The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series) (17 page)

‘Mia, if
you left me, losing a car would be the last of my concerns.’

believe me when I say you’ve never seen me at my most furious and you don’t
want to, so I’ll unleash hell on earth on you if you go ahead with this
ridiculous idea,’ I looked at him again and saw his bottom lip was out.

‘I thought you’d
like it.’

‘Don’t sulk,
you look like a moody pre-teen. It was a lovely thought, but the answer’s no. I
don’t want a car, or even a moped or bike, ok.’

‘Fine,’ he
sighed. ‘Then what do you want?’

‘I don’t
need anything Gabe, as long as I’m with you on my birthday I’ll be happy.’

there’s no way I’m not getting you something.’

‘Gabe, you
can be so romantic I know you’ll do something that night to make me happy,
something that makes me love you even more, just don’t let it be a mode of
transport or something expensive. You need to save your money, you’re spending
it like crazy at the moment with the apartment, flowers, clothes and our
upcoming trip.’

‘I only
spend what I know I can afford Mia, don’t worry I’m not busting into my long
term investments.’


it’s my money, if I want to spend it I will. Your phone’s going in your bag. Do
you want me to answer it?’

‘Can you’ve
a look and see who it is?’

‘It’s a
Cindy calling.’

‘Can you
press ignore? I’ll call her when we get back.’


‘The girl
from Peppers who helped me with my routine last night.’

looking forward to seeing that again in our apartment.’

‘You may
get to see some of it later if you behave.’

‘Then I’m
behaving baby,’ he said with a wide grin. ‘You also have a text from Lexi.’

‘Can you
read it for me?’

‘You sure?’

‘Yes, I’ve nothing
to hide from you,’ I looked over at him as he opened it.

‘Hmmm,’ he

‘What does
it say?’

‘I’m not
sure, it doesn’t appear to be in English. I think you better try and decipher
it when you get back.’

‘She drives
me insane with this bloody text slang, what’s wrong with writing properly?’

It was a
little after six when we pulled into his drive and unloaded the shopping. We
took it up in two loads and I started to unpack it while Gabe hunted for his
dad. I piled all of my toiletries and cosmetics boxes in the bathroom and put
all of my clothes bags in the dressing room to sort out tomorrow. I sat on the
bed and got my phone out.

Soz M.
I’m fkng nitemare unoit. Tidng az text. Cul8r soz gain x

Will you
learn to bloody text in English!!!  Lexi it was a mess. I can’t believe you can
get in that much of a state without me for a few bloody weeks. Thank God I’m
coming home tomorrow to keep an eye on you. See you later, we’re going
somewhere nice. You looked lovely on that first date with Doug, if you’re stuck,
raid my wardrobe. Love you even though you piss me off sometimes xx

I redialled
Cindy as I unzipped and pulled off my boots and lay on the bed as it rang.

‘Hi, Miss

‘Hi Cindy,
how are you?’ I replied, laughing at her endearment.

getting ready to head into work. So you made a couple of hundred in tips, honey.’

For one dance?’

‘Yeah. Call
in tonight and pick it up, Mike wants to talk to you.’

‘I can’t,
I’m out with Gabe’s dad tonight. Anyway I want you to keep it Cindy, you put in
so much more time with me than you needed to, it’s the least I can do.’

‘Mia, you
earned it. I only put the time in because I knew you were good and I enjoyed
your company, plus I hoped you’d ditch pretty boy and swing to the lesbian side.’

making me laugh, Cindy. I mean it, keep the money, I don’t need it. Keep it and
put it toward that new outfit you were talking about.’ Who was I kidding? I did
need it, to save up to pay Gabe back, but Cindy had really gone above and
beyond for me.

‘Mia, that’s
so sweet of you. So how did it go with him?’

‘He was
pretty mad, more so because it turned him on so much to see other guys getting
heated up over me and he thinks it’s not normal. We had amazing angry sex after
though, so it was worth it.’

‘Don’t talk
to a lesbian about her fantasy having hot sex with her boy toy, it’s so wrong.’

Cindy. You’re attractive, you must have loads of girls fighting over you.’

‘I don’t do
so badly, but seriously Mia, Mike wants to you work here. He was so impressed
and to earn that many tips off one dance on your first night’s pretty awesome.’

‘I’m just not
sure, Cindy. I’ve Uni, studying and Gabe. I don’t know how he’d feel about it.’

‘Well, talk
to him then come and talk to Mike and discuss your concerns, I’m sure he could
work around you. Lots of the girls have other commitments, unlike me.’

‘Cindy,’ I

the pay’s shit, minimum wage per hour, but you get to keep all your tips. You
could make some serious money even only doing a few dances a week. You’re a
natural on the pole, Mia.’

but I’ll need to think about it.’

‘Don’t make
it too long, I’ll miss training with you.’

‘You too,
it’s been such fun. Regardless of what happens we can keep in touch and go out.
Listen, I better go and get ready for dinner. I’ll call you soon, ok?’

‘Make sure
you do Mia, bye.’

‘Bye.’ I
put my phone on the docking station and wriggled out of my jeans and bent down
to pull them over my ankles and heard a whistle behind me. ‘That better be you
Gabe or your dad just got a look at my bare arse with a G-string up it. I just
need to flash him my pussy like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct and he’ll pretty
much have seen it all.’ I stood and turned around to see him leaning back on
the door with a very horny look on his face and an obvious erection. I pulled
off my polo neck and unhooked my bra as I walked over to him and discarded it.

‘Why do you
always say vagina or pussy? You never use the word cunt,’ he asked as he put an
arm around my waist and ran his fingers lightly over one of my nipples.

crude, coarse, vulgar and offensive.’

‘I thought
it turned you on when I said it to you during sex,’ he replied as he bent down
and licked my other nipple.

different, I’m in the dirty girl zone and it’s you saying it. It’s not lady
like for me to say something like that.’

‘Are you in
the dirty girl zone now?’ he mumbled through mouthfuls of me.

there by the second,’ I groaned as I pulled his shirt out of his jeans and
undid the lower buttons. He straightened up as I undid the top ones and pushed it
away from his perfectly toned torso. This was just what I needed to take my
mind off that discussion with his dad earlier.

‘What would
help get you there quicker?’ he asked, as I ran my hands over his hard pecs and
abs drooling.

looking at this body’s certainly helping.’ I flicked my tongue over his nipple
and gently nipped it as I stroked the significant bulge in his jeans.

‘So how
would you like me, Mia?’

‘You’re in
charge now, you told me you wanted to fuck me when we got home. I’m telling you
that I want to fuck you tonight when we get in, so I’ll be in charge then. So
how would you like
Gabe?’ I stepped back and pulled down my G-string
and kicked it away and smiled as his eyes went to the smooth flesh at the top
of my thighs and he licked his lips.

‘O baby,
what a loaded question, there are still so many ways we haven’t tried yet and
as soon as I get the all clear to put weight on my shoulder, as well as lift
again, we’re going to tick them all off the list.’ He pulled his jeans and
boxers down in one fast move and kicked them off and moved toward me.

‘How many
more ways are there?’ I asked, my eyes widening and mind boggling. He pulled me
to him and tilted my head up to look at him.

‘There’s my
innocent virgin again, I wondered where she’d been hiding.’

‘Don’t be
so mean.’

‘I’m not, I
love that you can be so experienced in one way and so totally innocent in
another. There are quite a lot more positions Mia, some of which I’d never have
thought about trying with you until I saw you do the splits and realised how
flexible you were, now I can show you them all.’

‘And I
suppose you’ve already done them all before, Mr.
I’ve fucked a few hundred
Austin.’ I pulled my chin out of his clutch and pushed him away from
me and tried to walk away, but he caught my wrist and pinned me to the wall.

what’s going on?’ he asked as his hips pressed on mine, his palms either side
of my shoulders.

that’s what. You love reminding me how you’re the experienced one and I’m not.
I hate knowing you’ve done everything before,’ I snapped. I felt on edge, I was
tired, beyond tired, and my head was full of my quandary. I couldn’t walk away
from him, but if I stayed I’d have to delve into my fears and I didn’t feel
ready for that either. I’d just wanted to switch off with some mindless sex and
he’d just ruined that for me.

‘Mia, I haven’t
done everything before.’

?’ I questioned sarcastically.

‘No. I’m
inquisitive and I’ve watched a fair bit of porn. I certainly haven’t tried them
all out if that’s what you’re thinking.’ I didn’t want to look at him and focussed
on his nipple and imagined biting it really hard to make him hurt. ‘Mia. You
were the first girl I gave oral to while my come was inside you. Until you, I
thought that would be gross. You’re the first in a car, on a car, in a pool, on
a pool table, in a sauna, with a normal vibrator, let alone a three way one.’

‘Ok, carry
on,’ I looked up at him.

‘You were
the first with camcorders and anal toys. No one has ever stuck their finger up
my backside during sex before and I’ve never had a girl fuck me in a cinema or on
a dining room chair, let alone with my dad watching.’ I giggled, I loved how
quickly he could made me forget my troubles and the memory of the look on his
face the first time I’d experimented with anal play on him was funny, it had
been priceless. ‘Mia, I can think of lots of positions and places we can do it
that are all new to me, but every time I do something with you it’s like it’s new,
like I’m experiencing it again for the first time. Come to think of it, we’ve
never had sex in the shower, fancy it?’

‘We’ve had
sex in the shower.’

‘No, we’ve
played in the shower and you’ve given me many,
blow jobs in the
shower, but we’ve never fucked in the shower.’ He leaned in and lay a trail of
kisses from my shoulder to my neckline.

‘God, you’re
right. Well, hold that thought as I don’t want to wet my hair, I need to pin it
up to make my whole ensemble work.’

he asked looking at me in amazement. ‘You’d rather protect your hair than have
hot shower sex with me?’

‘Tonight yes,
but I’ll have hot sex with you without a water theme.’

‘Bugger, I’d
a whole visual of that going on and let me tell you, it was good.’

‘There are
three other places we haven’t done it in the bathroom. On the floor, the sink
top, or on the toilet.’

‘On the
toilet?’ he grimaced.

‘Not while we’re
doing stuff, you know …
toilet stuff
, but you could sit and I could
straddle you the wrong way. I like it when you’ve got your hands free to play
with me.’

‘Hmmm, I
like the sound of that. Tell me in what way you want me to play with you?’ He
put his lips back at the bottom of my neck and started to kiss and softly
nibble making my insides respond.

‘I like when
you knead my breasts and play with my nipples,’ I tilted my head to give him
better access to my neck.


‘It makes
them stiff and sensitive and gets me more horny.’ I moaned as he continued to
use his lips on my favourite spot and started playing with one of my breasts as
I’d suggested.

‘Like this?’

‘Yes,’ I

‘Where else
do you want me to play?’

‘I love it
when you run your hand down my stomach and let your fingers graze my clit
before checking I’m ready for you.’

‘Would you
like me to do that?’

please.’ I quickly parted my legs for him.

‘So eager,’
he grinned as he pulled his head back to look at me and ran his finger back and
forth across my mound as his other fingers moved to my nipples driving me crazy.

please, stop teasing me.’ He slid his finger further down and gave a moan of
satisfaction to find me wet for him.

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