The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats) (12 page)

Damn, she was close already. She let her eyes fall shut and let him do what he wanted.
His hands knew her too well, and just as she was about to go over the edge, he stopped.

“No!” she protested.

Mack grabbed her oversized t-shirt and tugged it off, but by then she didn’t give a rat’s ass who saw. He shucked off his jeans and tossed them aside as though he wasn’t shy, but the tension around his eyes and the fact that he was avoiding looking at Ramsay said differently. Unceremoniously, he pulled her ass to the edge of the couch and knelt between her legs, on the floor. His first thrust into her stole her breath, and goosebumps crawled up her body and through her hair. He held himself still within her, all the way to the hilt, reminding her how he barely fit.

In a moment of self-consciousness, she glanced over at Saya and Ramsay. He
now had Saya facing him, straddling his lap and he was thrusting up into her, controlling her movements with an unforgiving grip on her thighs. How had she not heard Saya’s moans? They were all almost touching. The girl’s gaze met hers. Ramsay noticed and grabbed Saya by the back of the hair and pushed her face toward Winter’s.

“Kiss her.” He growled. “Make it good.”

Okay, so maybe that part of dominance was slightly hot.

Winter wasn’t sure
which one of them he was bossing around, but she wasn’t about to complain. Saya nipped tentatively at Winter’s bottom lip and then gasped when Ramsay thrust hard. The women kissed, their lips and tongues teasing.

Saya cried out first, loud until Winter muffled her screams with
a deep kiss. The sound of Saya’s pleasure, the feel of it vibrating in her mouth, the hardness of Mack thrusting into her, the awareness that the guys were getting off on watching them kiss, the frustration of the evening – Winter held back as long as she could, but the tension built too fast and swept away her control. She came hard, feeling small and desperate under the pounding Mack was giving her. Viciously, he twisted one of her nipples, the unexpected pain magnifying her pleasure and making her screech.

dominos, the men lost control, their curses guttural and raw.


A glow of pale light filtered past her eyelids. Warm, comfy. Sore.

She had to pee.


She buried her face into a pile of blankets
in an attempt to make it dark again, and pretended she could avoid using the bathroom until the next time she woke up. That trick never worked. She was delaying the inevitable.

Carefully, she sat up, took stock of limbs, looked for open areas to put her hands and knees as she tried to extricate herself from the bed. Her options were limited due to
the mattress overcrowding situation.

Eventually she realized she had no other option than crawling over Mack and trying to keep her t-shirt down far enough to cover her underwear. In the thin morning light
, she looked around the bed and realized there was a space beside her where Saya had been cuddled against her all night. Ramsay had sprawled out in her absence and she had a moment of being able to look at the two men side by side, with neither the wiser.

In sleep, Mack looked like an angelic boy – his beautiful face smooth and impassive, revealing none of the sinister urges th
at lay beneath. By contrast, Ramsay looked like a hibernating bear. Or maybe, like the drawing Mack had shyly showed her, a Viking after a raid. Like any minute he’d crack an eye open and she would be in for it. He had that presence on stage, too.

r naked people in one bed was a little tight.

Kind of like her girlfriend.

Girlfriend. She rolled the idea around in her mind, checking its fit. It was a weird idea because she’d been with Mack for so long, but that seemed to be where things were going. If he’d expected her and Saya to have a casual sex thing going on, and nothing more than that, they were going to have to talk. The way he seemed to feel about Ramsay wasn’t casual and it wouldn’t be fair for him to expect her to keep Saya at arm’s length.

Sometimes it hurt that he seemed so focused on Ramsay lately, but he was new and shiny. She and Mack were mentally and emotionally close, and he liked hurting her too much to replace her, but sharing him with someone else was an adjustment.

Meanwhile, the idea of him doing things to Saya, like fingering her last night in the green room, didn’t bother Winter at all. It was like sharing her toy with him. It made her happy.

Saya. How did a woman get this far into life without becoming jaded and worldly? There was an innocence about her that made no sense, but it was fresh and lovely, and if anything, Winter worried about sullying her. She’d been with Ramsay for years, had been used as his little
willing slave, and somehow stayed sweet. There was nothing hard about her. No cattiness. She didn’t even gossip.

By the time
she got to the bathroom, her bladder was safewording. She peed, then showered fast, and saw that there was another wet towel hanging up. Saya must have gotten up early.

When she was dry
, she wandered the house looking for the object of her recent fascination. She was sitting in the living room, leafing through a photo album, her still-damp curls clinging to her shoulders.

When she spied Winter, she blushed and stammered an apology. “I-I’m so sorry for being nosy. I woke up early and didn’t want to wake you up with my fidgeting.”

Winter smiled. “That’s fine. I was worried I was going to wake up the guys when I got up, but I had to pee so bad there was no going back to sleep.”

“Why don’t men ever have to get out of bed to pee?”

“It’s a mystery of human physiology.”

Saya snorted, which was completely adorable. For a moment Winter considered heading back to the bathroom to brush her teeth again. Oh, well. She’d just try not to breathe on her.

Sitting beside the girl, she glanced over to see which album she was looking at. Of course it was the dorky compilation of baby and kid pics of her that her mom had put together when she’d moved out. It was meticulously chronological, and Saya was already up to where she was about seven. Things were about to get bad. The poor girl deserved a warning.

“Ugly kid, huh? It gets worse after this.
My favorite one is a couple of pages from now. I’m about twelve, and at that painfully awkward stage. My mom got a picture done of me on a pony that’s slightly too small for someone my size, and I’m wearing white knee socks with my shorts. Wait for it.”

Saya laughed behind her hand and glanced over. “That’s an awesome visual. I can stop now if you want, though. Puberty is a hard thing to share with people this early into a friendship. We can hold off until we get to know each other better.” She went to close the book, but Winter stopped her.

“No, it’s you’re punishment for snooping. Now you have to look. You’ll never snoop again, after this.” She eyed Saya, sidelong. “Besides, I think we skipped a few steps on the regular getting-to-know-you path to friendship. My tongue has already been in two of your orifices.”

Saya squeaked and covered her eyes. “Shh! Don’t say
that out loud.”

“The guys were there last night, it’s not like it’s a secret.”

The girl lowered her hands and frowned at her. “I’m not in the habit of having sexual relations with my friends. This is new to me.” She bit her lip. “You’re only the second person I’ve kissed. Was it bad?”

“You were a little shy at first, but you warmed up fast.”

She ducked her head and averted her gaze for a moment. Arousal snuck up and smacked Winter between the legs, and she wondered if it would be out of line to strip Saya out of the t-shirt she’d lent her, and shock her some more. She was so easily shocked. No wonder Ramsay was addicted to his girl.

Being around her brought out the bossy in Winter, even though Saya didn’t seem to realize it
. She’d never pegged herself as a Domme, but at that point, if she had to, she’d pay money to boss her around. Along with the urge to control her sexually, something made Winter want to protect her. From what, she wasn’t sure. Maybe from her, for that matter, but she couldn’t seem to stay away.

Saya was staring at her, eyes wide, lips slightly parted. Like a curious
, adoring puppy waiting for her next word or gesture. Addictive.

“Go on. Do your punishment, then you’ll get a reward.”

She smiled and turned the page.

There was a picture of her tenth birthday party. Her siblings were all around her, staring at the candles.
Winter’s baby brother had blown out most of them, and he’d spat a bit when he had. Nasty. She’d been allowed to invite two girls from class, and one of them hadn’t shown up. The other one thought her family was weird and never visited again.

“Your family threw you a big party.” Saya sounded impressed.

“No. That girl was the only guest. The rest are my sisters and brothers.”

“Oh, I didn’t know you came from a full
-quiver family.”

Winter shrugged, always a bit embarrassed when it came time to confess. “I didn’t. My mom just likes children – and now grandchildren.”

“Your dad doesn’t share her enthusiasm?”

dad?” She laughed. “I’ve had a few.”

“That happens sometimes.” Saya leaned sideways and bumped shoulders with her.

That was it? No incredulous stares or rude comments?

She’s not easy or anything. She just has no time for men that don’t pull their weight. I think of her more like a spider, except she just kicks husbands out and friendzones them, instead of killing and eating them.”

smiled, turned to the next page then stuffed her fist partway into her mouth. Her shoulders shook and a giggle bubbled up that she seemed helpless to suppress.

“It’s a good thing I’m never going to run for congress. You
this picture would become a Facebook meme that would spread across the universe in twelve seconds flat.”

Saya’s laugh burst out from behind lips that could no longer contain it. Watching her lose control of it triggered Winter, too, and she laughed until her stomach hurt.

It took a few minutes to settle down again, but when she did, Saya leaned closer and toyed with Winter’s hair.

“How do you get it so
smooth and white?”

“I’m pretty pale blond, naturally,
and my hair is poker straight, so it’s not hard to do.” She wound one of Saya’s curls around her finger. “I’d love to have hair like yours. It’s so pretty.”

Saya snickered. “I can’t imagine you having hair that made you look like a baby doll. The first time a creepy old man offered you money to call him Daddy, you’d end up in jail.”

“Fuck. I was really hoping you’d call me Daddy. I guess that’s out, then.” Winter smirked. “Guys really do that to you? That’s just fucking creepy. I mean, if people are into the Big/little thing I have no issue with that, but having strangers offer you money when you’re not looking for clientele is pretty rude.”

“Yeah. It even happens to me at the mall sometimes.
Master teases me that it’s my burden to create this terrible lust in men. It was creepier when I was a teenager, though, because I didn’t know how to handle those situations. I really don’t get it. I’m not particularly attractive, so why me?” Her soft brown eyes were honestly confused. She wasn’t fishing for compliments like some girls did.

Winter tucked a curl behind
Saya’s ear and took the time to examine her features. Big eyes, bow lips, small nose, the riot of hair. None of these were particularly striking on their own, but together they spoke of an innate sensuality and vulnerability that many men would find irresistible. Saya was like the opposite of a porn star. She gave the impression that if someone said “oral sex” in front of her she wouldn’t know what it meant, but that you’d kill for the chance to teach her.

e beautiful, Saya. The kind that make-up can’t fake for girls like me. I’ve never looked as sweet as you.”

“You think I look sweet?” Saya moved closer, her teeth tugging at her bottom lip again.

It was nice to know that the lust between them was a two-way street.

Winter leaned in and whi
spered. “You’re a juicy morsel just trying to get to your Granny’s.”

“Golly.” Saya’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “I’ll have to make sure I walk
slow then.”

A low rumble of frustration rose in Winter’s throat. She’d love nothing better than to roll around in bed with this girl all day. “Let’s make coffee for the men before I start trying to figure out the best ways to give you screaming orgasms.”

“Aren’t we supposed to practice for our gig?” Saya feigned shock.

“Hmm. Right. Maybe I’ll just start turning you on
now and get the guys to help me keep you that way until we go on tonight.”

Saya gasped and swatted her arm. “You wouldn’t dare!”

Automatically, Winter’s eyebrow rose. “You hit me again and you’re not going to like what happens, Little Red.”

“You’re not my Domme, even if you are the Big Bad Wolf.” Saya sniffed. “I don’t have to listen to you.”

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