Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2)
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I let out a sigh, hating how we go from being great and happy together to this. I don’t like the distance from him. I know I need to give him some time so he can cool off. It won’t do either one of us any good to push him right now. I do take the time alone to look through all the clothes. I am very impressed with what he bought. It’s an assortment of silk blouses, designer jeans, summer dresses, and of course, let’s not forget the shoes. I think I can fill up an entire shoe store will all these. There are so many I have no idea how I will wear them all. I turn to leave and a smaller rack to the back catches my eye. I walk over to it, and smile at what I see. Jason knows me all too well. I have never been the type of girl to play dress up and wear expensive clothing. It never made sense to me. Looking at the rack full of plain Jane T-shirts makes me feel like he understands me. Maybe more so than anyone else. I know it might seem strange or juvenile to someone else, but just a small gesture like this from him shows me he actually cares. Maybe not so much as love, but caring is a good start. 

After looking at all my new things, I decide it’s time to find Jason. To be honest I am starting to get hungry and since I don’t cook I need to figure out what we are doing food wise. He isn’t in the cabin and for a second I panic. I have no clue where he’d go. I don’t know if I can leave the cabin. If he is going to be gone longer than a few hours, he would’ve cuffed me to the bed. I walk outside and look around for him. It still shocks me how relaxing this place is. I wish he would tell me where this place is. I walk around the side of the cabin and I spot him lying in the hammock. His eyes are closed and for the first time since I’ve known him, he looks relaxed. I think that maybe he bought this place to come and get away from his crazy and demanding life. He chose the perfect spot for sure. 

I try to quietly make my way over to him, careful not to disturb him. For a second it crosses my mind that I should probably run again. Call me stupid, but I don’t. I get closer and closer to him. It’s like an invisible force, slowly pulling my strings directly to him. I couldn’t leave now even if I wanted to. There is a bigger force at play now. 

I’m almost close enough to touch him when his eyes open. He moves over a bit and beckons me to come lie with him. It’s a little tricky to get on the hammock without him falling off, but we manage. He holds me tight and close to his body and I love this feeling. This is all I’ve ever wanted. Just for someone to hold me close. Even if he doesn’t love me, the comfort is enough. I sigh a contented sigh when he starts to run his hand through my hair. His other hand rubs up and down my arm. My head lies on his chest and his head on my head. Our legs intertwine. As if every part of each other has to be touching. If any one were to walk by us, I am certain they would think we were a happy couple enjoying the ocean breeze. 

“I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to assume anything. I was just taken by surprise. That’s all.” I tell him softly. I want him to know that I am sorry for my non-filter mouth. My parents used to tell me all the time I was born without one. 

“I admit, I wasn’t expecting that reaction out of you. I thought you would be excited to have nicer clothing and not have to wear the same things over and over.”

“Thank you. Especially for the T-shirts.” I say with a giggle. 

I can feel him smiling on my forehead and I hate I missed that smile. That makes three today. We continue to lie together enjoying just being where we are. The hammock sways with the light breeze. The sun is shining but it’s not harsh since we are under palm trees. As shitty as some of this experience has been, he’s kept his word. He told me he would keep me safe. I still don’t know what from, but I’m safe. I feel safe in his arms. It’s so peaceful, and relaxing here. I can imagine living here. Even though I am starting to get seriously hungry, I don’t want this moment to end. I want to stay right here, in this very moment with him. Unfortunately, my stomach has other plans. It grumbles loudly and we both laugh at the sound. 

“Come on. I need to feed my vixen,” Jason says as he helps me get off the hammock. I take his hand and he leads us back inside. 

“You remember I don’t cook right?” I ask playfully. 

“Yes. I am going to cook for us tonight.”


He chuckles at my mouth gaping open and says, “Yes I can cook. Come. You can help. Don’t worry I will tell you exactly what to do.”

It doesn’t pass by me that he has a double meaning behind that statement. My lady parts start to come alive again. My skin heats from just thinking about his hands on me. Doing things I have never even dreamed of. I am all for skipping dinner and going straight to the bed. But I don’t make a move toward anything sexual. For the past week, Jason has avoided me like the plague. I have to say, that doesn’t boost my self-esteem. I don’t know if he had a reason or not. I would like to think he does want me just as much, but he won’t let go of his self-control long enough for me to find out. 

Frustrating man. 

“Are you going to help or stare at me some more?”

I jump and start to move into the kitchen. I hadn’t realized I was staring. Okay maybe I did, but who cares. He is a fine man to stare at all day. I walk over to him and wait for him to tell me what to do. I am a little afraid to help. I always seem to burn everything to do with cooking and food. 

“Are you sure you want my help? I’m not very good at cooking.” I tell him. I hope he knows I am not exaggerating when I say I don’t cook. I am surprised my apartment hasn’t caught on fire. 

“It’ll be fine. I’ll tell you what to do. Now, go over to the pantry and grab the angel hair noodles.”

I do as he says as he starts grabbing what he needs from the fridge. I open the pantry and it’s filled from top to bottom with food. I am having a hard time believing he didn’t have all this planned out. He told me he has keeping me safe, but at the same time I wonder if he was going to bring me here anyways. I spot the noodles and I shut the pantry. I walk over to him and I watch him start to prepare some sort of cream sauce. I wave the noodles around waiting for him to tell me what to do with them. I am serious when I say I do not cook. I have no idea what I am doing. 

Jason smiles as he says, “Now, get a large saucepan and fill it half way with water.”

Okay that seems simple. He shows me where the pots and pans are and I grab the biggest one I see. I do as he says and fill it half way with water. He grabs the pan from me and places it on the stove. I turn to him and look at him stirring the cream sauce. The aromas make my stomach grumble. 

“That smells good. What are we making?”

“Scallops on noodles with a tomato cream sauce. Here, let me show you what you can start chopping for me.”

My eyes go wide. He wants me to use a knife? 

“I don’t think I should be near a knife and chopping,” I say with a laugh. He looks down at me, and raises an eyebrow at me. 

“I think you will be fine. You’re a doctor. You’ll have the steadiest hand.”

It’s not the fact that he has confidence in my cooking abilities, but it’s the trust he has to allow me a weapon. I’ve been wanting to think that we both are starting to trust each other more and this just proves it. I know as the days pass, I can feel myself starting to, and I can only hope he is doing the same.  I shrug my shoulders and I let him show me all I need to chop. It’s not much. Some tomatoes, and cilantro. He tells me he wants the tomatoes diced and the cilantro finely chopped. I try to do as he says, but in the end, I don’t do such a great job. Jason tells me it’s fine and it’s all still edible. He grabs some scallops from the fridge and starts to cook those while he tells me to drain the noodles. I actually like helping him cook. He is still relaxed and I like being around him. The kitchen isn’t very big, and we bump into each other more than a few times. Alright I do most of that on purpose. He never says a word. He just gives me a sweet smile and I feel like he is amused by me. 

Jason tells me where I can find the plates and glasses while he places a pan of garlic bread into the oven. I set the table while he puts the final touches on the food. Placing the forks on the table, I walk over to Jason and I jump up and sit on the bar. He grabs a bottle of white wine out of the fridge for us and places it beside me. 

“Thank you for cooking.” I tell him as he makes his way between my legs. His hands make their way up my thighs and he pulls me closer to him. My legs wrap around his waist and I place my hands on his shoulders. He doesn’t say anything. No words are needed at this moment. He places his head on my forehead and sighs a content sigh. I want to ask him if he is alright. I want to ask him all sorts of things, but I don’t. I don’t want to ruin the moment. 

“What are you doing to me?” Jason whispers to me. 

“I can ask you the same.”

He pulls back and looks at me. His eyes are starting to change colors again. He leans in closer and using his hand, pulls me in for a kiss. He kisses me with passion, and desperation at the same time. His kiss is soft and tender, but holds so much more. I want more, so much more from him. I tighten my hold on him with my legs and I hear him groan. I can feel his erection starting to grow and it makes me wet for him. Our kiss changes from soft to rough. His hand grabs my hair and he angles me how he wants me. Deeper and deeper he pushes his tongue in my mouth. I can’t get enough of him. My hands find his hair and I hold on tight. I feel his heart racing against my chest and I know he can feel mine is beating just as fast. His body heat is like fire, and I want to rip off his shirt and feel more of him. I take my hands out of his hair and put them under his shirt. I have an urgent need to touch all of him. I don’t know if it’s because he usually doesn’t let me touch him and I am starved for it or not. I don’t care. I am touching him now and I am loving it. I touch his back and move to his abs. Every inch of him is ripped and I want to lick every part. He breaks the kiss for a second to take off my shirt and my bra is suddenly gone. He starts to kiss on my neck down to my breast. One hand moves to roughly cup one while he continues to keep the other in my hair. 

“Jason.” I call out to him. I need more. I have to have more of him. 

“I know my little vixen.”

I close my eyes letting the feel of his tongue on my breast take over me. He sucks my nipples and bites down hard. I call out his name once more and I push my chest out urging him to keep doing what he’s doing. He pushes me back on the bar to make me lie down and leaves a trail of wet kisses down my stomach. Goose bumps show up all over my body as he uses both hands to cup each breast as they make their way down. I put my hands above my head and I grab a hold of the bar. I look up at him as he unsnaps my shorts and I instantly let my head fall back when I hear the zipper being pulled down. He pulls my legs away from his waist and pulls off my shorts. My panties follow right behind them.  

“Put your legs on the bar. Open them wide for me.”

I do just that. I can’t get my legs to go any wider. I shiver knowing what he wants to do. I am panting like crazy waiting for him to do something. Anything. I look up at him and he is staring at my pussy. I want to close my legs, feeling a bit to exposed. 

“Don’t fucking move. You’re so beautiful like this. All spread open, just for me.”

His words make my stomach and pussy clench. He groans and runs his hands up my legs. I let my head fall back again as he gets closer and closer to my pussy. I want him to touch me so fucking bad. I start to move my hips, trying to get him to go faster. 

“Stay still, or I will start all over again.”

Fuck me. I don’t know if I can stand this torture. I feel his fingers start to touch my pussy and I jump a little at the touch. 

“Fuck Karen. You’re so wet for me.”

“Please Jason,” I beg him. He has to do something more. His light touching is driving me crazy. I call out loudly when he suddenly pushes two fingers inside of me. He stills for a few seconds, and he uses his thumb to touch my clit. He moves his thumb around in circles, then up and down. Never the same motion. When he starts to move his fingers inside of me and on my clit at the same time, I lose it. I am already close to coming. I can feel it right there. I am so close to falling off the edge of that amazing cliff. He suddenly pulls away from me and I whimper at the loss. Before I can even take in my next breath, he has his hands under my legs, gripping my thighs, and his tongue is on my pussy. 

“Oh, fuck Jason.”

His mouth is nothing I mean nothing compared to anything I have ever felt before. I grip harder on the bar with my hands above my head and I call out his name more than once. I love the feeling of his mouth on me. I love the way he licks me like he needs me to survive. He licks, sucks, and bites my clit. I want to come so bad. I break out with sweat between my breasts. My legs start to shake. If he would just do something…I don’t know what I need. I just know I need him to do something more. He squeezes my thighs harder. He slows down his pace eating me. I want it faster. I don’t want slow. 

“Jason please.” I feel him smiling. Fucker likes making me beg for it. He starts his torture again. He continues to bring me right on the edge and then brings me back down. I can’t take anymore. I need to come so bad, and he’s enjoying this a little too much. 

He keeps at it. Never letting up, and forever it seems, at keeping me right where he wants me. When I start to smell something burning, I raise my head up to see smoke coming from the oven 

BOOK: Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2)
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