CFNM Revenge Tales (11 page)

BOOK: CFNM Revenge Tales
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The two women she
escorted were mother and daughter, Mediterranean in appearance. Both of them
all smiles too, as they laid their eyes on Adam. Having sat down in chairs
fronting the desk, Ms Davenport and the two ladies got down to discussing
business related matters.

Adam quickly zoned out
of the conversation, the intensity of the sensation in his cock too much of a
distraction. He was beginning to wonder why it was called a boner and not a
cementer. It certainly felt as hard as cement. Out of the corner of his eye he
felt the women taking sneaky glances, but whenever he turned towards them they
were facing Ms Davenport. Adam was doing his best to look straight ahead,
trying to avoid looking at the daughter.

She was wearing an
incredibly short red skirt, which had rode up, and was revealing the underside
of some upper thigh, tantalisingly close to one ass cheek. She must have been
in her early twenties and in the flush of womanhood. It somehow made Adam’s
predicament all the more uncomfortable, baring all to a young women, who’d
maybe only seen two or three penises in her short life.

Adam had little choice,
however, except to grin and bear it and present himself to the clothed ladies.
As the meeting came to a close the two women took one, long, obvious gaze in
Adam’s direction before leaving.


Ms Davenport stood in front of Adam inspecting the strength
of his cock. It hadn’t wilted at all she noted pleasingly. Judging by it, the
gel was sure to be a success.

“Thirsty?” she asked.
Adam nodded his throat was feeling perched.

Having filled a glass
of water from the cooler, Ms Davenport poured the liquid into Adam’s mouth like
she was watering an expensive office plant. His arms were still clenched behind
him, he was doing his utmost to avoid touching himself. A few drops dripped
onto Adam’s chest, a few onto his swollen erection. There light touch made his
cock throb.

“Oops, how clumsy of
me,” said Ms Davenport, dabbing one finger onto his chest to mop up the water,
and then another without warning onto the tip of Adam’s excited cock. The touch
felt heavenly, yet excruciating because of its briefness. Ms Davenport smiled
her thin smile.

“Don’t get too
excited, I wouldn’t want there to be any accidents, the floors just been
cleaned you know,” she said returning to the desk.

Three more meetings
took place in the next two hours, each with mature friends of Ms Davenport. All
of the women took great delight in the spectacle that greeted them. They seemed
to Adam to generally talk about business, but every now and then he would hear
a turn of phrase like; ‘The Dow-Jones certainly is up today’ or ‘isn’t there a
stiff breeze blowing outside.’

In the second meeting, Ms
Davenport showed the lady some pictures of her grandchildren on her phone, upon
which she said ‘Ahh look how large little dick has got.’ The women were clearly
having fun at his expense. After the meetings had concluded Ms Davenport told
him she was going out for lunch.

“Lisa will watch over
you while I’m gone, and I want you to treat her every order as if it was my
own.” She tapped his cock ensuring his attention. “Is that understood?”

“Yes Ms Davenport,” he
said submissively.


He watched her stride
out the room, wondering when this torment would end.

Ms Davenport’s pretty
golden haired assistant, Lisa, sat slightly to Adam’s right, directly facing
him. Her nipples were hard under the thin peach material covering her soft,
firm breasts. She was crunching on an apple.

“I still don’t
understand,” she was saying, referring to Adam’s actions this morning. He’d
told her about trying to take the gel, why he was being disciplined.

“I wouldn’t dare risk
crossing Ms Davenport,” she said mentally stroking his willy.

“I’m beginning to see
why,” Adam replied. There was a gentle tap on the door. They both looked
towards it.

“Come in,” said Lisa

In walked Keeley, the
bubbly and sexy secretary who had witnessed Adam’s explosive performance last
week. Lisa and her were good friends and when she’d learnt of the
uncompromising situation Adam had found himself in, there was no way she’d was
going to miss it.

She looked sensational
in a charcoal grey pinstriped dress. Below the midriff the short dress was
pleated like a tennis skirt, she wore sexy black boots. Adam found her
incredibly attractive and couldn’t believe it, he’d tried his best all last
week to avoid her, and yet here she was seeing him stark bollock naked once
more, his pecker pointing obscenely to the ceiling.

“Hi Adam,” she said
smiling, her eyes taking all of him in. “What is it with you and your willy.”

“Is there something I’m
missing?” asked Lisa as she threw her finished apple in the bin.

Keeley moved a chair
next to Lisa and recounted the events of last week in graphic detail. She’d
brought Adam a sandwich telling him a ‘big boy like you needs to keep his
stamina up.’ He took it gratefully and scoffed it as Keeley talked. The
distraction did little to prevent his blushing. The two young women were
displaying a lot of flesh, making the most of their light tanned skin and the hot
summer. They were the kind of women who could put the heat on any man, never
mind one with virility enhancing gel slathered over his cock.

“How much fun do you
want to have?” Keeley asked.

“As much as we can get
away with,” Lisa replied, looking up at Adam naughtily.

Keeley extracted a
white feather from her purse. The young women smiled and giggled excitedly.

“Erm Adam, could you
come a little closer please,” asked Keeley.

Adam did as was told
and stood between them. He knew they had all the power. All Lisa had to do was
tell Ms Davenport he’d been disobedient and he’d be in for it. Keeley,
grinning, slowly ran the feather up and down the underside of Adam’s shaft,
slowly over the sensitive dark pink glands on the end of his knob.

His cock twitched at the
light, light, touch of the feather, it was an intoxicating mix of pleasure and
unbearable desire. He was gasping for more when Keeley stopped and handed the
feather over to Lisa, as the two women continued their relentless teasing.

“What do you think we
should nickname Adam’s big schlong?” asked Keeley.

“How about the Loch
Ness monster,” said Lisa, gently tickling Adam’s engorged helmet. Both of them
burst into spontaneous fits of laughter.

“No,” said Keeley.
“Adam’s cock is far too hard for that. How about….Big Bertha….or
Stallion....he’s certainly hung like a horse.”

The ladies were in
hysterics. Adam was trembling at their touch, he didn’t how much more of this
he could take. Lisa handed the feather back to Keeley.

“I’ve got it Big
Ben…ding dong,” said Lisa.

“After the cock
tower,” cried Keeley almost crying in hysterics.

Adam felt a deep rise
and fall within him, his jaw clenched, his eyes rolled back. Noticing his
overly excited prick, Lisa told Keeley to stop. It was too late, yet just in
time. A small, but definite drop of white cum dribbled from the opening of
Adam’s urethra. Keeley had stopped just in time, preventing a full blown

“That was close,” said
Keeley, carefully wiping the mess from the end of Adam’s penis.

“A little too close, I
don’t think Ms Davenport would take to kindly if Adam shot his load without her
permission,” said Lisa, highlighting Adam’s utter subordination. Keeley put the
feather away. Adam didn’t know whether if it was because of what happened, but
he suddenly had the strongest urge to pee and was hopping on one foot. The two
women giggled as his cock bounced around.

“Lisa, this is no
joke, I really need to pee,” he said in discomfort.

“Can’t you bend it
forward or something?” asked Keeley.

He took hold of his
cock and tried to push it forward, but it was just too stiff and sprang back
slapping against his belly. The two young women were trying their best not to
burst into more hysterics.

“Ah, Ah, Ah, Ms
Davenport said no touching,” warned Lisa.

“I’ve got an idea,”
Keeley said smiling naughtily.

Adam held himself up
by his strong arms, and leaned his legs, ass and back against the wall for
support, his entire body was upside down. Keeley took hold of his cock, which
now pointed downwards, placing the glass from the water cooler under it.

“Go ahead,” she

Adam thought of
monsoon rains, cascading waterfalls and felt a sensation of relief wash over
him as a steady stream of urine filled the glass. The release felt good. Lisa watching
on shook her head, laughing at the bizarre sight. It was like something out of
a sordid carnival show. Adam couldn’t believe he’d now not only shot his load
into a glass for Keeley, but also peed into one. Keeley dabbed at his cock,
cleaning any excess fluid before Adam righted himself.

“As good as new,” said
Keeley looking down at his still bone rigid dick.

“I’ll take those,”
Lisa said taking the glass and tissue away to be discarded, leaving Keeley and
Adam alone for a second. Adam sensed an opportunity to end this agonising

“Please finish me off
Keeley,” Adam implored. “I’m desperate,” he begged, thrusting his stiff cock
towards her.

He no longer cared
about his dignity or any semblance of respect, but knew if he were to do it
himself, without permission, there’d be severe consequences.

Keeley was enjoying
feeling such power over this buck-naked hunk. She held a finger up to her mouth
as if thinking about it. She knew Adam had his flaws, but when the layers were
stripped back, he wasn’t all bad. He just had a huge ego that made him act
inconsiderately, with a lack of empathy. This discipline was definitely doing
him good she thought.

“I’m sorry Adam,” she
said finally. “But I just can’t get Lisa into any trouble."

Adam’s shoulders slumped
forward in despair the agony was to continue.

Keeley soon left, and
on the hour, Adam was stood back at his spot by the desk when Ms Davenport
returned. She was accompanied by a red-headed women in her forties, in a black
trouser suit, who didn’t seem fazed in the slightest seeing a stark naked man, with
a thick, stiff, seven inch cock standing in the office. He’d clearly been
discussed over lunch.

“Any trouble Lisa?”

“No, good as gold.”

Lisa gave Adam a wink.

“Good,” Ms Davenport
said nodding. “That’ll be all for now."

After Lisa had
departed the two women began discussing legal matters. Adam soon gathered from
the conversation that the red headed woman was a high-powered lawyer of some

“So what would the
usual course of action be, for an insubordinate employee caught red handed in
the act of stealing?” asked Ms Davenport.

Adam was clearly
intended to hear this.

“There’d certainly be
strong grounds for outright dismissal, with no compensation for the employee.
Of course, they’d have to re-compensate the company for the cost of any items stolen,”
she replied, clearly enjoying the exchange, knowing exactly whom it was intended

Adam was becoming
increasingly angry at being paraded naked in front of whomever Ms Davenport
chose. He was growing tired of her games and in a pique of frustration, spoke

“Yeah and what’s the
punishment for sexual harassment?”

He regretted the words
as soon as they’d left his lips. Ms Davenport was on him in a flash.

“How dare you!” she
roared, standing in his face, his stiff cock only millimetres from touching her
cream skirt. “The door is there,” she said gesturing towards it. “You have my
permission to leave at any time.”

She’d called his
bluff, his feet remained firmly where they were.

“No, in that case keep
your mouth firmly shut unless spoken to,” she said coolly looking him over, as
if unbelieving of his temerity. “In fact get on your knees, you don’t deserve
to look at me at eye level.”

Adam kneeled and felt
the cool polished marble floor against his knees. With his arms clenched behind
him he looked like a prisoner of war, obeying an enemies command. Ms Davenport
returned to her seat.

“Can you believe the
cheek of it,” she said to the smirking redhead, who’d enjoyed seeing the
clearly frustrated and, tetchy male stud, put back in his place.

She’d been impressed
by Ms Davenport’s strong decisive authority. The way she’d speedily got the
strapping man completely under her control again.

Ms Davenport’s action
ensured the remainder of the meeting passed without incident. Adam’s new
kneeling position felt even more embarrassing, if that was possible. It also
meant his hard cock was always in his eye line, wherever he’d look, he couldn’t
but be reminded of his intense arousal. As soon as the redhead left, Ms
Davenport loomed over him.

“If you ever
disrespect me like that again, you’ll lose far more than just your job!”

BOOK: CFNM Revenge Tales
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