The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats) (6 page)

Her mind followed
that rabbit trail into a dark place.

he was on the floor and she was in his lap, his arms around her and his lips brushing her cheek, eyelids, nose.

“I will never get tired of you.” His voice was firm, warm. Arms tight enough they almost hurt, but only that kept her from flying to pieces. “You’
re my sunlight. Without you, I don’t even know who I am, Saya. If you ever left me, I’d be lost.”

She swallowed at the thickness in her throat and he rubbed her back.

“This is just an idea, like you said you’d like to watch me fucking Winter. Watching you with them would be arousing for me, but if you don’t want to do it, there’s no need to. You’re more than enough for me all on your own. Sometimes I have enough trouble just managing you.”

She chuckled weakly when she realized he was teasing, but all she really wanted to do right then was throw up and maybe die. That moment of doubt had been too devastating to get over with a
few minutes of reassurance.

Her eyes were damp and she pressed her face against his
chest to dry them. Master sought out her mouth and pressed his lips against hers, tasting her, clinging, demanding a sweet response. For such a big man, he was surprisingly gentle with her when she needed it.

When she was calmer, she went slack in his arms but the tremors still seized her when she least expected it.

“Are you calmer now?”

She nodded against his chest, and he rubbed his cheek against her hair.

“I’m so sorry, Saya. If I had any idea this would make you so scared, I’d never have suggested it. I expected you to say no, not to panic.”

“Why did you bother bringing it up if you thought I’d say no?”

“The same reason I told you we could go to Europe instead of Disney if you wanted to last year. I like giving you options if you want to explore. We’ve been together for so long and done so many kinky things that sometimes I forget that you never got to experiment with other people.”

She sniffed. “It’s not like you were with many people before me, either, Master.”

“True, but there were a few, at least. But, like I said at practice, you’re practically a virgin.”

An inelegant guffaw escaped her. “Which part of me is still virginal, exactly?”

Master looked down at her thoughtfully for a moment then grinned. “Your nose. We’ve never tried nasal sex.”

She screeched and covered her nose with a hand that he allowed her to wriggle free.

“No! Ukulele! Absolutely not!”

“You’re safewording it now, princess, but you know eventually you’ll beg me to take what I want.”
His intonation went from silly and loving to The Dom in the span of a sentence.

She felt her eyes grow round and heat rushed between her legs. Master was joking about nasal s
ex, but when he took that tone she’d let him do anything. He knew how to push her buttons, which was excellent, because he was quite welcome to push them.

“Yes, Master,” she whispered.

“Mmm,” he crooned in her ear, making her shiver. “Good girl.”

At his praise, she smiled shyly and hid her face in his chest again.

“So you’re telling me that if you had your way, you’d watch me have sex with Winter, but you wouldn’t want to play with her or Mack?” he asked skeptically.

Actually, I want to watch you have sex with Mack too.” She laughed.

’s eyes were mock-stern and he gave her bottom a warning pat.

“I saw the look in your eye when you were wrestling him. You wanted to show him who’
s boss. And so did your dick, I noticed.” She’d been dying to say it for the past week, but there’d never been a good time.

“I’m not prepared to discuss this with you right now,” he growled.

“It doesn’t mean you’re bisexual, if that’s what you’re worried about,” she continued, ignoring his scowl. “Mack is almost pretty enough to be a girl. He’s prettier than most girls, actually. But for you, I think it’s just a dominance thing. Like dogs humping other dogs’ heads. It doesn’t mean you like guys now – although if you did that would be convenient for me.”

“Did I not just say that I wasn’t prepared to discuss this with you right now?”

“Yes, Master.” Just because they weren’t discussing it didn’t mean she didn’t have a hot visual, though.

“Now, if I tell you to do things with them, will you obey me – knowing that I will never get tired of you or
give you away for real?”

worried at her bottom lip. “Just with them, though? You’re not going to start passing me around to strangers, right?”

“No. This would just be to see what it’s like. To see where things go. You can safeword anytime.”

“And you’ll say stop, if something bothers you?” She traced his lips with her fingernail and watched the flesh there twitch. “I don’t want to go ahead and do what you want, then have you be jealous and angry afterward.”

“Is that something I’d do?”
He let go of her and stretched out on his back on the carpet. She climbed up and lay on top of him and his arms slid around her automatically.

“No, but I don’t want to take that chance.” She
grimaced and he smiled slightly. “I don’t want you to love me differently after they’ve touched me.”

“Not going to happen, princess. We’ve been together a long time – too long to let something I asked you to do come between us.”

She thought for a few minutes, tracing patterns on his skin, then she huffed out a breath.

“I’d feel better about this
if you were part of it.”

“Part of it how? Directing?”

“Well...directing would work, but I was thinking more of you participating.”

chuckled and the shaking of his chest almost knocked her from her perch. “I’m not fucking Mack, no matter how much you want to watch.”

She planted her hands firmly on either side of his head,
burying her fingers in the taupe rug’s shag. Pushing up, she could see his whole face more clearly. Master was clean-shaven today. His grin was sexy and his square jaw begged to be nibbled on. The towel he’d been wearing must have fallen off when he’d lain down and was puddled beneath his butt. Almost of their own volition, her legs spread and she tried to skewer herself on his semi-hard cock. She squirmed around in frustration until he reached down and guided himself in – more than hard enough by then, just from her antics.

Saya sucked in a breath as he entered her,
goosebumps forming on her skin and she shivered with pleasure. Her moan made him chuckle low in his throat, and he grabbed her hips and controlled how she moved. Just because he’d let her be on top didn’t mean she got to call the shots. It went entirely against his nature.

“So what do you want me to do then?” At her blank look, he thrust up hard, p
ulling her down to meet him. He speared deep into her and she whimpered, over-f. “Do you want to watch me do this to Winter?”

For a moment she closed her eyes and imagined them together
. Heat chased through her and her pussy rippled around his cock. Master was so built and in tune with his body that simply watching him move was poetry to Saya’s dancer brain.

ing him fuck would be heavenly.

Watching him fuck Winter, whom she wanted herself,
would be the height of eroticism. Add herself and Mack into the mix, even once, and it would be enough to fuel her “private time” for the rest of her life.

guided her up until only the tip of him was inside her, then drove in again and held her captive. In the moment, she gasped at the exquisite pain of her body trying to accept more than it could take. The last inch she could never quite manage, but sometimes he insisted her body try harder.

Master. Please,” she whimpered.

Coherent thought abandoned her.

Chapter Five

He had that look in his eye that told her he was going to ask her to do something horrible.

“Winter, my dear?”

My dear? Oh, this was bad.

“What do you want, Cross?” She was always surly with him, as you could only be with a boss who was also a good buddy. When he’d hired her, he hadn’t known her at all, but it had turned out well for them both. Not many employees would crank the metal in the store when the boss’s wives were getting loud upstairs. BDSM noises weren’t exactly bad for business, considering what Cross sold, but the screaming sometimes scared the vanillas who wandered in, in the hopes of adding something a little edgy to their khakis and polo shirts.

Although the crying she heard from upstairs nowadays was completely different.

“I hate to ask you this, but could you watch the boys for a few minutes? I need to run to the store for more diapers, and Gemma and Izzy are at work. I could take them with me, but it’s a pain to get them buckled in for such a short trip. And there’s not really enough room in the cart for both car seats.” He was babbling, looking harried and tired. Poor guy.

And so it begins.

“Sure. Just don’t get halfway down the street and decide to leave the country.”

“And leave these fine gentlemen? Not on your life.”
Cross’s voice had gone high pitched and silly, the tone parents and dog owners often fell into. She’d never anticipated seeing such a tough, dominant man get so sappy. As much as Winter disapproved of babies in general, the sappiness looked good on him. It made sense, though, considering he was the same way with his women a lot of the time – at least when they weren’t looking for some negative attention.

He l
eaned down and looked into the Moses basket with such a gooey, smitten expression that Winter was pretty sure he’d speed to the store and back to avoid being away long.

sighed. The things she did for this man. “Well, if things get out of hand, Gemma is next door, right?”

“Yeah. She’s working on a big back piece, so I told her I’d try not to panic and call a bunch of times.”

“So you’ve called what? Twice?”

He looked ashamed. “Four times, so far
, but that’s it for the day. I can’t call Izzy because she’s out interviewing someone for a story. I didn’t call for no reason, though. Levi’s last poop looked weird, then Emmanuel spat up on everything and I didn’t know where the clean onesies were.”

“And the other two times?”

Cross grabbed his keys off of the counter and handed her the all-black diaper bag that was on his shoulder. It would have been funny if there’d been something cutesy, like a Tigger on it.

“Is this the Spanish Inquisition?
They both just ate and I changed their diapers. If they need to be changed again, there’s diapers and cream in there, and some binkies if they get cranky. I’ll be gone all of five minutes.”

She’d accepted the diaper bag from him, but it hung from her unenthusiastic fingers. “Cross, my friend, if your sons crap their pants they will be sitting in it when you get back. They’re cute, for little Godfrey spawn, but if I wanted to change shitty diapers I’d have spawn of my own.”

“You’re so maternal, Winter. It must give Mack the warm fuzzies.”

She chuckled darkly. “You don’t want to know what gives
Mack the warm fuzzies.”

He waved his hands around like he was going to ward her off. “No, no! I don’t want to know. I have the feeling it might give me nightmares.”
When he opened the door, the bell jingled. “I should be back in ten, fifteen minutes, tops.”

“I’ll believe that when I see it.” She turned her back on him as the door closed and she looked at the babies. Emmanuel, the younger one, was sound asleep. His brother Levi stared back at her, his bright red hair standing straight up off of his head like he was perpetually surprised. They both looked like Cross, poor little guys
, and not much like their individual mothers. Not that Cross was ugly, per se, but his hulking frame and stern countenance didn’t work for her in a sexual way.

Mack, on the other hand, was so beautiful that he made
most women look coarse by comparison. And the evil tendencies behind that pretty face made him all the more interesting. Cruel, wicked eyes, perfect features and a hard, wiry frame made him the ideal front man for their band, and the star in most of her darkest fantasies. Even the ones that made her hot but she refused to let him try. And the ones she didn’t tell him.

A squawk pulled her
mind away from Mack and fornication, reminding her that there was an infant staring her down. He was winning.

, kid. Remember me?” She picked him up with practiced ease, tipping her head sideways to avoid his flailing arms. A moist hand smacked her cheek and she wiped at it with her sleeve. Babies were always so drooly. It was like having a tiny bald St. Bernard you couldn’t leave home alone. He didn’t smell bad yet, which was nice. If she never had to change a diaper again, it would be too soon.

Being the oldest of eight kids
meant that babies weren’t really fun or a novelty for her. Although her next-youngest sister already had two monsters of her own, she absolutely refused to babysit. She, herself, was on the pill so that she wouldn’t have to change diapers and warm up bottles. It wasn’t fair for her family to expect her to step up to the plate. She’d helped her mother raise her siblings. She’d paid her dues.

Doing this for Cross
, though, was completely different. She really liked Gemma and Izzy, which put her at risk of feeling helpful and magnanimous. Add in how happy Godfrey was with his women and their two babies – comparing him now to the old, self-loathing Cross that she remembered – she was just glad that he’d managed to turn his life around. There had been a time when she had wondered if he’d ever be content. The whole happy family situation wasn’t something she’d ever imagined for him. Now there was a brightness that shone out of him. He was the kind of man who would have been nice to have around to help her mom raise all the babies.

Instead, Winter had endured a string of
‘dads,’ all of them wanting to bond with her and be her buddy. But she knew her mom. Lira Sorenson wasn’t the settling down type. It wasn’t that she was a party girl or had a deficiency of morals, she just got impatient with men who didn’t pull their weight. No matter how good some of them looked at first, they all failed miserably in one department or another. Life was too short to stay in a bad relationship, her mother often told her, and most men weren’t worth the effort.

Levi had anchored himself to her by grabbing her hair as his tiny hand happened to wave by her head. He was cooing in response to the silly, one-sided conversatio
n she had started with him and she started getting that sappy feeling that she usually tried to avoid at all cost.

No babies.

Cross burst through the door like law enforcement was in hot pursuit. He carried a big crate of diapers in each hand, and thumped them down on the counter. The relief on his face was amusing – as though he’d expected her to sell them off while he was gone.

“Everything went okay?”

She waited for him to inspect the children for dings, but he managed to refrain.

“I had a
big discussion with Levi. Emmanuel just started fussing in his sleep, but that was it.”

The door banged open violently and Gemma skidded into the shop. “Cross, hand me Em before my tits explode. I told the guy I was working on that I needed to grab a coffee, but if I don’t empty these things, we’re going to have an international incident on our hands.”

He went to the basket and lifted the one-month-old with exaggerated care. The child looked like a toy in his father’s huge hands. As soon as Cross had cradled him to his chest, Em started to root around, looking for one of his mommies.

Gemma settled in a chair behind the cash
register and did some complicated Shirt Fu that resulted in the baby nursing and her still being mostly covered. She groaned in relief and looked at Cross with pained eyes.

“Have I mentioned lately that I despise you? You get all the fun stuff and Izzy and I have to suffer.” Her eyes
were half-lidded and Cross looked down at her with amusement. “Quit smirking, you bastard. I have to pee.”

He plucked their other son from
her arms and made a few faces at him. “I’m home alone with them most of the day. Do I not have the stay-at-home dad thing under control? I get up at night to change diapers, but there’s not much I can do about breastfeeding. At least you and Izzy can switch off sometimes – most women don’t have that.”

She grumbled something about his crappy lasagna-making skills, which made him laugh, and he went into the back office
then brought her back a bottle of juice. Levi started batting at his face with little flailing arms and Cross sank into the chair next to Gemma. With a sigh, she laid her head on his shoulder.

Feeling awkward and in the way, like she always did when her boss and his wives got all schmooky, Winter moved around the shop tidying things that were already tidy. As sweet as they were, she wasn’t a PDA kind of girl

She checked her watch – twenty minutes left until the end of her shift. Time to
ask if she could leave early.


At the end of the practice set, Winter felt like she had a full body buzz. This thing they had going on – it was fucking amazing. The adrenaline had her heart pounding. She was ready to go skydiving or do something completely insane. Car surf?

She turned to set down her bass
and there was Saya, looking innocent and adorable in the red Lolita dress, knee socks and Mary Jane shoes Ramsay had made her wear. Eyes unfocused and lips parted, she looked dazed from the music. Her voice when she sang was vulnerable, alternating between singing sweetly and whispering. Chilling when it was weaving around Mack’s. On stage, when she and Mack had practiced alone together, she’d looked like a sacrificial lamb. Edible. Little Red Riding Hood in what would amount to a bar full of wolves. If they ever got popular, they’d have to get the girl a bodyguard.

Winter avoided watching her
with great difficulty. When she forgot herself, though, she’d catch herself staring. Saya drew even the most unwilling eye. The expression of her face, the curve of her tiny waist, the tempting cleavage. Dancer’s legs. Grace in movement.

Losing the battle with herself again, she stalked across the stage, watching Saya as she slowly came back to her surroundings. They needed to keep an eye on her. She was the only one who didn’t have experience on stage and was the most likely to flounder when the place was packed next weekend. Well...she hoped it would be packed. It was generally full of people drinking anyway. The only reason they had it to themselves
at that point was because it didn’t open to the public for another hour.

was an old bar that had never been classy in its day and hadn’t been updated in years, other than its name. Davis Lawson and Luther Passgard, the present owners, booked metal and punk bands there every weekend because they loved the music. The cash didn’t hurt, either. If they didn’t personally like a band, they rarely booked them again. It was the kind of place where people started mosh pits if the band was decent, not somewhere ladies went to grab a glass of wine after work on a Friday. Usually there were a few old-timers who looked like they’d come with the original bar stools, but they were more than welcome to join the festivities.

Winter got closer, Saya blinked a few times and her eyes grew round at whatever she saw in her expression.

“Was I okay?” The girl’s bow lips trembled slightly, her face framed by copious ringlets.

Saya made Winter feel like a dirty old man. Fuck, she was hot. Winter advanced on her and, at the last minute, Saya started to backpedal, until she bumped into the wall. The smaller girl’s chest rose and fell fast, and she had a panicked air.

“You were...charming.”

She looked up at Winter with a nervous smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “You’d tell me if I sucked, though, right? You wouldn’t let me make a fool of myself?”

Winter crowded her
and placed her hands on the wall, on either side of the girl’s head. She leaned in, brushing her lips against Saya’s, excitement and arousal thrumming through her.

“Winter, we need to have a little chat
.” Ramsay’s gravelly voice rumbled in her ear. The hair on the back of her neck rose and she had a crazy moment of wishing they were all naked.

Naked with Ramsay? Really? Was he even her type, or was it just that she was horny and ridiculously attracted to his sub?

She pulled her arms away from the wall and backed up a step. Ramsay hadn’t moved. With full force, she bumped into his hard-muscled frame, and he pressed against her back and ass. Apparently he was happy to see her – or her and Saya together, anyway. Saya slipped away from her, and retreated a few steps to where it was safer, but Winter felt like her feet had been glued to the floor. Menace rolled off of the man behind her, and she had a thrilling moment of wondering just how much he could hurt her, if properly inspired.

“Mack is right here, too
, if you’re wondering.” The breath from his words stirred her hair.

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