Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1) (49 page)

BOOK: Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)
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Mitch heard his phone beep and pulled it out of his pocket.

“Missing you so much”

He typed one back.

“Missing you too baby”


He felt as if he were missing a limb with Charlie not beside him. She filled the space beside him with her passion and joy. When they danced they danced as one. When they made love it was beyond words to describe the feelings he felt. Upstairs in his room he flicked on the computer and loaded up the dance routine and watched as she filled the screen with her light. She was more than he could ever have hoped to find but find her he had and everything was right with the world.

“Mitch, do you want take away for tea” his Dad shouted.

“Sounds good Dad” he replied
. He played the song again and again; his body yearned for her touch once more.

Chapter 59


It was back to work for me, as the good weather finally broke and I woke up to the light patter of rain on the window. I had slept really well now that I was back in my
own bed. Suddenly my phone beeped and I saw a message from a strange number. Opening it I realised that it was from James.

“Morning Steph, hope it’s not too early for us to start getting to know each other again. So first question is what do you like for breakfast these days. James x”

I smiled and quickly sent a reply.

“Morning James, yes I am awake. I still like toast and coffee for breakfast, although I do remember that you make a mean fish finger sandwich when breakfast gets missed. Steph x”


I pulled my dressing gown on and headed downstairs, still clutching my phone as it beeped again

“Oh yes, how
I could forget the fish finger sandwich. Are you working today, as I’ll tune in and listen”

“Yes, I will be on air between 10am and 2pm. Drop me a text later and I might play a song for you”

“You bet I will, take care and can I give you a call this evening?”

“Ok, anytime after eight
will be fine for a chat”


As I made coffee I thought back to when we had first been together. Writing and posting a letter and then the long wait until the reply fell through the letter box. It was so slow in comparison to texts and emails but perhaps it had made the whole process more precious. As I ate breakfast alone I fired up my laptop and started to check my emails. I spotted a couple from Paul and Ian and clicked on them and then sat back in amazement. Somehow they had managed to land Rick Astley as the headline act. I was stunned, ok it wasn’t George but Rick was definitely up there for me. Ticket sales would definitely fly when I announced this at twelve noon today.


Heading upstairs I knocked the door of Charlie’s room

“I’m off to work in half an hour” I called

“Ok Mum” she replied “I’ll see you later” she finished. I could hear music from behi
nd the door so I carefully pushed it ajar slightly and spotted her swaying along to “She’s like the wind” she looked such a solitary figure without Mitch with her. I crept away to my room and got dressed. My mind was a buzz of excitement and also with the thoughts of how James and I would play out and what affect it might have on my daughter’s new relationship.


In the car I listened to Paul starting the build up to the announcement at noon. Christ, Rick Astley, I could hardly believe it and I was just as excited that I hadn’t realised that my secret admirer had been silent so far today. Pulling into the car park in Hereford I headed to the studio, calling in to grab some doughnuts on the way. In the studio Paul raised his hand to me and I noticed that Mark was in too so I put the kettle on and made everyone a cuppa.

“Hi Steph, had a good weekend in the capital”

“Yes thanks Mark; it was a weekend of surprises and good news”

Paul ducked out of the studio quickly while the adverts ran

“How did your daughter get on”
he asked, grabbing a doughnut.

“They came joint second but even better Arlene Phillips was one of the judges and has hinted that she would like Char
lie to audition for her in the New Year for a part in the stage version of Dirty Dancing”.

“Crikey, Dirty Dancing…still haven’t watched that film” Paul replied, before disappearing back behind his desk.


As the time ticked down towards noon I kept an eye on my phone for a text request from James, assuming that he would send it to my personal phone rather than the studio line. Then after the news I made the announcement

“Well have we pulled a great one off for all you guys who have already bought your tickets for Rock on the River in a fortnight
’s time? The one and only Rick Astley will be performing his classic hits from the late eighties as our headline act” I announced. I watched the message board start to go mad as I played “Never gonna give you up” Paul popped his head round the door.

“The ticket line is going bonkers” he exclaimed in amazement.

“I knew it would” I replied “If I wasn’t helping to organise, run and part present the event I would be buying my ticket now too. I have been a fan of his for a long time” I finished.


Just then my personal phone beeped and I looked at the message and smiled. Paul noticed but didn’t have time to say anything as I flicked through the computer screen and queued up the song.

“This first request is for an old friend of mine called James, here’s your song ‘Waiting for a star to fall’ by Boy meets Girl “

“Old friend” Paul asked, as my phone beeped again and I blushed. Then it beeped again with a text from Jack saying.

“Do you mean THE

“Yes, if you’re free after three
for a drink let me know and meet me at the studio”

“Is there something going on I should know about” Paul asked curiously.

“All in good time” I replied, enjoying the music as it took me back to the past.

By the end of the show I realised that I had still not heard from my secret admirer but I didn’t really feel worried. As Ian took over from me I spotted Jack waiting just outside the door and grabbed my bag to leave.


Outside the rain had finally been replaced with drizzle but at least it was still warm. Jack put his arm through mine and steered me to the nearest coffee shop and after ordering some drinks he sat down opposite me

“So tell all” he said, leaning forward “I’m all ears”

“It’s a bit of a long story really” I began, hesitantly.

“I’ve got time” Jack said, sitting back and taking in my flushed cheeks and bright smile.

“Well to cut a long story short Charlie’s new boyfriend Mitchell is the son of James” I paused to allow him time to take in the information.

“We met again at the dance competition over the weekend and spent quite a lot of time talking” I said, taking a sip of my coffee.

“And are you back together then?” he asked.

“We’re being friends again first as it’s a big step for me to take after all that happened” I replied.

“Steph, don’t be a fucking idiot and let him go again, just go for it that’s what I always do” Jack said.

“Part of me wants to just fall back into his arms but it’s his son and my daughter we now have to consider. It’s not that easy to just pick up where we left off twenty odd years ago” I sighed.


We were both silent for a moment and drank our coffee

“But I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time. How about doing what’s right for you for a change instead of letting other’s get in the way” Jack finally said.

“I guess” I replied “I’ve got a fortnight before I see him again as he’s coming to Rock on the River”

“Shit, what about your blind date with the mystery man?” Jack asked

“Well, I don’t think I can back out of that now but at least I have someon
e in reserve” I giggled. Jack let his laughter join mine.

“You could always have a threesome” he finally laughed

“Stop it, I really don’t think so” I finished. Checking my watch I realised that an hour had passed by and I needed to get home.

“Well, I’d better get going now” I said, standing up “Thanks for your input”

“You know me, always happy to help, I’m like a regular agony aunt” he said, pulling me in for a hug.

“See you soon Jack” I said

“Will do, and if you ever decide you don’t want James if he’s as gorgeous now as he was back then I’ll have him” he said.

“Yes Jack he’s still gorgeous” I admitted. A picture of him sprang into my mind and made me blush again at the stolen kisses we had shared over the last forty eight hours.


Arriving home just before five I heard music and laughter coming from upstairs.

Charlotte I’m home” I shouted.

“Ok Mum, Julia’s here were just hanging out” she shouted back.

“Is Julia staying for tea” I replied.

“Yeah, if that’s ok” Charlie responded.

“Ok, I’ll do some pizza and chips then” I finished, heading for the kitchen.

I turned the radio on to catch the end of Ian’s show and put the oven on. Then sitting in the conservatory I thought about James again. I wondered what he was doing this evening. I knew that I could just reach over to my phone and text him or even call him. Instead I decided to wait until later.


Charlie and Julia were lying together on the bed and talking.

“So what did the two of you get up to when we
weren’t dancing?” she asked.

A blush spread over Charlie’s pale skin as you hesitated and tried to decide exactly what to tell her best friend.

“Well I’m definitely not a virgin anymore” Charlie replied. Her mind started to replay the first time and then the rest in succession.

Is he as good in the bedroom as he is on the dance floor?”

“Better” she replied, smugly “Mitchell is the perfect man for me” she declared.

“I’m looking forward to seeing Simon again next weekend, I really like him and I think he likes me too” Julia said. She rolled over onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

“We‘ve also got the chance to audition for Arlene Phillips for a part in Dirty Dancing the stage production next year. She’s going to contact us and let us know the dates” Charlie said beaming at the thought.

“OMG that’s fabulous news” Julia said “You two would make the absolute best Baby and Johnny” she finished.

“It’s just an audition that’s all. Doesn’t mean we will get the parts” she replied.


Suddenly her text beeped and she grabbed her phone and saw it was from Mitch

“Hi Baby, what are you doing right now?”

“Hi Mitch, just hanging with Julia and talking about you, are your ears burning?”

“Something is burning but it’s definitely not my ears”

“Wish I was there to cool you down, honey”

“If you were here, you would only be making me feel hotter”

“I’ll talk to you later
when Julia has gone, how about eight?”

will be fine, shall we skype and see each other too”

“Yeah, speak later, love you Mitchell”

“Love you Charlie”

As the last text disappeared Charlie heard her Mum calling them down for tea. Switching off the music they headed downstairs for some food. Somehow she had forgotten all about lunch and she was starving.


After tea Julia headed home and Charlie headed back to her room, which was great as I needed some privacy for my phone call with James. Taking a large glass of wine through with me to the lounge I turned on the music system and put Rick on as some background music.
His cheerful pop songs put me in a good mood and then the phone rang. I paused and then answered. Just hearing his voice started the butterflies off in my stomach.

“Hi Steph, how was your day”

“Hi James, great thanks to the news about Rick Astley headlining Rock on the River” I replied

“Christ now I will have to compete with a pop star for your affections next time I see you” he laughed.

“Who knows” I replied and joined in the laughter. It was amazing that we seemed to fall into conversation so easily despite the time we had been apart.

“Mitchell has been moping around here like a wet weekend” James continued.

“So has Charlie, although Julia called over so that helped a bit” I replied.

“I will have a chat with Darren at some point. Didn’t manage it yesterday as he came home with his own exciting news”

“Do tell” I replied, settling back into the cushions on the sofa and taking a sip of wine.


James filled me in about his eldest son and although I knew he was the reason for our split I couldn’t blame him. The person I blamed was the bitch that came between us, the bitch who split us up and called the shots. I hated her with a passion and she still made me angry now. After some more wine I mellowed and enjoyed the rest of our conversation. An hour had passed in a blink of an eye as we finally called it a night.

“So I guess I’d better go now” he said reluctantly

“Yeah, but we can talk some more tomorrow night if you like. I can call you”

“Unfortunately I’m on nights for the next couple of days but you can always text me and I’ll try and answer when I can” James replied

“Oh, ok
then. Shall I call you on Friday night then?” I responded.

“Great, that’s a date” he finished “Well sort of”

BOOK: Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)
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