Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2) (26 page)


I’m startled awake by Jason lightly shaking my shoulder. We have stopped but I still don’t know where we are. “I need you to wake up. Our plane is ready to take off.” Plane? What is he talking about? I blink my eyes a few times trying to fight off the sleep that doesn’t want to let go. I stretch and yawn. My legs and ass are numb from sitting so long. I hear Jason get out of the truck and as he closes the door, I look out the window and I see the plane he is talking about. We are on a deserted landing strip and we are the only ones here. It’s daylight now, but from the look of pinks and oranges, the sun has just risen. 

Jason opens my door and helps me out of the truck. I look around and wonder how he managed to pull this off. Our plane is a small jet. Surely this isn’t his plane? I look over at him getting our bags out of the bed of the truck and I walk over to him. 

“Whose plane is this?”

He sets our bags on the ground and I see a tall lanky man come and grab them. He takes them to the plane without a word to us. “It’s a friend of a friends. They are letting us borrow it so we can get to our final destination.”

“Where are we?”

“Mexico. You slept through the checkpoint at the border.”

I am so confused. Didn’t I need a passport to cross? Jason sees my puzzled look and he of course, has everything planned out. “I got your passport before we ever came to Texas. I knew where we would eventually end up.”

“Of course you did,” I mumble back. He doesn’t hear me over the jet’s engines starting up. 

“Come. We have to go.”

I nod and follow him to the jet. We walk inside and I am surprised at how big it is on the inside. And very high class looking. The interior is all leather and a light tan color. The carpet is a dark shade of tan. There are a few rows of actual seats but to the back of the jet, there is a couch and a TV. Very high class. 

Jason guides me to a seat and I sit down. I wish I could’ve walked around a bit before being put on a plane. My legs feel like jelly and my ass basically feels nonexistent. Jason takes his seat beside me and he reaches over to buckle me in. I look over at him and I can see he is exhausted. I don’t know how long he drove. I don’t even know how long this plane ride will be. I have flown a few times before, and I’m not really nervous about flying. I think I feel antsy because I don’t know where are going. Still. I almost ask him again, but I think better of it. I know he won’t tell me. 

“How long are we going to be in the air?” I ask. 

“Just a few hours. No more than three.”

That makes me feel better. Shortly I will know where the hell he is taking me. The flight attendant comes over to us and asks us if we need anything. Jason tells the tall lanky man no, and he moves to the front to start the safety procedures. I tune him out. I have heard this many times before from flying to conferences and conventions for work, and hell a part of me knows if anything were to happen Jason would find a way to protect me. 

Just as Jason told me, three hours later we land on an island as far as I can tell. I am thankful Jason lets me sit next to the window during the flight. I want to look out and see the clouds and when we went over water I was amazed at how clear and blue it is. I am filled with excitement and wonder. I can only hope we are almost done with the traveling. As much as I have enjoyed seeing something other than California, I am ready to take a long hot shower. 

Jason unbuckles us both and we move to exit the jet. I’m steered towards the black car waiting for us and as Jason puts our bags into the trunk, an older gentleman opens the back passenger door for me. Well isn’t this classy? I get in and wait for Jason. He says something to the driver before he gets inside. I don’t hear what he tells the driver and I try not to worry about it. I have a feeling we are close to where we are going. Finally. 

Jason gets into the back with me but we don’t speak. As the driver starts up the car and makes his way out of the private airport, I take in the surroundings. We are definitely not in Texas anymore. There are palm trees everywhere, and I can see the beach from the road we’re on. Even though I have no idea where we are, I feel like we are in a tropical area. The air is different, not as humid, but still warm. The sun shines high and the sky is the most beautiful shade of blue. I can already tell I am going to like it here. While we are driving into the small town, I can tell the locals are laid back and make me think of surfers. I can’t wait to get out of the car and lay on the beach. I want to enjoy everything about this place while I can. 

Twenty minutes later, our driver stops and opens my door. I slowly get out of the car wondering for the last time where the hell we are. I take in my new surroundings, and the beauty of this place takes my breath away. It is wonderful to gaze at. I can see the beach from where I am and I love it’s only a few minutes away. The water is crystal clear and a beautiful shade of blue. I know if I were to go and look, the water would be transparent. The sand around the beach is a perfect white color. There’s people in boats, riding jet skis, and on surfboards. I sigh taking in the fresh air, enjoying being close to civilization again. I turn around and I see a cabin style home. It reminds me of a hut or a bungalow. It’s very cute and homey. Although it doesn’t look very big on the outside, it looks charming and I can’t wait to go inside. Palm trees surround the cabin and I notice there is a hammock on the right side of it. The cabin itself is a brownish color, but the bay windows are what makes it look even more charming. There is a porch and a swing. I can get used to staying here. 

The thing that appeals the most is how secluded the area is. I can see people in the distance, but it’s like we have the place to ourselves. There is a mountain cliff close by blocking off people from seeing anything. The area we’re in is very private. I don’t know if this is a good thing or not. 

I feel Jason come up behind me before he lightly pulls me to him. My back is to his front. Just like it was last night when I had my mini meltdown. He moves my hair off the back of my neck and I feel his tongue lap up the perspiration off my neck. I lean into him and close my eyes taking in all his attention. His arm around my waist pulls me tighter and I can feel his hard cock press into my ass. Thank God I am not the only one all hot and bothered by this. It’s a powerful feeling knowing I make him act this way. I don’t know why he chose me, but I am starting to like it more and more every day. Especially when he is like this. I like dominate Jason, but playful Jason makes me smile more. Makes me feel loved. 

His other hand angles my face to him as he takes my mouth. I will never grow tired of kissing him. I let out a soft moan as he deepens the kiss. He pushes his tongue deeper and deeper into my mouth. I grab a hold of his hand holding my face in place. I have to hold onto him afraid I will fall from him making my knees go weak. I can feel his other hand around my waist tightening his hold on me as well. I know he has me. He will never let me fall. 

All too soon, he pulls away from me leaving me feeling bare. I have to blink away my lustful eyes and breathe in deep a few times to calm myself down. He smiles his wicked grin, knowing exactly what he does to me. He kisses my forehead and let’s go of my waist. Jason takes my hand with his and he leads me inside. I have no idea where the poor driver went. The car we are brought in is still sitting in the same spot, and I wonder if we’ll have a driver the whole time we are here. I don’t have to think much on that as Jason opens the door to the cabin and I walk inside. 

I can feel him watching my reaction to seeing inside for the first time. The cabin is perfect. It is beyond gorgeous. The walls are a creamy tan color. The hardwood floors shine as if they have just been waxed. The whole cabin is open. The only thing I cannot see is the bathroom. To my right is the living room. A white leather sectional couch dominates the small area with a flat screen TV in front of one of the bay windows. There is a large area rug underneath the dark color coffee table. Potted plants and pictures make the space feel welcome and homey. To my front, is the kitchen. It’s all stainless steel appliances. Marble countertops with a bar and a small table off to the side. The floors are dark greyish tile and it matches perfectly. To my left holds the biggest bed I have ever seen in my life. I am assuming it is a king size bed. The frame is the same dark color as the coffee table. It has a leather headboard and a smaller footboard on in the front of the bed. Grey silk sheets with a blood red duvet are pulled back as if begging us to come and lay down. There are tons of pillows perfectly aligned on top of the bed. Two dressers are on either side for our clothes. This is beyond anything I have ever seen before. I am not poor, but I never thought of wasting my hard earned money on expensive things like this. I can tell Jason has spent tons of money on his. 

“How do you like it?”

I turn to him with wide eyes and shake my head. “You didn’t have to spend so much on us staying here. I’m fine with staying at another motel.”

He tilts his head at me as if he is thinking really hard and trying to figure out why I would say such a thing. He surprises me when he gives me yet another smile for the day. Fuck me. Two in one day. A girl could get used to seeing that smile on him. 

“This is mine.” A nugget of truth? 

“You own this?” I didn’t mean to sound so incredulous.

“Yes. Is it that hard to believe?”

“No … no. It’s just … I wasn’t expecting you to own something like this.” Or tell me the truth about it. “Wait. This isn’t coming out right. I’m not trying to insult you.”

God me and my stupid mouth. When he laughs at me I laugh with him. Thank God he doesn’t get pissed at me tripping over my words. I don’t know why he makes me stumble over them so much. 

“Come. I have something else to show you.”

I nod and he grabs my hand again. He leads me into the bathroom. Holy fucking shit. This bathroom is every girl’s wet dream come to life. This bathroom is like heaven. White Carrera marble for the walls are the first thing I take in. It is beyond amazing. The way the white and grey marble mix together makes me think of an artist painting it that way. The shower has two shower heads. It also has a seat inside. The doors are glass as well. There’s a toilet on the other side of the shower. It’s off on its own for privacy. There is a half wall separating the two. Towards the back, which I now am claiming as mine, is a garden bathtub. I walk closer to inspect the white mystical tub. I notice it has jets lining the sides of the tub. I can easily stay forever in this tub. I turn around to look at the white counters with double sinks. I look at the mirror that is just as long as the counters. Jason has a smile on his face and he pulls me to him. 

“Ready for your surprise?”

“I thought this was the surprise?” I ask with a hint of curiosity. What else does this man have planned? This new side of him is very addicting. I want him this way all the time. He takes my hand once more. I didn’t notice there is a door in the bathroom. He opens it and before he lets me go inside, he turns and winks at me. 

Fucking died. 

Jason winking at me sends delicious chills down my spine and makes my lady parts jump up and down. I fall more and more in love with this crazy man. I hope it’s me that is making him act this way. I want him to be this way for me and only me. He is mine. 

Whoa there … Did I just claim him?

Yeah I did. Fuck it. He’s mine and he knows it. 

We walk inside the mystery room. It’s dark as hell and when Jason lets go of my hand to turn on the lights, I gasp in surprise and shock. It takes me a few minutes before my brain catches up with what I am seeing. It’s a walk-in closet. The biggest walk-in closet I have ever been in. This room alone can be a bedroom. Jesus, this room is bigger than my room at my apartment back in California. The most impressing thing about the closest in not how big it is. It’s that it is fully stocked with clothes. Women’s clothing. Racks upon racks, from top to bottom fill the closet. There’s even a row of shoes. A twinge of jealousy rolls through me. Who’s the owner of these clothes? Jason picks up on my sudden mode change. It’s possibly the way I cross my arms and the way I tense up. If there is another woman in his life I am going to be fucking livid. I am not, nor will ever be knowingly, the other woman. 

“You don’t like it?” He asks as he walks up behind me. 

I take a deep breath, trying my hardest not to sound like a jealous girlfriend. I don’t even know what we are to each other. 

“It’s amazing. Just like the rest of the cabin.”

“I’m sensing a ‘but’ coming.” 

I turn around and look in directly in the eyes. He looks truly confused. 

“What’s her name?”

“What the fuck are you talking about? I got all this for you. This room,” he says waving his hands around the room. “Is yours. All of this is for you.” The last bit comes out like he is slapping me in the face. His words sting me but not because he said them. They sting because I am forever doomed to stick my foot in my mouth. I should’ve known he would do something like this for me. Where he found the time to put all of this together I have no idea. I let my arms drop to my sides and I feel horrible for not trusting him. 

“I’m sorry. I just assumed…”

“Yeah, I know what you assumed.” Jason shakes his head and walks out of the closet leaving me alone with my thoughts. 

I never meant to upset him. But honestly, how was I to know? It’s not like he has claimed his undying love for me. Hell I don’t even know if he can love me. Maybe that is what I am getting so worked up over. I know I haven’t told him how I feel, but at the same time, how do I know how he really feels about me? If I think of his actions it’s a hit or miss. At times I think he can. When he is playful and sweet to me I think he might could love me one day. The times he is demanding and handcuffs me to the bed, I’m not so sure. 

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