Read Evince Me Online

Authors: Lili Lam

Tags: #wattpad evince me notice me bebechinadoll watty awards tristan lise monhegan moonlight werewolf

Evince Me (20 page)

Turning around faster then I don't know what,
Tristan pulled me into his arms and kissed me on the forehead I
cried even harder for being so rotten to him. I slapped him across
the face for goodness sakes, what was I thinking? "What're you
babbling about? You don't need fixing, maybe a good spanking but
not fixing." Tristan teased in his sweet voice. "My life didn't
have any meaning until the day I realized you were mine. I couldn't
wish for a better Luna or mate."


Looking up into his smoky gray eyes I could tell
he meant the words from the very bottom of his heart...which of
course made the tears continue to run freely. "I love you." I
whispered quietly.


"I love you more..." Tristan answered back with
a sincere smile. "Think you still want to marry me?" He smirked, I
nodded my head eagerly and grinned.


I didn't want to ruin our perfect moment as our
lips met in a kiss that signified our missed time away from one
another. It's bad enough we allow jealousy and anger to rule our
emotions. My only complaint of being a mated wolf, the fierce
jealousy that comes along with it, along with our dominant stubborn
nature. Tristan and I needed this make up time to get us back to
being ok, but as soon as time permits I plan on finding out just
exactly who Danny is and what he's up to.

Chapter 22: Distortion


Waking up the next morning in Tristan's arms
felt like a dream. It's how I wished things would have always been;
not having a care in the world. I wondered what our future would be
like with not having the weight of the entire pack in our


Not that something like that would ever happen,
but it doesn't hurt to daydream. Most mornings when I get up
Tristan's already up and out of bed taking care of pack business.
He's been trying to obtain the proper permits to open up a
restaurant bar on the waterfront.


Normally, I wake up to an empty bed and spend
most of my day tending to the needs of the pack along with the help
of the other mates. After all that is done, I lock myself in my
room for a few hours, I'm taking online classes in hopes of
finishing up my bachelors degree in accounting. My ultimate dream
is to graduate and be able to help Tristan maintain the pack's


Majority of nights I go to bed alone, because
Tristan is out running patrols with the guys. So, being able to go
to sleep last night or shall I say in the early morning hours after
spending a lot of time making up with Tristan next to me made it
the best night I've had in a really long time. Sad huh?


Guess it's the small sacrifice couples have to
make for becoming Alpha and Luna. It's all a part of growing up and
being mature adults. Not that I was complaining or anything,
because I loved being Luna. It's just sometimes I missed life when
things were so much simpler. I could tell Tristan was still
sleeping by the way his chest rose and fell underneath my head at a
steady pace.


Not being able to control myself, I began
tracing my index finger along his muscular chest and over his
six-pack. "Mm, keep it up and we won't be leaving this bed at all
today." Tristan's husky voice whispered from above me. What the
heck, he was meant to be sleeping while I was secretly perving his


Tilting my head upwards, I looked into his smoky
eyes and gave him a shy smile. Memories of the last couple hours we
spent in bed attacked my mind, Tristan and I haven't explored each
other's bodies that thoroughly in like ever. Guess that's why
people say making up is the best part of fighting. Maybe we should
argue more often?


Clearing his throat, Tristan brought his hand up
to my face and tucked my hair back behind my ear. "Last night was
one of the best nights of my life." He admitted giving me a genuine
smile. "Me too." I agreed, lifting my head I shifted a bit so I
could kiss him good morning.


He kissed me in return and began mindlessly
rubbing my back as I lay my head in the crook of his neck, inhaling
his manly scent. "I need to speak to your brothers before we head
back home." Tristan announced. I could hear by his tone of voice
that it was laced with worry? "How about I run you a warm bath
while I go speak to them?" Tristan suggested as he untangled
himself from me and stood up from the bed yanking on his


With a puzzled look on my face, I sat up quickly
pulling the covers up to shield my body. "What do you have to talk
to my brothers about?" I inquired wanting to know what was on his
mind. Tristan shook his head dismissively and gave me a smile that
didn't reach his eyes. "Why don't we shower and then go talk to
them together?" I suggested, giving Tristan a 'I'm not taking no
for an answer' sort of look.


Tristan's shoulders fell a bit as he sat back
down on the bed in defeat. Guess he realized in order to keep the
peace between us, he needed to include me in everything from here
on out. I sat up on my knees and threw my arms around his
shoulders, hugging him from behind. "Whatever it is baby, don't
worry. Things will work themselves out." I reassured him, unaware
of the huge weight of an upcoming challenge to the death on his


"I suppose it can wait, you have a right to know
too." Tristan all but whispered before he spun around and picked me
up. Carrying me into the shower, we spent another hour exploring
one another before Tristan announced the sooner we spoke to my
brothers the quicker we could head home. Is it wrong of me to say I
wanted to prolong returning home as much as I could?


"So you mean to tell me our wedding is in less
than two weeks, yet you have a challenge to the death in a matter
of days?" I all but screeched at the top of my lungs. I could see
as Tristan and my brothers all cringed at my high pitched scream. I
could kill Danny for doing this to us.


"Baby, please calm down." Tristan requested
running the pad of his thumb over the back of my hand. I was a bag
of nerves, why do these things always happen to us? "I need you
guys to be there at the challenge in case." Tristan's voice broke
off causing my head to snap in his direction. In case, in case


Taking a deep breath Tristan finished his
sentence. "In case things don't go as expected. First and foremost
I need you to take Lise and anyone else that wants out of that pack
to safety. I need you to promise me you'll do what you can to help
my people." My brothers stared at him as though he'd lost his mind,
but nodded their heads and uttered an ‘I promise’ to reassure
Tristan not to worry.


While Tristan was making his plea to my
brothers, I sat there in what I can only describe as a daze. The
knot in the back of my throat was suffocating me, closing off my
airways. The thought of a life without Tristan was unbearable. Why
is he talking this way?!? I know as a remarkable Alpha he wants to
make sure all bases are covered, but it's tearing my heart into


I could faintly hear Tristan's voice saying,
"Danny wants Lise." It was followed by my brother’s response of
"over our dead bodies." My eyes began filling with tears as my
heart constricted in my chest. The heaviness felt like it was too
much to handle. My breaths began coming out in short pants, it
seemed I couldn't get enough oxygen into my system then things went


I don't know how long I stayed that way for, the
only thing I do remember is the feeling of Tristan's soft lips
against my own. "Please Lise. Baby, you need to snap out of

I blinked rapidly for a few moments and
Tristan's face came into focus in front of me, somehow I ended up
in his lap and my brothers were gone. We were completely alone in
Rico's study, the only sound was that of an animal crying in


Will someone put the poor animal out of its
misery? I breathed in deeply and the wailing animal stopped. It was
then I realized I was the animal. I was hyperventilating. My arms
were wrapped tightly around Tristan's neck as the tears streamed
continuously down my cheeks.


"Shh, it's ok baby. I promise nothing's going to
happen to me. I just needed your brothers to know as an extra
precaution. I'm sorry for worrying you." Tristan promised as he
rocked me back and forth gently.


The sound of the study door flying open and Rico
rushing inside frantically made me jump. "Sorry to interrupt, but
we've got to get going...I think we still might be able to stop
them." Rico mumbled under his breath as he began opening the
drawers to his desk.


He grabbed a few things along with his keys and
shoved them into his pocket before turning to face Tristan and I.
"Lonso couldn't take seeing you that way. He's gone with Juan to
challenge Danny for his Alpha title and he plans on fighting him on
the spot."


Is my brother insane, what is he thinking? He
hasn't even prepared for the fight. "Maybe you should stay here
with Dad." Rico suggested, which only earned him a glare from me.
"Not a chance you're leaving me behind." I stated defiantly. "This
is all my fault. I'm coming along."


It took us what seemed like hours to get to
Danny's territory. Rico thought it'd be best if we shifted and ran.
We'd cover more land that way and make up for lost time. It would
take too long to drive to the airport and fly over there. Carlos
and a few other members of the Manzanares pack decided to join us
in case we needed back up.


Upon our arrival onto Danny's territory we came
to a clearing in the woods. It was there that the deafening snarls
and snaps of jagged teeth could be heard. We were too late! The
fight has already begun, Lonso already issued the challenge.


The group of wolves I was with ran ahead to
circle around to witness the ongoing battle. I could hear Rico's
barks of what I assumed were encouragement for Lonso. Internally I
was falling apart as I stood frozen, I prayed for Lonso to not get

'If this helps any, Lonso's
one of the best fighters I've ever met.'
voice invaded my mind as he brushed his soft fur up against mine
comfortingly. A whimper that sounded an awful lot like my brother
had me running full speed to the scene.


Breaking through the crowd of wolves gathered
around what I saw surprised me. Lonso was standing off to the side
barking while Juan was in the center circle limping, his hind leg
injured by a huge gash. His fur matted with blood and dirt.


How the hell did this come about that Juan
became the challenger? I cried out at the pain my brother's best
friend was enduring at my expense. I needed to do something to stop
this. My wail of agony somehow provided a much needed distraction
as both Danny and Juan's eyes met mine.


In that moment it was almost as though Juan knew
what I was thinking. A renewed sense of determination shot through
his eyes. Taking full advantage of the split second distraction,
Juan sailed through the air and lunged for Danny's throat. The
vicious snarl ensued by a split whimper and then silence made me
shut my eyes and cringe.


Juan killed Danny in the challenge, which of
course would make him Alpha of the Blackwater Pack. Upon arriving
at the pack house to check out his new place we were welcomed by
members of the pack. They all hated Danny and his father for
killing their Alpha so many years ago.


Ironically, Juan found his mate Kelly, she's one
of the girls living within the pack. Her family was too scared to
flee when Danny's father initially became Alpha, so they continued
living there. Juan looked like he was ready to get to know Kelly
and her family, but Tristan was giving him tidbits on being an


"So he beat you to issuing the challenge?" I
asked Lonso incredulously as we sat on the steps of the Blackwater
Pack house. Once his excitement of becoming Alpha dies down a bit
I'll be sure to thank Juan for his generous sacrifice. He's off
running around like a child on Christmas morning. Did he ever
consider the fact that he could've been killed today.


"Yea, before I even got to open my mouth he
mindlinked me that as a best friend he couldn't have me in crap
condition for my little sister's wedding." Lonso began with a
chuckle before the smile wiped away and a serious look came over
his expression. "Then he said to tell you he loves you as if you
were his own sister and as a member of the Manzanares pack he swore
he would do anything to protect his princesa."


My heart swelled at my brother's words. How
awesome of a person is Juan for sacrificing himself for the
challenge? "Oh yea, Don't be mad if he doesn't buy you guys
anything. Juan also told me if he wins, consider it a wedding gift
to you and Tristan."


A smile tugged at my lips as my hysterical
laughter filled the air around us. To be honest with you, I don't
think any wedding gift will top Juan's. He's taken away all my
worries and given me Tristan's safety. Nothing will be able to beat


Now that all the drama and arguments are
handled, all that was left for me to do was one thing. Return home
and get married to the love of my life. It's time for me to become
Tristan's wife and boy, am I ready.

Chapter 23: The Beginning


Lise's POV


After helping Juan settle into his new duty as
Alpha, we returned home from Spain refreshed. Instantly I was
thrust into a whirlwind of activity all centered around the last
minute tying up of loose ends before the wedding. I had to give Mom
and Mrs. Evans all the credit, without them this wedding probably
wouldn't be taking place.

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