Read The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions Online
Authors: Inna Segal
Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth
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The Secret of Life Wellness
hold a crystal related to each chakra and meditate on it for a few minutes, while being
open to any wisdom or insights that may occur to you or place the crystal on the part of
your body related to the chakra. You can sit, lie, or even stand while doing the chakra
clearing processes. The most important aspect is to be comfortable and to make time
for your self-healing.
I have also recorded a more in-depth healing audio program, called “Nine
Chakras,” that you can purchase from and use in conjunction with the
processes described below.
The following are brief descriptions of the chakras and their functions.
First Chakra—Root
The first chakra is also known as the base or root chakra. It is located around the lower
hips and genital area. The dominant color of the first chakra is red.
This chakra is responsible for the fight-or-flight response, and holds many of our
thoughts, feelings, programs, and imprints from our family or the groups we associate
with. Some of our deepest and earliest patterns are stored here, as well as our issues
surrounding survival, sexuality, safety, and security. This chakra contains feelings of
superiority and inferiority, loyalty, family beliefs, superstitions, traditions, rituals, as well
as the power we have in our community, or the lack thereof.
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The root chakra contains physical and emotional trauma, feelings of fear, rage, and
terror. Much of people’s life force energy is kept in this chakra and can either be chan-
neled into fear and stress or passion and love. It is a very important chakra to work with
in terms of self-healing, as it can give us the courage, the conviction and the energy
required to heal.
On the physical level, this chakra is linked with various reproductive and sexual dys-
functions and diseases, compulsive eating, hip problems, migraines, weight issues, nervous
system disorders, hemorrhoids, addictions, cancer, depression, abuse, and financial chal-
lenges. Problems with legs and feet, circulatory system, varicose veins, hypertension, and
inflammation, as well as chronic lower back pain and sciatica, are associated with this
energy center.
The root chakra also holds feelings of joy, excitement, arousal, pleasure, and love. Here,
we often carry societal ideals about love, its expression and judgments. For instance,
although until the 1990s, it was shameful to live with a partner you were not married to,
now in many societies it is deemed as normal, and people are encouraged to live as a couple
before they plunge into marriage. This center is connected to the prostitute archetype and
tests your willingness to follow your heart and live with integrity in the face of temptation.
Often, the success of your relationships and material achievements in the world
depends on how clear and balanced this chakra is, what convictions you are invested in,
and how confident you are in manifesting your desires into physical reality.
By clearing your root chakra, you will start to improve your relationships, have the
ability to attract more abundance into your life, experience more pleasure, have deeper
connections with others, raise your self-esteem, let go of addictions, increase your
energy, become more grounded, and heal.
Process for Clearing Your Root Chakra
Crystal to work with—Garnet
Close your eyes. Stand up. Take a lingering deep breath, hold it for a count of seven and
slowly exhale. Repeat this breathing exercise four to six times.
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The Secret of Life Wellness
Rub your hands together vigorously for about a minute. Place your palms next to
each other without touching. You will most likely feel a tingling sensation. Visualize
holding a large red ball of energy between your hands. Focus on this ball of energy and
allow it to intensify. Play with this color for about thirty seconds, exploring how far you
can extend this energy by widening the distance between your hands.
Place your hands in front of your first chakra, which is located around the lower
hips and genital area, without touching your physical body. Take deep, slow breaths,
inhaling this red light. Visualize the red light moving through your root chakra,
clearing any density and rejuvenating your chakra.
Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, please assist me in gently releasing any deep
feelings of fear, shame, insecurity, shock, or any other painful patterns stored in my root
chakra. Help me improve my current relationships, attract abundance into my life,
increase my self-esteem, and allow me to experience deep joy and satisfaction in every
area or my life. Thank you.”
Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times with the intention of releasing any nega-
tivity and amplifying any positive aspects.
Relax your hands. Sit down. Visualize or think about what it would be like if you
were treated exactly the way you would love by the people you care about. Imagine feel-
ing confident and doing things that make you happy. Spend a few minutes focusing on
what makes you happy in your life.
Place both hands in front of your pubic bone. Your middle fingers should touch
while the other fingers point towards each other almost touching. As you take a deep
breath, focus on your lower abdomen and expand it. When you exhale, contract your
stomach muscles as well as the muscles of your perineum. Do this several times. As you
breathe, focus on grounding yourself by concentrating your attention on your feet. Stay
in this position as long as you feel comfortable.
Second Chakra—Sacral
The second chakra, also known as the sacral chakra, is located just beneath the navel, and
is our creative and emotional center. The dominant color of the second chakra is orange.
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Inna Segal
In the sacral chakra, we store feelings of guilt, fear, blame, control, and anger. We
also carry money and sexual issues, as well as feelings of powerlessness and victim-hood.
Here, we yearn to have loving, fulfilling, passionate and nourishing relationships
with others. We desire to be attractive, appealing, and fascinating and fear losing
control and being humiliated and shamed.
On the physical level, the sacral chakra is linked to intestinal problems, appendix
disorders, indigestion, gout, hernia, irritable bowel, kidney problems, hypertension,