Read Cowboy Love Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

Cowboy Love (26 page)

Tanner snorted.

"He smacked me around a few times, leaving bruises, but never to the point of breaking a bone. I finally got tired of it and broke things off with him shortly before I met Tanner. He's confronted me on a couple of occasions since then."

Daniel asked, "About what? Where?"

"The last time I saw him, I was eating lunch at the deli around the corner from the hospital and he showed up. He demanded to know what my relationship with Tanner entailed and proceeded to tell me I belonged to him until he finished with me. I told him to go to hell basically and he left. I haven't seen him since."

"Are you sure he doesn't have connection to someone in the hospital?"

"He does, Daniel. He told me he had some powerful friends within the organization when he threatened to have me fired."

"We need to find out who his connections are."

"I'm not sure I'm following you." The frown lines settled between her eyes as she tried to understand.

"It sounds as if Daniel thinks Jack could be connected to this whole thing," Tanner added for the first time within the conversation.

"He's an asshole and vindictive to a fault, but what does that have to do with the drug ring?" Confusion clouded her mind for a moment before her eyes widened in realization. "You think he might be behind this? He doesn't do drugs. At least I don't believe so. I've never seen him use anything."

"He may not be using them for himself Amy. Drug dealing is a big business. Lots of money is involved. We need to find out if he knows or has a connection to the pharmacist," Daniel replied.

"But how?"

"That's where Arnie here comes in." Daniel nodded toward the balding man sitting next to him. "The DA's office could care less about you or how you fit into the whole picture. They want the dealer since the supplier has been apprehended. Unless Cory rolls and gives them a different name, they are content to let you take the fall."

"I can't go to prison, Daniel! This is crazy! I wasn't selling drugs!"

"I know you weren't, Amy, but we need to find evidence to point the finger in a different direction."

"Do you really think Jack could be behind this?"

"It's a distinct possibility."

"Okay. So what's the plan?"

"You may have to contact him again, Amy," Daniel suggested.

"No way! The man is crazy," Tanner objected. "He might hurt her."

"If I have to do this, then I need to. This must stop."

"You aren't gonna to put yourself in danger. I won't allow you to."

"Don't go getting all protective with me Tanner Lewis. I'm a grown woman and I can take care of myself."

"The hell you can! You said yourself, he can't be trusted. He's already smacked you around Amy. What if he really hurts you this time? I can't bear the thought."

"She won't be alone even if it seems she is. We can wire her and make sure we have back up," Daniel interjected.

"Y'all can't be serious."

"Do you have any other suggestions? If so, I'm willing to listen."

Tanner stood and began to pace, running his hand around the back of his neck as if he tried to loosen the tight muscles there. "There has to be a different way. What about talkin' to the police?"

"They don't care whether I go to jail or not Tanner. You heard Daniel."

"What if I hook up with him and convince him I'm lookin' to get into the business?" Tanner's suggestion held value, but when Amy's gaze found Daniel, he shook his head no.

"He'll never buy that Tanner. He knows you and wouldn't trust you. It has to be Amy if anybody. He might trust her. If someone else tries to infiltrate, it would take a long time to convince him," Daniel explained.

"I don't like this, not one bit," Tanner grumbled. "I have a bad feelin' about the whole thing."

She stepped in front of Tanner, sliding her hands up his chest as she looked into his eyes. "I'll be fine. This may be the only way to stop what's happening."

"What if you get hurt? I couldn't live with myself if that happened," Tanner murmured, stroking her cheek with his fingers. "I love you."

"I love you, too. I'll be extra careful. Besides, we don't even know if he'll buy me trying to get back together with him. I have to try."

"I think it's our only option at this point. If we don't get something to shine light on someone else being responsible, Amy will go to jail for a very long time."

"I don't have much choice from what it sounds like. You two have already convinced yourselves this is the only option."

Amy wrapped her arms around Tanner's waist and buried her face in his neck. "It'll be okay."

"You need to call him Amy and see what you can set up. Nothing says he'll even buy this," Daniel said from his spot on the couch.

She nodded reluctantly as she pulled out of Tanner's embrace. Grabbing her cell phone, she scrolled through the numbers, dialed and held her breath. She set the phone on the counter, putting it on speaker so everyone else could hear the conversation as well.

The gravelly voice growled, "What do you want?"

"I need to see you, Jack."

"Why? I thought you didn't want anything more to do with me and why is your phone on speaker?"

"I'm doing some cleaning around my apartment. I put the speaker on so I can still talk to you and do what I need to around here." She held her breath a second, hoping he would buy her explanation. "I've come to the conclusion that I miss you and what we had."

"What about the cowboy from down south?"

"You mean Tanner?

"Yeah. I thought you were in

"I decided I didn't want a long distance relationship, Jack. I want you and," she fought the urge to throw up "I love you." Her eyes met Tanner's across the room, hoping he would understand those three words were for him and not the lunatic on the phone.

"So what are you saying, Amy?"

"I want us to get back together."

"This isn't just to get me to lay off on the allegations against you for stealing drugs?"

"No, Jack, but you know they are saying I'm involved in one of the pharmacists scheme to sell drugs on the street, right?"

He chuckled. "Yeah, I heard."

"I don't take drugs, Jack. I don't know why you told them I do."

"Because you pissed me off Amy, hanging around with the wannabe cowboy. He can't hold a candle to me."

She gagged silently. "I know, Jack. My relationship with Tanner didn't mean anything. So what do you say? Can I see you?"

"All right. Meet me at the motel six on

East Market Street
at three," Jack told her, "and don't be late."

"Of course not. I'll see you in a bit." Amy picked up the phone, hit end and shut it with a decisive click before she felt Tanner's arms slide around her from behind and she leaned into his embrace.

"Now what do we do?"

"How far is the motel from here?"

"About fifteen minutes," Chris answered.

"Perfect. We have three hours to get Amy wired so we can record her conversation with him. Hopefully, she'll be able to get him to say something that will incriminate him."

Arnie pulled a tiny wire connected to a small black box from his briefcase as he smiled. "I just so happened to have a wiring device."

A dry chuckle reverberated through the room from the rest of the group.

Her heart hammered in her chest as Daniel laid out the plan. Tanner, Daniel and Arnie would be close by, but confronting Jack terrified her. His temper had always been a problem between them and if he figured out the whole thing smelled like a set up, who knows what he would do, probably kill her.
I'm not sure he's even involved in this drug deal thing.
She shuttered. "What if we're wrong about him, about this and his involvement? This could all be for nothing."

"That's always a possibility Amy, but somehow I don't think so. For some reason, I think Jack is involved up to his eyeballs," Daniel reiterated.

"I guess I need to get wired up then," she said as she stood. "How does this work, Arnie?"

"I'll tape the wire to your body and the microphone will be nestled between your um…" his eyes shifted to her chest before ricocheting back to her eyes, "breasts. We'll be able to hear everything said."

"I'll be doin' the tapin', not you," Tanner growled.

"No problem." Arnie shifted in the chair and Amy smiled. Obviously Tanner wouldn't let the other man touch her, much less tape anything to her breast.

"You need to tape the end of this right between her breasts, trail the wire underneath and secure the small box to between her legs or somewhere it won't be felt."

"He better not be doin' any touchin', or I'll personally break his fingers." Tanner grabbed the device, a roll of tape Arnie had and following Amy into the bedroom, shutting the door securely behind them.

Chapter 19

She sat in her car in front of the motel. Her muscles bunched tight, her heart hammering in her chest as trepidation rippled through her.
I have a really bad feeling about this.

"Can you hear me?"

The horn blew once somewhere off to her right, the signal from the group who watched her every move, listening to her every word. The sound calmed her nerves slightly as she waited. A few moments later, Jack's car pulled in next to her. She slipped out her keys and stuffed them into her purse as she grabbed it off the seat next to her.

When she stepped around the back of her car, Jack advanced on her, his eyes glittering in the sunlight. He grabbed her roughly around the waist and slammed her body against his, before he ground his lips over hers until she whimpered under the onslaught.

Finally lifting his head, he chuckled dryly as he said, "You always did like it rough."

"Do you have a room here?"

"Yeah. Let's go. I want you naked. You'll be sucking me dry in a matter of second's, babe." He grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the door a short distance away. Her gaze swung to the van parked against the back of the lot for a moment. Her breath hitched in her throat.
God, please don't let him hurt me.

He pushed the door open on the motel room and yanked her by the arm until she stepped inside and he slammed the door behind them.

"Get rid of those clothes."

"Listen Jack, I think we need to talk a little. I mean, I haven't seen you in a while. What have you been doing?"

"What the hell do you care?"

"I want to know everything you've been up to since we've been together. I love you, and I want to be part of your life." Bile rose in the back of her throat. She fought to swallow it before she gagged.

He chuckled. "I've been keeping busy."

"Did you find a job or something?" She wandered away from his side, inspecting the dingy, smelly room, trying desperately to keep herself between him and door in case she needed to get out quickly.

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Doing what?"

"Let's just say I'm working inventory."

"Really? Where?"

"It's under the table. You know, that way I don't have to pay taxes."

"Ah, I see. Is it paying decent?"

He cocked an eyebrow. "Not bad. I’m making enough to survive."

"I noticed you got a nice new car, but I would think you could afford something a little better than this if this new job is paying well."

"I've got something real nice lined up. I'll be moving in a few days."

"Wonderful! What's it like?"

"A high rise apartment on the west side. Top floor."

"You mean like a penthouse or something?"

"Yeah. Great view of the city. I think you'll like it."

She cleared her throat as she tried to steer the conversation where her listeners needed. "Why did you tell the hospital I had stolen drugs?"

"I told you, you made me mad."

"You did a good job getting me in trouble. They are trying to say me and one of the pharmacists are selling them to someone on the street. A dealer or something."

"Sounds like a clever ploy."

"You know I wouldn't get involved. I don't want to lose my nursing license and doing something that stupid, would put it seriously in jeopardy."

He stood up from the spot he had taken on the bed and moved toward her, a feral look to his eyes. "I might be able to get you out of this
you're in."


"I told you before, I have connections within the hospital," he whispered when he stopped in front of her.

"But how is that supposed to help me? The police said Cory told them he gave them to me to give to some dealer."
Hold your ground, Amy. Don't let him see how much he scares you.

"I'm sure he could be persuaded to change his story for the right price." Jack picked up a curl that lay across her shoulder, caressing it with his fingers and she fought a shiver of revulsion.

"He might rescind his story, but I don't understand. Do you know Cory? How do you know he can be bought like that?"

The wild gleam still reflected in his gaze. "We are
you might say."

"Oh?" She stepped back, trying to break the contact he had with her body, but she met the wall behind her as he moved closer.

"We have some mutual friends. Your pharmacist friend has a drug problem and financial troubles. I've put him in contact with someone who helps him with his predicament."

He bent his head, intent on kissing her until she turned slightly so he only grazed her cheek. It didn't stop him. He slid his lips along her cheek to her ear, biting the sensitive lobe and she had to fight herself to keep from shoving him off.

"You can't be serious, Jack. The police told me he stole drugs from the pharmacy at work. That's common knowledge, but for some reason, he's saying he gave them to me to give to the dealer."

He chuckled in her ear. "You wouldn't even know who to contact to sell drugs. You are too miss-goody-two-shoes."

"I'm glad someone believes me."

"Only because I know who his contact really is and who helped set you up for stealing the drugs," he said, his mouth moving to her neck as he sucked the soft flesh between his lips. His hand slipped up her side, making its way toward her breast.

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