The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats) (10 page)

“No. He just said we’re good and that it would be an opportunity to be seen by fans of the other bands that will be there.”

“More exposure is better, but we have to make sure we don’t look like douchecanoes.”

She shrugged and they ate for a
while, with only the occasional distant moo from one of Malachi’s new cows breaking the silence.

“I think we can avoid that. The worst that can happen is we get booed off the stage. Lawson knows what he’s doing, I think. If our Friday show sucks, we can back out. It’s too late to put us on the posters anyway, so no one knows we’re performing except the two of them, which is good because someone hasn’t designed
the fucking Kink Monsters’ logo yet.”

Mack leaned back, full. He eyed her speculatively. “How does Law have your cell number, anyway? I thought Ramsay was our contact guy with

“He asked for my number a few days ago.” Her smile was mysterious.

A hot irritation roiled. Guys were always trying to get Winter’s number, but she didn’t generally give it out. What the hell?

“What? You want me to fuck your boyfriend, and suddenly you’re the jealous type again?”

He studied her expression. She was messing with him. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“You sucked his dick. He’s not just a buddy anymore.”

Mack grunted, not wanting to think through an answer to that. “We both have to agree on a person for it not to be cheating. Law is off limits. So is Luther.”

She smirked. “You don’t like them like that?”

“I don’t want you to like them like that.” Wild hair, piercings, covered in tattoos – they were the perfect guys for Winter. Like a match made in purgatory. With Ramsay things were safe. She wasn’t that interested in him, so he wasn’t much of a threat. If she fucked him it would partially be because Mack wanted her to. Besides, it would be silly to make Ramsay off limits if he’d already been with him.

And it would be hot to watch.

“What if I do?” Winter’s expression was mocking.

There were times where Mack wished he could call Ramsay to come over and
spank her a little. Cocky girl.

Before he could stop himself, his hand
darted out and he caught Winter’s nipple between his knuckles and squeezed hard.

She gasped and started to pant when he increased pressure and didn’t let go.

“Are we piercing these again tonight?”

Winter’s laugh came from deep down, sexy more than amused. “Sounds like fun.”

He kissed her possessively and eased his grip.

When she pulled away
, she gave him a slow smile. “I gave Law my number because Ramsay couldn’t find his cell for a few days, remember?” She sipped at her tea, then put it back on the table. “I don’t want Law or Luther, Mack Vincent. I don’t want anyone but you...and maybe Saya.” She leaned into him and licked along his bottom lip. “Besides, I think they’re totally vanilla. It’s depressing.”

Chapter Eight

She peeked out the green room door again, but if anything, it made things worse. Saya smoothed her skirt and tried to tame the amount of flounce effect the crinoline was providing, then started to pace again.

No matter how far she tried to get from everyone as she walked the length of the green room, her skirt kept brushing against them. Finally, Master caught her hand and pulled her to where Winter was sitting back, looking unduly calm.

“I can’t go over this with Mack while she’s wearing a hole in the linoleum. Could you keep her busy without mussing her too much?”

Go over what with Mack? They were blathering about jacks and wires. Nothing important. If anything, every time they got together for practice, it seemed like
Master was doing his best to pretend that he and Mack were just regular old friends. The underlying tension, though, along with what he’d confessed had happened in the alley, would have been funny if she wasn’t so nervous about tonight.

It wasn’t just that Mack had a thing for him, no matter what
Master was claiming. There was more to it.

Winter lo
oked Saya over in a way that made her feel naked. Nodding, Winter held out her hand. Master grinned and put Saya’s wrist in Winter’s grip.

When the other girl pulled her closer, Saya went reluctantly.

“Don’t do anything bad, Winter. I won’t be able to concentrate on stage.”

“Hmm. Your Master gave you to me to play with. You want me to disobey his wishes?”

Saya lowered her voice. “But you don’t have to listen to him, do you? I mean, you’re not his sub, so you can do what you want.”

“Yes. Yes, I can.” Wi
nter slid a hand up the back of her thigh-high stockings. Saya shivered and her breath caught. How far was she going to take this? They were supposed to go on in less than five minutes.

Apparently, Winter didn’t care.
She traced along the tops of her stockings, until she found Saya’s garter and followed it upward, stroking gently over the back of her thigh to her ass.

“What on earth are these?” She coaxed Saya around then lifted the back of her flouncy skirt to reveal the ruffled panties Master had dommed her into. “Oh my.”

“It was either these or no panties,” she said miserably, her cheeks hot. There was no way Winter would understand how it was, having a Dom. “The skirt is so short that when we’re on stage everyone...would see.”

Winter’s breath tickled the back of her thigh when she leaned closer. The sharpness of teeth followed and Saya’s arousal spiked.

“Oh! Ow! Don’t be mean.” She whimpered and tried not to squirm and make it hurt more.

Winter stopped biting and licked her there. Shivers ran up Saya’s body and circled around to make her nipples harder. While the sensation had her distracted, her tormentor hooked fingers into the waistband of her panties and was sliding them slowly down.

She wouldn’t! Anyone could walk in.

“No, Winter, don’t!” She tried to
push Winter’s hands away, but Master cleared his throat in the way that meant she was treading on thin ice.

He nodded at Winter, and the underwear
resumed their descent. Saya put a hand over her mouth and moaned low.

The room fell into a breathless hush. She knew the men were watching, but she couldn’t bear to look at them.

When her bottom was completely exposed, Winter’s fingertips fluttered over the sensitive skin.

“How are there no teeth marks in this fabulous ass?
Ramsay, you’re fired.”

Master’s only response was a chuckle.

Kisses, nibbles, nips and bites rained down on her backside, making her sigh and gasp. Winter’s hand slid up between her thighs with a casual slowness that made Saya want to beg. It almost seemed like her hand was moving toward her pussy by accident. The slightest brush of her callused fingertips against Saya’s labia. She lost control of a high-pitched, keening moan.

Hands on her hips urged her to turn, and she obeyed.

“Hold your skirt out of the way.”

She complied
, feeling slutty – no one else had seen her there in a sexual context except Master, and now she was letting this girl she’d only known a short while do whatever she wanted.

Saya had theories about what Winter had in mind, and she hoped she wasn’t wrong. She’d become an eager participant in her own defiling.

The girl bit the inside of Saya’s hip, brushed her lips over her bare mound, inhaled her scent.

“Do you want this?”

She trembled, but nodded, biting her bottom lip.

Her consent brought a genuine smile to Winter’s face before she went back to her task. More little kisses trailed down, headed toward her slit. Her fingers found their way there first, dragging through her moisture. Winter spread her folds and found her clit, leaned in and flicked at it with her wicked tongue.
Leisurely, she licked Saya and pressed a finger up into her.

Saya cried out helplessly, legs weak
ening, pleasure taking control. Then Master was there, an arm clamped around her middle and pinning her arms at her sides, keeping her upright. His opposite hand clamped tight over her mouth.

“Shh, everyone will hear you. They’ll know you’re doing
naughty things in here,” he whispered harshly in her ear.

Winter’s tongue darted and twisted and Saya howled behind Master’s hand. Her smooth face pressed between Saya’s thighs, the teasing way she used her tongue, the smaller fingers – so unlike his – a different kind of sexy. Seduction rather than brute strength. close. Saya squirmed, trying to get her hands down far enough to push the underwear lower, desperate to open her legs. If she didn’t come soon, she was going to hurt somebody.

“Shit.” Mack laughed.

The three of them turned to see Luther and Law standing in the doorway, their eyes avid and mouths hanging open.

Winter leaned back casually, slid her finger out of Saya, then pulled up her underwear for her. “Are we on?” She popped her
finger in her mouth and sucked off Saya’s wetness, then got to her feet and kissed her on the nose.

Taking her lead, the rest of the band
copied her cool indifference. They gathered their stuff and walked past the bar owners, ignoring their continued surprise. Saya had a hard time not lowering her head as she went past them, but the others had put her in the middle of the line and she felt sheltered from the worst of it.

wasn’t like Law and Luther could be that easily shocked right? They looked like worldly guys.

Saya focused on the way her sensitized clit rubbed as she walked, remembering the feeling of Winter’s mouth t
here. Her nipples were like bullets in the bodice of her dress.

Don’t look at the crowd.

Keeping her eyes off the audience and taking on her sweet
, innocent persona wasn’t difficult when she began to realize just how packed the bar was.

As the others took their places on stage, they all made eye contact with her one after the other and gave her reassuring smiles. Winter winked,
which made Saya duck her head and blush hotly. Winter hadn’t even had time to go wash her face, which meant...

Saya closed her eyes and fought the urge to go behind the drum set, kneel, and beg Master to make her come. Whether he took her backstage or right there, she’d agree to almost anything at that point.

The onslaught of percussion washed over her, the vibration a poor substitute for the vibrator she wished she had right then. Mack’s guitar burst into the fray, and Winter’s bass rattled her teeth.

When Mack started to sing, Saya’
s voice followed along – understated, full of longing. Violence erupted just beyond the stage lights and she glanced up. People were already jumping, launching themselves into each other. Watching the four of them. Some were looking at her with hunger.

If they only knew
how horny she was. Was the scent of her arousal reaching them? It was all she could smell.

Fear wanted to take over, but
it was held at bay by her neediness. It was hard to be afraid when all she wanted was cock...or tongue...

By the end of the first two songs, she started to feel the power that came with this. A bite of her lip or twirl of her hair and the audience would go almost as wild as when one of the instruments took off on a rant.
Could she be part of the band and not just a back-up singer? At first it had felt like being the tambourine girl in a sixties band, but now she was part of this, her voice one of the instruments.

was packed. The owners must have called in favors to get this many people here, although Master said he’d overheard Law bragging about how good they were.

A mosh pit started and a few guys rushed on stage
, which startled her, but they dove off into the crowd to land on supportive hands. She’d forgotten that might happen, and for a moment she’s been ready to run behind Winter and hide. Dork.

The energy in the room was raw and powerful, wild and uninhibited. The crowd smelled of beer, sweat
, and powerful men. Society might have made them behave like civilized people most of the time, but here they were free not to be civilization’s bitch. Master often ranted about this, but she’d never understood or felt it, until now.

Mack sang the first line of
and her mind rushed to catch up.

Little girl, be afraid (
i am)

The man to whom you kneel

Has teeth that will rend your flesh (i submit)

vilization has abandoned him

He isn’t who you think (
i love him)

Your magic word might not work (it will not pass my lips)

The monster controls him

It eats your screams (
i will feed him well)

Kneel if you must

It’s a dangerous game you play


The fervor of their audience and the runaway percussion throbbed through her, making her even hornier than when they’d left the green room. The other three seemed into the performance, but otherwise calm. Bastards! When they took a break she was going to tell them off.

The crash of music finally ceased and Master came around the drums to take her hand and lead her off stage. Luther hopped up and grabbed a mic, then told the roiling crowd that they’d be back on in thirty minutes.
People were shouting and whistling.

She followed
Master, but paused to wait for him as he gave four girls a polite brush-off. It wasn’t unexpected, considering it happened whenever they went out somewhere, but her ears were ringing and the vibrations from the music still buzzed through her. If she didn’t get relief soon, she’d cry. The lighting in the back rooms messed with her eyes and made everything surreal. The green room seemed to have moved miles away.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Mack grabbed the chair he’d been sitting on earlier and wedged it against the door.

They circled her like a pack of ravenous wolves. Saya’s pulse pounded in her throat.

“Did I...sound bad?” Why did they look like they were going to eat her?

“You were amazing.” Winter grinned.

The men agreed.

They didn’t look like they were interested in chatting.

“Bend over, princess.”

“What? Why?”

“Now.” The growl in his voice made it final.

Uneasily, she bent at the waist, giving Winter an intimate view of her ruffles. Unsure of what to do, she braced her hands on her shins.

“Let me help you, Saya.” Mack put a leg on either side of her head and he grabbed her hips. His knees blocked her shoulders, so she couldn’t rise.

Someone yanked down her panties and she cried out in surprise.

“Shh! You don’t want them coming back now, do you?”

“No, Master. I was just surprised. I’ll be good.” The hands on her hips and being bare to them when she was already so turned on was almost too much.

“Do you think she’s horny?” Winter asked, amused.

“If she was any wetter, she’d be dripping on the floor.”

Would not.
Her underwear was in the way. Maybe not the best thing to point out.

“Let me go! We have to go back on in a half hour, and if you make me any hotter I won’t be able to sing at all. I won’t go.” She stomped her foot, but it only made them chuckle.

The sound of Master’s belt coming off sent another wave of heat through her.

“No!” She whined. “You’re ganging up on me. It’s not fair.”

“Fair? You’re mine. I decide what’s fair.”

“Yes, Master.” The tension ebbed from her. Master would do what he wanted, because she’d never safeword.

“Maybe I should fuck your ass for the first time while they’re here, watching.”

She tried to fight, but Mack
grabbed her hands when they flailed around to block her Master and held them at her lower back.

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