Read Cowboy Love Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

Cowboy Love (21 page)

She wiggled her hips, causing him to moan out loud as he began to move, his own pelvis pounding hers. He pushed deep and hard, his movements almost frantic, bringing them both to the brink of climax before he surged against her. Their mingled cries of satisfaction filled the air around them.

Chapter 15

"What would you like for supper?" He watched from the bed as she slipped on her jeans, a sexy smile gracing his mouth.

"I don't know. It doesn't matter. I need food. You've made me hungry with all this activity."

Raising a questioning eyebrow, he grinned. "You'd better get used to it. I plan to keep you busy for the next century or so."

"Do you now?" She sashayed to where he sat on the edge of the bed and slid onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and finding his ear with her tongue.

"All right, stop or we'll never get anythin' to eat." His ragged whisper did nothing to dissuade her from her task.

"But you said you were going to keep me busy," she whispered in his ear, before she moved to nibble at his earlobe.

"After we eat," he murmured, finally pulling away and forcing her to stand. "Let's go find some food."

"Fine, but remember—later."

"How could I forget?" He ran his hand down her backside as they headed for the door. "Italian sound good?"

"Perfect. I haven't had Italian food for a long time."

"Great. Marcellini's is awesome. Once we are done eatin', I need to stop of Pete's so I can tell Jerry thanks." He nuzzled her neck and whispered, "Besides, I want to dance with you. I love it when we move together, whether we are dancin' or making love."

"Mmm, me, too." She closed her eyes, loving the texture of his whiskered cheek rubbing over her skin.

When they arrived at the bar, he possessively held her waist as they moved inside, finding a small table off to the side of the stage. Tanner kissed her quickly and said, "I'll be right back."

"Okay. Do you want me to order anything in case the waiter comes by?"

"Sure. Get me a beer please."

"No problem."

Tanner made a bee line for the stage, stopping at the base as the singer jumped down. Amy watched as the two talked for several seconds, before the guy looked at her and gave Tanner a friendly shove. She smiled and shook her head as her eyes left the sexy ass of her lover to the others in the bar. Her gaze stopped on the four women two tables to her left, the same group who had draped themselves all over Tanner the first night they met. The glare thrown in her direction made her skin crawl. She was happy when Tanner returned to their table and slid into the seat next to her, pulling her close.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she murmured as he slipped his arm across her shoulder.

"Then why the look?"

"Your fan club is here again." She glanced at the group behind him and he turned to see who she was talking about.


"They obviously don’t like us being together, by the looks I'm getting."

"I couldn't care less. I love you and I hope everyone in the bar knows by the time we leave."

The band started playing and Tanner took her hand, leading her onto the dance floor. He pulled her tight to his chest as they swayed to the music. His thigh slipped between hers. Her nipples tingled, aching for his touch and her pussy throbbed and filled as he forced her to slowly ride his thigh. Breathing sharply, she rested her forehead on his shoulder.

"You okay?" he murmured.

"Mmm. You should ask. You know what you're doing to me."

His soft chuckle met her ear. Her cheek rested against his and she closed her eyes while he whispered, "I love you" in her ear.
I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing those words.

When the song ended, they wandered back to their table and a couple of Tanner's friends came over. Tanner introduced her to his best friend, Brad and the two joked around for several minutes.

"We grew up together and hung out durin' high school."

"And competed for women," Brad teased. "So where has Tanner been hiding you?" Brad's appreciative gaze slid over her.

"Back off, buddy, she's mine," Tanner growled good-naturedly.

"Whoa, Tanner! Easy man! I'm not coming onto your girl." Brad raised his hands in defeat. "I wanted to find out where you've been hiding her, that's all."

She laughed when Tanner's eyes narrowed. "I don't live here in Brenham. I actually live in Dallas."

"So how did you and Tanner hook up?"

"I work with Chris, Tanner's neighbor. We came down here a few weeks ago to visit, and Tanner and I met then."

"That figures! Tanner grabbed you up before any other man even had a chance!"

Blushing under his compliment, she snuggled deeper into Tanner's embrace, still aware of the hostile glances coming from a few tables to the left.

"Get over it, Brad. I'm not letting go for a minute, so don't even think about goin' after my girl."

"Well, since this beautiful woman has taken you out of the pool of eligible men that just leaves more for me!" Brad teased. "I'll catch you later. I see several lonely females needing my attention."

As Brad left their table, she said, "I assume you two spent a lot of time pursuing the same girl."

"Not really. He makes it sound that way. We were both pretty good about it once one of us started dated someone exclusively, the other didn't try to cut in. I think a lot of the women around here like to compare the two of us, though."

"Why? I don't think there is much comparison myself." She let her eyes run over the handsome man next to her.

"Maybe because our features are so different. You know, him bein' blond, blue-eyed and me bein' dark hair with brown eyes."

"I prefer dark hair and brown eyes." She rubbed her nose against his playfully.

"You have to say that. You love me," he whispered as his lips wandered to her ear.

"Yes I do, and I can think of an exceptional way to show you." She let her hand wander to the crotch of his jeans, slowly massaging the semi-soft erection.

"You better stop doing that or we'll be leavin' here right now."

"I don't mind. I'm not into sharing you, anyway."

"Let's go then. I'd much rather be alone with you in my bed than let all these guys oglin' you, waitin' to find out if you are only with me temporarily." He took her hand before they headed for the door.

Their departure was stalled when the bartender waved for Tanner to come over from his spot at the bar. "Wait here. I'll be right back." He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and disappeared into the crowd.

A few moments later, Amy realized someone stood behind her as the hair prickled on her neck. She turned to find the black-haired woman who had been giving her dirty looks, standing intimidatingly close. She chose to ignore her, but the girl wasn't about to walk away.

"Something I can do for you?" Amy finally asked.

"Yeah, stay away from Tanner. He's mine."

Amy shrugged. "Not from where I'm standing."

"You won't be standing in a minute." The woman stepped closer.

"Go ahead and try it." She placed her hand on the girl's shoulder, pressing her thumb into the soft muscle, causing the other female to gasp in pain before she stepped back. "From what he's told me, I'm sure he's never whispered 'I love you' in your ear like he did mine after we had wild sex a little while ago."

"You'll be sorry you got between me and my man," the woman spat, before turning on her heel and stomping back to her table.

Tanner returned to her side a moment later. "What was that all about?"

"She wasn't happy we are together and she tried to tell me to stay away from you."

"Well, you don't have anything to worry about with her. I've never been interested in her. Now, there is a big soft bed at my house waitin' for two people to have really hot sex like you and me."

* * * *

Amy and Tanner sat on the couch in his apartment the next afternoon, snuggled together watching a movie. Before the movie was over, he flipped the television off and turned toward her as she gave him a confused look.

"Something wrong?"

"No." He shifted so he could look into her eyes. "I think we need to talk about how we are going to do things with us living so far apart. You're going back to Dallas tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, I have to work the next day."

"Well, I've been thinkin' and I think you need to move down here." He told her in a stern voice, expecting a fight.

"What? You are kidding, right?"

"No, I want you with me."

"I want to be with you, too, but I can't quit my job, Tanner."

"I can support us. We can live here at my place."

She looked as though she questioned his sanity. "Wait a damned minute! One, I'm not living with you. Two, I'm not quitting my job at the hospital. What the hell would we live on? You don't make that much at the bar and I'm sure your parents don't pay you for helping around here."

"No, they don't pay me, but we wouldn't pay rent here."

"I'm not quitting my job, Tanner, and that's final. My life is nursing and I'm not going to sit on my butt while you work. Practicality is important here." She jumped to her feet and began to pace.

"But you shouldn't have to work."

"I want to. Why can't you understand?"

"So how are we going to see each other if you are four hours away?"

"We'll make the trips back and forth. I can come down when I'm off and you can come up there when you are able to."

"But I won't be able to see you as much as I would if you lived with me."

"You'll survive. We can be together as much as possible," she murmured, sliding back onto the couch next to him.

"How long are things going to go on like that? We can't do this indefinitely."

"I don't know. We'll figure things out, I'm sure. It's not like we're getting married or anything."

* * * *

The next words out of his mouth drove her head up sharply, and she contemplated whether he had lost his mind.

"Maybe we
get married."

He can't be serious.
"We aren't getting married." She shook her head in denial.

"I know I love you. That's all I need."

"I love you, too, but we can't get married right now."

She stood up and began to pace again, nervous as to the direction of this conversation. His mother didn't like her, they lived four hours apart from each other, and now, he wanted to get married.
He's crazy. I've fallen in love with a crazy man.


"This is nuts, Tanner. I can't even contemplate this at the moment. We need to get to know each other better." She continued to pace as nervous agitation rippled through her. "Let's just put this talk on hold for now."

"All right, we won't talk about this right now. You need to come here though," he ordered, as she continued to pace.

She whipped around to look into his face at his demanding words, but the smile on his lips told her he was teasing. Sliding next to him, she poked him in the chest as she said, "Don't get bossy with me, mister. I don't take orders well, never have. We'll continue this conversation another time. Now, are you going to make love to me again or not?"

"Oh yeah, I'm most definitely gonna make love to you several more times before you have to leave. I love to hear you scream my name as you come."

"Good. I can't seem to get enough of you," she murmured, her lips finding his neck, nibbling softly as she felt his hands roam down her arms.

* * * *

Amy slid out of the bed and headed into the kitchen to make coffee. His words of marriage the day before frightened her. She wasn't about to leave her job in Dallas.
We'll have to figure out something else.
She sipped the hot brew and waited for Tanner to wake up.

When he finally joined her in the kitchen, he asked, "Why did you get up so early?"

"Habit, I guess. I need to head for home soon. I have laundry and stuff to do before work tomorrow." She set her cup down and snuggled up to his chest.

"I know. I wish you didn't have to leave," he whispered, as he stroked her back.

"We'll manage. We just have to make a conscious effort to spend as much time together as possible." She buried her nose in his neck, inhaling his masculine musky scent.

"What days are off this next week?"

"Let's see, today is Sunday, I work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, off Thursday and Friday and work Saturday, Sunday and Monday."

"What if I drive up Thursday mornin' and stay until Friday afternoon? I'll need to be back here before nine to play so I would have to leave around four."

"That would be good. I don't have anything planned for those days." She stepped back out of his arms and grabbed her coffee cup.

"You do now," he whispered, giving her a quick kiss. "Do you want to shower before you leave?"

He gave her a suggestive, sexy grin and she said, "Oh no. If I do that, I'll never get out of here because you'll join me."

"You bet! Why do you think I suggested it?" he teased, wiggling his eyebrow suggestively.

Shaking her head, she smiled as she moved back toward the bedroom to pack her stuff and he followed.

"Can I ask you a question?" As she shoved her things into the bag she'd brought, doubts clouded her mind.


"How long has it been since you and Diane were supposed to get married?"

"Our weddin' date was set for the end of March. I found out she slept around the first part of January."

"March of this year?"

"No, last year." He took her hand in his, bringing her around and holding her close. She wrapped her arms behind him as she laid her head on his shoulder and he whispered in her ear. "Don't be jealous of her. What is in my heart for you is so much more than I ever felt for her. Why do you think I found it so easy to call off the weddin'?"

"I want to make sure you aren't on the rebound. Something your mom said made me wonder."

He looked into her eyes. "I love you. I haven't been with anyone seriously for over a year and even then, I don't think I ever loved Diane, not like I love you. My mom is only tryin' to protect me."

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