Read Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5 Online

Authors: Kathy-Jo Reinhart

Tags: #Fiction

Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5 (30 page)

BOOK: Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5
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“Yes,” she moans, reaching for the button on my jeans. “I need that too. Just you. I need to feel you inside me, feel you filling me up. I’m so wet for you right now.”

I growl and tear her hands away before pushing my jeans down and kicking them off. She reaches forward and shoves my boxer briefs down, licking her lips when my cock bobs from its confines. “You’ve been holding out on me,” she says, a devilish gleam in her eye as she smirks up at me, taking my shaft into her palm.

I toss my head back, reveling in the feel. But I can’t wait. Scooting her up on the bed, her hair fans out over the pillows and I hover above her, taking in every beautiful inch. I move down slowly, taking a nipple into my mouth once more, licking, sucking, biting. Her back arches off the bed in a gasp and I unclasp her bra, pulling it free from her arms. Everything within me tightens as I move to the other breast, paying it equal attention before pulling her panties down her legs and moving back up toward her.

“Are you sure?” I ask, needing to make sure this is absolutely, without a doubt, what she wants. Because I know, with every fiber of my being, this is what I want. Nothing feels more right than this moment.

Her eyes open and she looks up at me, her eyes half-mast. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life,” she breathes.

“Glad we’re on the same page,” I murmur, thrusting inside her. She moans long and loud and I pull back before pushing in further. “Fuck, baby, you’re so tight,” I moan, pulling out once more. Linking our hands, I gaze into her eyes as I move forward again, setting a slow, deep rhythm. Her eyes stay locked on mine as tiny gasps fall from her lips. I swallow them down, our hands never parting, before pulling up to look at her again.

“You’re so beautiful,” I breathe, thrusting forward.

“So are you,” she gasps, pushing her hips up to meet mine. Our bodies slide together, her pushing and me pulling, until we both moan and gasp, our orgasms taking hold at the same time.

Her pussy clenches and spasms around me, milking every last drop, until I have to pull out, unable to take the sensation anymore. I roll to the side of her, pulling her into my arms and burying my face in her hair to breathe in her scent. I want to surround myself in it always and never let go.

“I love you, Lexi. And I wasn’t sure it was possible to feel this way about another woman, but thank you for proving me wrong.”

“I love you, Marcus. And that’s all I ever want to do.”



lay here watching Marcus sleep. Last night was amazing. I never realized sex could be that...that—hell, there are no words. I’ve never felt that connected to someone else. Every touch, nibble, and kiss lit my skin on fire. Sex with Steven was nothing like that, and I realize what I felt for him was not love. Last night was love and lust all rolled up into one. I can’t not smile right now and the delicious ache between my legs is a reminder of why.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Marcus says in his sexy as hell, husky morning voice. I look over at him and his eyes are still closed, a smile even larger than mine playing on his face. Grabbing my arm, he pulls me on top of him, and I rest my face on my hands, looking down at him. My heart is so full right now, it might burst. “What has you smiling so big?”

“You,” I answer simply, and his smile grows even wider.

“I like being the one to put that beautiful smile on your beautiful face.” He rolls us over so he’s looking down at me. Not expecting the quick change, I shriek and he laughs.

“I love your laugh,” I tell him. He nuzzles my ear, causing goose bumps to coat my skin.

“I love you. All of you,” he growls as he plants feather-soft kisses along my neck.

“I love you, too.” I close my eyes and allow him to devour me whole. For the rest of the morning, we stay in bed, tangled in each other.

A door slams, startling me awake. I shake Marcus trying to wake him up. “I heard something. I think there’s someone in the house,” I tell him. Before he can open his eyes, we hear Chase yelling from the kitchen.

“Daddy! I’m home! Where are you?” his sweet little voice calls out. I smile for a moment, until I realize I’m in bed with his daddy butt ass naked. Jumping from the bed in a rush, my foot catches on the sheet and I fall flat on my face, unable to throw my hands out before impact. Marcus looks down at me, roaring in laughter. I scramble, trying to get off the floor before I scar this poor child for life. The door knob jiggles and I freeze. “Are you in there, Daddy? Why is your door locked?” Chase asks from the other side of the door. Marcus is laughing so hard, I think he may choke.

“Chase, Daddy will be out in a minute. Come show me that new Lego set you got,” Kyle says with way too much amusement in his tone. I hear footsteps moving away and let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Finally getting myself untangled and off the floor, I grab the nearest pillow and chuck it at his head. It does no good. He only laughs harder.

“Ass,” I say before sashaying my little ass to the bathroom to get a shower.

“That is one fine little ass you have there, Ms. Bissen,” Marcus calls out, then continues his fit of laughter.

After finishing my shower, I get dressed and stall for as long as I can. I’m a little scared to walk out there and face Chase and Kyle. Hopefully, Chase won’t have a clue as to what his daddy and I were doing in there, but Kyle most certainly will. My cheeks heat just thinking about it. Pulling on my big girl panties, I walk into the kitchen.

“Well, good afternoon, Lexi,” Kyle says with a shit-eating grin on his face. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my embarrassment. A witty comeback would really come in handy right now, but I don’t have time to think of one. Chase comes running at me full speed with his arms out wide. He slams into me and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Thank you so much for our scrapbook. We really love it,” Chase exclaims. He squeezes me so tightly, I’m having a hard time breathing.

“Chase, I think your holding Lex a little too tight,” Marcus says with a chuckle. Chase lets go and looks up at me.

“Did you have a sleepover with Daddy?” he asks, and all the air leaves my lungs. I glance over at Marcus, pleading with my eyes for him to jump in, but he only shrugs. Kyle snickers behind his hand.
Remember those big girl panties
, I think to myself. I kneel down so I’m eye level with him.

“I did. Is that okay with you?” I ask cautiously.
What if this bothers him?
Well, then, I guess there won’t be any more sleepovers. Even though it was the best sleepover ever, Chase will always have to come first. And now that Marcus and I are together…well, I think we’re together—aren’t we? Anyway, whatever we are means I have to think of Chase and his feelings too. I won’t be one of those women who don’t give a shit about their boyfriend’s kids
. Oh my he my boyfriend? Jesus, Lexi, stay focused.

“It’s about time. And they say adults are smart.” He shakes his head and we all laugh. He is a smart little man. Shocking me, he kisses my cheek and cups his hand next to my ear. “You make him smile. Thank you for that. Oh...and you make me smile, too,” he whispers, and I gape at him. There are no words to describe how his words make me feel. Chase disappears into his room and my eyes well up with tears. Both Marcus and Kyle look uncomfortable.

“Are you okay? What did he say?” Marcus asks, worried. I nod my head yes and tell him. He and Kyle both smile wide. If I weren’t already head over heels for that little boy, I most definitely would be now.



The next six months fly by like a flash. I guess the old saying “time flies when you’re having fun” is true. Marcus and I have taken our time getting to know each other. We didn’t feel it necessary to rush into anything. Some of our dates are romantic with just the two of us: dinner, movies, walks on the beach—the usual stuff. The rest include Chase and are a little more exciting. We have been to play miniature golf, ridden go karts, gone biking, and even spent a weekend at Adventure Island and Busch Gardens in Tampa.

At first, I wouldn’t spend the night at Marcus’ house unless Chase was sleeping over somewhere else. I just didn’t think it was right to do in front of Chase. Marcus thought I was crazy, but understood where I was coming from. After a while, Chase started asking why I wasn’t staying over and I eventually agreed to spend the night during the weekends. This way, they still had the week to just be with each other. And now, today, I’m moving in. At first, I had quite a few reservations about it all. This was Taryn’s house. In a way, I felt like I was encroaching on her space, and I was also afraid this was all moving too fast for Chase—and Marcus, to be honest. If I lost Marcus, I’d be crushed, and after Steven, I’m terrified of being hurt. Not physically, ‘cause I know that’s not in Marcus’ nature. I didn’t want to get my hopes up for a future with him and Chase only for him to freak again. But he and Chase both assured me they wanted me here all the time.

“Earth to, Lexi,” Marcus says as he waves his hand in front of my eyes. I shake my head and he chuckles. “What has you a thousand miles away?” He puts the box he’s carrying down on the floor and sits on the end of the bed. Patting the spot next to him, he smiles. “Is everything okay?” he asks as I sit.

“Everything is fine. I was just daydreaming.” His smile widens and he raises his eyebrows. I slap him playfully. “Down, boy. We have a lot of stuff to move.” He kisses my forehead and helps me off the bed.

“Tomorrow night, Chase and I are going to make you dinner. It was his idea. He has this whole thing planned.”
My heart melts. Chase is the sweetest kid.

“Sounds like fun,” I tell him. As I walk by him to the closet, I slap him on the ass.

BOOK: Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5
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