Is That a Fish in Your Ear? (54 page)

target language; hierarchical relationship between source language and; L2 translation; modification
Tati, Jacques
teaching languages; immersion; translation-based
technology; machine translation; simultaneous interpreting
teenagers, loss of language proficiency in
television; dubbing; lectoring; newscasters
third code
Thirlwell, Adam
thought transmission
Tieck, Ludwig
Tok Pisin
Tolstoy, Leo;
War and Peace
Torbert, Preston
as parable of; avoidability of; Bible; borderline between rewriting and; boundaries and; commentary; cultural domination and; definitions; as dialect; dictionaries and; disparagement of; diversity of language and; DOWN; effects on receiving cultures; equivalent effect; etymological roots of; EU language-parity rule and; foreign-soundingness of; global; Google; hierarchical relationship between source and target languages; humor; impacts; impossibility of; ineffability and; literal; literary; L3; machine; making forms fit; meaning and; native language and; news; nonfiction; oral; passed off as original work; pseudo-; relations; sameness, likeness, and match; simultaneous interpreting; sound; spread of international law and; of style; as substitute for original text; terminology; UP; variability of; word-for-word ; words and
Treaty of Rome
trust; oral translation and
Tschinag, Galsan
Twain, Mark, “The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” 107–108
unification, language
United Bible Societies
United Nations; Commission for Human Rights; General Assembly; simultaneous interpreting; translation; World Charter of Human Rights
United States
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
universities, languages taught in
unstable anchoring
utterance; meaning and; oral translation
Vargas, Fred
vehicular languages
Venuti, Lawrence
“Verbatim,” 121–22
verbs; performative; prepositional
vernacular languages; African American; translating DOWN to
Volodine, Antoine
Volokhonsky, Larissa
von Humboldt, Wilhelm
von Schlegel, August Wilhelm
vulgar language
Waard, Jan de
Waley, Arthur
Wall Street Journal
Walpole, Horace;
The Castle of Otranto
Warner, Rex
Weaver, Warren
whale language
whisper translation
Whorf, Benjamin Lee
Williams. K.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig,
Wodehouse, P. G.
word-for-word translation
Word Magic
words; dictionaries; diversity of; identification of; lack of matching; literal vs. figurative meanings; literal translation; meaning and; as names of things; terminology
Wordsworth, William
World Bank
World Trade Organization
World War I,
World War II
written language; difference between oral language and; origins of script
Wu Jing Project
Yade, Rama
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny
Young, Thomas
Zacuto, Abraham
Zamenhof, Lejzer
Zipf’s law
See Here
“Ma mignonne”
: English translation of Marot, reproduced with the kind permission of Professor Douglas Hofstadter.
See Here
“Recent observations”: Scientific pastiche, from
Cantatrix Sopranica et autres écrits scientifiques
, 1991, Éditions du Seuil, Paris, © Georges Perec; published in the U.K. as
Cantatrix Sopranica: Scientific Papers of Georges Perec
(London: Atlas Press, 2008).
See Here
“One consequence of this”: Anadalam 1, from
La Vie mode d’emploi
(ed. Magné), 1978, Hachette-Littératures, p. 141, © Georges Perec; published in the U.K. as
Life A User’s Manual
, 2008, Vintage, p. 110, © David Bellos, reprinted by permission of The Random House Group, Ltd.; and in the United States as
Life A User’s Manual
, new edn., 2009, David R. Godine, p. 125, © David Bellos.
See Here
“Of all the characteristics”: Anadalam 2, from
La Vie mode d’emploi
(ed. Magné), 1978, Hachette-Littératures, p. 142, © Georges Perec; published in the U.K. as
Life A User’s Manual
, 2008, Vintage, p. 110, © David Bellos, reprinted by permission of The Random House Group, Ltd.; and in the United States as
Life A User’s Manual
, new ed., 2009, David R. Godine, p. 125, © David Bellos.
See Here
“If the translation”: Japanese translation terms, from Michael Emmerich, “Beyond Between: Translation, Ghosts, Metaphors,” posted online at
, April 2009, reproduced with the kind permission of Professor Michael Emmerich.
See Here
“Fisches Nachtgesang”
: Finnish translation of the sight-poem courtesy of the translator Reijo Ollinen, originally quoted in Andrew Chesterman,
Memes of Translation
, John Benjamins, 1997, p. 61.
See Here
“Un petit d’un petit”
: French version of Humpty Dumpty, from Luis d’Antin van Rooten,
Mots d’Heures, Gousses, Rames
, Grossman, 1967.
See Here
“Sa bella giu satore”
: Gibberish song from Charlie Chaplin’s
Modern Times
, 1936, courtesy of the Chaplin estate, copyright © Roy Export S.A.S. All rights reserved.
See Here
“The positive and the classical”: From
De La Grammatologie
, Jacques Derrida, © Éditions de Minuit; published in English as
Of Grammatology
, Jacques Derrida. Translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. © 1998 The Johns Hopkins University Press. Reprinted with permission of The Johns Hopkins University Press.
See Here
“My mother language”: Letter from Estonian translator, reproduced with the kind permission of Anti Saar.
See Here
“In order to give”: Leonard Bloomfield, from Leonard Bloomfield,
, Henry Holt & Co., 1933, p. 140.
See Here
“Cinoc …”: Perec’s word-killer, from
La Vie mode d’emploi
(ed. Magné), 1978, Hachette-Littératures, p. 341, © Georges Perec; published in the U.K. as
Life A User’s Manual
, 2008, Vintage, pp. 287–88, © David Bellos, reprinted by permission of The Random House Group, Ltd.; and in the United States as
Life A User’s Manual
, new ed., 2009, David R. Godine, p. 327, © David Bellos.
See Here
“Platon could never recall”: From
War and Peace
, by Leo Tolstoy, translated by Rosemary Edmonds, © Penguin Classics.
See Here

, reproduced with the kind permission of Professor Perry Link, University of California at Riverside.
See Here
“I’m Asterix!”: Astérix 1, © 2011 Les éditions Albert René/Goscinny-Uderzo.
See Here
“Je suis Astérix!”: Astértix 2, © 2011 Les éditions Albert René/Goscinny-Uderzo.
See Here
“Attempts to render a poem”: Nabokov on translation, from
Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Vers
e by Aleksandr Pushkin, translated and with a commentary by Vladimir Nabokov, Routledge, 1964, Vol. 1, pp. vii–ix, © Princeton University Press.
See Here
“Faster! Faster!”: Israeli “Onegin stanza,” from
Another Place, a Foreign City
, by Maya Arad, copyright © by Xargol Books Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 2003; translated into English by Adriana Jacobs and reproduced with her kind permission.
See Here
“‘Sybil,’ said I”: Sybil, from
La Disparition
, Georges Perec, 1969, Éditions Denoël, in the translation,
A Void
, by Georges Perec, translated by Gilbert Adair, published by Harvill Press, pp. 107–108. Reprinted by permission of The Random House Group, Ltd.
See Here
“We would stare”: Pete the Strangler, from
White Dog
, Romain Gary, 1970. Reprinted courtesy of the author’s estate and The University of Chicago Press, 2004, p. 51.
See Here
“The perfect language”: From
From Babel to Dragomans: Interpreting the Middle East
, Bernard Lewis, Oxford University Press, 2004, © of and reprinted with permission from The British Academy.
See Here
“However great”: Japanese newspaper editorial, translation reproduced with the kind permission of Professor Michael Emmerich.
See Here
“Think of individuals”: Warren Weaver, from Warren Weaver, “Translation,” in
Machine Translation of Languages
, by William N. Locke and A. D. Booth (eds.), published by The MIT Press. 2
See Here
“I have repeatedly tried”: FAHQT, from “A Demonstration of the Nonfeasibility of Fully Automatic High Quality Translation,” Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, 1960, in
Language and Information—Selected Essays on their Theory and Application
, Addison-Wesley Publ./Jerusalem Academic, 1964, p. 174.
See Here
“Adolf Hitler”: Joke visiting card 1, from
La Vie mode d’emploi
(ed. Magné), 1978, Hachette-Littératures, p. 341, © Georges Perec; published in the U.K. as
Life A User’s Manual
, 2008, Vintage, pp. 287–88, © David Bellos, reprinted by permission of The Random House Group, Ltd.; and in the United States as
Life A User’s Manual,
new ed., 2009, David R. Godine, p. 327, © David Bellos.
See Here
“Adolf Hitler”: Joke visiting card 2, from
La Vie mode d’emploi
(ed. Magné), 1978, Hachette-Littératures, p. 341, © Georges Perec; published in Permissions and Acknowledgements in the U.K. as
Life A User’s Manual
, 2008, Vintage, pp. 287–88, © David Bellos, reprinted by permission of The Random House Group, Ltd.; and in the United States as
Life A User’s Manual,
new ed., 2009, David R. Godine, p. 327, © David Bellos.
See Here
“The old pond”: Haikus, from
One Hundred Frogs: From Matsuo Bash
to Allen Ginsberg
, by Hiroaki Sato, 1995, Weatherhill, Shamb-hala Publications Inc., Boston, MA, © Allen Ginsburg, © James Kirkup, and © Curtis Hidden Page.
See Here
“There is a river”: Wordsworth pastiche, by Catherine M. Fanshawe, extracted from
The Faber Book of Parodies
, Simon Brett (ed.), 1984, Faber & Faber.
See Here
“Sunday is the dullest day”: T. S. Eliot pastiche, from
The Sweeniad
, by Myra Buttle (aka Victor Purcell), Secker & Warburg, 1958. Extracted from
The Faber Book of Parodies
, Simon Brett (ed.), 1984, Faber & Faber.
See Here
“Boy, when I saw old Eve”: J. D. Salinger pastiche, from
Adam & Eve & Stuff Like That
, by Ed Berman. Extracted from
The Faber Book of Parodies
, Simon Brett (ed.), 1984, Faber & Faber.
See Here
“LAMENTATIONS”: 53 Days, from
53 Jours
, Hachette-Littératures, 1989, © Georges Perec; published in the U.K. as
53 Days
, by Georges Perec, translated by David Bellos, published by Harvill Press, 1994, p. 61, reprinted by permission of The Random House Group, Ltd.; and in the United States as
53 Days
, David R. Godine, p. 61, © David Bellos.

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