The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series) (44 page)

When I
opened them again I found myself naked in bed, alone. I checked the alarm
clock, to see it was nearly midnight. I got up and pulled a t-shirt on and
opened the door to the lounge and saw him on the sofa, with his iPad, rubbing
his eyes.

‘Hi,’ I
called out. He turned to see me and smiled.


‘I’m sorry
I fell asleep.’

‘I thought you’d
be more comfortable in bed.’ He tried to stifle a big yawn. I walked around and
took his iPad off him, setting it on the sofa, then climbed onto his lap and
lay my head on his chest. ‘Why didn’t you get in with me?’

‘I wanted
to find the fire’s and fire places, get them ordered and email Tom to schedule
them into the build, so I wouldn’t forget. I didn’t want to disturb you.’

‘Gabe, you’re
on holiday, it can all wait until Monday. Switch off.’

‘I’m just
excited about it. I want to keep on top of everything, so there are no delays. I
can’t wait to move in with you, Mia.’

‘I know,
but you’re still recovering, you need to rest too and you haven’t done much
resting today.’ I slipped my hand in his gown and traced my fingers over his baby
soft shoulder scar.

‘I’ve done
lots of relaxing, doesn’t sex count?’

‘Giving me
hundreds of orgasms isn’t resting, Gabe. Come back to bed with me, we’ve got to
be up early again tomorrow.’

‘Let me
finish this email and I’ll be there.’


‘I promise.’
He pulled my lower lip out and nipped it with his teeth before kissing me. ‘Thank
you for caring, go on, I’ll be there in a few minutes.’

I got up
and went to brush my teeth and took a glass of water back to bed with me, it
was still warm from where I’d been asleep before so I snuggled down in the same
spot and decided to wait for him to join me. When he’d not arrived half an hour
later, I got up and went into the lounge and found him fast asleep, leaning
back on the sofa, his iPad on the floor. I picked it up and put it on the
coffee table and debated waking him up to take him back to bed with me, but he
was obviously exhausted, so instead I went and turned off the lights, leaving
the fire on and covered him with the big fleece blanket before I snuck under and
shimmied up to lie at his side, my bottom against his hip. He made a small moan
and stirred and when he moved no further I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Fingers circling my navel and
hot lips on my shoulder woke me up and I flexed my stiff lower back.

baby, what are we doing on the sofa instead of in bed?’ he asked. I wriggled
around to face him.

broke their promise to come back to bed Gabe and I was waiting for you for half
an hour,’ I chastised.

‘You should’ve
woken me up.’

‘You’d have
then wanted sex before we went to sleep and you obviously needed to rest.’

‘So you
came and slept on here with me to avoid sex?’

‘No … well
yes, plus I wasn’t spending the first night of our break sleeping alone.’

‘I was very
disorientated when I woke up to find myself in the lounge with you lying next
to me. You’re so sweet.’ He ran his thumb over my cheek.

‘And you’re
so naughty when I told you to come to bed and you promised.’

‘What can I
do to make it up to you,’ he asked as he rubbed his nose against mine.

‘What time
is it?’

past seven.’

‘Then you’ve
ten minutes to fuck me fast before I go and get in the shower and get ready for
breakfast at eight. I’ve cute fat pandas to see. What are you looking at? Get
on me and do me, now,’ I ordered. He laughed and rolled me onto my back,
tickling me until I screamed and then climbed between my legs and fucked me
hard until I screamed even louder.

We quickly
showered and washed our hair and got dressed. I pulled on my black jeans, red
converses, red jumper and got my black thick cardigan out. I packed my handbag
before drying my hair and leaving it loose and putting on some mascara. Gabe
towel dried his hair into a sexy mess and put on his black combats with his Ferrari
long sleeve grey t-shirt, his onyx converses and pulled out a dark grey jumper.
He was attractive in any outfit, but those combats ranked up there with his
suits as one of my favourite outfits on him.

We were
just ready as the door knocked and our breakfast arrived and we gulped it down
fast, brushed our teeth and headed out. He’d booked a taxi for eight-thirty to
take us to the zoo, which opened at nine. We got in the cab and I was beyond
excited as we pulled up at the main gate. We queued up waiting for it to open,
so we could get our tickets for the panda viewing, chose the two p.m. slot and
headed in. Gabe grabbed a map and pulled his sweater on, it was cold and crisp,
but at least it wasn’t raining. I tightened the belt around my cardigan.

‘Baby I’m
worried you’re going to get cold. Come on, let’s go and look for a hat and
scarf for you.’

‘I’m fine,
Gabe. Once we start walking I’ll warm up.’

‘I’m not
risking it, Mia. Come on.’ He pulled me into the gift shop and headed for the
clothes section and grabbed two grey Edinburgh zoo baseball caps and two panda
tartan cashmere scarfs in black, grey, red and white and gave me a look when I
went to complain at the price. He charmed the cashier into keeping the boxes
and a photography book of the giant pandas behind the counter until we were
ready to leave, to save carrying them, before tearing off the tags with his
teeth and wrapping a scarf around my neck first. He pulled my hair into a
ponytail and feed it through the cap before putting on his own and taking my
hand walking in the direction of the monkeys.

‘It’s a
beautiful scarf, so soft and warm, thank you,’ I tiptoed up and kissed his
cheek, thinking how sexy he looked with his cap on.

‘Well, how
could I resist a specific tartan called panda? Plus you’re all colour co-ordinated,’
he smiled.

We spent a
lot of time in the monkey areas as they had us in hysterics, then saw bears, pygmy
hippos, meerkats and otters and headed over to see the rhino’s and penguins,
who were equally as funny as the monkeys and I made Gabe and a few passers-by
laugh with my imitation walk. Gabe was fascinated watching the penguins swim,
so we just sat for a while, hand in hand, watching them zooming through the
water. After a quick welcome hot coffee and a Panini for lunch, we made our way
to the panda enclosure and Gabe kept laughing at how excited I was.

We sat
watching Tian Tian, who was sitting against a log and lifting up bamboo shoots
and happily chewing on them, oblivious to everyone watching her and I reached
up and wiped away the dampness on my cheeks.

what’s wrong?’

happy tears, I’ve never seen a real one and she’s just so adorable. I just want
to go and cuddle her and give her lots of love,’ I sniffed. Gabe put his arm
around me, squeezed me and kissed the top of my head and we stayed until we
were told we had to move on, I was so disappointed.

‘We’ll go
and see them in Hong Kong baby, there’s no time limit there, we can spend all
day with them if you want,’ he volunteered. I smiled up at him and he led me
around the African zoo plain section to see the big cats and zebra’s and on the
way back we did a detour via the shop and picked up the panda book and our
cashmere scarf boxes.

‘I can’t
believe it’s already four o’clock and we’ve missed a few sections out. What
time are we eating?’ I asked.

being picked up at seven. The table’s booked for seven-thirty.’

‘Do you
mind if we head back now?’

‘You don’t
want to see more on the way out?’ he asked looking at me surprised.

I’d rather have the extra time for sex before I get ready if that’s ok with

‘You’re really
very horny at the moment baby,’ he replied with a big smile.

‘Well, that
cap looks very sexy on you and as I’m a bit cold, I was thinking hot shower sex.’

complaints from this end. Do you want my jumper?’ he offered.

‘You’re so
sweet, but you’ll freeze, we’ll be back soon. You’re just going to have to hug
me extra tight in the taxi,’ I smiled. He let go of my hand and pulled me into
his side and I slipped my hand into the back pocket of his trousers and looked
up at him as we walked.

‘What are
you looking at?’ he asked, smiling down at me.

wondering how tall you are. I feel very short next to you today.’

‘Six foot
one. You know I can’t believe that’s never come up in conversation before. I
don’t know how tall you are either.’

‘Five foot

‘Really? I
thought you were taller,’ he said, looking surprised.

usually in five inch heels so I’m more level with you.’

‘Or we’re
level when we’re lying down and I’m inside you,’ he grinned.

‘Now who’s
dirty and horny?’ I replied squeezing one of the cheeks of his perfectly
sculpted arse.

He pulled
my legs over his lap in the taxi and hugged me tightly to him. Once dropped
back at the hotel, we made our way to the lifts and I looked down at his hand
linked with mine, in about five minutes that hand was going to be running all
over my body and I couldn’t wait. I sighed and squeezed it and he looked down
at me as he pressed the button.

aren’t we?’

‘What makes
you say that?’

turned on face, you’re imagining what we’re going to be doing in about ten minutes.’

‘Actually I
had it scheduled for five minutes time,’ I winked at him shaking my legs with
impatience. All of a sudden I’d forgotten how cold I’d been, I was feeling hot,

You think I can just spring an erection at will?’

‘I already
know that you have one without checking, Gabe. You’ve adjusted yourself three
times since we got out of the taxi, you’ve a turned on tell as well.’

He laughed
and guided me into the lift and I went and stood in the corner as he pressed
the top floor button. As he turned around he pulled his cap off and ran his
hand through his flattened hair and I felt my stomach fluttering. When he
looked across at me I could tell he knew the effect he was having on me, one
glance at his crotch told me how much I affected him. I saw his lips part, with
a quick dart of his tongue over the bottom one, and I took the few steps
towards him and collided with him coming the other way, our bones rattling with
the impact and suddenly I was on his hips, hands gripping his shoulders as he
walked me back into the corner, our lips crushing each other’s.

‘I want
you, I want you so much,’ I moaned as the crackle of energy between us scorched
my lungs.

‘You’ve got
me baby,’ he groaned. I heard the elevator ping and the hiss of the doors
sliding open and he walked out, bouncing off the door and out into the corridor
banging into the walls as he tried to make his way to our suite while we kissed
and groped each other. I moved my head to kiss and bite his neck, so he could
see where he was going. Heat was coursing through me, like a stream of molten
lead, igniting my insides, preparing me for inevitable penetration. We made it
through our door and he kicked it shut, ramming me against the wall, his pelvis
holding me up as he tore off my cap and scarf and I pulled his from his neck.
He scrabbled at the belt around my cardigan, undoing it as I ungracefully
wrenched my arms from it. Seconds later my jumper was being pulled over my head
and his fingers slid into my bra forcing the material of the cups underneath my
flesh. His teeth bit down hard on my nipple as his tongue thrashed it and I
cried out.

I writhed
on his hips, I could feel my knickers wet from my excitement, my lips engorging
and the
… the throbbing was unbearable. As he continued to
attack my breast, I gripped the hem of his jumper and lifted it enough to grab
his t-shirt and yank it, making him release me and so I could pull them off him
and my hands were all over his tight torso in an instant. He moved back a
fraction and I slid off his hips and reached for the button on his combats undoing
it, as he undid mine. I tugged at his zip but it wasn’t budging, mine was
already down and as we kissed awkwardly, stumbling backwards kicking off our
trainers, I heard him trying to yank his zip down.

‘Fuck, it’s
stuck,’ he grumbled.

‘Let me,’ I
panted, trying again, but it was no use.

I left him
to it, wriggling my own jeans down and looked up to see the frustration on his
face as he tugged it desperately. He shot a glance at me now standing in just
my micro G-string, breasts spilling out of my bra and muttered ‘
fuck it’
and grasped the two sides of material, pulling in opposite directions, ripping
the zip apart and pushing the trousers down to his knees. I groaned when I saw
his erection flexing in his boxers and I pulled at them as he shuffled and
kicked his trousers out of the way. I vaguely noticed we’d made it inside the
bedroom as I unhooked my bra and he pulled down his boxers before grabbing my G-string,
ripping it apart with his hands and tossing it out of the way. His eyes were
wild and hands firm and needy as they grabbed at me, pulling me against his
hard body, fingers digging into my buttocks as he lifted me straight up and
back onto the wall. I encircled his hips with my legs and his hands grabbed
mine and held them above my head as our tongues lashed at each other’s and
without any warning, he thrust straight up into me and an explosion of joy
coursed through my body and New Year rivalling fireworks filled my vision.

‘Owwww, shit,
shit …
,’ I groaned as he pulled out and powered back in again,
shunting me up the wall.

always ready baby, always so ready for me. I love that I turn you on so much,
that you need this cock of mine inside you so often. Your cunt’s insatiable,
desperate for me, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, yes
for you,’ I groaned.

‘Tell me
Mia, tell me how much you want me.’ He moved his lips to my neck and I started
to whimper as he licked and kissed, all the while fucking me fast, then slow,
then circling his hips until I didn’t know what was coming next.

‘I am
desperate for you, I want you inside me all the time, feeling you stretching me
to my limits. I love your cock, it’s big, so big and hard and you fuck me with
it so well. I always want you Gabe,

‘Tell me
you love me,’ he groaned as I rippled my muscles up and down his shaft.

‘You know I

‘I need to
hear it.’

‘I love you.’

‘Again,’ he
rammed into me hard sliding me up the wall with each powerful upstroke.

you,’ I gasped.


I yelled.

‘O baby,
I’m going to fuck you so hard.’ He gripped me as he moved off the wall towards
the bed. Fuck me so hard? Wasn’t he already doing that? I was mummified in
sweat, it was trickling down my back and my hands were slipping on his biceps
as he pulled out of me, dropping me onto the top of the duvet and sank his
fingers into me, devouring my body with his fiery stare.

hard fuck, or rough hard fuck?’ His voice was dangerously low and full of raw sexual
undercurrent, it washed over me making me tremble.

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