Read Take What You Want Online

Authors: Ann Lister

Take What You Want (42 page)

we just give it some time?” Chase asked. “I know this is
a lot for you to process – fuck, I'm still processing what I'm
feeling. Maybe if we keep talking it out, we can come to some sort
of resolution.”

Danni wiggled out of his
grip. “I'm tired, Chase. I'm going back to bed.”

Chase followed Danni to
their bedroom. He lifted the sheets to the bed and helped her
underneath them, then stripped off his clothes to join her. He
spooned against her backside; naked, loving the smooth softness of
her body curled to him. She felt so fragile. He breathed her in and
wrapped his arms around her; wanting to draw her inside him and hold
her there, protected, forever.

you been with him since he got back from L.A.?” Danni asked.

Chase kissed the top of her
head. “No, baby, I haven't,” he said. “I promised
you I wouldn't and I meant it.”

you want to be with him, don't you,” Danni said.

exhaled beside her ear. “Yeah, I do,” he said. “I
miss him.”

Danni squeezed her eyes
shut. Sometimes she wished Chase wasn't so damn honest, but she
didn't want him to lie, either. She rolled over and faced him on the
bed and their foreheads touched. Her fingers skimmed his face, his
throat and bare chest. “I'm not ready to give you up and have
you go to him,” she said. “I want to be selfish and keep
you for myself a while longer.”

Her fingers danced lower and
circled his expanding cock. Chase moaned and drew in a long breath.
His hand cupped the back of her neck and she arched into the touch.
His mouth found hers and she opened for him; gently sucking on his

you make me so hard,” Chase said.

Danni pressed her hands to
his chest and eased him onto his back, then she pulled the tank top
over her head and removed her panties; tossing both garments to the
floor, and straddled his lap. She held his cock in her hand and
hovered over the tip of it; centered herself, then sat down on him.
Slowly, she took him all the way in.

fuck, Danni! That is so good,” he said, watching himself
disappearing one inch at a time between her wet folds.

She leaned forward and took
his mouth again. Her hips began to rock on top of him, moving side
to side and front to back. Chase held her in place; helping her
swivel circular patterns over his groin, then she tipped her pelvis
and everything inside her tightened around him. She was close and
all Chase could do was hold on for the ride. She changed position
again, arching back, and supporting herself with straight arms and
hands gripping each of his shins.

Chase had the full,
beautiful visual again; the wide width of his cock slipping in and
out of her, his shaft glistening from her pleasure. His hand moved
from her hip and fanned on her lower belly, then dropped to cover her
mound. He spread her lips open with his fingers. Her swollen nub
stood out proud and ached for his attention. He softly stroked it
once with the pad of his thumb and her head jerked up; her eyes
making contact with his.

like that?” Chase whispered.

Danni nodded, her hips
rotating frantically on his cock. He gave her clit another soft
stroke and she screamed.

me come,” she begged.

He was on the edge of losing
it himself and knew it wouldn't take much movement on her part to
push him over that edge, but he didn't want to come yet. He liked
playing this game with Danni, keeping her revved up and hanging over
the cliff, but not letting her crash. He could prolong their bliss
for hours if she wanted him to, but tonight he could tell she was
wound too tightly to last. He thrust in deep and applied a firm
touch to her clit, rubbing tight circles over the hard bundle of
nerves. Her head fell back over her shoulders and she blew apart
from his touch.

oh, yes!” Danni screamed.

One more thrust and the
spasms inside her pussy had Chase joining her in orgasm. After her
last aftershock faded, she lay down on his chest and Chase stroked
her sweat dampened back, her hair; tenderly holding her against him.
Unlike most men, Chase loved these intimate moments with her after
sex. Some of their best talks happened during these cuddling
sessions and he felt closer to her after each one.

love you,” he said beside her ear.

love you, too,” she said.

moments passed, with Danni draped over him, then she finally
disengaged herself from Chase's cock and slid off to his side. He
looked at her and saw the questioning expression on her face.

you all right?” he asked, caressing her cheek with the back of
his hand.

Danni nodded. “I'm
teaching two classes Monday night,” she said. “I won't
be home until at least nine – maybe later.

I'll make dinner,” he said.

She set her hand to the
center of his chest and spread her fingers through the soft dusting
of chest hair. “I thought maybe … you might like to
spend some time with Alex.”

Chase watched her face and
saw the emotion building beneath her long, dark lashes. He used his
index finger to lift up her chin and she blinked, spilling the tears
from her eyes. “Baby, I don't want to see Alex without you
with me. What you're suggesting makes it feel secretive, and that's
not what I want. I want to live this openly – with you being
part of it.”

Danni shook her head. “And,
I've already told you, I don't think I'm strong enough to see you and
Alex together like that.”

a lot stronger than you know, baby” Chase said.

Danni turned and put her
back to him.

snuggled against her. He kissed her bare shoulder and closed his
eyes. He wasn't sure if Danni would ever change her mind about this.
All he could do was give her space, keep an open dialog running on
the subject, and love her with all his heart. Then, maybe the
passing of time would open her to the idea of the three of them being
together. Right now, that seemed as far away and unlikely as it
could get. Still Chase had to hold out hope. It was all he had.


Chase and Danni woke to a
gorgeous summer day and decided to pack a lunch and head to the
beach. They were loading up the back of Chase's pickup truck when
Alex came running up the long driveway after his daily jog. Alex was
bare-chested with sweat glistening off his beautifully tanned skin.
Black nylon shorts and a bandana tied around his head were the only
other items he wore, besides the dark sunglasses concealing his green

morning,” Alex said between panting breaths, as he came to a
stop beside Danni. His eyes did a quick visual sweep of Danni's lean
tapered legs and round breasts and the denim shorts and tight tank
top that clung to every luscious curve.

to you,” Chase said with a nod in Alex's direction. He did his
best not to check out Alex's muscled chest and stomach, or the
perfect outline of his cock behind the thin fabric of his jogging
shorts. He swore to himself, then looked at Danni. It seemed Danni
hadn't managed the same reserve Chase had shown and was still staring
at Alex's physique as if she'd never seen a man dressed like that
before in her life. Chase grinned to himself. Maybe Danni wasn't
completely blind to the physical beauty of Alex after all.

and I are heading to the beach,” Chase said to Alex. “You
can come with us, if you like.” His eyes darted to Danni again
to evaluate her approval by her facial expression. She still seemed
too dazed by Alex's presence to acknowledge the invite. “You
don't mind, do you, Danni?”

what?” she asked.

Danni finally managed to
tear her gaze away from Alex's crotch; which Chase noticed had grown
some since he'd run up beside them. Chase laughed at her and
proceeded to load the beach grill into the bed of his truck. “Go
get your stuff, Metcalf,” Chase said, “And, we'll ride

like a plan,” Alex said. “I'll be back in a few.”

Danni watched him walk away,
then finally turned toward Chase; whom was staring at her with raised

you liked what you saw,” Chase said with a chuckle.

you referring to Alex?” she asked.

Alex,” he said. “The half-naked man that was just
standing here.” He lifted their beach umbrella and set it in
the truck bed next to the gas grill. “You can put your eyes
back in your head now, babe, and wipe off your chin. You've got
drool all over it.”

set her hands onto her hips and scoffed at his suggestion. “Don't
tell me you're jealous I'm checking out

Chase spun around to face
her. He could tell she was trying not to smile and he melted in that
moment. His arms slid around her waist and pulled her into a tight
embrace. “I knew you'd like him,” he whispered beside
her ear.

attractive, Chase. I'm not denying that,” she said. “But,
it doesn't mean I want to fuck him or watch
fucking him.”

The visual she gave him of
Alex had Chase growling into the bend of her neck. He lightly bit
the skin on her shoulder and pulled away before she noticed the
erection growing inside his swim-shorts.

go get the cooler and be right back,” Chase said.

returned a few minutes later with the cooler balanced on one shoulder
and saw Alex making small talk with Danni. He knew his woman; knew
the meaning behind every glance and nuance of her body language.
Right now Danni appeared to be working overtime trying to restrain
herself from simply liking Alex. Chase shook his head and smiled.
He had firsthand knowledge of the losing battle Danni had facing her.
There wasn't a chance in hell she would not end up
Alex. Given time, Chase was certain Alex could charm a nun out of
her habit. Literally.

you a little nervous your rock star identity will be noticed at the
beach?” Danni asked Alex. “The beach where we're going
is public.”

guess we'll be finding out,” Alex said. He adjusted the dark
sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and smiled at Chase approaching
them. “If need be, I'll enlist the muscle power of that guy.”
Alex jerked his head toward Chase, then carefully set his guitar
case into the back bed of the truck.

followed Alex's line of vision and saw Chase rounding the corner of
the garage heading toward them, his biceps bulged with the weight of
the cooler and the hint of washboard definition on his stomach was
highlighted with the mid-morning sun. Both men were breathtakingly
gorgeous in their own unique ways. Danni drew in a long intake of
air and closed her eyes. An entire afternoon at the beach with these
two? She'd need strength to survive it. Either that, or lots of

With the truck finally
loaded, Chase hopped up into the driver's seat. Danni slid in from
the passenger side and settled in the center position on the bench
seat. Alex took the passenger seat at the side window and shut the
door. Their bodies were too close together and Danni protested by
fidgeting another inch toward Chase. Even still, Alex's shoulder and
thigh rested lightly against hers; the soft hairs on his thigh giving
her a subtle friction.

need some air conditioning,” Danni said, leaning forward to
adjust the knobs.

Behind her back, Chase
glanced across the truck cab at Alex. Alex looked his way, and they
smiled broadly. Yeah. Danni was definitely feeling the effects of
Alex's presence – just like he had at the beginning of the
summer. The sooner she accepted it, the better off she'd be, Chase
thought, because fighting it made no sense at all.

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