Read Cowboy Love Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

Cowboy Love (13 page)

"We shouldn't celebrate yet," she whispered. "There are still two more teams that need to ride. We could still lose."

"Um…somehow whether you win the competition or not, we'll both win later," he whispered, brushing her lips softly with his again.

She hesitantly pulled herself away from him, stepping back to put some distance between them. Being that close to him did really wonderful things to her insides, but it played hell with her peace of mind and her concentration.

"We better go watch the others riders," she whispered.

"Yeah. I guess so."

She turned away to walk toward the arena, but he quickly caught up, sliding his arm around her waist. They reached the side of the enclosure as she heard the gate snap open and the next team began their ride. The next two qualifiers missed beating the leading time by at least a full second. The last team backed into place and Amy held her breath. The cow shot out like a bullet, the riders fast on his heels. The header nailed the horns with a time better than Jason's and she groaned. The heeler needed to miss his throw for Amy and Jason to win.

The whole scene moved in slow motion as the second rider spun his lasso over his head and with a flick of his wrist, let it go. The rope slipped under the cow's rear hoofs, but only hooked one as his horse pulled the rope tight and the cowboy cursed a blue streak.

"Too bad guys," the announcer said over the intercom. "That's a full second penalty."

Amy let out a triumphant yell, grabbed Tanner and hugged him as she jumped up and down.

Chapter 9

Amy and Tanner walked to the trailer, prize money in hand.

"How about you ride back with me?"

She let what she hoped to be a sexy smile flitter across her mouth as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. "May—be. What do you have in mind?"

"I told you I wanted to spend the weekend with you, but now that you are done with your ride, we can head back to Dallas together."

"I might be able do that." She grinned, slipping her arm through his as they walked.

When they reached the trailer, she told Jason she would be riding back with Tanner, and she asked if he would return her horse to the stable.

"Why?" Jason asked. "Never mind. It's none of my business what you do."

"Can I talk to you a minute?" She moved a short distance away from Tanner. She wanted a little privacy to talk to Jason. "What's your problem?"

"Nothing." Jason studied the tree off to the right for a second, avoiding her gaze.

"You sure aren't acting like it's nothing. Tell me what's bothering you. Is it Tanner?"

Angry rippled across his face. "You and I have been friends a long time. I've seen you get your heart broken on several occasions, and I'm afraid you are in for another fall. That cowboy is after nothing more than a quick lay and you are ripe for the picking."

"How dare you! You may be my friend, but who I choose to go out with, or go to bed with for that matter, is none of your business." She shook with anger as the air crackled with tension.

"If that's how you feel, fine, but don't come crying on my shoulder when he breaks your heart." Jason's words of dismissal caught her by surprise before he stomped back toward his truck, leaving her standing alone.

Her mare stood in the trailer, already loaded when she returned. Jason ripped the door open and climbed into the cab. He jammed his key into the ignition, firing up the engine just as Amy reached the window.

"Just put her in her stall and give her some hay. I'll put the check into our account and take my half."

"Fine." He refused to look at her as he put the truck in gear and pulled away.

* * * *

Tanner reached her side, sliding his arm around her. The stiffness in her shoulders and the ridged posture of her spine, communicated her anger even though her body quivered under his touch.

"Everythin' all right?"

"Yeah. He's only being the overprotective friend, I guess." Jason pulled out onto the highway, leaving a large cloud of dust in his wake.

"Well, he doesn't have anythin' to worry about."

Tanner hated the way the other man affected her and he hoped the emotions scrambled inside her and reflected on her face, were not going to be a problem between the two of them.
Hell, I wish he wasn't even in the picture.

Climbing into the cab of his Ford, he said, "You'll have to give me directions since I'm not that familiar with Fort Worth."

"No problem. Turn left out of the parking lot. It takes you toward the interstate. We'll head for my apartment and go from there. We can stop and eat something on the way."

Giving her a questioning raise of his eyebrow and letting a sexy smile ripple across his lips, he said, "Whatever you say."

On the way back, they talked of things they had been doing over the last couple of weeks. Her work, the mare he had been working with, the band, and his parents' farm, anything but the feelings between the two of them.

He glanced at her on the other side of the truck as he wondered what the coming evening would bring. The time spent apart did nothing to cool his attraction. He craved her touch, her smile, her laughter and not talking to her had driven him crazy.

"How come you didn't call me the last week or so?"

The question whipped through the air, putting him on the defensive. He wanted to call her, had even picked up the phone on several occasions to do just that, but hung up before he dialed. "I didn't want to come on too strong. We had a good time and all, but I was afraid you might not want to see me again."

"I already told you about what happened with the last guy I saw. I'm just not sure I'm ready for any type of relationship, Tanner, and I don't want to give you the wrong impression."

"Don't worry about it. Whatever happens, happens," he replied, taking her hand in his, he brought it to his lips and kissed the inside of her wrist.

As he pulled the truck into the parking lot of her apartment complex, he whistled softly. "Nice buildin'," he said, looking up.

"Thanks. It's secure and I've got a fantastic view from my balcony. I guess you could say the one luxury that I've afforded myself is a nice place to live."

"I can't wait to see inside."

He followed her through the lobby and toward the elevator as a large black man, sitting behind an even bigger desk, called out, "How are you, Ms. Amy?"

"I'm good, George. How are things with the wife and kids?"

"They're doin' fine," he tipped his hat as he glanced at Tanner. "Evenin', sir."

"George, this is my friend, Tanner. Tanner this is George. He's the best security guard we have and a nice guy, too."

"Nice to meet you, George."

"You, too, young man. Any friend of Miss Amy's is a friend of mine."

They reached the elevator and she pushed the button. After a few moments, the glass doors opened and they stepped inside.

"What floor are you on?"

"The seventh."

"Then we have a minute or two." He grinned, stepping in front of her, bracketing her shoulders with his hands. Bending his head, his lips touched hers softly. She leaned into his kiss, moaning under his mouth as his tongue grazed the crease and she opened for him. He stroked the inside of her mouth, deepening the kiss until they were both breathing heavily.

The doors of the elevator opened and she pushed against his chest, breaking the kiss with a grin. "We're here."

"Damn," he murmured pulling back slightly. "I was beginnin' to enjoy that."

He followed her down the hall, enjoying the view of her ass, until the door of her apartment loomed in front of them. Once they had stepped inside and she shut the door behind them, the most spectacular view of the city from her living room window, reflected off the glass. "Wow," he said as he moved closer.

"It is pretty cool, huh?"

"And I thought the view from the bluff was nice, but it's nothin' like this."

"I like it, but I thought the view overlooking Brenham was perfect, too," she whispered, slipping her arms around him from behind and resting her hands on his abdomen.

Bringing her fingers to his lips, he placed a small kiss on each one. She moaned softly behind him when he took one in his mouth and sucked. Turning around, framed her face with his hands and bent his head to take her mouth. His tongue slipped between her parted lips, dancing with hers as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight against his chest. She slipped her hands up to his shoulders as he deepened the kiss and slid his thigh between hers. A moment later, he pulled his mouth away as their rapid breathing mingled. "God, I want you. One night wasn't enough. I've hungered for you since you left. I came to see you because I need you like a man needs water to survive. I've been in a constant state of hard-on for the last two weeks, wantin' to love you again," he whispered as his eyes held hers.

Pain registered on her face as she pulled out of his arms.
Holy shit! What did I say?

"I don't go around fucking men I just met, Tanner. Not on a regular basis, anyway. I hadn't been with a man in awhile and I wanted you, but if you think you can just waltz back into my life for a quick lay, forget it. The couch is comfortable enough. I'll get you a pillow and blanket. You can sleep here tonight, but tomorrow, I want you gone. I'm not going to be your port in a storm."

"Amy," he sighed but she had disappeared. He could have punched the wall.
I sure stuck my foot in my mouth with that one. Now she thinks I only came here to get her into bed again. How am I going to explain?
Lacing his fingers behind his head, he fought the desire still racing through his veins.

When he heard the water switch on from the living room, he groaned as his imagination went wild. He could almost see the water running down her body in rivers of clear liquid mixed with soap, making her skin slick to the touch. He could just imagine her running the bar of soap across her breasts and down between her legs as she washed. The blood pooled in his groin as he moaned and shifted his hard cock in his jeans to relieve some of the pressure. Just the thought of her could make his blood boil and he couldn't stand it anymore. He needed to make her understand he wanted more from her than sex.

The water sounded louder when he stood in the doorway. He pushed the door open and he could see the sliver of light coming from the bathroom. Past the point of no return, he moved toward the light, aching with need.

He reached for the handle just as she shut off the water and the shower slid open. He turned the knob in his hand slowly and the steam rolled out as she stood silhouetted in the light from the bathroom.

She lifted her leg onto the side of the tub to dry it, giving him the most luscious view of her ass as a groan rumbled in his chest. Her skin, almost translucent in the light, made his fingers tingle and ache to touch where the fluffy towel soaked up the water.

* * * *

Anger made her tremble and tears burned behind her eyelids while the hot water sluiced over her head.
I want him so bad I ache for him to be inside me, but I want more. I deserve more than a quick fuck.
Face the facts. You are half in love with him already.

"No. No, I'm not. I refuse," she said out loud, her logical mind fighting with her heart.
Then why does the thought of him only wanting sex disturb me so much?
Do you really think he drove all the way up here for sex?
He could have gotten that at home. "I'm sure he doesn't want for sexual partners," she grumbled.
Am I really going to turn him away? You want him as much as he wants you.

She stepped out and toweled herself dry, wiping the water from her legs as she placed her foot on the toilet and bent over. She wasn't sure when she knew he was there. Presenting him with her back, she slowly dried the front she shortly before she felt his lips on her shoulder.

"I don't want it to be all about sex between us," he whispered softly. He turned her around in his arms, the towel trapped them.

"Neither do I."

"I need you so bad, I ache, but there has to be more. We have so much more ridin' on this." He kissed her nose, across her cheek and down her throat. "Please say you want me, too."

"I do. God, Tanner. I want you so much." She sighed heavily as he ran kisses up to the side of her neck. She tipped her head to give him better access as a shiver rolled down her spine. Goose bumps flittered across her skin. She dropped the towel that hung from her fingertips between them, revealing her breasts to his seeking eyes. His stare moved from her eyes to her mouth and down to her breasts as his hand skimmed down her arm. He cupped her breast in his palm and as he rolled the nipple between his fingers, she sucked in a ragged breath.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered against her skin as his head dipped and he kissed her chest. He moved lower until he finally took the areola in his mouth and sucked, drawing the tip deep inside. Twirling his tongue around the hard tip before swiping the rough pad across the engorged bud, elicited a tortured moan from her mouth.

She took a shaky breath, tipped her head back and wound her fingers through his hair. She pushed his head harder against her, arching her back, making little mewing sounds in her throat as he suckled and pulled, before moving to its mate.

Her legs trembled as he feasted on her and skimmed his hand up her thigh toward her aching, throbbing pussy. His fingers finally sliding into wet cunt, she moaned and grasped his shoulders, praying he wouldn't stop.

"Don't stop—please don't stop. I'm going to come."

She whimpered when he pulled his fingers from inside her. "Not without me." He finally stood and captured her mouth with his, his tongue diving inside to stroke her own.

Running her hands up his sculpted muscles, she worked the buttons loose on his shirt. She tore her mouth from his, kissing the skin as she revealed the hard pectorals to her seeking lips. His flat male nipples puckered when she grazed them with her teeth and he sucked in a ragged breath. She smiled as a moan rumbled in his throat. Her hands moved toward the belt buckle he wore, working it loose, before she got to the button of his jeans, slipping it free. She grabbed the zipper and pulled it down, moving her shaking hands insides his pants to skim along his cock as she heard him moan again.

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