Read Cowboy Love Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

Cowboy Love (31 page)

When he finally finished torturing the toes near him, he slipped up her body and grabbed her jeans, pulling them off her hips and down her legs, taking her lace panties with them. Her eyes opened to slits when he tossed her pants across the room and divested himself of his own. She watched in appreciation as his finely sculpted chest moved back over her, and he settled himself between her thighs. His tongue found her knee, moving along the ridges and up her thigh as she moaned deep in her throat. His mouth finally settled on her swollen pussy and she almost screamed as he ran his tongue from her labia to her clit. Swirling the rough pad of his tongue across her aching bud, she made soft mewing sounds in the back of her throat while he stroked her until she couldn't stand it anymore. She almost screamed in frustration as his mouth left her.
So close!

Without giving her the satisfaction she sought, his mouth moved up her belly to her breasts, sucking and nibbling while she held the back of his head tight against her.

His hips now between her thighs, she tried to move so he would take her, sliding inside until he reached her core, but he held back.

She opened her eyes to see him above her, a wicked smile gracing his gorgeous face as he waited. She didn't know what he wanted. Did he want her to beg? It didn't matter. She would do whatever he wanted, as long as he finished what he started.

"God, Tanner, please!"

His smile got bigger and more wicked if that was at all possible.

"Tell me what you want. I'll do anything. Please fuck me," she whimpered, hoping he could see the desperation in her eyes.

He pushed slightly inside her pussy with just the head of his penis until she groaned again. She closed her eyes as tears formed at the corners and slipped silently down into her hair.

"Why are you cryin'?" he whispered, sliding a little more into her warmth as a tortured groan slipped from her mouth.

"Stupid hormones," she grumbled on a laughing half sob. Her body shook as he slid inside, his hard cock reaching her deepest core and he groaned as if in pain. She wrapped her legs around him to pull him even deeper as he started to move, the friction driving them both ever closer to the magic spot where they would float together, enveloped in love.

Drifting back to reality, Tanner withdrew from inside her with a heavy groan, before he rolled on his side, pulling her with him. Their breathing slowed as she rested her cheek on his chest and she traced the curling hair with her fingers. She whispered against his skin, "I missed you."

He smiled as he murmured in return, "I missed you, too."

Several hours later, they were startled from sleep by a loud noise outside the bedroom door.

She sat bolt upright in the bed as she whispered, "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know," he answered softly. "Were you expecting someone?" His tone became indignant, as if he thought she had invited someone to her apartment.

"No," she whispered angrily, turning on a small light on the bedside table.

He bent over the side of the bed to grab his jeans and slip them on.

"I'm going to check it out," he said, right after he kissed her hard on the mouth. "Stay here."


"Be careful. There is a baseball bat in the corner. Take it with you."

He grinned. He grabbed the bat and slowly opened the door. "I don't see anythin'," he whispered before he slipped out the door, pulling it shut with a soft click behind him.

She got up and pulled her jeans and shirt on as she waited. He said to stay put, but it drove her crazy not knowing what was going on outside her bedroom door. She was terrified. If she lost him now, she didn't know what she would do.

She moved toward the door, listening for any sound, anything that would tell her where Tanner had gone. Since he took the bat, she didn't have a weapon. She slowly opened the door, peeking out into the hall. She didn't see anything, so she crept out and slowly walked toward the living room.

When she reached the main hall, she could tell someone sat on the couch. She moved slowly forward when she realized it was Tanner, but he shook his head no right before she felt the cold muzzle of a gun in her side.

"Let's join your boyfriend, Amy, shall we?" The man beside her pushed her forward toward where Tanner sat, his eyes narrowed to slits as he watched.

She walked into the living room keeping her eyes on Tanner until the gunman moved into the light that had been turned on and she could finally see who held them at gunpoint.


"Surprise, sweetheart. I knew I would find you rutting around like a couple of dogs in heat. You never could keep your hands off him, could you? Move over by Tanner. I want you both where I can see you."

She moved to the couch and sat down as she asked, "What's the meaning of this, Jason?"

"I said you would be sorry, didn't I?" he growled, waving the gun in front of the pair.

"I don't understand."

"You just don't get it, do you? You always seemed so smart. Everyone loves you. Jack, Chris, Tanner, even me, but I wasn't good enough for you, was I? I gave you everything I had. I tried to be your friend, and then he came along," Jason spat angrily, waving the gun at Tanner.

She looked at Tanner as their gazes locked and she tried to communicate to him how crazy she thought this all sounded.

"Stop that! I'm not crazy."

Her gaze swung back around to Jason. "But, Jason, I do love you, as a friend."

"I didn't want to be your friend! Don't you see?" His angry voice reverberated around the room. "While he buried himself inside you, I stood on the outside wanting in."

"I'm sorry, Jason. I don't care for you like that."

He laughed manically for a moment before he stared at them again.

"It doesn't matter anymore. You'll be mine, one way or the other, when I kill him."

"You can't do that."

He appeared not to hear her as he continued, "Oh, yes. You'll be mine all right." Jason paced back and forth for a moment. "I swear to
you must have nine lives, mister big shot country star. It didn't matter how many times I tried to get rid of you."

Amy whispered out loud, "You are the one who has been trying to hurt Tanner?"

"Yeah, pretty smart I'd say. You never even suspected me, did you? I figured if I got rid of him, you would come back to me Amy, just like before." Jason's voice dropped almost to a caress as he looked at her.

"We were never a couple Jason. You are my friend, but nothing more."

"You loved me once, I know you did."

Amy started to rise from her place near Tanner, but he tried to stop her. She shook her head as she stood and approached Jason, the gun wavering between them. She had to get the gun away from him before someone was hurt.

"Jason," she whispered, tears sliding down her cheeks.

"I love you, Amy," he told her as her hand touched him.

"I know, Jason, but you can't hurt Tanner. I love him," she murmured, as she reached for the gun. "I'm carrying his baby."

"No!" Jason screamed, the gun coming up between the two of them. Tanner dove for the gun and managed to knock it from Jason's hand before it went off. Two men rolled across the floor as Amy watched, her heart in her chest. The weapon skidded across the floor out of reach as Tanner balled up his fist and hit Jason as hard as he could.

"Call the police Amy, now."

She grabbed the phone and with shaky hands, managed to dial. Several minutes later, sirens blared as they pulled up in front of her house and more than half of a dozen police officers bound up the steps. They burst in through the front door, guns drawn. Training their weapons on Tanner, Amy yelled, "Not him." She pointed to Jason who moaned softly on the floor several feet away. "Him!"

The police handcuffed the semi-conscious man as Tanner wrapped her in his arms whispering, "Ssshhh. It's over now."


Seven months later …

"Come on baby, you need to push."

She grumbled, before she groaned again and he smiled.

"You get up here and push this bowling ball out."

His hand moved over her swollen belly, feeling the contraction ripple across the surface. He was behind her, bracing her shoulders as she leaned against his chest and tried to push their child out of her body. He put his lips near her ear and whispered, "I love you."

Tears sparkled on her lashes as she surged against the pain, pushing with everything she had as the baby slipped from her body.

He could see the squirming bundle between her legs and a ragged sob shook his frame. "It's a girl, love."

"A girl?"

"Yes, and I'm sure she'll be just as beautiful as her mother."

"No bias there, huh?"

He chuckled as he slipped out from behind her so she could lie back against the pillows and rest. He tenderly brushed the wet tendrils of hair from her face as her eyes met his and she brought her own hand up to wipe the tears from his cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Why don't you go see our daughter for a minute while they clean me up?"

He smiled. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

"I'm too tired to do much of anything right now."

A wistful smile crossed his lips. He knew her better than that. They had been playfully arguing over her riding during her pregnancy for several months.

A moment later, he returned to her side with the pink wrapped bundle in his arms, laying the baby across her chest as she wrapped her arms around their child.

"We never did agree on a girl's name," she whispered as her eyes met his.

He chuckled. "No, we didn't."

She touched his cheek as a tear slipped down her face.

"Thank you, sweetheart," he whispered, his lips brushing her cheek, taking the salty tear in his mouth.

"For what?"

"For our daughter."



Sandy Sullivan is a romance author who, when not writing, spends her time with her husband Shaun, riding her horses, playing with their dogs, relaxing in the hot tub and enjoying the rolling hills of her home.

She lives on a farm south of Nashville, Tennessee, where they moved in 2005 from the state of Washington where she grew up.

She is an avid reader of romance novels and she enjoys reading Nora Roberts, Jude Deveraux, and Susan Wiggs.

She would love to hear from you, so please visit her website at
, and feel free to leave feedback about any of her novels that have been released to date.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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