Read The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions Online
Authors: Inna Segal
Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth
inflammation, psoriasis, chronic lower back pain, childhood issues, fertility issues, and
women’s issues, such as PMS, candida, ovarian disorders, uterine problems, pelvic pain,
frigidity, ovarian cancers, rigidity, frozen shoulders, and acne. Male issues, such as
impotence, baldness, male fertility, and prostate problems, are also stored here.
While the root chakra contains our ancestral fears and beliefs, the sacral influences
our capacity to handle money, success, sexual energies, and ability to influence others.
Some of the above issues are shared within both energy centers.
The sacral chakra helps us to interpret others’ feelings, make judgments about our
own feelings and creativity, and either lose or increase our life force energy. It is con-
nected to the inner child archetype and our feelings around survival. Instinctually,
we are constantly using this center to check whether we and our loved ones are emo-
tionally, physically, and financially secure and protected. Through this chakra, we can
attempt to manipulate and control others in order to get what we want.
Here, we also store our cravings and addictions. We lose power by giving it to an
authority outside ourselves, whether it is a romantic partner, drugs, food, alcohol,
family members, or work colleagues. We fear loss of love, money, health, beauty, power,
and life.
The sacral chakra is also a repository of violation, jealousy, power games, and emo-
tional, mental, and physical abuse. Our deepest vulnerabilities lie here including the
fear that there is something acutely wrong with us. We dread being alone, isolated, and
rejected, thus we blame and project our guilt onto others. We also wear masks in order
to conceal our shadow aspects and display virtuousness in order to gain love and
approval so that we can feel better about ourselves. We also yearn to feel forever
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The Secret of Life Wellness
youthful, useful, and attractive. Much of the billion dollar beauty, anti-aging, weight
loss, fitness, and dating industries are built upon the desires and insecurities we carry
in this chakra.
By working on and clearing the sacral chakra you will be able to let go of fear, sor-
row, worry, guilt, anger, shame, self-punishment, and being a victim or a pleaser. You
will start to develop your inner power, perseverance, and resilience; experience an
increase in energy; have deeper, intimate sensual relationships; increase your
confidence; open up to feelings of happiness; and embrace life. You will also create
healthy relationships with others, enhance your self-worth worth and express yourself
more creatively.
Process for Clearing Your Sacral Chakra
Crystal to work with—Carnelian
Rub your hands together vigorously for about sixty seconds. Place your palms next to
each other without touching. You will most likely feel a tingling sensation. Visualize
holding a large orange ball of energy between your hands. Focus on this ball of energy
and allow it to intensify. Play with this color for about thirty seconds, exploring how far
you can extend this energy by widening the distance between your hands.
Place your hands in front of your navel without physically touching your body. Take
slow, deep breaths and inhale this orange light. Visualize as the orange light moves
through your chakra and begins to clear and dissolve any density and rejuvenate your
sacral chakra.
Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, please assist me to gently release any feelings of
guilt, fear, sorrow, worry, blame, powerlessness, anger, and any other painful patterns
that are stored in my sacral chakra. Strengthen my inner power, resilience, creative abil-
ities, and belief in myself. Allow me to become friends with my feelings and listen to
my inner guidance. Thank you.”
Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times with the intention of releasing any nega-
tivity and amplifying any positive aspects.
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Relax your hands and give yourself permission to be imaginative. If you could be
free to express your creativity in any way you desire, what would you do? What can you
do this week that is creative and will make your life more interesting and productive? If
you are trying to find a solution to a challenging situation allow a creative idea to float
into your mind.
Interlace your fingers together and place them just beneath your navel. Take long,
slow, lingering breaths and focus on finding the perfect avenues to express your creative
abilities. Stay in this position as long as you feel comfortable.
Third Chakra—Solar Plexus
The third chakra, also known as the solar plexus chakra, is located around the solar
plexus, and is known as our personal power center. The dominant color of the third
chakra is yellow.
This chakra stores our beliefs, judgments, feelings, fears, hopes, and dreams. The
combination of our experiences, sensitivities, and opinions affect how we view ourselves,
the people around us, and the opportunities we attract.
As many of our interactions with others are experienced through our solar plexus
chakra, we need to develop self-confidence, self-respect, and self-understanding. People
decide how to treat us by subconsciously tuning in to our personal power center and
sensing how we feel about ourselves. The more our beliefs, emotions, and actions are
aligned, the more other people hold us in high regard. However, if we keep nourishing
our fears and insecurities, they are more likely to exploit and mistreat us.
We use our solar plexus chakra to become aware of other people’s motives. Depend-
ing on whether we feel threatened or safe the rest of our centers either contract or open.
Our inner critic is expressed through this chakra. If given too much power, it can be
detrimental to our lives and creative pursuits with its constant put downs and procrasti-
nation on important decisions.
On the physical level, this chakra is linked to stomach problems, diabetes, arthritis,
adrenal exhaustion, metabolic disorders, weight issues, anorexia, bulimia, obesity, indi-
gestion, liver problems, hepatitis, spleen disorders, and gallbladder problems.
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The sacral chakra helps us to develop a healthy relationship with ourselves and take
positive action toward our goals. It is connected to the victim archetype, which either
makes us lose our power or helps us become victorious and successful.
Our integrity or lack of it is linked to this center. The question of integrity can be
challenging, depending on our point of view, where we grew up, and what we value.
Life often tests our feelings of righteousness by placing us in similar situations to the
ones we have judged. As there is often no black and white in life, the potential here is
to be soft and forgiving with ourselves and others. This chakra gives us an opportunity
to examine how we lose and gain energy, and adjust our choices accordingly.
By working with this chakra, you can increase your self-esteem, enhance your inner
power, and learn to use your intuition. This is the center where you develop trust and
take responsibility for your actions. When clear, it allows you to experience independ-
ence and to make optimal decisions. You also become conscious of where, how and
with whom you need to draw boundaries and clarify how you believe you should
be treated.
Process for Clearing Your Solar Plexus Chakra
Crystal to work with—Citrine
Rub your hands together vigorously for about sixty seconds. Place your palms next to
each other without touching. You will most likely feel a tingling sensation. Visualize
holding a large yellow ball of energy between your hands. Focus on this ball of energy
and allow it to intensify. Play with this color for about thirty seconds, exploring how far
you can extend this energy by widening the distance between your hands.
Place your hands in front of your solar plexus without physically touching your
body. Take deep slow breaths, and inhale this yellow light.
Visualize as the yellow light moves through your chakra and begins to clear and
dissolve any density and rejuvenate your solar plexus chakra.
Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, please assist me to gently release any judgments,
low self-esteem, resentment, victimhood, confusion, power issues, control issues, and
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any other painful patterns that are stored in my solar plexus chakra. Increase my intu-
itive abilities and assist me to trust in the Divine Intelligence that is guiding my life.
Help me become more independent, empowered, clear, and successful. Thank you.”
Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times with the intention of releasing any nega-
tivity and amplifying any positive aspects.
Relax your hands and focus on what it would be like to make empowering
decisions and behave in a powerful way for the highest good of all. Become aware of
how you can begin to listen to your intuition and to trust it. Ask your Higher Self to
increase your intuition so that you can hear it clearly. Give yourself permission to act on
your intuition daily.
Place the palms of your hands together, fingers spread apart and lift them to the
level of your solar plexus. This is a position of power and decisiveness. As you slowly
inhale, press your fingers together and focus on your strength and commitment to suc-
ceed. As you exhale, relax your fingers and focus on letting go of any tension and
resistance to success. Do this for two to three minutes.
Fourth Chakra—Heart
The fourth chakra, also known as the heart chakra, is located around your chest and is
seen as the love and relationship center. The dominant color of the fourth chakra is green.
The heart chakra is the center of love, openness, and compassion. Our soul tries to
communicate with us through our heart and passion for life. The more we develop our
connection with the heart chakra, the more fulfilling, sweet, prosperous, joyful,
enriched, and warm our lives will be.
Our ability to forgive, heal, evolve, and transform are the keys to opening the heart
chakra. This chakra is strongly linked to the root chakra and our capacity to manifest
from a place of passion, love, and truth. As we evolve, our ability to release our judg-
ments and perceive events and experiences from our heart and soul increases. Our
relationships also begin to transform from those based on jealousy and ownership to
soulful, unconditional connections not bound by time and space. Thus, we start to
embrace the Divine Wisdom of the higher chakras.
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The Secret of Life Wellness
On the physical level, this chakra is linked to heart problems, circulatory disease,
blood clotting, heart attack, blood pressure problems, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia,
lung and breast cancer, allergies, shoulder and arm problems, insomnia, immune system
disorders, and lymphoma.
This chakra holds feelings of love, hate, loneliness, resentment, bitterness, grief, and
anger. This is also where we feel compassion, forgiveness, hope, and trust. It is
connected to the saboteur archetype, which can either guard our hearts and sabotage
nourishing relationships or lead us to heart-opening, loving experiences while
protecting us from potentially abusive people.
Clearing the heart chakra will improve your relationships, attract love into your life
and help you discover your purpose. When you are connected with your heart center, it
helps guide you to the most powerful and loving experiences. If you are in a
relationship, it greatly enhances it and opens the lines of communication. It also allows,
fun, joy, laughter, and love to come into your life. This is also a center of inspired cre-
ativity and communion with the Divine. The heart can uplift and transform a human
life. Caring touch, loving hugs, and true sharing heal the heart. By opening your heart
chakra, you have the capacity to live your life from a consciousness of unconditional
love and deeply empower others.
Process for Clearing Your Heart Chakra
Crystal to work with—Emerald
Rub your hands together vigorously for about a minute. Place your palms next to each
other without touching. You will most likely feel a tingling sensation. Visualize holding
a large green ball of energy between your hands. Focus on this ball of energy and allow
it to intensify. Play with this color for about thirty seconds, exploring how far you can