Read Cowboy Love Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

Cowboy Love (16 page)

"Let's get out of here. I'm tired of sharin' you," he chuckled in her ear. "Besides, we need to finish what got started earlier."

"I thought we were going to eat."

"I'd like to eat somethin'."

"Damn. You are incorrigible." She laughed as her face burned from embarrassment. "There is picnic area with a small lake not far from here."


She directed him to the lake where several families milled about with children in tow. Grabbing the blanket and picnic supplies, they found a shady spot not far from the water and sat down.

"Are you hungry?"

With a wicked grin, he replied, "Not for food."

Blushing, she dropped her eyes from his as her heart did a little flip in her chest.

He scooted across the blanket, brought his finger under her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I…" her voice trailed off, as she tried to decide what to say.

"You can tell me," he murmured, bending his head to brush a soft kiss across her lips.

When he finally lifted his head again, she felt like she had lost herself in his eyes. He had become very important to her in such a short time, she almost couldn't remember her life before he had become a part of it and they had only known each other for three weeks.

He waited, caressing her jaw with his fingers, sending shivers down her spine, and making little goose bumps rise on her arms. She closed her eyes to the sensation, trying to get her body under control before she threw herself into his arms and begged him to fuck her right there on the blanket.

Her skin burned where he touched as moistness settled between her thighs, making her wet and wanting.

* * * *

He took her mouth, his lips sliding across the softness as a small moan rose in his throat. Her hands skimmed across his chest and inched their way up, curling around the back of his head as he deepened the kiss, his tongue finding hers. Pulling away from her just slightly, he gasped for air to fill his burning lungs, his chest rising and falling as he tried desperately to control the need racing through him.
What is it about her? Hell, I can hardly control myself when I'm around her.
He pulled farther away from her. He needed to put some distance between them, and quick, if the passion in their kiss was any kind of indicator. Otherwise, he would take her right there and to hell with anyone that saw.

Clearing his throat and shifting uncomfortably, he said, "We'll have to continue that later. Now is probably not a good place."

She opened her eyes when he moved away. He saw her glance around as embarrassment flushed across her cheeks. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice the passionate embrace as they set up their own picnics and the children raced to the river's edge.

She put her palms to her cheeks as she murmured, "I'm so embarrassed."

He pulled one of her hands away as he asked, "Why?"

"Because! Who knows what people saw?"

"Amy," he whispered caressing her cheek. "They saw two people kissin', nothing more."

"If you hadn't stopped…" She flushed again.

"We are just going to have to learn to control ourselves, I guess. It's going to be hard, though. When I'm around you, all I want to do is pull you into my arms and…" his voice lowered as he whispered, "lick every inch of you until you come in my mouth and scream my name." Her blush deepened when she heard what he said and he pulled back with a smile.

An older couple walked up behind them as they headed toward the water and a picnic table that sat nearby. As they moved passed Amy and Tanner, the woman sighed, "Oh, to be young and in love again."

"Don't you still love me, Sylvia?"

"Of course, I do. Being married to you for sixty years hasn't changed that."

Watching the couple move closer to the water, Tanner's gaze caught Amy's and his grin just got bigger. He knew what he did to her, and he liked it. It kept her off guard and that's exactly how he wanted her, hot and ready. Now that they had already made love on several occasions, he knew he'd ever get enough of her.

"How about we eat some of this food we brought. I don't mind cold chicken, but its better warm," she said, pulling open the bag.

"Sure. I could use something to eat." He winked and she flushed.

"Will you stop doing that?" she whispered, blushing more.

"Doing what?" He grinned, running the tip of his finger along her forearm.

Pulling her arm back, she said, "That!"

She handed him a plate of food as she settled back with one of her own and she started to talk. He could tell he made her very nervous and obviously when she was nervous, she talked. She told him about her parents and two sisters, the farm in Oregon, how her dad had been a bull rider and bronco rider in the rodeo, until he had gotten hurt and had to stop. How she had gone to nursing school shortly after she graduated from high school, following in her mother's footsteps.

"So, did you always want to be a nurse?" She licked her fingers and his groin tightened painfully.

"Yes. My mother is a nurse, too, and she used to tell me stories about the patients she took care of. She made it all sound so glamorous and helpful." She shrugged as he watched her look around.

"And how did you hook up with Chris? You two seemed to be opposites. You're down to earth and come across as a simple country girl. Chris is all wrapped up in the high life of Dallas. It's just the opposite of life in Brenham."

"Maybe that's why we get along so well. I guess I keep her a little grounded, and she prods me to do more of the wild things."

"Could be. What kind of wild things has she gotten you into?"

"Nothing illegal or anything. She drags me off to some of the bars and stuff. She's always trying to hook me up with someone. She hated the guys I’ve dated and she loves to play matchmaker."

"How many did you date?" It seemed like a simple question to him, but she paused like she was nervous telling him.

"How many cowboys?"


"One, not including you. The last guy happened to be a bull rider. I try to stay away from rodeo men. I'm not into temporary relationships and usually that is what you get with a rodeo guy."

"I can see your point."

"They travel so much all the time and unless you travel with them, you don't see them very often." She shrugged. "I haven't found the right guy yet, I guess."

"You aren't hard to get along with, are you?" He hoped his teasing would put her more at ease.

"No, or at least I don't think so."

"Well, so far, I don't think you are, either." His finger caressed her arm again as the goose bumps rose along the surface under his finger.

"I just seem to find the guys that don't have time for me, for one reason or another. I've dated cops, fireman, cowboys, they all had other priorities.”

The pain in her heart reflected brightly in her eyes.

Frowning, he said, "I just hope you aren't disappointed that I don't have a lot of money."

"Why would I be?"

"I don't make a lot from just the bar. I do all right for myself, but I don't have a fancy car or lots of nice things."

"It doesn't matter how much money you make or have in the bank. I like you just the way you are."

"I'm really glad Chris brought you home with her," he said, capturing her gaze.

"Me, too."

He folded her fingers into his, pulling her down so he could take possession her lips, sprawling her across his chest.

"We shouldn't be doing this here," she murmured against his mouth.

"I know, but I can't seem to keep my hands off you."

* * * *

She smiled, glad he seemed to be as attracted to her and she was to him.
I just pray he doesn't break my heart.
"How about we head back to my apartment? It's not private enough here." The tryst in the parking garage only whet her appetite for him. She wanted him, needed him to make love to her again as desire rippled through her when she felt his hand slide up her side to slip his fingers under her breast. Her breath caught in her throat as a moan escaped her lips.

He murmured against her mouth, "Shall we go?"

Not giving him an answer, she pushed herself up and stood. He started putting their food away in the bag as she helped. They quickly gathered their belongings and walked back toward his truck.

Amy looked over her shoulder to see the older woman smiling at her and giving her a knowing wink. She smiled wistfully before she turned away.
I hope I find that kind of love someday.
Tanner slipped his arm around her waist.
Maybe you already have,
her heart whispered in return.

They reached her apartment in record time, quickly saying hello to George as the walked toward the elevator. Once the doors had closed behind them, Tanner pulled her to his chest and locked his lips with hers, groaning as their tongues danced.

Lucky for them, they were alone in the elevator, but when the doors opened on her floor, an older couple met them and the woman exclaimed, "Good grief!"

Amy felt the heat crawl up her neck and splash across her cheeks before she bowed her head and pushed past the couple on the way to her apartment with Tanner on her heels.

"They should just get a room, for crying out loud."

"You are only jealous, Maggie. Especially since we haven't done anything like that in years," the man grumbled and Amy smiled.

The couple had been her neighbors for a long time, and she had to admit, she rarely heard that kind of activity coming from their apartment.

When they reached her apartment door, she fumbled with her keys, anxious to get inside. She pushed the key into the lock, turning it as she felt Tanner's warm breath on her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

Once the door opened, she didn't bother with the light, but she tossed her purse on the couch. Tanner shut the door behind her and flipped the lock. Amy walked to the center of the room and turned around as the late afternoon sun cast shadows across the floor of the living room. The look in his eyes made her toes curl, her pussy fill and throb insistently. He stepped toward her while that sexy smile he liked to give her graced his mouth. When he reached her side, she brought her hands up to his chest, sliding them up to wrap them around his neck, twisting her fingers in the curls.

He groaned deep in his chest as she pressed her breasts against him and he dipped his head, taking her soft, waiting mouth with his. His hands grasped her hips, pulling her tight to him as his tongue slipped between her lips to find her own.

Her desire rose ten-fold as her groin cradled his cock through their clothing. She brought her hands back down to his chest then down to his waist, pulling his t-shirt from his jeans and bunching it up between them. She wanted to feel his skin, needed the heat of his body against her.

Amy pulled her mouth from his as her rasping breath tore at her lungs. The t-shirt disappeared over his head, leaving his chest bare to her touch. She nibbled at his collarbone, before she worked her way down. She kissed the surface, finding each male nipple with little nips of her teeth as she heard him inhaled sharply, his hands on her shoulders and a moan on his lips. Amy grasped his belt buckle and worked it loose, before finding the button at his waist. She slipped it free and slid her hands beneath the waistband of his jeans as she felt his skin quiver under her touch. She started to work the pants off, but he grabbed her hands and brought them back to his chest.

* * * *

"My turn," he whispered, kissing her fingertips then taking each one between his lips, caressing them with his tongue.

Finally, he let go of her hands and ran his own down her arms until he could reach her side and slide his fingers beneath her breast. He watched her eyes close as she pushed her breast into his palm, a soft moan rising to her lips.

She had tipped her head back and whimpered low in her throat when he let his tongue follow the dip of her collarbone. When he finally raised his head, she slowly opened her eyes.

He whispered against her mouth, "Do you want to take this in the other room?"

She whispered softly as he moved his lips across her cheek. "I suppose we should."

"How about we take a shower? I would love to see you in there with water runnin' down your breasts makin' your skin slick. Just the thought almost makes me come."

"Sounds fun. I've never had sex in the shower before."

"First time for everythin'." He wiggled his eyebrows and she giggled.

He grabbed her hand, leading her toward the bathroom.

Facing her once they reached the other room, he ran his fingers across her cheek. "Do you have any idea how much I want you?"

"Probably only half as much as I want you."

He smiled, reaching for the strings holding her top at her shoulder, and pulled it loose. He let his eyes wander over her breasts when the shirt slipped down.

"You are so beautiful." His hand reached for her, rasping his palm against the nipple as it beaded into a hard nub and she moaned. His head came down, kissing across her chest and moving toward the areola.

"Please," she whispered. Her skin quivered under his touch and a tortured moan slipped from between her lips when his mouth finally settled on her breast. He sucked and nipped at the pert tip beneath his lips, flicking it with his tongue as she pushed his head harder against her.

He rose in front of her again, his mouth settling on hers as his hands worked at the button on her shorts. He slipped them off her hips, taking her satiny underwear with them until they both rested at her feet and she kicked them off. He quickly shed his jeans as he saw her rake his body with an appreciative glance before she turned to start the water. As it reached the perfect temperature, she walked into the stream as he followed. She tipped her head back, wetting her hair, letting the water run in rivulets down her chest as his gaze roamed over her enticing form.

She grabbed the soap and began to lather it up, but he took it from her hands saying, "Let me."

With a sexy grin gracing her mouth, she handed him the soap. Once his hands began their torturous exploration of her taut nipples, she tipped her head back "God, I love what you do to me."

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