The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats) (11 page)

“No, no!” Saya froze in fear. A tear dripped down her nose and splattered on the toe of Mack’s boot. “You’re too big
, Master, please!”

“Shh, shh.” He chuckled. “I didn’t say I was going to, I said maybe I should. Not the same thing. But if I wanted to...”
His voice grew serious. “You would take it like a good girl, wouldn’t you?”

She chose not to answer, since there was really no right one. The position was s
o vulnerable, and her back was starting to hurt from straining against the position in which Mack held her. She relaxed into it and felt the blood pounding in her temples. Being upside down was never comfortable.

Pain striped her ass. The snap of Master’s belt rang in her ears. She screeched and went up on her toes.

“Yes, yes. I would Master. I want to be a good girl, but I’m scared. Everyone is looking at me.” She wondered how much the others could hear past the muffle of Mack’s jeans.

“Yes, that’s because you’re good to look at, princess.” He stroked the welt he’d left and she caught her breath as the touch got closer to her core.

“The blood must be rushing to her head. Maybe we should let her up.” Winter’s rough fingers scraped gently over Saya’s ass, and she angled her hips to follow, silently trying to guide her to her clit.

.” Master sighed.

Mack got out of the way and helped her up, steadying her for a minute as her eyes went dark and her head swam.

“You okay?” The dark-haired man smiled at her. Had he always been this sexy?

“I guess.” She grimaced and he laughed, letting her go. Saya leaned down, planning to pull up her panties. The dumb things had been down more than up for the most of the night. Just as she caught the waistband, Master cleared his throat and held out his hand. Seriously?

She stepped out of the silly confection of underclothes and handed them to him without a complaint. If he didn’t give them back when it was time to go back on, though, she wouldn’t hesitate to beg.

“So what the fuck was up with us out there during the last set? Any theories?” Master went to the mini-fridge in the corner and grabbed a water bottle, cracked it open and chugged it. “Anyone else want one?”

Mack gestured and Master tossed one across the room to him. “It’s hard to say. It could have been the crowd. There was a lot of energy, but it was more than that. Something just seemed to click – something I didn’t even realize we were missing when we were practicing the other night. This place has good acoustics, but it was us, not the rest of it.”

had felt it too when they had been performing, but it was difficult to know if it was her imagination or maybe just about singing in front of strangers for the first time.

“Water, Saya? Winter?”

“I don’t want any right now,” Saya grumbled. “The last thing I want is to have to pee while we’re on stage. Like you jerks haven’t given me enough trouble as it is.”

Master made a strange noise. So what if she was in for it! She was too irritated to care.

“What did you just call me?”

When she didn’t respond, he strode over to her. Her mouth felt like it was filled with sand. He loomed over her and his stern expression made her knees shake.

“I called you a jerk, Master.”

“We’ll be dealing with this when we get home. I won’t tolerate sass from you, understood?” He didn’t raise his voice, but he never had to.

“Yes, Master. I’m sorry.” Kind of.

When he turned away she slumped onto the couch, as though her strings had been cut. Winter plopped down beside her, then pulled Saya’s legs over her lap. The affection was unexpected, but it felt good.

What was he going to do? Hopefully not corner time. It was so boring.

“I’m pretty sure I know what made us so much better tonight.” Winter’s mouth quirked up on one side. She traced random patterns on Saya’s stocking. “We all went out there horny as hell.

“So you think that if we go out there hard up, we’ll play better?” Master snorted.

Mack’s brow quirked. “If that’s the case we’re always going to be in a rush to be done a set.”

Winter turned her head. It seemed only natural for Saya to lean in and kiss her pretty lips. They kissed a while, and soon Saya found herself straddling Winter’s lap, her skirt hiked up to her thighs.

“A lot of bands have rituals they perform before they go on. Maybe defiling your girl is ours.” As Mack set the water bottle down on the small coffee table behind her, Saya looked back at him to see what was going on. He sat on the couch beside them then looked to Master, who nodded.


Someone’s hands pushed her forward to lie belly to belly with Win
ter, who was slouched and leaning back against the tattered couch. The back of her hem was pulled higher and draped over her lower back, baring her ass,
. Before she could protest, Winter claimed her mouth and held her in place with a hand on the back of her head. Somehow, Winter’s other hand had wedged between them and she quickly found Saya’s clit. It was swollen and too sensitive, and the slightest touch was almost painful. She tried to squirm away, but Master smacked her leg and told her to stay still.

Saya tried, but her Master was running his hand over her bare bottom, and Mack’s hand was sliding up the inside of her thigh. A finger toyed in her wetness for a moment then tried to plunge into her, but had to work at it.

“Jeez. She’s really fucking tight.” Mack murmured.

She whimpered. That
had been Mack’s finger?

“Even tighter here.” Ramsay’s finger brushed against her other hole and she squealed, then tried to slap his hand away. Several hands pinned her to Winter.

The touch retreated then gathered wetness close to Mack’s finger. For a moment she worried he was going to wedge a second finger into her pussy. Instead, he painted her bottom hole with her own lubrication and started to work his finger in slowly.

“No!” She moaned into Winter’s mouth. The tension built. Master found more wetness somewhere and withdrew a bit only to push
further in.

Around her, they were all breathing heavily, stealing her oxygen. It was too much. Three people around her. Their hands were everywhere. The men’s fingers...

She tried to move but they held her still. Made her take all of the sensations at once. Winter rubbed harder at Saya’s clit and wrapped her other hand around her throat.

“Are you going to come for us, baby?” Mack whispered in her ear.


Saya’s body clamped down and she screamed into Winter’s mouth. Her body rippled and clenched, protesting the very invasion it reveled in. Her orgasm knotted, built, exploded. Two times. Three.
She lost count. By the time it ended, she was begging for them to let her stop.

They were around her, holding her. Talking quietly. She felt like a whore, but her body wanted it all again. More. Preferably with more
skin-to-skin contact. It wasn’t fair that she was the only one half-naked. Again.

“The way she’s built, DP is probably never going to happen.” Mack was incredulous. “How do you even manage on your own?”

DP? Nuh unh!

“No, DP isn’t going to happen with this one.” Master stroked her back. “Even now I have to be careful. The first time hurt me worse than her, I think.”

“You have a big cock.” Mack seemed to realize what he’d said the moment the words left his mouth.

Way to break the ice on that one, Mack.

An awkward silence ensued and Saya couldn’t stifle her laugh. “Just wait until he tries to make you deep throat. At least it’ll be more humanly possible for you. You’re bigger than I am.”

Both of the men got up, bodies tense, and busied themselves with washing their hands and tidying themselves to go back out.

Their half-hour break was almost done, and they hadn’t relaxed at all.

Winter held her tight
ly for a minute then kissed her and coaxed her up. The two of them worked on straightening Saya’s outfit and fixing her hair and makeup.

Master came back with her underwear. The thick bulge of cock was still evident in his jeans, but he didn’t demand service from her.

He helped steady her as she stepped into her panties slid them back up her legs.

As they walked back out to greet the
crowd, she sighed, horny again. Was staying satisfied for ten minutes unreasonable? She eyed Master and wondered if she was strong enough to drag him back to the green room. What did a girl have to do to get some cock around here?

Chapter Nine

They’d kicked ass. Luther and Law had come to the green room at the end of the show and shaken their hands, and seemed stoked when they finally agreed to play in the big show the next night. The Kink Monsters were even better in front of an audience, they’d said. Tactfully, the guys made no mention of what they’d walked in on earlier in the evening.

The whole thing had been fucking amazing, but even so it was nice to be chilling out on the couch at home. Mack and Ramsay were having a couple of beer
s to celebrate, and were scheming about band stuff, but Winter’d pulled Saya down beside her when she’d sat down, and the girl had stayed. Now Saya was snuggled into the crook of her arm, the scent of the girl’s hair product and dried sweat mingling, which reminded Winter of messing around in the green room.

“I need a shower,” Saya murmured. “But I don’t want to get up.”

“Don’t get up. We can wallow in our own filth for now.” Winter wasn’t about to let her go.

“I think all of us need showers.” Ramsay scratched at his scalp, his normally perfect and smooth blond hair still tangled from their performance.

“I doubt we’d all fit.” Mack smirked and raised a brow at Winter. “You could always share with Saya though. I wouldn’t mind. I’ll be your shampoo caddy.”

“And I’ll supervise to make sure you both wash tho
roughly.” Ramsay turned to exchange a look with Mack, who grinned back.

Winter slid out from under Saya and drew the other girl to her feet. “You want to take a shower with me? We’ll keep it PG, just to drive them crazy.”

Saya’s gaze slid from hers and the girl looked at the floor. “Master might tell me to do things to you.”

“You can’t unless I say it’s okay.”

“True.” Saya played with a lock of her own hair. “I’m not skinny like you, though. Mack might be sorry he wanted to watch.”

Mack snorted.

Winter smiled reassuringly then grabbed Saya’s chin and raised it when she realized the girl wasn’t going to see her smile if she was studying the floor. “Oh, he’ll like what he sees, believe me. We practically had you naked backstage, anyway.”

She led Saya upstairs to the more interesting bathroom that contained the old claw-footed tub and had more
space for men to stand around gawking. Normally guys getting off on watching girls together kind of annoyed her, but having Mack interested was hot, and Ramsay – well, she couldn’t complain about him watching if he was letting her make out with his girlfriend. Still, the whole putting on a show thing was creepy.

When she’d taken out the good towels and turned on the water, she turned back to Saya. The girl was standing by the vanity, biting her lip and
gazing out the window into the darkness. Surprisingly, the men both seemed like they were feeling similarly self-conscious. Apparently they weren’t as sure what to do when they were only supposed to be watching. In porn, situations like this never seemed so awkward.

“Come here.” She beckoned to Saya and the girl came to her without hesitation. Maybe she just needed someone to take charge, since Ramsay was holding up the wall by the door, rather than directing.

Winter wound her hands into Saya’s hair and pulled her close, brushing her lips over her cheekbones, then down her nose, over her eyelids. Saya sighed and leaned into her, the tension fading from her body. When she got to her lips, Saya initiated a kiss that was sweet and gentle and held an intimacy Winter wasn’t expecting. It wasn’t a kiss that spoke of lust, it was more emotionally invested than that.

Shit, was Saya getting attached?
Winter knew she was the first girl to kiss her, but they didn’t know each other well enough for that kind of emotional connection yet, did they?

Winter pulled away, trying to make it seem like she was busy unlacing Saya’s dress, but really she needed to assess what was going on in the girl’s head before she allowed any more of those kinds of kisses from her.

When the laces were loose enough, Winter helped shimmy it off over her head. Saya’s hands flew to cover her breasts and she clenched her thighs together tightly.

“None of that now. Let me see how pretty you are,” Winter cajoled. “Move your hands.”

Saya wiggled her hands in place, but didn’t drop them to her sides. Her eyes were bright and she was trying to suppress a grin.

Winter barked a laugh. “Bratty girl.
Get in the shower and get started – unless you want to help me get undressed?”

“No!” Saya stepped into the shower and pulled the transparent curtain closed
, as though it would protect her modesty.

While the boys were busy gawking at Saya, Winter stripped fast and got in too.

Showering didn’t take long, considering the most that happened was they washed each other’s backs while the guys watched like the pervs they were. Not that Winter hadn’t been tempted to do more. The cascade of water skimming Saya’s luscious curves made Winter regret ever having promised to behave herself.

When they were done,
they dried off and dressed in oversized band t-shirts from Winter’s closet while Ramsay showered. Later, Mack came down to the living room after his turn, looking irritable. Both he and Ramsay had opted for the jeans and no shirt look. Winter thoroughly approved of the eye candy.

“What’s wrong?” Winter smiled at him sympathetically,
having her suspicions, but she wasn’t about to get up to comfort him. Saya was curled against her again, after having been sent there by Ramsay.

had warm water for two minutes then it was ice cold.”

“See? I told you that you should have shared with Master. He’s very helpful in the shower.” Saya’s eyes gleamed with mischief.

Ramsay raised his brows. “You’re in a bratty mood tonight, princess. Which reminds me – didn’t you call me a jerk earlier?”

The girl melted into Winter’s side more firmly and Winter couldn’t help but put a comforting arm around her shoulder.

“Yes, Master, but there were extenuating circumstances.”

“Well, now that we’re all here, we can deal with this and get it over with.”

“Now? Please no, Master. Not in front of Mack and Winter.”

“If you didn’t want to be punished in front of an audience, you shouldn’t have sassed me in front of one. Center of the room now. Strip.”

She heaved a sigh and untangled herself from Winter’s arm. “Again? Haven’t you seen me naked
often enough for one night?”

“No,” Winter said, then laughed because the guys had said it simultaneously.

Saya got to her feet and moved to the middle of the room. “But I’m sleepy. It’s late. Isn’t everyone too tired for this right now?”

“I’m feeling surprisingly alert.
” Mack grinned.

Winter shook her head. “Nope, not sleepy.”

Ramsay’s low chuckle rumbled through the room. “What kind of Dom would I be if I left things like this unfinished? You wouldn’t sleep well knowing you were getting punished in the morning. We’ll deal with this and then I’ll fuck you hard. You’ll sleep like a baby.”

“Waking up screaming every five minutes?” Winter grimaced, thinking of Cross’s kids. “I hope not.”

Ramsay’s expression turned serious and he got to his feet. “You’ve been a bad girl, Saya. I’m going to punish you because apparently you need to be reminded to mind your manners. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.” She drew the shirt off over her head, sullen but obedient.

Mack snuck past them and sat next to Winter on the couch, just as Ramsay unbuckled his belt and pulled it from the loops. The sound made Winter shudder, but Saya only whimpered.

“Fuck,” Mack muttered under his breath, shifting in his seat. Winter glanced at him. His gaze was trained on Saya’s anxious, upset expression. Poor bastard. She grabbed his crotch only to find him already rock hard.

“She doesn’t like pain.” Winter whispered in his ear.

“I know. I
t’s so fucking hot. I’m such a bastard.”

She unzipped Mack’s jeans and slid her hand inside them, then played with his cock.
Rather than complain, he shifted to make it less awkward for her to do.

Ramsay turned Saya until she was facing away from them. “Grab your ankles.”

The girl folded in half and did as she was told, which put her ass on display. She kept her legs tightly together, not that it helped hide anything.

Her Dom paced around her. “Do you think it was appropriate to call me a name?”

“No, Master. I was joking though. I –”

“Did I ask for your excuses?”

“No, Master. Sorry.”

“Sassing me is bad enough, but doing it in front of people is worse. Your behavior reflects on me, so if you’re a bad girl, people think I haven’t taught you the difference between right and wrong. Do I deserve to have people
think poorly of me?”

“No, Master.” Her voice
quivered and she sniffled. “You’re a good Master. I’m just a bad girl.”

Warmth gathered between Winter’s legs. The anticipation of watching Saya being hurt wasn’t
hot, but the interaction between them – the way she acquiesced to his demands and did as she was told – for some reason that was turning her on. It was hard to tell whether the idea of dominating her, or watching her reactions to being dominated were hotter, but in the moment it didn’t really matter. She took a firmer hold of Mack’s dick and he grunted then mumbled something that sounded dirty, but she didn’t hear exactly what he’d said.

Ramsay adjusted his grip
on the belt and brushed the tip of it over Saya’s ass. Mack’s cock strained in Winter’s grip. He watched with the eagerness some guys reserved for the Superbowl.

The first blow was light enough that it would have bored Winter, but Saya shrieked and straightened up, grabbing onto her ass. Ramsay ordered her back into position.

“Please not so hard, Master. It hurts!”

“It’s supposed to hurt. That’s how you learn to be a good girl.”

Mack swore, but so quietly only Winter heard him.

The next four blows came fast and by the end Saya was screaming and crying. Ramsay gathered her up into his arms and carried her to the couch, where he sat next to Mack. Saya’s back was to them, and Ramsay stroked her, holding her close and crooning to her.

“I’m sorry, Saya mine. It had to be done.”

“I’ll be good now. I’m sorry, Master, I’ll be good.”

“I know you will.”

He wiped her face with his hand and
kissed her forehead, then held her until her tears turned into little hiccups and her breathing had slowed.

Winter couldn’t imagine accepting that kind of humiliation from someone, let alone craving it.
To be treated like a child who didn’t know right from wrong? To not even be allowed to call your boyfriend a name when you were joking around – or even when you were pissed? No wonder she wasn’t interested in D/s.

She was a headstrong woman. Compared to Ramsay’s little submissive, Winter
was a Dom’s worst nightmare. After all of that, Saya had seemed embarrassed, but not humiliated. Not out for blood, like she would have been. It wasn’t something Winter could wrap her head around.

Watching Saya being discipline
d was hot. But why? By the time Ramsay was finished, Winter and Mack were both ready to fuck. Meanwhile, Ramsay looked like a man who had simply seen a task completed to his satisfaction.

Maybe they were all
just different brands of pervert.

Saya was calm, Ramsay rearranged her so that she was partially draped over the arm of the couch, giving them an uninterrupted view of the pink stripes on her ass.

barely red.” Mack observed. “She screamed like a banshee.”

“Your estimation of what most girls can take might be a little off.” Ramsay
ran his fingers over the small welts on Saya’s ass and she squealed and tried to cringe away. “Touch her. She needs to remember this lesson.”

Mack reached across Ramsay’s lap and traced a finger over
the welts, which made Saya shiver. Her breath caught and her body became tense and vigilant.

“Did getting punished make you wet, Saya?”
Mack clawed the tips of his fingers down her welts and Winter groaned.

Ramsay dipped his fingers between her legs and made a noise reminiscent of a masculine purr. “She hates pain but loves being reminded of her place. I also suspect she likes the added attention from you and Winter.”

“Please use me, Master,” Saya whimpered.

“Right here, in front of these nice people?
You don’t think they’ll be shocked?”

Mack stopped touching Saya and slid his hand up the inside of Winter’s thigh. “We’ll probably barely notice you if I’m fucking Winter at the same time.”

The glare Winter directed at him was meant to be convincing. “What makes you think I’m willing?”

wriggled a finger up inside her and Winter gasped, forgetting to keep up her pretense of disinterest.

“You like getting off too much to turn
me down, especially after the evening we just had.” The gleam in his eye dared her to deny it as he finger fucked her and rubbed his thumb over her clit.

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