The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series) (19 page)

‘Not at
all, I’m sure it’ll be far more entertaining having a houseful of guests than
just the two of us again.’

We all
chatted excitedly about Christmas, I loved it and not just because it was my
birthday. I felt the Limo come to a stop and Riley opened the door for Doug to
get out and we all followed, laughing as we banged our heads. Gabe offered his
hand to me as I finally made it and stood up.

‘Gabe, it’s
where you took me for our first formal date,’ I smiled.

‘Dad loves
it here and I thought it might be nice to come back.’

We were all
welcomed with open arms by Pierre and shown to a large round table in the
window with flickering candles and white lilies and I grinned as Lexi mouthed ‘
at me as we took our seats. Anything more expensive than Nando’s or Frankie and
Benny’s was seriously upper class in her eyes, so this must be blowing her
mind. Robert held out a seat for me and sat on my left and I heard Gabe mutter
something under his breath as he sat to my right. As Robert ordered two bottles
of champagne, I felt Gabe’s fingers caress the back of my neck and looked round
at him.

‘I wanted
to sit on your left to take advantage of that slit in your dress,’ he whispered
as he ran his lips over my ear. ‘It’s driving me crazy knowing you’re bare
under there.’

‘Then I’m
in for a good time when we get home,’ I whispered back. I put my hand on his
thigh, ran it up and squeezed his hard on and started to rub it under the cover
of the table cloth. I smiled at him as he let out a groan and quickly covered
his mouth with his one hand while the other covered mine and gripped my fingers
around him tighter. I turned to look at Robert as I continued my assault on his
son. It was time Gabe got some of his own medicine, after all, he did this to
me in public often enough.

‘Robert, do
you mind us calling Gabriel, Gabe? I notice that you always use his full name.’

‘Of course
not Mia, I think everybody calls him Gabe except for me. Habit I guess, his
mother preferred his full name and it’s stuck.’

‘I think
it’s a lovely name, though I only tend to use it when I’m cross with him.’

‘I hope he’s
not that badly behaved, Mia?’ Robert laughed.

‘No, he’s usually
a perfect gentleman. We just have the odd disagreement because he’s so
protective of me it can feel a little controlling sometimes.’ I squeezed Gabe
hard and heard him shift in his seat.

understand that, Mia. You know he never even talked about any girlfriends
before you. I had a feeling he was too afraid to get attached to anyone again
after his mother. You however, he was smitten with you on first sight. You know
he rang me the day after he first saw you to tell me about you?’

‘No, I

‘Yes, he said
he knew instantly that you were going to end up together, just like I did with
Tabitha,’ Robert smiled and I gave him a soft smile back. I’d experienced a
fraction of the pain Robert had when I thought Gabe had been killed in that
accident, so the thought of what Robert went through made my stomach knot.

‘I felt the
same about Gabe when I saw him, Robert.’

‘I’m glad
you found each other Mia, he looks happier than I’ve seen him in a long time. I
think that’s all down to you, so thank you.’

I smiled
not quite knowing what to say. Robert was supportive, for now, but I knew if I
didn’t step up and do as he asked, to sort out my commitment issues, he was
going to get tough. I was grateful for Pierre bringing the champagne and
popping it with a flourish before serving us all. I still had my hand on Gabe
and giggled as I realised he was trying desperately hard to hold a conversation
with Lexi while squirming in his chair. I went to move my hand to give him a
break, but he gripped it harder controlling the pace of my strokes. I tried to
tug it away again when I was handed my menu, but he wouldn’t let go and grinned
at me, making me lay the leather folder on the table and turn the pages with my
left hand.

I ordered
seared scallops with serrano ham and felt Gabe stroke my fingers with his thumb
giving his seal of approval which made me smile. I knew he’d order the same as
me, so I’d chosen them especially for him. I then chose lobster and crab
ravioli with broad beans and asparagus in a champagne cream sauce and a side
order of fine green beans and creamed spinach. I smiled as I returned my menu
and deliberately tightened my grip as they asked Gabe for his order. He looked
at me wide eyed in horror.

‘He’ll have
the same as me please,’ I advised the waiter. Gabe leaned over and whispered
hoarsely in my ear and I looked at him surprised as he grinned cheekily. ‘Please
excuse me everyone, I need to visit the ladies.’ I laid my napkin on the table
and stood up. Robert, Doug and Gabe immediately stood up as well, they were so
well mannered. Lexi was looking very confused and I noticed Gabe quickly
buttoned up his jacket to conceal his bulge.

‘It’s ok
Lexi, they aren’t all coming with me, it’s considered polite for men to stand
when a lady does.’

‘I’m going
with her,’ announced Gabe. ‘She got accosted by a man last time I left her to
go alone, he made an inappropriate move and she ended up breaking his nose.’
Everyone looked at me open mouthed so I smiled and shrugged before Gabe stood
behind me, pulled my chair back and grabbed my hand. He led me to the corridor
that ran down the side of the restaurant shielded by the slate and water
feature wall and pushed me up against it and started kissing me, his hands
holding my face. When he pulled back I could see he was horny as hell.

‘You made
me pretend to come to the toilet to make out with me?’ I asked.

‘No, to do
this.’ He looked around and quickly turned, opened a door behind him and pulled
me through it, locking it behind me. I looked around to find I was in a very
chic washroom with a black sliding door at the end, which I assumed led to the
toilet. I heard Gabe undoing his zip and looked around at him shocked.

‘Gabe, what
are you doing?’

‘Mia, I’ve
an erection that’s about to blow like Vesuvius.’

‘We’re in
the toilets of a busy restaurant.’

‘No, we’re
in the ladies disabled toilets and I haven’t spotted anyone in a wheelchair.
Mia please, I can’t sit there like this all night. I’ve been hard since we had
to abandon our plans at home and you groping me under the table from the moment
I sat down hasn’t helped, my balls are on fire,’ he responded as he pulled
himself out of his trousers. I stopped and stared at him open mouthed, it was
quite a sight, him all beautifully tailored with his long, thick, hard cock
sticking out. I neglected to remind him that he’d encouraged me to keep
fondling him and I bit my lip and pressed my thighs together suddenly
incredibly turned on. ‘Mia, are we doing this or what? We need to be quick
before they realise something’s up.’

something’s definitely
, Gabe,’ I giggled with a nod to his bobbing erection.
‘Sex or blow job?’

‘I was only
expecting a quick blow job, but if sex is on the cards I’m all for it,’ he

‘The things
I do to keep you happy,’ I smiled as I wriggled my dress up over my hips and
bent over clutching the sink, exposing my bare behind and spread my legs for
him. I watched his face in the mirror, never ceasing to amaze myself at how the
look of lust on his face could make me even wetter. He stood behind me and ran
his hand over my bottom and looked at me in the mirror as he held one hip and
easily inserted his head into me before gripping my other hip.

‘It’s going
to be quick, Mia,’ he warned. I nodded as he pulled my hips back and slammed forward
into me. I reached forward and grasped the chrome taps to give myself something
to hold onto, never losing eye contact with him as he pumped me from behind,
slamming my pelvis into the counter top. ‘You’re so tight baby,’ he groaned. I
saw my lips part and my face flush as I tried to take some deep breaths. I’d
never been able to see his face properly when he fucked me from behind and the
sight didn’t disappoint. He leaned over and ran a hand around my thigh and up
between my legs and started to play with my clit, as I started to moan and push
back against him.

‘O God,’ I

‘Mia, come
now,’ he ordered in a deep low sexy tone as his fingers worked as quickly as
his thrusts into me did. How did my body respond in an instant to that simple
order? I was just a puppet and he was the master puppeteer pulling my strings
and directing my every move. I started to groan and grip the taps harder as I
felt my ascension begin and saw the look of pure male satisfaction on his face
that I’d heeded his command.

‘Gabe?’ I whimpered
as I felt my muscles start to contract.

Mia,’ he growled, his eyes wild and dark boring into my reflection. He stopped
playing with me and put his hand over my mouth and I screamed into it as I
started to quake. I saw him grit his teeth as he pushed one final time and
suddenly his face and body relaxed as I felt him twitching and his warmth
filling me. He lay down on my back and released my mouth letting me catch my breath
before pushing his fingers into my mouth for me to suck.

‘That was
so hot,’ I groaned and he winked, stood up and pulled out of me. I went to
stand and he put one restraining hand on my lower back.

‘Wait while
I clean you up baby.’ He grabbed one of the clean rolled face clothes from the
wicker basket on the counter top and ran the warm water over it as he smiled at
me in the mirror before wiping himself and then very gently running it back and
forth between my legs. I watched him and remembered how embarrassed I’d been
the first time he’d done this to me, now I loved that he could be so intimate
with such a simple kind gesture. ‘Ok, you’re good to go.’ He stood and tucked himself
back in his boxers and zipped up his fly. I stood up and pulled my dress down
smoothing it over my hips, opened my clutch and pulled out my gloss and applied

‘Shit Gabe,
look at my face. They’re going to know.’

‘Yes, you
do have a rather well fucked glow about you,’ he chuckled happily.

‘Go back
first so it doesn’t look obvious.’

‘I left on
the pretext of needing to accompany you, we need to go back together.’

‘I can’t go
looking like this.’

‘You have
to. We’ve already been gone longer than was strictly necessary. Come on.’ He
grabbed my hand and opened the door slowly and looked back at me and tugged my
hand and we exited just as Robert came out of the gents to the left of us. Gabe
and I stopped dead in our tracks, but he’d already seen us.

disabled toilet. Interesting choice, son,’ he smiled as he walked past and
winked at us. I smacked Gabe on the head with my clutch and he looked around at
me laughing as I did it again.

‘Your dad’s
going to think I’m some … some …
cock whore.

‘No, my dad’s
going to think lucky bugger, his super-hot girlfriend can’t keep her hands off
him.’ He pulled me in by the waist and rubbed his nose up and down my cheek.

that’s the last time I’m having sex until it’s confirmed he’s back on that
plane, so you better have enjoyed that.’

‘O I did
enjoy it baby, but given your insatiable appetite for me, you know you won’t
stick to your little threat.’

insatiable appetite?’ I felt my eyes widen in surprise.

‘Yes, and I
love that you can’t get enough of me.’ He kissed me before I’d the chance to
protest again. ‘Come on or it’ll look even worse if we don’t go back.’ He took
my hand and led the way.

‘I’m not
exactly sure how it could look any worse than it already does, Gabe.’

We exited
the corridor and made our way back to our table and I felt like everyone’s eyes
were on my flushed face. I avoided eye contact with Doug and Robert, who both stood
up again and waited for Gabe to pull my seat back and let me in. I grabbed my
champagne and downed it as Gabe took his place next to me. Robert was talking
to Doug so I caught Lexi’s eye and she smiled and winked making it clear she
knew what we’d been up to. I jumped as a waiter silently appeared from nowhere
to refill my glass and top up everyone else’s as our starters arrived.

‘I see you
like scallops as well Mia, they’re one of Gabriel’s favourites,’ came Robert’s
voice. I took a deep breath, I couldn’t avoid looking at him forever and turned
my head and was taken aback by his features. He really was a good looking guy.
I felt myself flush again, I hated that I did that so often.

‘I’d never
had them before, Gabe took me to the restaurant above your offices and chose
them for me and I was really taken with them.’

‘What did
you think of the place?’

‘The view’s
stunning and the food was excellent, we had a lovely evening.’

‘I used to
spend a lot of time there when I worked downstairs and Tabby and I would often
take Gabriel with us to work during the holidays so it was a favourite lunch
time haunt. If you love the view from there, you’d love the views in Hong Kong.’
He chatted to me about the city as we ate our starters and I was sure he was trying
to put me at ease after today’s events. I ate my scallops in small bites, so I
was able to ask questions without a mouthful of food, so I was last to finish
around the table. As soon as I put my knife and fork down, Gabe grabbed my hand
and laced his fingers with mine.

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