Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2) (23 page)

BOOK: Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2)
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I clear my throat as I huskily ask, “Jason, can you un-cuff me so I can shower?” He blinks a few times almost as if he is in some kind of trance. I look away as he walks slowly over to me. I can’t watch him this close. Who knows what will come out of my mouth or what my hands will do if I watch him un-cuff me. But I cannot deny how he makes my body react this close. I can smell his body wash. It’s fresh and woodsy. Mixed with his masculine smell and I can already feel myself turning into a pile of goo. My breathing starts to quicken as does my heart rate. My body instantly starts to hum, almost as if calling out to him to touch me. To make me feel those sweet and delicious pleasures he gave me before. I want that. I need that. He is quickly becoming an addiction I shouldn’t want. I shouldn’t be getting aroused. My pussy shouldn’t be aching to be filled with his fat cock. My nipples shouldn’t be standing in attention pointing directly at him. Damn. I fucking want him so much right now that it’s starting to become painful. 

I suck in a deep breath and take a chance to look at him. I have to know he is affected as much as I am. I have to know he wants me just as much as I want him. This need … or whatever this is, is not one sided. I know that. There is no way I am the only one feeling this connection between us. 

And when I lock eyes with him, I lose all the breath in my lungs. I gasp and I have to swallow a few times at what I see staring directly at me. 

Jason wants me. 

Jason needs me. 

All doubts about him wanting me disappears. I have only ever seen his eyes turn normal brown to a dark brown, almost black color. When I see them now, even though it shouldn’t be possible, his eyes are the lightest brown I have ever seen. They almost look like an amber color. They are so beautiful and I cannot take my eyes off his. They shine and I swear it feels as if those eyes are staring into my soul. 

Then he blinks and shakes his head. When his gaze returns to me, his eyes are back to the dark brown. Almost as if the darker side of him has reclaimed him again. Jason almost looks as confused as I am about this. Does he know his eyes can do that? It is strange, and I have never seen anything like it, but it is amazing to witness. I hope to see that look more from him. 

It dawns on him that I cannot move from the bed while handcuffed, and with a quick flick of a wrist, I am free of them. I rub my wrists as I get off the bed, careful not to touch him. I am so afraid if I do touch him, even by accident, I won’t want to do anything else for the rest of my life. I am scared to death of how he is making me feel. He watches me retreat to the bathroom and I close the door quietly behind me. I lean against the door trying to get my breathing under control. 

Damn. I need to check his shoulder and I should probably rebandage it. I close my eyes and try to find professional Karen. She’s still within me but I have a really hard time focusing. 

“Fuck it.” I say to myself as I open the door. Jason whips his head to me, and the first thing I notice is he is completely and utterly naked but I only get the back of him. But fuck, what a perfect sight. His ass is tanned just like the rest of him and it’s nothing but muscle. I watch him lean down and put on his briefs. I watch the muscles in his back stretch and move with him. All I want to do is touch him from head to toe. I want to worship his body. He is so fucking beautiful to me. As if he is perfectly made just for me and me alone. 

He turns around and I stare some more. He walks over to me and I am against the wall before I can take in my next breath. 

“Karen, you’re being a sweet temptress today aren’t you?”

What is he talking about? Goodbye brain. It has left the building with a big FU on the way out. I have no idea what he is talking about. I open my mouth to respond, but no words leave. 

“This is a first.” Jason says as he smiles at me. OH MY GOD! I rarely get a smile out of him. I mean one of those genuine smiles where you can see and tell the other person is actually happy or thrilled about something. And when I say rarely, I absolutely mean that. If Jason smiled more at me just like he is now, I will be the perfect pile of goo all the time just for him to play with. That smile does things to me that isn’t medically possible. All I can do is stare at him and take in his gorgeous smile. His perfect white teeth. Those perfect lips stretch across them. Those smile lines on his face that are barely visible because he rarely smiles, but I see them. I take in every detail and commit it into my brain. I will not ever and I mean ever, forget his smile. Knowing this side of him is still there, makes me not worry so much about falling for him. Jason has two sides of himself. There’s one side he tries to portray, and the other he buries deep inside. Just knowing he can be who he really is, makes it easier to feel what I know is already there for him. 

“You keep staring at me like that and I am going to think you want me.”

I shake my head clear and I take a breath. Or two. Okay three. I rack my brain why I came out here instead of jumping under the cold spray I am going to need soon. Then I see a trickle of blood run down his shoulder and I instantly tense. Jason must assume it’s from him and the way he keeps leaning in closer to me, so he backs away from me. 

“You’re ... um ... you’re bleeding. I should probably change your bandage and clean it too.”

He looks down at his shoulder if just now remembering he was shot last night. “Yeah. You should do that.” Is all he says as he sits on the bed. I sigh again at this weird distance between us. It was different when I was fighting how I felt but now, knowing how much this crazy man makes my heart flutter, it makes me feel uneasy still. The thought of him leaving me now makes my stomach knot and I feel nauseous from it. I don’t want to sound like an insecure girlfriend, but come on. I don’t even know what I am to him. I know nothing about him really. All the things I have learned since meeting him may or may not be the truth. I don’t like that Jason probably lied to me. I don’t like not knowing anything about him. I don’t even know what part of Texas he’s from. 

I reach down to get the first aid kit and walk over to the sink to grab a wash cloth and a towel. Jason has yet to move and he has been staring straight ahead this entire time. I don’t know if he is dreading this, or if he has something he wants to tell me and doesn’t know how to tell me. I lightly touch his good shoulder. His head snaps at me almost if he is confused by my touch. I can see the uncertainty and wonder in his eyes. He has dropped that damn mask right now and I smile at him for it. I want him to show me the real him. Not the person he pretends to be. Yes he may be a cave man at heart, but that’s not all who he is. There is way more under that farce he tries so hard to keep in place. I take my hand and I move across his shoulder, up to his neck, and cup his cheek. He leans into me and lets out a loud breath, almost as if he has been holding it in. He closes his eyes as I continue to hold him. I have wanted to do this from the very first time we met. I was always too scared or wanted that sort of control over the affection. Plus I knew he really didn’t like me to touch him. At least that’s what it seemed like to me. Now, he acts almost starved for my touch. I don’t want to move my hand. I want to keep it here on him forever if I can. But I see his wound is still bleeding and I regrettably pull my hand away. 

He looks at me and I give him a small smile before I start cleaning his wound. He watches me as I lightly clean off the blood. We don’t say anything even though a million things need to be said. I take my time cleaning his wound and I use this as an excuse to keep touching him. While one hand pats dry the area, my other hand touches his arm. The one covered in the amazing art work. I might have gotten a little carried away touching the angel on his arm and the demon on his side, but Jason doesn’t seem to mind. He watches me and I notice his skin reacts to my light touch. Little goose-bumps appear all over him and his nipples turn into pebbles. I like that my touch makes him react this way. 

I hate that I have to stop touching him to apply the bandage. I step back and clean up the mess I have made. I am about to put the kit back into this bag when he grabs my arm. The kit falls to the floor along with my stomach. I am not scared of his grip on my arm. It isn’t forceful. Just enough to stop all thoughts, all movement, and I have even stopped breathing. I look at him and I can’t figure out what I am seeing. It’s a mixture of fear and lust. Is Jason just as scared of how strong our connection and feelings are for each other? Surely not. 

He slowly pulls me to him and he places my hands on top of his shoulders. I look down at him and he gazes up to me. I use this opportunity to make my hands to his hair that is now looking shaggy. He needs a haircut. But I don’t care about that. His hair is actually softer than I thought it would be and it smells just as good as the rest of him. I run my fingers through the dark mane causing his eyes to close. His whole body starts to sag in relaxation. I want to move and touch him everywhere. 

I start to retract my hands when he grabs me again as he says, “No. Don’t stop.” He says this so low I think I misheard him. But as soon as I start to run my fingers through his hair again he lets go of me and closes his eyes again. He is really enjoying this. 

“My mother used to run her fingers through my hair just like you are.”

His statement about his mother shocks the living shit out of me. For a moment I pause, making sure to go over what he said in my head to make sure I didn’t miss what he said. For once he freely shares something from his past with me. I like he feels comfortable enough to at least share that with me. Even if it was something small, I will take what I can get. 

I don’t say anything, afraid he might regret telling me this. I want more from him. So much more. But I don’t push him. I know that demanding anything from him sets him off and the monster that I know is lying in wait is there. The last thing I want is to ruin this moment with him. I feel as if we have taken a huge step forward. I don’t want to mess that up with my big mouth. But I have to know why his mood was so much different when he finally came back to the motel. 

With a shaky voice I ask, “Did something happen to you after you left and stayed out all night? You were covered in some kind of grey substance.”

“I burned down one of the houses my mother and I lived in when I was younger.”

Wow, this huge leap of faith floors me. He’s opening up. “Why?”

“It needed to be done.”

He slowly takes my hand out of his hair and I’m sad he is ending the moment. He places my hands together and pulls me so close to him that I stumble and fall on him. He falls back on the bed and takes me with him, while he keeps a tight hold on my hands. I don’t mind at all. I gladly fall with him and I place my legs on each side of him. It’s crazy how perfectly I fit with him. All conversation from earlier is gone and I can only think of this beautiful man right here with me. My hair hangs in my face and Jason lets go of my hands so he can use his hands to get a clear view. The way he touches my face, and the way he lingers on my skin, sets my body on fire. I look at him and I see that beautiful amber color in his eyes again. I’m beginning to think this color means something. Or maybe the emotion he is feeling makes his eyes change. Whatever it is, I don’t want it to stop. 

We stay like this for what seems hours, but in reality, it is no more than a few seconds. He pulls me slowly and painfully closer to his mouth and I know what he wants from me. I lean down and tenderly touch my lips to his. I do it again, twice more before I’m on my back with my hands above my head. Jason’s eyes have turned black with lust and I love it. He crashes his lips to mine and bites my lips when I don’t open for him. I want him to work for it and he knows it. 

“My little vixen wants to play?” Jason asks me with a grin. I like this side of him. Almost as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. I smile at him letting him know that I do want to play. I want him to consume me with everything he has. And he does. He takes my mouth again and this time I let him in. We both moan as our tongues touch each other. His taste is unlike anything I have ever tasted. His heat from his body is unlike anything I have ever felt before. I love the feel of him on top of me, dominating me, controlling my body to his will. The feel of him is addicting. His taste, smell, and the way he holds my hands above my head, it’s all addicting. I will be forever changed by this man and I don’t give a shit. 

As Jason continues taking over my mouth, one of his hands start to travel down my sides. He slowly pulls up my shirt, and pushes my bra up over my breasts. He assaults my mouth and my breasts at the same time. He grabs them roughly, pulling and pinching my nipples. They go rock hard for him without much effort. It never takes much from this man to get my blood pumping. He lets me up for air while kissing and biting my neck. I know he is going to leave marks again, but I don’t care. I want the world to know he is mine and I belong to him. My possessiveness takes me by surprise. I have never felt this way about anyone. I don’t dwell on it too much, considering Jason has now gone south and has my pants unbuttoned. He slides down my body slowly, ever so slowly. He has lust and excitement in his eyes. He pulls my pants off just as slow and tosses them to the side. He opens my legs making room for his body. He teases me by kissing the inside of my thighs while his hands grips the outside of my thighs. He doesn’t have to tell me to keep my hands where they are. I know I can’t move them. I am dying to put my hands in his black hair and pull him to my sweet spot that is soaking wet for him. But I don’t. I take the covers in my hands and hold on as tightly as I can. I moan and close my eyes as he comes inches away from my pussy. The only thing separating him and my flesh is the silky panties I am wearing. Why did I wear panties today? 

BOOK: Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2)
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