CFNM Revenge Tales (4 page)

“We’ve not got all
night,” said Louise.

“Come on boys, get
those boxers off,” demanded Jen.

The men stood up
defeated, hands on their waistbands. Although they’d been naked countless times
in front of their girlfriends, they’d never been naked in front of their
girlfriend’s best friend, or in such an objective one-sided situation.

“A bet’s a bet,”
pushed Louise, egging them on.

“I think the boys want
a countdown,” said Jen.

“That’s not
necessary,” Mike countered, not wanting the moment to be built up anymore than
it was.

The women brushed
aside his comment, taking great delight in the whole situation.

“Ten, nine, eight…”
they began counting with obvious glee.

Mike shook his head as
he readied himself for zero. Chris looked at Louise and then Jen, thinking how
they’d played them for a fool. Here he was about to expose himself to them
both, and they’d barely removed a stitch of clothing. Louise glanced at Mike
intrigued to see if he lived up to the billing Jen had given him.

“Seven, six, five…”
they continued.

Mike looked at his
girlfriend Jen, she was clearly loving having the upper hand. Well it was after
all her now wearing the trousers. Jen glanced at Chris, well, well, well, lets
see how you boys measure up.

“Four, three, two,

And there it was, or
rather there they were, with clenched jaws both men removed their boxers and
looked away, averting their eyes from the women. There was an awkward silence
as Jen and Louise fixed their gaze on the meaty sight that greeted them, before
broad grins appeared. Chris’ was the slightly smaller of the two, but neither
man had anything to be ashamed of. That didn’t stop them feeling like objects
of derision as they stood in their birthday suits.

“I didn’t realise Mike
had a polo neck,” said Louise, referring to his intact foreskin.

“Well it keeps him
warm in the winter time,” joked Jen.

The two women burst
into laughter, at Mike’s expense of course. Even Chris, who was biting his lip,
couldn’t help but snicker.

“Very funny,” said

“Alright, turn around
guys,” said Jen, fanning a hand towards her face, feeling a little flushed.

They turned around,
displaying two sets of muscular buttocks to the two women.

“Hmmm, doesn’t Chris
have a very firm bum,” said Jen, having a good look.

“He gets a lot of
exercise, talking out of it all the time,” Louise quipped.

It was Chris’ turn to
be literally, the butt of the joke this time and Mike couldn’t help but

“Alright, alright, is
it okay if we cover up now,” said Chris, grabbing his boxers from the floor,
feeling like his girlfriends plaything.

‘Hmmm,’ hummed Louise,
enjoying his discomfort, “What do you think Jen?’

“I think the boys can
put their willies away we’ve had a good look,”

The men quickly began
putting their clothes back on, which the women found amusing. It wasn’t like
either of them had anything to hide now. As they did so Jen and Louise got up,
ready to turn in for the night, fully satisfied with how the evening had gone.

“Where you going?”
asked Chris.

“We girls need our
beauty sleep, I suggest you join me, you’ve got a long day ahead of you
tomorrow,” replied Louise, planning to make the most of what promised to be a
fun day.

“I hope your listening
Mike,” said Jen, playfully slapping his bum as she passed him. “Oh and one
other thing,” she said stopping at the door to their room. “Don’t get used to
those clothes boys, we’ll have you out of those again soon enough.”


The next day the guys played along, fulfilling the bet.
Although last night had been a bit of fun, they each realised their partners
seriously wanted a bit more ‘me time’ from them. From the moment the women
awoke, they were treated like princess. From being served breakfast in bed, to
being waited on hand and foot.

On the slopes it was
no different. The guys picked them up whenever they fell, treated them to an expensive
lunch, and generally chaperoned them around. Just as boyfriends were supposed
to behave joked Jen.

When they’d finished
on the slopes the ladies knew just the tonic to refresh themselves and their
men, a trip to the nearby sauna. Upon arrival the ladies changed into they’re
all in one swimming costumes, showcasing their sleek, slim figures, like a fine
motor racing car, all the curves were in the right places. Before long they
were relaxing sat on wooden benches, feeling the heat soak into their bodies,
the sweat draining out of their pores.

“This beats working on
roofs,” said Mike, closing his eyes feeling all tension drift away.

“You said it bud,”
agreed Chris, raising his head back, as Louise massaged his scalp.

The two women were sat
on the tier above, the backs of their partners resting between their parted
legs. Jen flashed Louise a naughty smile, ready to raise the temperature a
little more.

“Feeling hot boys?”
asked Jen.

“Well duh, that’s the
idea,” said Mike dismissively, before suddenly opening his eyes as it dawned on
him where this was going.

“Well I certainly
think it’s sufficiently warm for you two to get those trunks off,” concluded

“I hear men have to be
very careful about getting too hot in the, ahem, nether regions, something about
sperm production,” proffered Louise.

“In that case, if it’s
a medical matter, I definitely think they should.”

The two men looked
around at their partners, yesterdays episode had been enough for both of them.

“Come along you two,
remember our little game,” said Jen.

“That you lost and we
won,” reminded Louise, gleefully rubbing it in.

Mike and Chris looked
at each other with raised eyebrows, before submitting to their girlfriends
wishes and sliding their trunks off, handing them back to their partners, this
time not turning around. The two women looked over their heads, with cheeky

“I think you boys
should sit opposite us, so we can enjoy the view,” said Jen, extracting every
ounce of pleasure she could from the situation.

The two men pulled
themselves up and settled on the opposing benches, their manly rears appraised
once again by their girlfriends as they did so.

“How does it feel,
being au natural?” asked Jen, looking at the two glistening bodies.

Judging by the state
of their arousal they were feeling a little too relaxed. Mike shook his head,
just thankful that nobody else was around.

“Why don’t you try
it?” asked Chris, still trying to even the scores.

“Oh us girls are far
too bashful for that,” said Louise, rubbing a hand down her crossed leg,
nonchalantly brushing away a gleam of perspiration.

Just as she did so the
sauna door swung open, and three familiar faces joined them, much to the men’s
consternation. It was busty Annika, long limbed Johanna and sweet Maria, the
three girls from the bar last night. Dressed in fluorescent pink, yellow and
green skimpy bikinis, they sat themselves on the bench in between the swim-suited
women, the naked men.

Speechless, but
giggling, the smiles on their faces said it all. Although it was a local custom
for people to go nude, it was usually fat bald guys, not the kind of hunks
seated next to them.

Mike gave them a nod
of acknowledgement, but his head dropped seeing their smirking faces. Chris was
rubbing his eyes, thinking of all the people it had to be them. They’d been
gawping at them the whole of last night and now it was their turn. God sure had
a funny sense of justice. Oblivious Jen and Louise watched on, taking delight
in their discomfort, feeling an incredible sense of empowerment showing off
their nude partners for their amusement.

The women decided to
stay a little longer, let the young girls have their fun. The sauna was soon
full of the laughter and chatter of the gawping girls. Mike and Chris had by
now accepted their position as pure eye candy and were just doing their best to
chill out. By the time Jen and Louise led them out of the sauna, the men had
been surveyed from head to toe by the young Austrian girls. Things had
certainly heated up and the ladies wanted their men all to themselves.

When they got back to
the cabin darkness had fallen. Mike and Chris got the fire going as the women
headed to their rooms. It was time to give the guys something back for being
such gentleman throughout the day. When they reappeared they were dressed in
flimsy, silk nightwear, the sort that wouldn’t look out of place at a Victoria
Secrets show. Jen’s was a deep, rich burgundy colour. Louise’s a metallic,
light orange. The men’s mouths dropped open.

“Your turn boys,” said
Louise settling herself on the sofa, in front of the now roaring fire.

“I think you can do a
little better than last night,” suggested Jen, flicking on some music she’d
selected specially.

She joined her friend
on the sofa just as the slow, sexy, ever so slightly moody track; ‘If Lovin’
you is wrong’ began playing.

“We want a proper

The men nodded and
spurred on by their girlfriends sexy attire, gave them the show they wanted,
swaying in time to the music, tossing their clothes to an appreciative audience
as they did so. By the time the track had finished, the men stood nude in the
firelight, the state of their arousal all too obvious.

“Have either of you
thought about a career change,” joked Jen.

The men laughed,
seemingly far more at ease about their nudity than the previous evening.

“They’ve certainly got
the bodies for it,” said Louise appreciatively, as her eyes wandered over them.

“I suppose were lucky
to have you all to ourselves. In fact my foot’s feeling a little sore,” said
Jen, looking Mike in the eye, rotating her foot to draw his attention.

Catching her drift, he
bent down on one knee and began a delicate massage.

“And my shoulders are
a little tight,” said Louise, hunching them up, a pretend grimace on her face.

Chris smiled and got
to work on her shoulders.

In no time at all the
men’s hands were roaming freely. Chris having tenderly kissed the nape of
Louise’s neck, sensuously moved on to her front, before scooping her up and
carrying her off to their room, his firm erection pointing the way. Mike meanwhile
was slowly working his way up Jens legs. All that teasing the men had endured
was about to be repaid in full and, by the end of the night, the women would be
more than satisfied, already plotting their next joint holiday.


The students at
Lakeview community college were well into performing the play they’d worked
hard on, in front of their fellow pupils. Standing in the wings waiting
nervously, but excitedly, was Rachael. Dressed in a long flowing red silk
dress, a green wreath around her long, straight, raven like hair. She was
anxious for her part to begin, taking deep breaths to calm herself. The play
was going well, had proceeded without a hitch.

Jack, a dark blond
haired boy, had just finished his minor part. He didn’t have much enthusiasm
for drama, would much rather be outside on the sport’s field. But knew it was a
good way to meet chicks’, gain some much needed extra credit.

As he finished his
couple of lines, he began walking to the side of the stage as on cue Rachael
stepped from the shadows. As Jack passed her he saw her dress trailing behind
her. Surely he wouldn’t, couldn’t, he most certainly did. Stamping his foot
down on the trail of fabric, he smiled watching as Rachael stepped into the
spotlight. There was an almighty tear, as to Rachael’s horror her dress split
right in two, leaving her in just her panties and bra, on stage in front of the
now laughing audience.

What should have been
her moment to shine had become the most embarrassing moment of her young life.
She turned her face crimson, fuming at Jack who was in fits of hysterics. One
day I’m going to get you back for this Jack, one day you’re going to know
exactly how humiliating this feels.


Ten Years Later….


In the years that had
passed, Jack had glided through life without so much as a second glance,
everything he did seemed to turn to gold. At twenty eight years of age he’d
become the star quarter back of a major league football team, was making huge
sums of money, he was an enormous success.

Rachael on the other
hand had found life a grind, nothing seemed to go her way. She’d worked hard,
got a degree and entered a career in television. Having worked her ass off as a
runner, doing the most demeaning jobs possible, she’d reached the grand heights
of assistant to the production editor at a low paying television company. She
felt her job unfulfilling, was in short disappointed with her lot in life.

Little did they know
it, but fate was about to intervene and Jack and Rachael’s paths were about to
cross once more. And this time Rachael would be the one doing the laughing.

The television show
Gladiators was being resurrected and the makers had decided on a celebrity
special to mark its relaunch. Rachael had been given an important role in its
revival, if the show did well she could look forward to a promising career at
the network, if it tanked she was facing a bleak future.

When Jack was
approached to take part, he was only too happy, he’d loved that show as a kid.
Plus of course it was great for his image, with proceeds from the show going to
various charities.

When Rachael heard
Jack was on the show her blood ran cold, she’d never forgiven or forgotten what
he’d done to her. The memory was compounded by the fact she constantly had to
see his smug face advertised around town, staring down from billboards. This
was her chance to get even and she wasn’t going to let it slip.

The day before the
event, Rachael put her plan into action. In the large arena the final checks
were being made to the rigging, lights and other electrical equipment. Rachael
made her way backstage. Her position gave her full access behind the scenes and
she was soon standing in the costume department.

Rifling through a rack
containing the contestant’s costumes, she stopped at an all in one vest and
shorts combo, just like the kind a wrestler wears. A sticker stuck to it spelt
Jack. This was the one. She held it up to the light, the red lycra wouldn’t
cover much even as it was, but smiling devilishly, Rachael began making one or
two adjustments.

The next day the arena
was packed to capacity with screaming fans, excited to get a glimpse of their
heroes. Backstage Jack looked at himself in a full-length mirror. He liked what
he saw, and wasn’t in the least bit apprehensive in the thin lycra that barely
concealed him. His body was tanned and buff, and the outfit showed it off well.
As he made his way into the arena surrounded by a host of bubbly lovelies and
hangers on, he was calm and confident.

Stood in the tunnel
that led out into the arena was Rachael, she’d lost her puppy fat over the
years and as Jack passed her, he didn’t recognise her. She ran her eyes over
his athletic tanned body, lingered on his firm ass, remembered that day all
those years ago.

The arena erupted into
applause on his entrance. Rachael walked out and inconspicuously stood on the
sideline near the tunnel. She watched as Jack stretched and lunged, soaked up
the acclaim of the crowd. By the end of today Jack will have some idea what it
felt all those years ago, he won’t know what hit him, she thought vengefully.

The first event up was
Powerball. This involved the contestants taking balls from a crate at opposing
ends and placing them in various hoops arranged over the court. The gladiator’s
job was to stop them. Jack looked at the gladiators, they were muscular yes,
but also big and bulky, this was going to be a breeze.

Rachael watched Jack
pick up one of the sponge balls. She had a microphone attached to her head so
she could direct the camera operators. She made sure they caught Jack’s cocky
smirk. It was played on the big screen in one corner that ensured no one missed
a second of the action. Maybe a few more balls would be on show before long,
Rachael hoped.

The event played out
like Jack had expected, he was too quick, fit and nimble for the gladiators,
whose bulk slowed them down. Despite the straining muscles, all of the
contestant’s costumes stayed on. By the end, Jack had scored a healthy points
tally and was gloating in his success. Lizzy, the leggy blonde presenter in a
short leather skirt was quickly on the scene to interview.

“Jack, you made
mincemeat of them guys,” she said glancing down at the slight bulge in his
small outfit. “It seems your day job stood you in good stead.”

“Thanks Lizzy, yeah
those guys don’t have anything I ain’t seen before. They’re just big
pussycats,” he said, enjoying winding them up.

All three gladiators
were pulling angry faces to the camera, acting out their personas.

“Oooh, be careful now
they don’t always play nice, but tell me Jack you’ve got speed, strength and
stamina, just what is your weakness?”

He looked her up and
down, his trademark grin appearing as he did so.

“Hot blondes Lizzy,
hot blondes.”

“Aren’t you the
charmer,” she said, succumbing to his charm. “Well done, good luck with the
next event.”

Lizzy gave him a peck
on the cheek after the camera had cut, taking advantage of the perks of the job
as she saw it. Like Rachael she checked out his ass through the thin material
as he walked away.

Next up was the wall
and Jack proved just as successful as he had in the first event. He flew up it,
the gladiator in hot pursuit stood no chance. Jack stood at the top saluting
the crowd, much to Rachael’s irritation. Little did anyone know, but a small
and imperceptible tear had developed on the shoulder of Jack’s outfit, a result
of some loose stitches courtesy of Rachael.

As he gloated he was
joined again by Lizzy and preceded to revel in his prowess, flexing his biceps
and grinning for the camera. When they stopped rolling he gratuitously flirted
with the presenter, telling her how he’d love to see more of her, one hand
firmly planted on her behind. It was almost prescient, except that in a few
moments it would be her, rather than him, doing all the seeing.

The third event was
called Hang tough. This was it. As Jack limbered up he looked at the gladiator
on the platform across from him. He looked angry, was a beast of a man, all
bulging muscles. His gladiator name Rhino suited him. The object of the event
was to swing across the rings that hung from the ceiling and reach the opposing
platform. The catch was that Rhino would be doing his utmost to stop him.

The crowd by now were
fully immersed in the action, the Amazonian female gladiators watched from the
sidelines interested to see if Jack could make it three out of three. Lizzy
stood having her make up brushed up, ready for the events end. Rachael had a
good vantage point below, was desperate for something to happen, give the crowd
and television viewers something they’d never seen before. Her prayers were
about to be answered.

“On my whistle,” said
the adjudicator. “Ready…Set…Go!”

A roar rippled around
the arena as the two men swung out onto the rings. Jack headed to the right
flank, gliding effortlessly, his strong upper body strength from all the years
playing football standing him in good stead. Rhino pure power, tracked his
movements, his face etched in a frown, this guy’s going down. The crowd in a
frenzy cheered as the two men swiftly headed towards each other. Perceiving the
outcome, Jack changed course and swung inwards, quickly from ring to ring.
Rhino stayed with him, this suckers mine.

The men collided with
an almighty thud in the centre of the rings. It wasn’t enough to bring either
one of them down. Both men hung on, and as the momentum carried them back into
one another, Rhino stretched out an arm to bring him down. Jack smashed it
aside. The crowd rose to fever pitch.

Yet, as Jack tried
reaching, straining, for a different ring in a desperate effort to take him
away from Rhino’s grasp, he couldn’t make it. As their momentum carried them
into one another for a second time, Rhino got his man. Jack held on for dear
life as Rhino, limpet like, clamped onto him, pressing his entire weight trying
to bring him down. In his attempt, Rhino gripped the thin straps that went over
Jacks shoulders. At this point it appeared there was only one inevitable

But then it happened.
In the blink of an eye Jack’s outfit tore completely in two, Rhino plummeted to
the pool of soft balls below, cushioning his fall. There was an audible gasp
from the crowd as Jack hung stark naked from the rings, a piece of red material
dangling from one foot, all that remained of his costume. There was a split
second pause before laughter filled the arena as Jack’s small, stubby penis,
and tiny balls, dangled exposed to their gaze. The area was starkly highlighted
by pale white skin, tan lines delineating where his shorts would normally be.

“I want a camera on
that cock,” yelled Rachael into her headset, above the din of the cheering and
jeering of the crowd.

Jack had two options,
fall and protect his modesty or continue on and take the points. The competitor
in him kicked in. He swung on, him and his little todger, much to the amusement
of the thousands of people watching in the arena and the thousands more back
home on television. And of course Rachael who was revelling in her revenge.

When Jack got to the
platform he was greeted by smiling, leggy Lizzy, who was slightly flummoxed by
having star quarterback Jack Luscombe naked before her.

“That was very um, er,
revealing,” she said, searching for the right words, as she looked him up and

Jack was covering his
crown Jules with his hands, but the big screen was repeatedly replaying the
moment of his exposure and the shot of his small penis, much to the delighted

“But you got there in
the end,” finished Lizzy recovering some composure.

“Yeah,” replied Jack
sheepishly, still breathing heavily and blushing from head to toe. “It
obviously didn’t quite go to plan,” he muttered for once lost for words.

“I’ll say, but you
gave us a great show,” said beaming Lizzy seeing Jack edge away, clearly
desperate to end the interview.

Lizzy was enjoying
this way too much to end it just yet.

“And what about your
opponent, was he a big pussycat, he certainly shredded your clothing,” she said
lifting her hand claw like and laughing.

“Oh yeah yeah, he um,
put up a good fight,” said Jack monosyllabically.

“You might want to
even up that tan,” she said pointing a finger at his groin.

Jack raised his
eyebrows unimpressed.

“Well I’ll let you put
some clothes on and cover up, much to the displeasure of all the ladies out
there. Like I said great show out there.”

“Thanks,” said Jack
deflated, quickly moving to the ladder and getting down off the platform and
away from the thousands of prying eyes still on him.

Lizzy got to see
Jack’s ass, naked and bare this time. ‘Who would have thought it,’ she thought
smiling, looking over to the monitor for a second viewing. After Jack had
descended the ladder he stormed off down the tunnel. Someone from the show
passed him a towel as he did so, which he took ungratefully, muttering curse
words, irate at what had just happened.

Little did he realise
it, but that person was his fellow college alumni Rachael. She watched as he
covered himself and disappeared off to the changing area, a broad smile spread
across her face. Now they were finally even.

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