Read Cowboy Love Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

Cowboy Love (10 page)

"That's ours."

"If you'll excuse us, Diane, our order is ready."

"Of course, sugar. I'll see you later." She winked.

"Not if I can help it," Tanner replied, putting his arm around Amy and moving toward the counter to pick up their food.

She didn't say a word and Tanner seemed lost in thought as they left the building. Silence prevailed on the drive back to his parents' house and Amy didn't know what to think about their encounter with the blonde.
Obviously there is a history between the two.
She felt the green-eyed monster of jealousy creep along inside her, waiting to rear its ugly head.

Tanner pulled the truck up in front of the barn instead of the house.

"I thought we were going to your house?"

"We are. My place is above the barn. It's not much, but I don't have my parents breathin' down my neck over here and a lot more privacy."

He smiled at her, the first one since their encounter at the pizza parlor and she relaxed a little. She had a terrible feeling about the woman's relationship with Tanner and his reaction to her presence gave her doubts.

Once he had taken the pizza from her lap and they headed up the stairs, he pulled out a key, slipped it into the lock and opened the door. He reached over and flipped on a light switch, illuminating the entire apartment and she gasped. Wasn't much? The apartment was awesome.

"Tanner, this is really fantastic. I thought you said it wasn't much. It's quite impressive." Her eyes surveyed the room, taking in everything.

"I'm glad you like it. You can put your things over the chair, if you want. I'll get some plates for the pizza," he said, moving toward the kitchen. "There are DVD's in the cabinet if you want to pick somethin' out."

The cabinet stood against the wall, beckoning her. She pulled open the door and began to read the titles of the movies he had accumulated as several hundred titles met her eyes.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Milk, water, beer, whatever you have is fine."

Grabbing two bottles of beer, along with the plates that he had placed the pizza slices on, he walked into the living room and set everything down on the coffee table.

"Find anything?"

"Maybe. I'm sure you've already seen all these otherwise you wouldn't have them here, but I haven't," she replied, picking a movie from the shelf and walking over to sit on the couch. "What about this one?" She handed him the box.

"That's a good movie. I'm surprised, though," he said, cocking his head to the side. "Most girls don't like action flicks."

"I do," she smiled, picking up the pizza and taking a bite.

"The more I learn about you, the more you surprise me."

Amy sipped the beer as she watched him slip the movie into the player, fascinated by the way he moved, so graceful and sexy.

The light blue, long sleeved shirt he wore fit snuggly across his chest and open at the collar. Chest hair peeked out of the opening of his shirt.
I wonder if that hair is as soft as it looks.
She brought the bottle back to her lips. A small drop of the liquid rested on her lip and when he turned around, her tongue flicked out, capturing it. All the sudden, the temperature rose thirty degrees and sweat began to run down her back, tickling as it moved. Their eyes met across the expanse of the room and she could see the same heat in his gaze that rushed through her. Unable to take her eyes off him, her lips parted, as he moved closer.

Standing over her, he bent his head, capturing her lips with his in a kiss she thought would surely set the place on fire. His mouth slid over hers as his tongue sought entrance into the warm recesses of her mouth. She moaned when he took possession, pushing her against the hard surface of the couch, his hand moving up and around, to cup the back of her head. He slid onto the seat next to her, wrapping one arm around her and pulling her close.

"Shit!" He stood up rapidly and looked down at the front of his jeans.

The fog lifted slowly when he moved, but when she shifted her eyes downward, she began to giggle uncontrollably, holding her side as she laughed. His jeans were soaked with beer.

"I'm sorry," she whispered in a giggle.

Grinning, he said, "Its okay. I've never had to cool down like that before, and I would rather not repeat the experience. I need to change. I'll be right back."

He turned and headed to what appeared to be the bedroom as he disappeared through a doorway. Tempted to follow him, she stood up, but she thought she had not for the time being. Instead, she walked into the kitchen to find something to clean off the couch.

He returned a few moments later, wearing clean, dry, jeans. She had cleaned up the mess and sat waiting for him on the couch, finishing her pizza.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she wanted to ask about the woman at the pizza parlor. She figured that she might as well jump in with both feet.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," he answered, sitting beside her.

"What's between you and that girl?"

* * * *

Tanner took a deep breath before answering. He wanted her to know the truth, but he didn't want her to think feelings still existed for Diane. Their relationship ended some time ago to him, and Amy was his here and now.

"Nothing anymore," he said. "She and I dated."

"You did?"

"Yeah," he cringed, before he continued, "and we were engaged at one time."

She must have been the one he mentioned before, the one he almost married.

"It's over Amy. I caught her in bed with one of my friends about two months before the weddin’. She didn't quite understand why I called it off."

"I'm sorry, Tanner. I know how that type of betrayal feels and it cuts deeper than any other." Amy touched his arm.

"Do you?"

"Yeah, actually I do. I've been cheated on in the past."

"Do you want to tell me?"

She closed her eyes for a moment as tears slid down her face, before she said, "I saw Jack for about six months. He is a bull-rider. I thought I had it made. He even told me he loved me. Unfortunately, I believed him. I planned to meet him at a rodeo one weekend as a surprise, but I'm the one who got the surprise when I caught him in bed with someone else."

Tanner took her in his arms and held her close. He could see the pain in her face, and he knew it had to be the same pain that he had seen earlier. This guy hurt her badly, but he wanted to be the man to pick up the pieces, if she'd let him.

Chapter 7

After a few moments, she moved back and he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket, handing her the soft linen.

"Thanks," she whispered, dabbing at her nose and eyes. "Can I use your restroom?"

"Sure. Back through that doorway and to the left," he answered, pointing to the opening he had passed through earlier when he had gone to change his jeans.

"I'll just be a minute."

When she reached the room, she peered in the mirror, trying to fix her makeup. His bathroom held a certain curiosity. She scanned the room, noting the shaving cream on the counter, the toothbrush in the holder and the comb nearby. Everything in its place. The cologne sitting next to the sink drew her attention and when she picked up the bottle and brought it to her nose, the scent wrapped around her senses. She loved the combination of musk and male resting on his skin.

After a few moments, her composure recovered so she headed back toward the living room. She walked through the doorway as she heard him talking.

"What do you want?" he growled into the phone, his back to her.

Amy heard murmurs, but she couldn't make out the words.

"Wasn't it enough that you slept with Greg before our weddin’? Now you want to destroy everythin’ for me?"

Obviously he is talking with the girl from the pizza parlor.

"I couldn't care less what you want, Diane. I'm a lot happier now that I ever was with you and you hate the thought."

More murmurs filled the silence.

"It doesn't matter who I had with me tonight and it's none of your business who I'm seein'. This conversation is over. Goodbye."

Tanner hung up the phone and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. She walked up behind him and put her arms around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder. He rubbed the hand resting on his stomach before turning around to cup her face with his hands.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"For what?" He pushed his hands into her hair and she closed her eyes for a moment, loving the feel of his fingers on her scalp.

"For the hell she put you through. I guess we've both been hurt pretty badly."

"I'm not lettin' her hurt me anymore. She's not worth the trouble," he murmured, pulling her to his chest. "This is what's important now, not her."

They stood in each other's arms for what seemed like hours. Tanner stroking her back as she clung to him, daring to hope somehow he wasn't too good to be true.

She stepped back slightly as she whispered, "Tanner, I think—"

His lips on hers stopped the flow as he took possession of her mouth, blinding her to whatever she planned to say. Desire raced through her veins like a match to dry grass, while his lips brushed against hers as light as a feather. She had always been a sucker for soft kisses and Tanner's drove her crazy. He moaned as she pushed her breasts against his chest. His tongue dove inside her mouth, swirling within, dancing with her own as he swallowed her answering whimper.

After a moment, he pulled away and ran small kisses down her neck to her shoulder as he whispered, "I love the way you taste. Your skin is so soft, I could touch you forever." He finally dragged his mouth from her and put his forehead against hers, as their rapid breathing mingled. "We should stop. I didn't bring you over here to try to get you into bed with me."

"But, I don't want to stop," she murmured, holding his gaze with hers.

He closed his eyes as she shifted to run kisses along his jaw and down his neck, nibbling at the skin beneath her mouth.

"Amy," he whispered, trying to step back, but she followed. "Amy, please. We shouldn't do this, not yet."


"We should get to know each other better before we jump into havin' sex."

She looked into his eyes. "I want you. Right now, I don't care how well I know you. You said something about fucking me until I scream." She heard him groan at her words. "Show me." His breathing hitched, coming out in little panting breaths as he fought for control. Goose bumps flittered along his arms while her lips trailed kisses down his chest, unbuttoning his shirt as worked her way down.

Cupping her face with his hands, he tugged her back up, the heat in his eyes intense and scorching. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

She let a small smile flitter across her lips. "Oh yeah."

He looked almost afraid as he whispered, "God, I need to fuck you so bad."

"What's stopping you, cowboy?"

He swooped down, taking her lips in a desperate kiss, his tongue gliding across until she opened her mouth. A deep moan rumbled in his chest, slipping from between his lips as she captured it with her own.

His hands were everywhere, wrapped in her hair, along her shoulders and down her arms, raising goose bumps on her skin. She wrapped her own in the hair at the nape of his neck, sliding the silky strains through her fingers. He released her lips as their rapid breaths mingled and he reached for the hem of her tank top before he slipped it over her head. His lips skimmed over her cheek to her ear, nipping at the earlobe with his teeth for a moment, prior to continuing his journey down her salty neck, nibbling at the soft skin. One hand palmed her breast, pinching the sensitive nipple through her bra and she gasped as longing zinged straight to her aching clit. Both hands moved lower, grasping her ass and pulling her tight against him until he cradled his erection to her. One hand slipped up her back until he reached the snap of her bra, unhooking the piece of silk with quiet efficiency and slid it off.

He lifted his head and met her gaze. She shivered as he whispered, "You are so beautiful."

She closed her eyes and tipped her head back when his tongue slid along the top of her breast before slipping lower until he took her nipple between his lips. Moaning softly, she felt him run the rough pad of his tongue over the sensitive tip, before sucking the hard nub into his mouth. She whimpered her need as she held his head tight against her.

He worked the button loose and slid both hands into the waistband of her pants, before cupping her ass and molding it to his touch. He pushed the rough material off her hips and she stepped out of them, kicking them away. A soft smile lifted the corners of her mouth as she whispered, "My turn."

Her lips dipped against the hollow of his throat, nipping at the skin until he hissed. His skin quivered under her touch as she smoothed her hands down his chest, pushing his shirt out of the way so she could run her lips over the hard muscles. Her mouth found his male nipple, licking and biting as he moaned her name. She worked the belt buckle at his waist loose before she slipped the button free with her fingers, rasped the zipper out of her way and slid inside his boxers. Wrapping her hand around his erection, she heard a tortured groan come from between his lips.
Holy hot damn!

He chuckled and she blushed. Her kiss followed the path of hair south to his groin, while she worked the jeans off his hips and down his legs. Her tongue darted out, softly licking the pre-cum from the tip as he wrapped his hands in her hair and whispered, "Oh God."

She opened her mouth and took the head of his penis inside as he hissed above her and rocked his hips. She sucked his cock, taking all of him inside the warm cavern while she cupped his balls, kneading with her fingers, until he pulled her by the shoulders and growled, "Stop."

She smiled as their eyes met and he kicked his jeans off. Standing in front of her, he reached out and he ran his palm over her breast, before slipping behind her and pulling her to him. He lifted her up in his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist, before he moved toward the couch. He sat her on one of the cushions then knelt on the floor at her feet. Not sure what he was going to do, she waited.

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