Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2) (8 page)

I quickly make the call and I head to Duff’s meeting point. It isn’t too far from where I am so I have time. I don’t want to rush and get pulled over by some fucking pig with nothing else to do. That’s the last thing I need tonight. 

Twenty minutes later, I pull behind a used garage where Duff’s standing by the building. I don’t know him as well as the other guys do, but from what I can tell he is a straight forward kind of guy. Plus he doesn’t waste any time and I’m ready to get back to the motel. I have a feeling Karen might be awake by the time I get back and I want to shower before she sees me covered in blood from tonight. 

Duff and I shake hands and he takes me directly to my new truck. It is a huge step up from what I had and I also like that if we did have a tail, it will be harder to find Karen and I. No one will be expecting me to switch cars so soon. I tell Duff a quick thanks, toss him my old car keys to him, and I get in and drive off. I don’t have to worry with telling Duff what to do with the old car. The guy is smart so he knows what to do with the old car. I’m ready for this night to end. I haven’t had any sleep in the past twenty four hours and I can feel myself about to crash. I hope my old fucking body holds out until I get back to the motel. 

I breathe a deep sigh of relief when I see the shitty motel sign. I quickly hide the duffle bags behind the seats and I lock the truck. The keys jangle loudly as I open the door. It is almost daylight and I can feel myself crashing faster and faster. I make sure Karen is still asleep and yep, she is still out of it. Maybe I can get a few hours of sleep and wake up before she does. I need to shower, but my body demands sleep. Funny how I am in control over everything, but when it is time for lights out, I can’t stop it. 

I don’t even bother taking off my boots or clothes. I just fall into the shitty bed beside Karen, with the feet smelling covers and then it’s lights out for me. 


I wake feeling hot. Very hot. I know where ever we are, is hotter than normal, and I have a feeling we are in the south somewhere. But this heat is different. I feel cocooned by it. Almost as if I am lying in fire. I have a nagging thought it is a familiar feeling, but I don’t try hard to figure that one out.  I try to move away, but I realize I am still tied to the bed and can’t go very far. I just want to some more sleep. I feel groggy and my body is sore. Especially my ass….why is my ass sore? 

As if someone pours cold water on me, my eyes pop open as it all comes back to me. Josh taking me or rather, kidnapping me. Drugging me. I remember running from him and being caught. Him tying me to the bed and then me hitting him with the lamp. Ugh, that was a bad idea. I especially remember how it felt when he was spanking me. I am right back to where I started, tied to this damn bed. I seriously need to stop acting on impulse and think through a plan. I know now my previous plan of getting him to trust me is shot to hell for now at least. I try to move again to get away from the heat. Why is it so hot in here? 

I turn my head towards the heat, and I gasp at what I see. It is Josh. He has me wrapped tightly in his arms, his head buried in my back. I can’t see his face, but I know from past experiences how he looks while sleeping. I used to watch him sleep for hours when he would stay with me. He would look so content, and vulnerable. It was easy for me to fall in love with that Josh. Not the monster I saw last night. 

I thought he would be crueler with me last night, but he wasn’t. Yes, he spanked me like a child, but at the same time, I enjoyed it. I have never experienced anything like it before. Yes, I was spanked as a child, but this was different. This was erotic and I am ashamed to feel this way.  I have to stop fighting how Josh is making me feel and deal with it. Which is easier said than done. I’m more worried he will bring out my inner goddess, and I will submit to him before I know what happened. I am a control freak. I revel in control, or at least I did once Katie died. Some would say I have an illness but for me, it’s what keeps me calm. Things have a place and order. I don’t cope well with surprises and if I don’t have control, my need for it becomes greater. Why am I always thinking of her now? What is it with Josh that brings out my memories of Katie and me? I have to stop thinking of her. 

I want to get out of these ropes. I need to pee badly, but I don’t want to wake Josh. I don’t know which of Josh’s personalities I will be dealing with today. Jekyll or Hyde? And if can get away with nice Josh, best believe I will do that. Nice Josh is easier to handle and to deal with. The other not so nice Josh makes me question everything about myself. Stupid man. How can one man make me feel this way about myself? 

I can’t ignore my aching bladder anymore. I do not want to embarrass myself and go in the bed. I wiggle against him, hoping that will rouse him. He is normally a light sleeper, and when he doesn’t move, I start pushing my ass against him. It is hard to do anything without the use of my hands. I think Josh likes that I am putting my ass on him. He moans and grabs me, pulling me closer and tighter to him. Okay, now I can’t breathe. 

“Josh, wake up,” I say in a hushed voice. I don’t want to startle him awake. Who knows what he will do to me in a sleep haze. 

“Josh,” I call again a little louder as I roll over to face him. I have to repeat this five times before he starts moving around. He groans and puts his arm over his head. That’s when I see all the blood on him. 

“JOSH!” He leaps off the bed, hands out as if he is preparing for a fight. He franticly looks around the room, checking to make sure no one is in the room with us. I pull my legs closer to my body and try sitting up straighter in the bed. Now he is up and in the light, I can see he is covered in blood. He has it on his hands, arms, his shirt is soaked with blood, and it also looks like it is in his hair. It is dark and rustic looking, and I know it is old but the humidity won’t let it dry. It doesn’t look like it comes from him. Which means he is covered in someone else’s blood. 

Did he leave last night? I have no idea if he did or didn’t. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. Josh must have left. I don’t see any dead bodies in the room. Not unless he hid them in the bathroom, but then again, it would’ve been at least a few to have that much blood on him. 

Josh finally figures out there isn’t anyone in our room or trying to attack us. If the situation wasn’t as serious as I am thinking it is, I would’ve laughed at him. He turns to me, wide eyed and steps closer to me. I shake my head no, and try to crawl into a ball. I don’t know if he forgot he has blood on him or not. But what kind of man is he if he can kill someone without a second thought or have any remorse at what he’s done. He finally realizes why I am cowering away from him. He looks down at his hands and drops them at his sides. 

“Fuck. Karen…” 

Maybe he thinks about telling me what happened and thinks better of it. He opens his mouth then closes it. I might never know. He doesn’t finish whatever he is going to say and walks straight to the bathroom. I hear the water come on and thank God he is washing all that blood off. On the other hand, my urge to pee is painful and hearing the running water is antagonizing me. I’m breathing through my nose and  I have to cross my legs while practicing my Kegel exercises just so I don’t piss myself. Thankfully, Josh doesn’t take his time in the shower. He comes out naked again, and goes to his bag for clothes. I can’t even enjoy the nice view I am getting because any minute my bladder is going to explode. And the fact that I know he is a monster.  

“Josh ... I ... I really need to use the bathroom.” Why am I stuttering? I haven’t done that since I was like five. I blame Josh’s hot body for screwing with my brain and its inability to make the words come out right. He nods and comes over to untie me. Once I am free, he doesn’t try to stop me as I run to the bathroom and sit down on the toilet to relieve my bladder. 

When I am finished, I wash my hands and I stand by the sink in the room. I always thought motels were weird for having some rooms with the sink not in with the bathtub or toilet. 

I don’t know what I should be doing. Josh is sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. Whatever’s going through his mind it weighs heavy on him. I don’t know what to do. I stand by the sink instead, wishing I had more clothes on. While I like wearing Josh’s shirt, it isn’t covering enough of me for my comfort. I feel more exposed after last night’s spanking. Least he could’ve gotten me a toothbrush or some sweat pants. 

I am about to ask him what is on his mind when he gets up. He walks over to the window and looks outside. He peers out for a few minutes and walks over to me. 

“I will be right back. Don’t move.”

I cross my arms over my chest and roll my eyes at him. I’m not some child he thinks he can boss around and it is starting to piss me off. He thinks I am being cute or funny. He smiles half smile and walks out the door. I want to go to the window to see what he is up to now. But another part of me, one that I wasn’t yet ready to come to terms with, wants to please him when he comes back and sees that I can listen to his barking orders. A little voice in my head, which I assume is my inner goddess, perks up at my decision to do as I am told. That little bitch needs to mind her own business. She enjoyed last night’s spanking way more than my normal self would. She is now nodding her head at me, and moving on all fours. Great. Now my new half wants to be drilled from behind. 

I rub my eyes feeling a headache coming on. Josh comes back into the room then, with a handful of Walmart bags. When did he go to Walmart? I wish I could’ve seen him in Walmart. The thought of him walking around at a family store makes me giggle. He doesn’t seem the type to shop there. It must have been the way he carries himself that makes me think that. 

He walks over to me silently and hands me the bags. He sees the confused look on my face. Surely he didn’t buy me anything? 

“I bought you some clothes last night. There’s also a toothbrush and a few other items I thought you might need.”

“Thank you,” I whisper back. I don’t know how to act to his kind gesture. I don’t know if he wants to get back on my good side or not. I am going to have to pay more attention to him and keep him at arm’s length. My inner goddess doesn’t like that idea much. She is glaring at me, and keeps pointing at him. I don’t know what she wants but she isn’t getting anything. I ignore her and turn to go into the bathroom. I want a shower, and some time to think through everything that has happened in the past few days. I think Josh knows I don’t want him near me right now and he lets me pass. This is some fucked up Stockholm Syndrome going on. 

I turn to shut the door and then I am reminded that the door is gone. Stupid man. I turn on the water and start to undress. I don’t even bother to see if Josh is watching or not. I just want a hot shower to ease some of the stress and think of a plan. I step under the water and instantly feel better when I feel the hot water wash down my back and legs. 

I stand under the spray, staring at the moldy walls. I need to make Josh see that this isn’t right. I have a feeling he is running from something, or someone. But what that is I can’t tell you. Maybe I can go back to my original plan of getting him to trust me not to run. I can’t stay tied up the entire time he has me. I can also use my body against him. That can work more in my favor. 


I know Josh loves my body. He made that perfectly clear before he went psycho on me. He showed me more than once that he wanted to worship my body in every way possible. That’s another thing I don’t understand. Before all this he wasn’t as controlling in the bedroom. Hell even I took the lead some nights. I didn’t know this part of him even existed. I knew he was dominant by the way he carried himself, and could be a little harsh at times, but I had no idea he would kidnap me and then tie me to the fucking bed. Let’s not forget he is possibly a serial killer. I have to get away from him. I don’t know if I can handle knowing what he did last night or in his past. I can’t handle the way he makes me feel. I can’t feel these feelings for him. It is wrong on so many levels.   

I just need a few minutes of him being distracted so I can get to a phone and call Riley. If I can call her, she will tell someone to come get me. I know she will notice me being gone before anyone. I worry about her and how she will handle that. My friend has enough going on with her crazy life right now. The last thing she needs is to have to worry about if I am safe or not. Plus it isn’t good for the babies if she is stressing out about me. 

I stay in the shower until the water turns ice cold. I don’t even wash myself. I stand in the shower the whole time, thinking of what I can do to go back home. I turn off taps and step out. I don’t have a towel to dry off with. This fucking motel sucks. I am about to go through the bags of clothes Josh has gotten for me, when he walks into the small bathroom holding a towel. We lock eyes before I grab the towel from him and quickly cover myself. I don’t want him looking at me. I have to get over that fast, if I am going to use my body against him. He doesn’t say anything to me; he just turns and walks out, leaving me to dress. Maybe he senses how seeing him covered in blood affects me. I can’t wrap my brain around why he can kill someone so easily and not have a care in the world. Being a doctor, I took an oath to help and save people. Letting someone die, is not an option in my mind. Of course it happens, but not if I can try everything I know how to do to save them. 

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