The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series) (38 page)

‘What are
you grinning about now?’

‘You’ve got
I’ve just come
face and I like that I put that on you,’ he replied
as he pushed open the door to the auditorium for me. Lexi was in her seat and I
spotted Milo up in his and thought it best not to wave. Gabe grabbed my face
and kissed me before heading to speak to Jenkins and I stumbled up to my seat.

‘Have you
just fucked?’ Lexi chuckled.

exactly, no.’

‘You look
like you’ve just fucked, you’ve the tell-tale wide eyes, pink cheeks and
swollen lips and I could hang clothes on those nipples.’

‘O my God,’
I exclaimed.


‘He did it
deliberately, Lexi. He just made me come in the car, walked me here knowing I
looked like this, then kissed me in front of Milo to make it obvious I’m taken.’

‘You think he’d
do that?’ she asked surprised.

jealous man? I
he’d do that. God he’s driving me insane, Lexi. Look,
he’s also deliberately bending over that table knowing I can’t resist watching
his perfect arse in those jeans and … O God look at it … O Lex, he’s so … so … I
can’t think of the word, but he’s

‘I think you’re
reading too much into it, Mia.’

‘Am I? You
watch, anyone else would finish talking and head for the door and give me a discrete
wave. I bet he comes up here and kisses me again before he goes.’


really. Have you seen my neck? He had to buy me that dress on Saturday and
cover-up, which I never wear, because he left a load of hickies up my neck, on
my shoulders and all over my breasts. He’s marking his territory again.’

‘Isn’t that
better than being with a guy that doesn’t give a shit?’

‘I guess,
but he doesn’t have to be so bloody obvious about it.’

‘So make
him feel more secure. If he comes over, stand up and kiss him in front of

‘Lexi! I
can’t do that, it’s embarrassing.’

‘Mia I mean
it, if he’s that insecure about Milo, you making the moves in front of the guy
and a whole room of witnesses is going to give you big brownie points. Besides,
it’s not like Milo doesn’t know the two of you are an item.’

‘Shit, see
what did I tell you,’ I muttered under my breath. ‘He’s coming over.’ Lexi chuckled
and sat back in her chair and folded her arms.

‘Hi, Lex.’

‘Hi Gabe,
nice morning?’

he grinned before turning to me and leaning forward, planting both of his hands
on the front of my desk. ‘See you about six then baby, don’t be late, we have
plans,’ he winked with another of his special smiles. I turned and glared at
the girl behind who let out a lusty moan as she looked at him. ‘Mia?’

I turned my
attention back to him and pushed my chair back, stood up and leaned in, one
hand on my table and cupped his face with the other and started to kiss him, pushing
my tongue into his mouth as my eyes closed. I felt him stiffen for a second,
surprised at my bold move, but he quickly reached up and cupped the back of my
head. He returned my kiss with just as much vigour and I heard whooping and
cheers going on from the hundred or so people seated around us. I pulled away
and smiled at him, enjoying the fact that he looked taken aback.

later baby,’ I said winking and pecking him on the lips.

‘You bet,’
he grinned. ‘I’ll be ready and waiting.’ I saw him flash a quick glance up
towards Milo before blowing me a kiss and heading out. I noticed Jenkins
shaking his head as I sat down.

getting lucky tonight after that,’ said Lexi.

‘I’d better
be,’ I said, blushing as I noticed people smiling at me. I got my books out and
tried to switch off from the fact that he’d just whipped me into a sexual
frenzy again with a smile, wink and a kiss, well that and a nice view of his
bottom. I pushed it to the back of my mind as I focussed on Jenkins lecture. As
we were walking out I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Milo.

‘That was
some kiss back there, I think you just broke a few hearts. Is he coming back?’

‘Not until
January, he’s still quite tired if he overdoes it. He just wanted some feedback
on his last assignment, he thought he should have got more than a 65.’

‘65 and he’s
asking for feedback? Christ, I should ask for some then I only got a 52, how
did you two do?’

‘45 Milo, so
don’t feel bad about yours. Mia got a 69 and still got told off by Jenkins for
not doing better.’

’69? Seriously?
That’s incredible, he’s known as a really harsh marker,’ he looked at me
amazed. I nodded feeling embarrassed as we started to walk outside toward the
bus stop and the three of us chatted until we got there. ‘Well, have a great
weekend away, Mia. See you Monday?’

‘Yes, thanks
Milo, you too and we’re on for our Thursday evening workout next week.’ I
kissed him on the cheek, praying Gabe or one of his “spies” wasn’t watching.

‘See you in
Fazeleys Friday, Lexi?’

‘Yeah, I’m
going with Doug, we may see you in the student bar before.’

He waved
and headed off as we waiting in the bus queue.

‘This is weird,
Lexi. No movie Tuesday with you and now we’re having girls Friday apart again.’

‘Then let’s
go out when you get back on Sunday, just you and me, we’re well overdue some
alone time. We can get hammered and you can fill me in on your sex-a-thon

‘We’ve a
full day of lectures on Monday, Lex,’ I reminded her.

‘So, it’s
nearly end of term and we make a deal to study harder from January.’

‘Well, I
think we land just after four, so we’d be home by half five-ish and we could be
out for just after six. Let me run it past Gabe.’

‘He’ll have
had you for four bloody days, Mia. I’ll tell him he’s going to have to spare
you for the night so you can spend time with your best friend,’ she said

Back at
home Lexi went to make us a coffee and I found Gabe in the lounge sitting on
the recliner looking remarkably happy.

‘Hi baby,
you look so damn sexy in that outfit. How was your afternoon?’

‘It went
quickly thank you, how was yours?’ I asked kissing him and then squealed with
laughter as he pulled me onto his lap and tickled me until I begged him to stop.
He helped me to sit up and I leaned on him as he ran one set of fingers back
and forth across the exposed flesh at the top of my knee highs.

‘I had an
amazing morning, fantastic lunch with a super-hot girlfriend, enjoyed making
her come and then I had a very productive afternoon. I’m all packed and ready
to go, have seen the builders and next door is completely clear now, the
internal frames are up for the new walls and the electricians and plumbers are
on site from Friday laying down the cabling and pipes. The rotten windows are
being removed and the new double glazed sash windows are being fitted. So
everything’s on track and now I’ve got you all to myself for a few days and
nights and I have so many plans for you, most of which involve you coming
multiple times and screaming my name,’ he ran his nose up and down my cheek and
kissed my temple.

‘O God,’ I
groaned. ‘You’ve been very busy and it sounds like you will be for the next few
days. What are we doing for dinner? I’d like to spend a bit of time with Lexi

‘I was
thinking I could have you to myself for a couple of hours and then you could
come and chill in here with her while I cook dinner for us. Doug will be over
about eight-thirty and we can all eat together. We need a reasonably early
night as we have to leave for the airport at five-thirty.’

‘O God that’s
so early, and I haven’t packed yet. Have you factored that into your plans for

‘No,’ he

‘Then I
better go and start.’ I tried to get up and he held me tightly to him.

‘No, you
can pack after. Go and tell Lexi you’ll be with her in a couple of hours and
meet me in the bedroom.’

‘But Gabe,
we’re going away and I’d like to spend the next few hours with her,’ I

‘It’s the
start of our holiday Mia, please don’t piss me off before it’s even got going.
You can see her when I’m done with you.’

I went to
object, but saw from his face that it wasn’t worth pushing, but after this
break he needed to back off and let Lexi and I have some proper time together. I
sighed and nodded, stood up and he smacked my bottom grinning, obviously happy
I’d heeded his request. I eyed him wondering what he was up to as he stood up
and followed me out and headed to my bedroom. I joined Lexi in the kitchen and
she handed me a coffee.

‘So you
told him about Sunday?’

‘Give me a
minute, I just got in and he’s all excited about our trip and being alone
together. I’ll pick my moment.’

‘Which will
be when?’

‘I think he
has sex plans with me right now and he won’t say no if I’ve just made him come,
that’s when he’s at his most amenable lately.’

‘TMI Mia,
just make sure you ask.’

seriously, he says he needs me for an hour or two and then he’s going to
prepare and cook dinner for when Doug gets here. When we’re done, will you come
and help me pack? I could do with some advice on a couple of outfits and we can
catch up while I get sorted.’

shout me whenever you’re ready and I mean
. If you’re about to have
one of your screaming “give it to me big boy” sessions, I’ll be in the lounge
with the TV on, very loud.’

‘I told you
I’ve never said “give it to me big boy” but I’m starting to think maybe it’s
favourite expression with Doug as you keep bringing it up.’

‘Ha, he’d
that, he’s really into dirty talk.’

what?’ I exclaimed, I’d never have imagined that of sweet bumbling Doug.

‘Maybe I’ll
turn the volume up on my session next time we’re at it and
listen and find out first-hand.’

‘Shit, I’m
sure I just heard Gabe calling me. I’d better go, but you and I are going to
have a dirty talk conversation on our night out.’

‘Count on
it. See you in a while, have

I finished
the dregs of my coffee, went to the bedroom and my eyes widened as I shut the
door and took it in. The blinds were shut and there were flickering tea lights
on my chest of drawers, dressing table and bedside table, leaving a soft glow
in the room and a lovely smell of frangipani oil, my favourite. Gabe was
standing beside the bed in just a pair of exceptionally tight black boxers with
a big smile on his face. It put one on mine seeing his body and I scanned it

‘What are
you up to, Gabe? Everything looks and smells divine in here.’ I walked over to
him and trailed my fingers down his stomach as I drank him in. It made me
lightheaded to see him like this, strong, muscular and virile, all
. ‘God,
I want you,’ I moaned as my finger ran along the inside of his boxers.

I looked up
at him, my lips swollen ready for his kiss. He ran his hand across my cheek
smiling and leaned in and I held my breath waiting for our lips to meet and
jerked in surprise when he simply kissed my forehead. I looked at him confused
and he simply reached down and took the hem of my jumper and pulled it up over
my head, my arms lifting willingly. He moved closer and put his arms around me
and unhooked my bra, his lips were dangerously close to mine and I wanted so
badly to kiss them, but I realised he was in the mood to take things slow and
decided to follow his lead. He slowly ran his fingers down each shoulder,
moving my bra straps down my arms as he held my gaze. I heard my bra drop on
the floor and inhaled sharply as my nipples swelled against his chest. My
stomach was tingling and I was desperate for him to touch me properly.

I moaned softly
as he lay a trail of featherlike kisses down the side of my neck and across the
top of my shoulder, my skin scorching as his lips skimmed it. He slowly sank to
his knees in front of me and I ran my fingers through his hair as he gripped my
bottom and kissed my stomach before slowly peeling off my skirt and knickers in
one go and lifting my feet to release me from them. My skin was vibrating at
his proximity and I could feel myself pulsing, preparing for him. He moved me
backwards until my lower thighs were touching the back of the bed and nodded
for me to sit.

The fact we
weren’t talking only added to the mounting sexual tension I could feel between
us. I sat down and put one hand behind me to lean back and continued to caress
his hair while he kissed around the top of my socks as he pulled off my boots.
He sat back on his heels and lifted up one of my feet and placed it on his
chest, running both hands up my leg, before he peeled my over the knee sock
down and removed it. He ran his tongue up my instep before kissing and nipping
each of my toes and putting my foot down on his solid thigh and repeating the
process with the other leg. I started to squirm on the bed, longing pooling
between my thighs and he smiled knowingly at me and parted my legs. My eyes
started to roll into the back of my head as he ran his palms up each thigh,
thumbs on the inside, stopping just shy of my throbbing clit. I opened my eyes
and looked at him and knew it was with full on lust, my eyelids hung heavy and
I saw his face respond in kind as his eyes blazed. He stood up quickly and
swung my legs up onto the bed and lay me flat on my back, then gently rolled me
onto my front. What was he doing?

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