The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series) (41 page)

‘Gabe,’ I
cried. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

baby, I can do all the work. Just lie back and take me. Give yourself up to me.’
He circled again and again as he worked fast inside me and I struggled against
my body’s reaction of wanting to climax again, not sure I could take another so
quickly. ‘Let me have it, Mia,’ he groaned, his forehead damp with
perspiration. ‘Give it to me. Come for me baby, please, I need it.’ I screamed
as I let go and relaxed all my muscles except for my vaginal ones and sobbed as
I came again, my nails breaking the surface of skin on the back of his biceps
as my eyes rolled back in my head. ‘MIA,’ he yelled as he flooded me and
collapsed on top of my quivering limp body kissing me over and over, anywhere
within reach of his lips. ‘God, thank you baby.’

He wrapped
his arms and legs around me and twisted us both onto our sides as I wondered
what he was thanking me for. He’d done all the work yet again, like he did
pretty much every time we had sex, loads of work, I’d hadn’t even kissed him.
He rocked me for a while kissing and stroking my hair. I felt so exhausted, but
happily so and ran my lips over his throat. He rolled me onto my back and
pulled out of me and stood up and rearranged the pillows behind me before
leaning over and scooping me up into his arms. I gasped, he’d not done that in
weeks and I’d missed it.

‘Gabe, your
shoulder,’ I warned, feebly.

‘It’s ok,
I’m ok, hold onto my neck.’

I did as I
was told and he pulled back the duvet and sat me in the bed, leaned me back on
the pillows before tucking me in and kissing my forehead. I heard him head to
the bathroom and the sound of water before he returned and picked up his sweats
off the floor, pulled them on commando and went into the lounge. He returned
with a tray and put it on my lap, removing the silver dome to show me a plate
of scotch pancakes, covered in maple syrup with a side of crispy bacon and blueberries.
He returned with a latte and orange juice, before coming back with another tray
and sat cross legged on the bed facing me and uncovered his plate of perfect
poached eggs, mushrooms, wholemeal toast and bacon, a black coffee and another
orange juice. Tired as I was, the aromas of syrup, bacon and coffee stimulated
my already ravenous appetite and I bit into the soft, fluffy, sticky pancake
with a chunk of bacon and groaned.

‘You ok
baby?’ he smiled.

‘You just nearly
orgasmed me to death in less than half an hour Gabe, I’m shattered and I must’ve
lost over a thousand calories. God this is good, how’s it still so hot?’

‘I asked
for a warming plate when I ordered, as I wasn’t sure if we’d be finished by the
time it was delivered.’

‘Why do you
thank me after sex like that? You won’t let me even touch you,’ I asked as I
chewed and washed down more food with some orange juice.

‘I love
making you come Mia, it makes you happy which makes me happy and I thanked you
because I could see how spent you were, but I was so desperate to come in you
and you didn’t say no.’

‘If I had,
would you have contained yourself?’

‘Of course I
would, Mia. How could you ask me that? I’m never going to force you against
your will,’ he shot back, looking hurt.

‘I’m sorry,
that was a stupid thing to say. I know you wouldn’t, but equally I can never
see myself ever saying no if you need me like that.’

‘Well, you
should, if it’s too much you say no baby. It won’t change how I feel about you
if you need a minute to catch your breath.’

? I may need the rest of the weekend to recover from that. It was
spectacular,’ I grinned as I popped another mouthful of salt, sweet and
fluffiness into my mouth.

‘I’ll give
you a couple of hours,’ he snorted. ‘But that’s all you’re getting. I warned
you I was going to make you come at every opportunity and I like to keep my

‘How’s your

‘Very good.
I was going to tell you to make sure to finish all of yours, but I see that’s
not going to be a problem,’ he grinned.

‘Wow, you
look sexy sitting there like that, with your hair damp from sex. Knowing you’re
commando under those sweats is very hot.’

‘Knowing I
have you naked and trapped in this room until the morning is
baby,’ he chuckled as he cleared his plate and drained his juice. He got up and
removed his tray and disappeared as I polished off the rest of my food, juice
and coffee. He came and took it away before walking around to his side of the
bed fiddling with his phone, putting it on the iPod doc and dropped his sweats.
He was still semi hard, that or he was getting hard, I wasn’t quite sure which
and much as I loved it, I wasn’t quite ready to go again and bit my lip and
frowned. He caught me staring and looked at me amused.

worry, we’re going to have a few hours sleep to let you recharge before I fuck
you again. Then we’re going to have a very hot bubble bath together.’ He pulled
back the duvet and got in, moving up next to me as I lay down and rearranged
the mountain of pillows. He pulled me over to him and I draped myself across
him in our favourite position, one set of hands linked, my other tucked up
against me, his around my shoulder stroking my arm as he kissed my hair and me
his chest.

‘I love you,
Gabriel Austin,’ I whispered.

‘I love you,
Mianna Page. Close your eyes baby.’


We both
woke to the sound of his alarm at two o’clock and he reached out and silenced
it. Both of us had slept solidly for over three hours.

‘God, I
needed that,’ I exclaimed as I stretched my arms and legs, noticing neither of
us had moved whilst we’d slumbered. I’d missed waking up in his arms during his

‘Hmmm, me
too,’ he sighed as he rolled onto his side to face me. ‘God, I do love waking
up with you.’ He lay his hot soft lips on mine and I felt that stirring in the
pit of my stomach, which quickened when his hand moved up to hold the side of
my face. It was so tender when guys did that, especially
guy. I
hooked a leg over his hip and held his shoulder blade and he ran his tongue
around the curves of my lips and flitted it quickly in and out of my mouth.

‘Man you
can kiss,’ I sighed as I returned the favour.

‘You too
baby, I’m hard for you already.’

‘And I’m
ready for you,’ I replied sinking my tongue deep into his mouth. He angled his
hips, pushing his upper leg over my bottom one, a hand on my hip as he eased
himself into me. I made a soft sound as he breached my outer defences. This was
a new position for us, on our sides face on, and I liked it. It felt very
intimate being so close to each other, being able to kiss without the weight of
each other’s bodies or the need for one person to do most of the work.

‘O baby, you’re
so warm and moist inside. I can feel myself still in you,’ he sighed full of
contentment. We breathed quickly, but gently, as our hips moved together and he
made love to me. It was a long, slow, delicious build to a climax, our bodies
damp, hot breath merging and the sounds of our moans and sighs filled my ears, until
everything was tuned out with the sweet release of a gentle, but lengthy
orgasm. He followed seconds later pulling my hip forward as he sank as far as
he could into me and let go and went to pieces in my arms. I loved watching him
come, surrendering to the pleasure of it, of me. That I could do that to him
still had me in awe. We lay in each other’s arms for ages, neither of us
wanting to move.

‘I need to
go and run the bath,’ he sighed eventually.

What’s the rush? Let’s just stay here, we’ve nowhere to go.’

‘No, nowhere
to go, but I have plans, things coming to us.’

‘What are
you up to?’ I asked.

‘Never you
mind,’ he said smiling and rubbing his nose up and down mine. ‘God, I’m so
happy right now.’

‘Me too.
Thank you.’

‘You don’t
have to thank me for every orgasm Mia, trust me it’s not a chore giving them to
you. I love making you come even more when I can take the time to enjoy
watching or feeling it.’

‘Not just
the orgasms,

‘I told
you, you deserve it.’ He held me tighter for a moment and kissed me before
gently sighing and pulling out and padded off naked to the bathroom. I heard
him pee, which always made me giggle like a child, it always reminded me of
when I’d handcuffed him and had to help him, I then listened for his ritual
lengthy hand washing. I heard him start the bath and smelled a wonderful aroma
of spices and ginger and stretched out smiling, wondering how I’d managed to
get so lucky. It seemed the stress of the last few weeks was finally behind us
and he was getting back to normal. I heard a loud knock at the door and sat up
pulling the duvet around me and Gabe came out and quickly pulled on his sweats
and went to get it.

I leaned
back against the headboard and looked out of the window over the city’s roofs
and spires up to the castle. He returned grinning, giving nothing away, went
back into the bathroom before returning and holding out his hand to me. He led
me in and stood me on the thick bath mat, turned me around and gathered all of
my hair in his hands, twisting it up into a knot on top of my head and secured
it before advising me to hold his hand as he helped me step into the huge egg
shaped tub. I sank into the hot foamy water groaning happily and looked up at

‘Aren’t you
getting in with me?’

‘Yes, I’ll
be back in a second,’ he smiled. I lay back, with my head on the cushioned rest
and closed my eyes and breathed in the scented steam. When I opened them Gabe
had carried in a tall ice bucket with a bottle sticking out of the top and two
champagne flutes. He picked up the bottle, which I saw was a Bollinger rose and
popped the cork and filled our glasses and leaned over and put them on the
tiled shelf that ran along the back wall.

‘Gabe, I …’

‘Mia, say
nothing, you have your protesting face on. It’s for both of us and if I want to
spoil you I bloody well will.’ He flashed me a warning look as he left the room
again before returning with a white bowl and popping it on the shelf. ‘Shift
forward, I want to sit behind you.’ I shuffled up and felt him slide down and
he pulled me back between his legs and put his right arm around me. He reached
up and handed me a flute of champagne before grabbing his own and clinked my
glass. ‘To us baby, I don’t want to fight about money this weekend.’

‘Then we
won’t.’ I sipped, feeling the bubbles explode in my mouth. ‘Thank you Gabe,
it’s delicious.’ In fact it was my favourite of all the champagnes I’d ever
tried. He put his glass down and reached up and grabbed a chocolate dipped
strawberry out of the bowl and bit half of it for himself before feeding me the
other half and we talked about what was left to get for the apartment as we
drank and ate and I snuggled even further down and put my head back on his
shoulder. He suddenly covered my eyes.

‘Open your

‘What are
you putting in it? I thought we’d finished the strawberries and big as your cock
is, I don’t think even you’d stretch around that far.’

‘No,’ he
laughed. ‘It would be pretty awful to be that big, it’d drag on the ground.
Trust me, open your mouth.’

‘Ok.’ I
made a large O with it, wondering what on earth he could have and felt
something quite big and round go in. I hesitated for a second until I felt
sweetness on my tongue and it started to melt in my mouth. I recognised the
flavour right away. ‘O my God,’ I groaned with a mouth full of melting white
chocolate. ‘Sicilian lemon truffles. Do you remember everything I love?’

‘I try to
baby, it’s a man’s job to make sure his woman’s happy,’ he replied as he
uncovered my eyes and popped one in his mouth. I was too happy to even object
to his mildly chauvinist comment, I was getting used to his slightly old
fashioned attitude and though I’d never tell him, I liked that I was so
precious to him. I washed the truffle down with the rest of my champagne and he
sat up and filled our glasses again before returning the bottle to the ice bucket
and feeding me another truffle. ‘Don’t worry, we’ve plenty in the fridge for
the rest of the weekend.’

living on the edge, Gabe. Eating chocolate
drinking during the day.’

‘I can
relax and have fun, you know. I just prefer to only do it when I’m on vacation,
otherwise I’ll end up “Gabe one pack” instead of “Gabe eight pack.” Plus, I
need to keep my fitness levels up, to keep up with your sex drive.’ I laughed
and leaned back against him, twisting my head for a kiss and then moved forward
and swivelled around in the bath to face him. I picked up the Molton Brown
Ginger Lily body wash and soaped up my arms and shoulders as he lay back and
watched, drinking from his flute. ‘You know, I’d happily have done that for

‘I know,
but I wanted to do it myself without you getting all turned on and needing to
fuck me, then I was going to wash you to help you relax too.’

sitting with you fully clothed turns me on. Washing yourself, instead of
letting me do it, doesn’t negate my desire to fuck you baby, and I’m already

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