll go in and get us a table." She suggested.
"Seems crowded today." Anya mumbled. There were a lot of cars
parked in the lot, but I couldn't understand why Anya didn't just
wait for me. I'm sure a table for two wouldn't be that long of a


Instead of voicing my thoughts and getting an
earful from the moody prego, I pulled up front and dropped her off.
She's probably worried I'll park far and make her walk! I chuckled
at my lazy bum of a friend.


Dammit, Anya had the right idea after all! The
lot was completely full and I had to park two city blocks away!
Sure the weather is nice out, but did everyone and their Mothers
decide go come out today?


When I reached the beginning of the second block
before rounding the corner to the restaurant a familiar face
invaded my sight. He was standing in front of one of the stores,
window shopping I suppose. Part of me wanted to heed Tristan's
warning and stay away. I debated whether I should cross the street
to the other side and avoid him. It wasn't difficult to remember
the jealousy and anger that caused Tristan to act out at the
airport, but the other part of me didn't want to be rude.


Lost in reminiscing about our heated make-out
session in the parking lot, it was too late. I couldn't avoid him
even if I wanted to. He had recognized me from a block away as he
called out my name. "Lise, is that you?" His voice called out and
he began talking steps towards me. "It bloody is you! Fancy meeting
you here!" He cried excitedly.


I smiled at the eagerness in his voice at seeing
a familiar face. "Danny, what're you doing around here? Thought you
were just on a layover?" I asked coming to a stop in front of him.
He was dressed casually in a pair of dark jeans and a long sleeved
pastel plaid button up that brought out his eyes.


Reaching his hand out and placing it on my arm,
Danny smiled at me warmly. Don't know why Tristan thinks he a bad
guy, he doesn't look like he could harm a fly. "Well I met someone
at the airport who said she fancies it here. So I decided to stay a
few days. I was interested in getting to know the place that formed
such a beautiful person." His British accent was heavier when he
pronounced certain words.


My cheeks warmed at his sweet compliment. I mean
he was talking about me right, not unless he met someone else at
the airport that lives here too. "Yes, I mean you." Danny leaned in
closely and whispered under his breath. "So, where you headed?"
Danny asked straightening up.

'Hey beautiful, how did the
fitting go?'
Tristan mindlinked. Damn does this boy
have impeccable timing or what?


'It went great babe. I can't
wait for the wedding.'
I responded

'Mmm, I can't wait anymore
Tristan's voice answered huskily.
'What're you girls up to now?'

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