Read Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5 Online

Authors: Kathy-Jo Reinhart

Tags: #Fiction

Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5 (25 page)

BOOK: Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5
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The rest of our time is spent eating, talking, and laughing, and I found I open up easily to her. There were no lulls in the conversation for the whole two hours we are there, and we cover every topic you can think of: the band, her teaching, our favorite books, movies, and music. She talks briefly about her parents’ accident and growing up with her great aunt. By the time I pay the check, I feel like I’ve known her for years instead of months.

Before we leave, we walk down along the docks, enjoying the cool breeze. The air smells of salt and fish, and something about it is oddly soothing. For the longest time, we both just stare out at the open water and watch the boats off in the distance as we lean against the railing. I glance over at her and she looks deep in thought as she works her bottom lip between her teeth. Turning to face me, she says, “I had a nice time tonight, Marcus. Thank you.”

“So did I, but it’s not over yet,” I tell her with a smirk. Her eyes widen, shocked by my words. “I was told tonight is karaoke night at KC’s. Amber also said it would be the perfect thing to do after we had dinner. Personally, I think it’s an excuse for them to watch us on our date.” She laughs.

“Karaoke night? I’m a horrible singer,” she says, ducking her head.

“We can just watch and laugh at the other horrible singers,” I tell her, and she visibly relaxes. I’d never force her to do something she’s uncomfortable with. That being said, seeing her on that stage would be sexy as hell.



s we walk up to the door of KC’s, my heart rate begins to pick up. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. The first part of our date went great, though I could have done without the slutty hostess. Usually I’m not a jealous person, but that green-eyed monster reared its ugly head tonight like it never has before. She had some nerve, hitting on a man who was there with another woman.

If he and I were a couple, my reaction may have probably been worse, but he handled the situation well enough, and I don’t want to dwell on things that could have been or may still be. The night
been great, and maybe the nervousness I’m feeling isn’t Marcus at all. I’m about to meet “the gang”, which is the equivalent of meeting a boyfriend’s parents for the first time. This is his family—the people he loves most in this world. If they don’t like me, then we don’t stand a chance. I pray to God no one else reacts to me like Holly did the first time she met me. That is one encounter I don’t want to duplicate.

Marcus grabs my hand, stopping me from opening the door, and looks at me, concern in his eyes. “Are you okay, Lex?” he asks, his voice soft and sweet. His use of Lex has my throat tightening. My parents used to call me Lex, but I love hearing it come from him. It actually gives me butterflies, and a man hasn’t given me butterflies in years.

“Yes. I’m just a little nervous to go in there.” He gives me a questioning look, and even though I know I am going to come off like a baby, I say, “What if I get another bitchzilla style reception in there? I’m afraid they won’t like me.” Marcus chuckles and I glare at him, crossing my arms over my chest, which makes him laugh harder. “Are you laughing at me?” I ask, having a hard time keeping a straight face. His laughter is contagious.

He raises his hands in surrender. “No. I’m laughing at the bitchzilla reference.” He’s laughing so hard now, tears begin to fill his eyes. It takes him a few moments to calm down. He wipes at his eyes and takes a deep breath. “They are going to love you. I promise you have nothing to worry about.”

“Okay. Let’s go,” I tell him, trying to make my smile seem confident. Right now, I’m anything but confident, though. Not only am I a new person none of them know anything about, but I’m going to be viewed as trying to step into Taryn’s shoes. They all knew and loved her, and here I am, waltzing in and taking her family—not that that’s what I’m trying to do. I would never try to replace Taryn. I know how much she meant to them all. I just want to be in Marcus and Chase’s lives. The only way to do that is accept and be okay with the fact that he loved her very much and part of him always will. I’m okay with that knowledge as long as she’s not the only thing he thinks of. I’m still not one hundred percent convinced he’s ready to move on, so for now, I’m being cautious.

As we walk through the doors of KC’s, Marcus takes my hand in his. A spark of electricity runs from my hand all the way up my arm. I look over at him, wondering if he felt it too. By his awed expression, I think maybe he did. I smile at him, then look ahead. There are six pairs of eyes on us and six mouths hanging open. I’m tempted to pull my hand out of his grip, but I really like the feel of it. He squeezes my hand a little tighter, encouraging me to move forward. My heart thumps in my chest, louder than the bass booming in the bar. They stare at me like I’m from another planet, like they’ve never seen anything like me, their eyes moving from our faces to our locked hands. Sweat begins to bead on my forehead as my nerves kick into high gear. Maybe they can smell fear. With that thought, I straighten my back and hold my head high. Just because I’m scared out of my mind doesn’t mean they have to know it.

When we reach the large table, all six faces wear smiles, but I can’t tell if they are genuine or just for show. Marcus pulls out a stool and with his hand placed at my lower back, guides me to it. I take a seat and have to clench my legs together. His soft touch on that spot has my stomach flipping and my core aching. Everyone has that one place on their body that drives them wild when touched. Behind the ear, the crook of their neck—for me, it’s the dip in my back, and his hand softly lying on that spot is doing things to my insides I never knew possible. One touch. How can one touch turn me into a wanton hussy?

“This is Lexi,” Marcus says to the group, pulling me from my lust-filled thoughts. I smile brightly, hoping my face doesn’t show what I’ve been thinking. I’m like a sixteen-year-old girl around this man. I wave to them all and Marcus introduces me to each person. With each handshake, I try to will my hands not to sweat. When he gets to Angel, he lifts my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles. For a moment, I’m a little worried of what his wife might think. Pulling my hand back, I sneak a nervous glance over at her and she rolls her eyes and laughs.

“He thinks he’s some sort of Casanova.” She giggles, then reaches for my hand. “Hi, I’m Chelsie. It’s nice to finally meet you, Lexi. We’ve been hearing so much about you.” I smile as I take her hand, but I can’t help but wonder who she’s been hearing about me from. If it’s Marcus or Chase, I’m not too worried. But if it’s Holly…well, then I’m not too sure. I believe her apology was sincere and I can see her reasoning for freaking a bit. She’s definitely the momma bear of this group. After being introduced to her husband, Paul, she gets up from her seat and moves around the table toward me. For a moment, I begin to panic. I try to read her expression, but I can’t. When she holds her arms out and wraps me in a hug, I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding. Next to me, Marcus chuckles nervously. I think she had him a little worried, too.

The moment the introductions are finished, the questions begin. It’s not like they’re giving me the third degree and I don’t feel as if I’m being interrogated…well, maybe I do feel a little like I’m in one of those rooms with the large mirror that’s really a one-way window. All eyes are on me as they fire questions off rapid speed. I think background checks are less thorough. A glass of wine is placed in front of me. I look up to see Marcus and his apologetic expression melts my heart. Honestly, I don’t mind the questions. They are his family. They want to protect him. I admire that. Frankly, it all makes me a little sad and a smidge jealous. It’s been a very long time since I’ve had someone care that much about me. I miss it. Besides, it’s not like they are asking me about my sexual history.

“So, many men have you slept with?” Angel asks as I take a sip of my wine. A spray of Riesling leaves my mouth, wetting Amber and Kyle, who, unfortunate for them, are the ones in its path. A hot blush creeps up my face from Angel’s question and for sending Riesling hurling across the table.

“What the fuck?” Marcus growls, and Chelsie slaps her husband’s arm hard, causing him to wince. At least now all eyes are on him instead of me. There’s a playful grin on Angel’s face, showing me he was just trying to be funny, so I decide to give it back. This is a small town and people have nothing better to do than gossip. I’ve heard of what a manwhore Angel was until he met his wife.

“I’m somewhere between a nun and you,” I tell him with a straight face, and the rest of the group howls in laughter.

“I like you,” Angel says, raising his beer to me. I smile and raise my glass back. After that, the conversation steers from me onto other things. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I probably just survived the worst of it with grace—spewing wine across the table, aside.

The next couple hours seem to fly by. We all laugh at some of the horrid singers up on the stage, who have had so much to drink, they think they sound like Celine Dion. In reality, they sound like a cat in heat. Kyle and Paul even got up there and sang
I Got You, Babe
. It was hilarious. Once karaoke is over, normal music from the jukebox blares over the sound system. A slow song starts to play and the couples around the table all walk hand in hand to the dance floor. When Marcus stands and holds out his hand, I’m a little shocked, but I take it and let him lead me onto the dance floor.

At first, it’s a little awkward—neither of us sure where to place our hands and not knowing how close we should be. After a few seconds, Marcus seems to take over. He pulls me in so close to him, I can feel his chest rising and falling as he breathes. He places his arms around me, resting them low on my hips as his hands land on that special spot low on my back. Reaching up, I place my arms around his neck and rest my head on his shoulder. His warm breath begins to caress my ear, sending goose bumps popping up all over my body.

This has been the perfect night. I can feel myself beginning to fall for this man. If I’m being honest, I think I already have, and that both frightens and elates me at the same time. I’m still unsure whether he’s moved on enough to start a relationship, but being here, wrapped in his arms, pressed up tightly to his body, has me forgetting all my fears. Our bodies seem to fit perfectly together. Everything about him physically is perfect. He’s just the right amount of hard, smooth muscle blanketed in colorful tattoos. I can picture myself exploring everyone with my tongue.

“Lex,” my name leaves his lips in a hoarse whisper. Looking up, our eyes lock on each other’s and it’s as if the entire bar disappears around us. His eyes are filled with the same want and need I’m feeling. His head begins to lower closer to mine and my stomach explodes into millions of fluttering butterflies that make it difficult to catch my breath. My knees weaken and he tightens his grip on me, keeping me steady on my feet. Slowly, his lips get closer and closer to mine, and when our lips finally meet, my head spins. Our tongues come together in a soft dance and my body feels as if it’s floating off the floor. I’ve never felt anything like this and I want more of it—more of him.

Abruptly, he pulls away, and my body immediately misses the feel of his. The look in his eyes is so pained, it breaks my heart. Several emotions begin to play on his handsome face, regret just as prominent as the pain. What does he regret? Kissing me? That one stabs me in the heart. He stares at me for a long moment, his eyes filling with tears.

Shaking his head, he says, “I’m sorry. I just can’t.” He turns from me and rushes out of the bar. I follow his movement, wondering what in the hell just happened while fighting back tears. When the men take off after him as the women surround me, I collapse into Holly’s arms and sob.

BOOK: Love Me: Oakville Series:Book 5
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