Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2)
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Jason stops all movement when he gets to my pussy. He blows his hot breath on my clit and I moan in response. I lick my lips knowing I am going to enjoy this just as much as he is. I jump a bit when I feel his fingers start to touch me. He is ever careful not to penetrate me. Always on the outside, making me mad with lust. 

And finally, finally I feel his hot tongue give one lick on me. He starts from the bottom and goes all the way up to my clit. I call his name loudly, wanting more and more. 

He shoves two fingers inside of me, almost making me come already. He is slow and hard with his movements. He lifts my legs over his shoulder and he makes more room for himself. I can feel his fingers working their magic inside of me. I grip the comforter trying like hell to remember not to move my damn hands. Jason gives me another long slow lick and I am about to come undone. I hear him groan and I feel him move to lick me again-




The sound of someone knocking on our door makes both of us jump up like we’re two teenagers being caught doing something we’re not supposed to be doing. 

“Jason! Are we fucking going or not?” Frankie’s voice coming on the other side of the door makes me sigh in relief. At least it’s someone we know. Well someone Jason knows. 

“Goddammit!” Jason says as he gets off the bed. 

I know I’m not getting off now. I don’t move. I’m too high on lust. My legs start to shake and I am still breathing uncontrollably. What a fucking let down. I still want Jason’s hot mouth on me. I still want those skillful fingers of his inside of me. Fucking Frankie. 

“Get dressed. I have to go.”

I groan as I get off the bed and reluctantly pull my clothes on. I walk back over to the bed knowing if Jason is leaving I am going to be tied to the bed. I can’t hide the disappointment on my face. I don’t want to be tied up anymore. Hell I want him to continue what he started. 

Jason looks at me and walks over to the door. He says something to Frankie that I don’t catch because they are talking to softly. They both come back into the room and to my surprise, Frankie takes off his boots and grabs the TV remote. He moves a chair on the side of the bed close to the door and sits down. 

What the fuck? 

Jason walks over to me leans down close to me and says, “I have to go. Don’t try anything stupid.”

He gives me a quick peck on my lips and with that he leaves me utterly confused and needy. 


For the past hour and a half I regretted leaving Frankie with Karen. Then I tell myself over and over that it’s okay. These two thoughts running through my head are throwing me off my game. I am supposed to be on the lookout for Roderick’s crew. I need to know what the fuck they are up to. Roderick’s been acting strange and my instincts are telling me he is planning something. But that nagging worry about Karen being left with Frankie is driving me mad. 

I don’t know why I just didn’t tie her ass up again. I don’t know why, but when I saw the look of disappointment on her face, it got to me so much. What the fuck is happening to me? Not once in my life have I hesitated. That isn’t me. I don’t fucking think before I do anything. I never think of the consequences until later. I always dealt with the fall out later. Karen is changing me and she doesn’t even realize it. It’s frustrating as hell knowing I can’t focus, or think of anything besides of Karen. 

I cannot fuck this up, or let Roderick know I am following him or his men. That bastard is planning something. That phone call put it all in perspective for me. I knew when he started asking questions about who I am and where I am from. He isn’t the most discreet guy about the information he wanted. I don’t know if it’s to get back at me and the crew that fucked up his drug scheme, or just because he is a fucking asshole. I tried over and over for the past two weeks to get him to see that I had no idea what happened with the cop raid. I know we had a rat in our midst, but I couldn’t tell Roderick that. He couldn’t know anything that could come back to bite me in the ass later. 

I have a plan. 

Eliminate Roderick and his men out all at once and wipe my hands clean of this shit. I have other things to worry about. The sooner I take out the trash the better off I will be. I just need all his men in one place so I can carry out my plan. I don’t think I can pull of my plan if they don’t go to their normal warehouse for their weekly meetings. I can’t let them figure out what I am doing. 

Thinking of Karen all the time isn’t helping my plan. Thinking of Karen’s hot pussy on my fingers isn’t helping, and thinking of Karen’s sweet pussy on my tongue is definitely not helping. I don’t know what had come over me when Karen asked to know why I picked her. A part of me wanted to tell her everything. I wanted her to know I didn’t want her just because Dominic ordered to me follow her and get to know her. The first night we met, I felt something I had never felt before. I still don’t fully understand how she makes me feel the things I do. I don’t fucking understand the emotion part at all. 

I never felt this way when I was with Rachel. Yes I thought I loved her but now? Was it really love? If anything I pretended to love her. I don’t even know what love feels like. Nothing like this has ever happened with me before. Fucking and killing is what I am good at. I don’t know how to sort through these emotions. Dominic trained me well at hiding and pushing feelings away. Maybe if I had a normal childhood or hell even a normal life period I would know what this feeling meant. 

I slouch down in the seat when I see Rodrick’s car leave the driveway. I know where he’s going. Once it’s safe for me to sit up straight again, I turn on the truck and keep my distance in following him. He’s going back to his warehouse. I have no idea what he and his crew do in there but I have a pretty good idea. Drugs, guns, and probably a hooker or two are in that warehouse. 

When it takes longer than I would’ve liked for Roderick to get to his destination, part of me thinks he might suspect being followed. I am very good at what I do. Trained by the best himself and I have learned over the years what I have to do to protect myself at all costs. There is no room for error in my line of work.

My dark side is ready for this, has been ready for quite some time. It’s always the same every time, I feel high right before a good killing. That rush of adrenaline. My hands should be shaking with all the endorphins coursing through my veins, but they are as still as a dead body. My heart should be racing, but it’s calm. Beating at a normal rhythm. It’s strange my body’s reaction right before I kill people. With Karen it is a whole different feeling. Why is that? I have no fucking idea, and I’m not about to ponder that thought. Not while I have shit to do and people to kill.

I watch Roderick get out of his car and walk inside the warehouse. I park a few blocks away, trying to blend in with the surroundings. I have been waiting for this all fucking day. One upside is that it’s getting dark out. That will work better for my end game. 

I get out of my truck and open the door to the back seat. I pull up the seat and grab a few guns, a knife, and some C4 explosives. I put my handy toys into another bag and as quietly as I can, I shut the door and make my way to the warehouse. Roderick thinks he is going to take me out of the picture. I had a feeling he might after our big fuck up with the cops, but I hoped he wasn’t as stupid as the others. I never heard him say he wanted me dead, but I knew it would be coming. He would send one of his crew members to do the job of course. He wouldn’t bother taking care of the problem himself. Which is why I am doing what I am doing. Beating him to the punchline. 

Hugging the shadows till I reach the warehouse, I find a dark place to set my toys down and get to work with the explosives. I work fast and delightedly as I set them up all around the warehouse making sure I have enough time to make it back to the truck. I really don’t need these fuckers to go off before it’s time. I want to be as far away as possible when this shit blows. 

I am on the last one when I hear footsteps around the back of the warehouse. I try and hurry the fuck up knowing I’m about to be seen. I finish setting the timer and I reach around and pull out my gun from the back of my pants. I almost get the safety clicked off when I hear him yell at me. 

“Who the fuck are you? What are you doing out here?” 

I don’t say anything as I turn and point my gun at him. Before I can shoot the asshole, he fires first hitting me in the shoulder. I don’t think of the sudden pain as I line up his head and pull the trigger. I don’t think twice about the now dead asshole as I put my gun back into my pants and start to leave. I have to get the fuck out of here. I know the other crew members heard us shooting and they will be out here within minutes to check on the disturbance. 

I ignore my shoulder as I grab my bag and run back to my truck. I toss the bag into the back of the truck and get in. Shutting the door fucking blows, and I have to use my right arm to shut it. I hope the bullet went through. Fuck I don’t need to dig a goddamn bullet out tonight. I take a quick look at my shoulder and all I can see is blood. Fuck I don’t need this. My hand slips in the slick of my blood now trailing down my arm and chest. I rip a piece off my shirt and try to wrap the wound. It’s a lot harder doing this by myself and again I curse loudly at not bringing Frankie. 

Fucking Karen. 

I let my head fall back against the headrest and try to push the pain away. I close my eyes for a brief second and when I open them, I see a few guys coming out of the warehouse. I look at my watch knowing the explosives are about to go off a second now. Time seems to slowly tick by and then, it’s the perfect time.

I smile when the warehouse goes up in flames and pieces of debris go flying in all directions. There is no way anyone could’ve survived that blast. Even knowing that I still sit right where I am, just in case. I don’t leave until I see a fire truck and cops swarm the place. I smile the whole way back to the motel, knowing I now have one less problem to deal with. 

I get out of the truck and sigh. I lean against the truck holding my shoulder. I hope I brought the fucking first aid kit. I cannot go to the hospital. The cops will be asking all kinds of questions and I don’t need that shit tonight. I push myself off the truck and I open the motel door. 

I see Frankie is still in that damn chair and Karen is sitting on the bed. They both look at me as I shut the door. Karen sees me and the first things she sees is I am bleeding. She jumps off the bed and runs to me. Her concern confuses me. 

“What the hell happened?” 

I don’t know how to respond back to her so I keep quiet. I don’t want her knowing what I do. 

“Jason what happened to you?” she asks me again. 

“Nothing. I’m fine.”

“You’re bleeding. Sit down. I need to take a look at it.”

I do as she says and I sit on the bed. Frankie looks over to me and I nod my head at him. There is no point at him staying with us anymore now. 

“You can head back now. It’s done. Call Duff and he will send someone out in the morning to pick you up.”

Frankie doesn’t say anything. He nods his head at me letting me know he understands and he leaves the room. I look over at Karen and she is having a hard time getting my hand made bandage off. I move her hands out of the way and I rip it off me. I clench my jaw trying not to let the pain make me black out. 

“Look in my bag. There should be a first aid kit in there.”

“This looks bad. I’m going to have to stitch this.” She tells me as she looks over my new bullet wound. Just another to add to the collection. 

She places my hand over the wound as she says, “Hold your hand here. Don’t let go. I don’t want you losing any more blood.” 

I watch her as she walks over to my bag and goes through my things. Normally I won’t let anyone touch my shit, but seeing her doing it doesn’t bother me. In fact, it almost feels normal. Natural. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. It must be the blood loss that is making me think and feel this way. Yeah. That’s exactly what it is. 

Karen returns to my side with the first aid kit. Once she has everything she wants and needs laid out, she starts to clean the wound. She takes my hand off my shoulder and I stare straight ahead. I let her do her thing as I sit here. She is very careful and light with her touch. 

“The bullet went all the way through. I am going to have to stitch the wound to stop the bleeding. You should really go to the hospital though. I don’t think any other damage is done, but I can’t be sure.”

I look at her and again her concern for me confuses me. “I’ll be fine. Just stitch me up and I will be good to go in a few days.”

I’m glad she just nods her head and pushes the needle in my skin. I can’t argue. I don’t want to. I’m grateful for her fast stitching. The feeling of pulling and tugging of my skin is not something I want to feel for hours. She finishes with the wound on the back of my shoulder and she moves to the front to repeat the process. First the cleaning, then she starts to stitch me up. I like she’s so close to me. I like that I can smell her jasmine and lavender body wash. It helps calm me. I like that I can feel the warmth from her body. I look to her face as she works and I like the way she looks while working. Her eyebrows are drawn in close to each other as she concentrates. Her breathing is steady as her hands. Her eyes are focused on what she is doing. She’s very good at this. 

BOOK: Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2)
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