CFNM Revenge Tales (7 page)

Marco let out a
suffused sigh and looked up to see Tristan being positioned by Tiffany at the
centre of the stage. He looked back down at Rosie, who like the other women was
clearly enjoying the show. She looked sensational. It was the first time he’d
seen her all done up, with her glossy hair swept down, her fabulous figure
elevated by heels. He felt a dangerous thickening and immediately turned his attention
back to the stage.

“Remember all moneys
going to good causes, but I know you don’t need that as an incentive,” said
Amanda turning towards Tristan, eager to keep the bids ticking over.

In the brief pause a
cry rang out from an audience emboldened by alcohol, eager for more flesh.

“Show us his cock,”
shouted the female voice.

Amanda looked at them
with a sly grin. The auction was about to go up a gear.

“What do you think
ladies, would you like to see Tristan’s

The claps and excited
cries of yes, once again left little doubt that was exactly what they wanted.

“Well I for one think
it’s only appropriate the buyer get’s to see all the merchandise,” said Amanda
nodding to Tiffany, giving her the go ahead.

Tiffany, without
hesitation, stepped forward grinning, placing two hands firmly on the waistband
of Tristan’s Speedo like white pants. She pulled each side of his briefs
outwards, teasingly, before pulling them down to his manacled ankles with one
quick thrust. The audience not disappointed by the ‘big’ build up, erupted into
an appreciative clamour.

“Hellooo,” Denise
whispered under her breath, as Rosie and the girls looked on mesmerized by the
sheer naughtiness of the evening.

“Looks like you got
off lightly,” said Rosie, turning to Marco and glancing down at the white briefs
covering his bulging manhood.

Marco couldn’t look.
As the sort of red blooded male used to the man always being the dominant one,
the one in control, Tristan’s exposure came as something of a shock. Of course
he’d understood that the night was all about female rules and empowerment and
what not, but hadn’t grasped quite how far things were going to go. As the
bidding started Marco looked around him at the smiles, snickers and lusty gazes
of the women and felt a lump in his throat. To him it was like the social order
had been turned on its head and having his fellow male up there, butt naked,
was hard to take.

Yet, as he looked
around at the beautiful women, the toned body of Rosie to his left, the side
boob spilling out of Christina’s dress to his right, his cock started to
thicken as it hardened. They say a man thinks of sex every fifteen seconds and
as a young, fit, healthy and now horny male, Marco’s raging libido didn’t need
much encouragement.

As his arousal grew,
so did his penis, poking at the thin material of his pants, searching for an
exit. It duly found one as the bulbous head pulled back his foreskin,
retracting like the petals of the lotus that lay before them, pushing past the
waistband, and rising ever higher, as his big pink helmet kept on growing.
Marco felt a sense of panic, none of the girls had noticed yet, but there was
nothing he could do, his hands were cuffed, Rosie had him by the leash.

Just as the gavel was
slammed down and Tristan was sold to table four, Bianca turned and spotted
Marco and his now bulbous glands. A smile spread across her face. Peering at
him she directed the rest of the girls to his stricken state.

“It looks like Marco’s
got a friend that wants to join the party.”

Rosie was astonished
to see his cock peeping out, telescopically, above his briefs. As she looked up
to his face Marco tried to hold her gaze, but couldn’t and turned only to see
the smirking faces of a fellow table of women watching on.

“What are you doing?”
asked Rosie seeing Christina taking an ice cube from the champagne bucket.


Christina proceeded to
run the ice cube over his pinky red helmet that was soon wet and glistening
like a cherry Popsicle. Marco flinched, gasping as his most intimate of nerve
endings fired and his body grappled to endure the merest of touches. The cold quickly
had the desired effect, and Marco’s cock shrunk back into his pants like a
tortoise receding into its shell. Rosie tried to stifle a giggle, but couldn’t
and had to let it out, setting off a more than amused Penelope, Denise and
Bianca. Marco wasn’t laughing.

After Marco’s
impromptu showing there was a brief interlude in proceedings and everyone was
able to catch their breath, cool down a little. The bunny boys reappeared and
each woman was served a rich, dark, chocolate mousse that melted on the mouth,
further titillated the taste buds.

“Chocolate and hunky
men, two of my favourite things,” said Rosie, eyeing the dessert and then Marco
stood next to her. “Talk about a perfect evening.”

As the girls happily
ate their desserts they couldn’t help but look across at table four. Tristan
had been sold to a rather plump woman who had no qualms about keeping him

“Poor Tristan,” said
Rosie, watching his manhood being manhandled or rather womanhandled by his new

“He doesn’t seem to
mind,” replied Christina.

Tristan’s cock was
stiff, his head thrown back in contentment. However, he was about to learn that
the evening wasn’t about his pleasure. Just as he seemed to be enjoying things
a little too much, the plump lady gave his penis a little spank causing it to
bob up and down. The table broke into a laugh at his expression of panting
astonishment as he faced them. With him hard and at attention, she had him
spoon-feed her dessert. The evening was becoming quite the eye opener.
Nonetheless, the events at table four got the girls thinking.

Talk amongst them
turned to how handy and useful it would be to have a full time male slave to
carry out chores and odd jobs. Marco stayed silent as the girls compiled a list
of increasingly racy tasks.

“Maybe we can call
Marco. After tonight I’m sure he won’t mind being our slave boy again,” said

Marco was speechless,
after tonight he didn’t know how he was going to look at Rosie ever again,
never mind speak to her.

Shortly after the
ladies desserts had been cleared away, the auction restarted and it seemed
Tristan had set a new trend. Each of the slaves that followed were stripped and
assessed by the increasingly raucous crowd. Amongst them was a spiky tattooed
American named Ethan, British beefcake Henry and a blond Aussie called Brett. It
was a truly international selection.

Amanda had a field day
with a number of playful puns relating to the well-endowed studs. Whoever said
the fairer, gentler sex, wasn’t as visually stimulated as the male, had clearly
never been to a Club Divine party.

As the cheers got
louder, the comments more forthright, Rosie tightened her grip around Marco’s
leather lead. He did his best to avoid all eye contact. The last, but certainly
not least slave to appear, was Tyson, whose cock was so long and thick that it almost
looked like a third leg.

“I hope he’s got a
license for that thing,” muttered Christina as he was led from the stage.

By the time the
auction was over, the ladies had been thoroughly entertained and every table
had purchased at least one slave to see them through the night.

“That was quite
something,” said Amanda having enjoyed every second of it. “I can assure you
all our dishes tonight have been one hundred percent organic, although after
that I wouldn’t blame you for suspecting some genetically modified

Raucous laughter again
filled the room, as the women glanced at the naked or semi naked slaves dotted
around the hall. Amanda signed off by wishing them a wonderful night and offering
them one last extra treat.

“I know you’ll be wanting
to make the most of those slaves ladies so feel free to use any of the rooms in
this wonderful house. A few strategically placed goody bags are contained in
each, with a few suggestions courtesy of Club Divine of course.”

With her role
completed she blew a kiss to the audience and left the stage to appreciative
applause. Back at her table Rosie noticed preppy Luke stood waiting. Without so
much as batting an eyelid, Amanda pulled down Luke’s briefs, before casually
retaking her seat. Astonished at her sheer brazenness a look of shock etched
Luke’s face, as it was his turn to bare all.

Marco bit his lip
wondering how long it would be, before he was in the buff. Rosie turned towards
him as if sensing such thoughts.

“I think a little more
privacy would be good,” she said grinning. “Up for a little exploring girls?”

The four of them
nodded looking towards Marco. Things were about to get interesting.


Having undone the cuffs around Marco’s wrists and ankles,
the five girls headed out the hall, into the grand foyer, then up the sweeping
red staircase. Rosie pulling the leash taut, guiding Marco who was carrying a
tray with glasses and a fresh bottle of bubbly, all the way.

On the first floor
landing they passed through a wide, tall hallway, passing room upon room,
before turning into a small elegant suite of polished wooden floors, old ornate
furniture. Decorated in the same shades of cream, red and gold that pervaded
the mansion. The room was cast in a soft light by a lampshade in one corner, in
the other an old grandfather clock ticked by serenely.

Marco carefully placed
the silver tray on a mahogany coffee table that was placed in front of a chaise
lounge. It was enamelled a rich gold, but in the main rather appropriately
coloured a Rosie red. Denise, Penelope and Christina, perched their pert
bottoms onto it as Bianca seated herself in a matching armchair, playfully pretending
to play the Queen as she did so.

“Lets get this thing
off you,” said Rosie, unbuckling the straps around Marco’s collar.

As she did so there
was a definite moment between the two. As their eyes met and their lips came
close to touching, Marco leant in ravenous to taste her. Just as their mouths
were about to meet, Rosie turned from him leaving Marco puckering up to thin

“Here,” said Christina,
passing him the bottle of bubbly, bringing him back down to earth. “Be a

Rosie nestled herself
on the chaise lounge as Marco took the bottle in his strong hands. All that
wine had gone down a treat, and dangerously for Marco, she was in a flirtatious
and forthright, not to say teasing mood.

“Careful not to shoot
your load,” said Bianca, as she and Denise let out a snicker, obviously knowing
something he didn’t.

Placing one hand
firmly on the main body, the other ripped off the gold foil, removed the wire
cage and with his hand on the rim, slowly caressed out the cork. As his arms
twisted, his lean muscles bulged and his pecs twitched, Rosie watched on
admiringly. Despite everything that had gone on this evening, for her this was
by far the sexiest moment of the night.

Taking Marco by
surprise, however, the cork shot out over the heads of the girls, followed
closely by a thin spray of champagne. In his attempt to avoid drenching
everything and anyone in its path, Marco righted the bottle, leaving his
six-pack glistening; his pants sodden and see through. He looked at the girls
with an adorable roguish grin, dripping from the waist down. Rosie’s hottest
moment has just been topped. The five girls erupted into titters.

“I told you not to shake
it that hard,” said Denise, looking towards Bianca who cocked her head back
laughing having achieved exactly what she intended.

“Well,” said Rosie
getting up and placing two hands on his hips before shimmying around to his
rear. “You won’t be needing these.”

With obvious glee she
yanked his pants down to his ankles and tapped his bum telling him to step out
of them. Seeing that they concealed so little now anyhow, Marco didn’t have
much to hide, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t concealing what little modesty he
had left. Two hands were clasped firmly over his manhood.

As Rosie retook her
seat, she tossed his pants over her head as Marco stood like a waxwork frozen
in front of them.

“You can’t stay like that
forever,” teased Christina.

“I could watch him try
though,” said Bianca, letting her eyes wander up and down his ripped body.

It took Rosie to give
him the nudge he needed.

“That champagne’s not
going to pour itself,” she said somewhat strategically nodding towards the

Marco bit the bullet,
raising both arms either side of him, allowing the delighted girls an unimpeded
view of his fully naked body for the first time. The smiles, whistles and claps
that greeted this unveiling indicated they more than liked what they saw. As he
picked up the champagne again, five sets of eyes were scanning his nude flesh.

“Oooh, I’ve always
wanted a nude hunk as a waiter,” said Bianca as her glass was topped up. “I
suppose that’s another thing ticked off my bucket list.”

“Pleased to be of
service,” said Marco moving onto Denise.

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Show Me by Carole Hart Copyright 2016 - 2024