Read Evince Me Online

Authors: Lili Lam

Tags: #wattpad evince me notice me bebechinadoll watty awards tristan lise monhegan moonlight werewolf

Evince Me (13 page)


The kiss held nothing back as he instantly
entwined our tongues, wanting to let me know just how happy my
answer made him. In the background I could hear the cheers and
rounds of applause by the pack, but it seemed like a faint


I was completely lost in what we all know as
Tristan Evans, his hand snaked around my lower back pulling me
closer to him. My hands grabbed a hold of both of his biceps in an
attempt to keep myself upright. With barely any strength, Tristan
lifted me with one arm to a standing position.


Pulling away from the kiss, he rested his
forehead against mine and smiled against my lips whispering. "I
love you." The intensity of Tristan's gaze was almost hypnotizing.
"I love you too." I responded leaning up to peck him once more on
his soft yet rough feeling lips.


I was rushed by a screaming; crying Anya. "Oh my
god! I get to be maid of honor, I can't wait!" She shrieked
excitedly, pulling me into a huge hug as she hopped up and down.
"Who says I wanted you as my maid of honor?" I asked with a serious
expression causing Anya's rant to stop short.


She looked at me like I'd lost my mind and then
smiled at me playfully. "Just try and make someone else your maid
of honor." Anya threatened. "I can guarantee you I'll take anyone
you choose out. Don't make me pull a Tonya Harding on them!" She
spat out with a crazed expression in her eyes.


For all of you who don't know the story, it's
about a jealous figure skater named Tonya Harding who got someone
to club her competition Nancy Kerrigan's knees to take her out of
the running for a gold medal, crazy broad. "I'm kidding Anya, I
wouldn't want anyone else to be by my side." I reassured, pulling
her back into a hug.


Staring out into the crowd I noticed my parents
standing right next to Mr. and Mrs. Evans. My Mother was in tears
as my Father stood there smiling. Tristan must've asked them for my
hand in marriage considering the approving looks in their eyes.
Running down the deck steps I hugged both of my parents telling
them how much I loved them.


The crowd seemed to part down the middle and the
sight before me brought on another round of fresh tears spilling
from my eyes. Running in the grass, I jumped happily into the arms
of Lonso who stood there proudly with Rico and my dad.


I can't believe they're here! Could this
surprise get any better? "Congrats baby sis." Lonso uttered as he
hugged me tightly against him. We separated so that I could hug
Rico who said, "I'm so happy for you. Are you surprised?"


Giving him my best pointed look complete with
narrowed eyes, I answered. "Of course I'm surprised, you guys said
you couldn't attend because you were too busy!" Even when we said
our goodbye to them in Spain, Rico apologized to Tristan for not
being able to be a part of the celebration.

"We wouldn't miss this for the world." My Dad
grinned pulling me into a warm embrace. How lucky am I to have such
a great family? "I couldn't have chosen a better mate and husband
for you, Princesa." Dad whispered as he hugged me close.


The party was in full swing with Mr. Evans
cooking at the grill while both my Dads stood by him chatting. It
seemed like everyone was having a good time as they mingled with
each other. Some people were dancing to the music.


Tristan was fulfilling his duty as Alpha by
asking each member of the pack; if there was anything he could do
for them. Just watching him from afar made my heart swell, maybe it
was the way he was playing with the little kids by picking them up
and tossing them high in the air causing them to squeal with
excitement. Then again it could've been how he listened intently
with the patience of a saint to the stories all the elders told


I was standing there talking to my brothers
about how long they were visiting for when I felt arms wrap around
me, pulling my back into him. "Can I steal you for a little while?"
Tristan's voice sent shivers down my spine. "I need to show you


My brothers nodded their heads in agreement,
turning around to go join the guys in a game of football. "What's
up?" I questioned curious about what Tristan wanted to show me. He
took my hand in his, leading the way down the trail into the


Yes, the same trail he led me down three years
ago when I first found out he was a wolf. That day seemed so long
ago! The surrounding Forest and stirring of the trees made me
chuckle to myself as I remembered how much a damn chicken I had
been...afraid of an animal eating me.


"Where are you taking me, to the cliff?" I asked
with a grin. Funny how he wants to bring me back to where it all
began. "No, we're not going that far back." Tristan laughed,
obviously reminiscing about the same memory I was.


After a few minutes we reached a large clearing,
one that I don't recall ever being there before. "Close your eyes."
Tristan ordered and I instantly complied, I never questioned
Tristan when he told me to do something. Having learned to fully
trust him, knowing he would never ask me to do anything that would
hurt me.


Tristan pulled us to a stop and I felt him walk
around to stand behind me encircling his arms around my waist. "Ok,
open your eyes." He advised. Allowing my eyes to open slowly, my
jaw instantly dropping open. "What the...?" I breathed, spinning
around in his arms with a wild expression.


"It's an engagement gift from our parents. Your
dad...daddy Perez that is, thought it was about time we had our
very own pack house." Tristan said proudly. In front of us was a
huge log cabin styled house with a wrap around porch. It had to be
at least three stories high! "We couldn't live in the place
attached to my parent's house forever."

How long have they been planning something like
this and how could I have been so oblivious to it? It had to have
taken a long time to build this house from the ground up, because
it was never here before, so I know they didn't purchase the house
off the market. The trees around it were cut down and cleared out
to make room for a garden. Again I burst into tears, what a cry
baby. "" I wondered aloud, unable to form a
coherent sentence.


Tristan let go of me and took a step away, "This
was all compliments of our parents, fully funded by the Manzanres
Pack. A gift from your father." He said extending his hands out to
show me that our parents did all of this for us. Running my hand
over my face in disbelief, I began walking towards the house. I ran
my hand up the wooden rail of the porch as I went up the steps. A
smile tugged at my lips as I wandered over to the porch swing and
took a seat.


"Your idea?" I smiled reaching out to take a
hold of Tristan's hand as he stood in front of me.


He came and sat next to me with a nod of his
head. "I know how much you loved reading outside your parent's
house so I wanted you to have your very own special spot."


We sat there swinging on the porch for a while
in a comfortable silence just enjoying one another's company before
Tristan suggested. "C'mon let's take a look around inside." The
inside was just as immaculate as the outside.


Once stepping through the thick wooden door, we
were faced with a living room area, complete with a huge flat
screen tv and sage micro-fiber sofas. To the left was the dining
room equipped with an extravagant cherry wood table and on the
right was the kitchen, which was decorated with marble countertops
and top of the line appliances.


The kitchen had huge bay windows that looked out
onto a deck, I'm assuming a continuation of the wrap around porch
and the vast woods behind us. There were three bedrooms on the main
floor with a study for Tristan to do work in. A spiral wooden
staircase led us up to the second floor where there were four more
bedrooms, each complete with its very own ensuite bathroom. The top
and final floor was one huge room.


"This is our room." Tristan smiled when we
reached the top. He picked me up bridal style, walked over to the
bed and threw me down roughly. Climbing on top of me, I couldn't
stop the grin that spread across my lips. "Mmm, finally some alone
time." Tristan smirked bringing his face slowly towards mine at an
agonizing pace.


Just as his lips brushed against mine, we could
hear shouting from the first floor. "Honey, we're home!" Luke
shouted out, his voice carrying all the way up to the third floor.
"Holy crapola this place is a pimp pad!" Max screeched excitedly,
then cried out in pain. I can only figure he received a jealous
smack from his mate Kalista.


Tristan groaned in what sounded like agony and
despair, a look of depression spreading across his expression. Both
of us seemed to be thinking the same thing as our eyes met. From
the looks of things, it seems like we'll never get any kind of
privacy living in a house full of these guys.


We decided Luke and Anya, Max and Kalista, Jett
and Sofia, Jordan and Brianna would get the four bedrooms on the
second floor. While Sam, Gabe, and Axel would get the rooms on the
main floor since they haven't found their mates yet. My dad and
brothers would be staying here with us for the two days they were


When we rejoined the pack back at the Evan's
everyone was still there. Mr. Evans called Tristan and all the guys
into an urgent meeting. Stating he had to bring the Alpha up to
date on a few issues that arised within the past hour. "Be back in
a few." Tristan said kissing me on the forehead, I answered with a


Anya and I were involved in a heated competition
with Lonso and Rico trying to see who could chew the most sticks of
gum without gagging. We were each up to twenty pieces and my jaw
was beginning to ache from the huge wad that filled my cheeks.


I saw Rico lurch forward a bit and I pointed my
finger at him and stifled a laugh, allowing a muffled barley
coherent, "Ah-ha you gagged!" to escape. Laughing at Rico caused me
to gag on my on ball of gum. Anya caught me, pointing at me with
wide eyes and both fingers. I spat it onto the picnic table
angrily, dammit I so had this.


Rushing out the Evans back door was the
group of guys that went into the meeting. Instantly i stood on my
feet and hurried to Tristan's side. "Baby, I got to go, there seems
to be an issue at a neighboring pack that needs to be handled now.
Stay here with your brothers and Dad. Make sure the pack is tended
to. I'll be back soon ok? Love you." Tristan promised in a rushed
but serious voice basically saying
'you're not coming along, as Luna you have to stay and watch over
the pack.'


"Ok, love you too." I answered solemnly. I have
to admit it was disappointing, I mean it is his birthday and I was
hoping to celebrate it by spending some alone time with him! We've
been around people all day! Already it begins, the duties and
responsibilities that come along with being Alpha and Luna. Guess
we can say goodbye to our alone and peace and quiet time, sigh.

Chapter 14: Jealousy Vs Anger


I spent the rest of the party with my brothers
and Anya who helped me fulfill my first duties as Luna of the pack.
We organized an after school club for the kids which will be run by
yours truly. Anya and Mrs. Evans agreed to help out.


It will offer them assistance with schoolwork as
well as educating them on their heritage and the history of the
Monhegan Moonlight Pack. It'll be a place where the kids can
interact with one another outside of school and stay out of


For the elders of the pack I invited them to
come to the after school club and share some of their knowledge
with the children. We set up a schedule for the volunteers to come
out to talk about different topics. This way it'll keep the elders
busy and give them something to do. It's always nice to feel


Next we went over some issues to add to our
agenda for the next pack meeting, which Tristan will be the
heading. After making sure everyone got home safely and all the
elders had everything they needed, I finally returned home.


"Did you think it'd be this much work?" Lonso
asked with a smirk as we sat together in a comfortable silence on
the porch swing. My feet were tucked indian style in front of me
allowing Lonso to do all the swinging.


Letting out a tired sigh, I turned to face my
brother with a smile. "This is only just the beginning, but I'm
prepared for whatever comes my way." I added in a chipper voice. My
face however, said something totally different.


Lonso raised an eyebrow at me with
'who do you think you're fooling
and chuckled. "C'mon sis, it's me. What's really
on your mind?" He inquired, his eyes roaming my face for a real
answer. Breathing in deeply I allowed my eyes to drift upwards.
"I'm just worried about the guys." I confessed allowing my worry to
shine through.


"Trust me, they're fine." Lonso answered in all
seriousness. "I don't think you realize just how great of an Alpha
your mate truly is." That's the thing, it wasn't my guys I was
worried about! I hated not knowing what was going on. The least
someone could do was mindlink me and let me know what the heck's
happening, but no that's too much to ask. Am I overreacting?


Sure, I could have mindlinked any of them to see
if they were ok, but I didn't know what type of situation they were
currently dealing with. So, I didn't want to be any form of
disturbance to them. What if they were in the middle of a battle of
sorts? I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing my mindlink
made one of them lose focus on the task at hand.

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