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Authors: Angie Daniels

When It Rains... (30 page)

BOOK: When It Rains...
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He returned to her, and they both lay naked beside each other. While he planted a trail of kisses down from her neck to her breasts, and then to her abdomen, his fingers sought and found her core. He stroked her clit intimately, eliciting a cry of astonished pleasure from her before he inserted two fingers inside her pussy as if testing her readiness. Her tightness declared that she hadn't been touched in years.
“You are so hot and wet, Honey,” he whispered beforehe lowered his head. With his tongue, he painted a damp trail up one inner thigh and down the other beforehe buried his face in the brown thatch between her legs. He then began thrusting and stroking his tongue from her clit down to her core.
“Ohhh, baby!” she moaned as she spread her legs wide apart, giving him complete access. “Don't stop!
Ahhh, yesss.

Honey shivered uncontrollably; she desperately needed more than his mere touch. A wave of ecstasy throbbed through her, and she was lost. “Please,” she whimpered with sweet agony.
“Not yet, boo.”
While he sucked her clit, he inserted two fingers in and out of her pussy. She rocked her hips against his fingers, fucking them as she would a dick.
“You like that, boo?” he asked in between sucks.
“Oooh! That's feels sooo good. Just like that, baby ... just like that.”
He continued to stroke her; her entire body tingled, and Honey felt she was ready to come.
“Puhleeeeze, Jay! I want you inside me.”
Her cry was permission for what he was dying to do. Jay positioned himself carefully between her thighs and pulled her hips up to him. Honey stared down at his large dick and felt a moment of panic. Could she possibly accommodate something that size? But her fears were quickly put to rest when Jay began gently stroking the head against her clit. She closed her eyes and the image of Walter was nowhere in sight. All she saw was the man she loved.
She moaned and the tension slowly left her body. Jay decided she was finally ready. Finding her entrance,he pushed slightly while he watched her face. He pushed again, making sure there were no signs of pain or fear. He was at the brink of exploding, but if she had any doubts, he would stop. With the third push her eyelids flew open, and his eyes searched hers.
“Are you sure?” he asked with concern.
“More sure than I've ever been.” She squirmed beneathhim, pushing her hips forward, trying to meet him. Her eyes drifted closed as she moaned against his lips. With her encouragement, he pushed into her hot, moist pussy.
A cry tore from her lips that he smothered with a kiss. He lay still, trying to give her a chance to recover from the shock. However, she grabbed hold of his buttocksand continued the stroke on her own. Jay was met by a tidal wave of pleasure. He released a moan. Never had he felt so connected to a woman.
Honey felt full, expanded to the limit, and nothing had ever felt so right.
Jay withdrew from her but, moaning, she clung to him. He plunged again, deeply, completely, and she cried out from the sheer joy of having him inside her body.
Their rhythm began, slowly, gently, and together they found harmony with one another. They soared higher, the pace accelerating until the beat of their union grew faster and faster.
“Damn, this pussy is good!” he chanted over and over.
Her body jerked with release. Her juices flowed continuously. Jay intensified his actions, pushing her further and deeper into pure, explosive ecstasy. He was fuckin' her so good that Honey cried out his name repeatedlyas they thrashed about on the bed, their bodies joined.
“Oooooooh!” she cried as she came harder than she ever did with her vibrator.
A vigorous tide of passion raged through both of them, bringing them to an earth-shattering climax.
Later, Jay pulled her into his arms, and Honey snuggled against him, praying the night would never end. He lifted the covers over them and draped his arm across her warm, damp body.
Honey couldn't believe she had finally given in to her feelings. She had finally made love to Jay.
Bitch, you still haven't told him the truth.
What was she going to do? she asked the nagging voice inside her head. Jay was bound to find out sooner or later ... unless, of course, she was ready to end their relationship again. He loved her and she loved him. But nothing had changed. It was unfair to mislead him into believing they had a future.
This shit ain't fair.
It would be unfair of her to take away a man's joy at having a child. She could never do that to him. Honey sniffled,anticipating the grief of losing him again.
Jay stiffened at the sound. “What's wrong, boo?”
“Nothing,” she whispered before turning around and leaning her back against his chest. The joy she'd felt only minutes ago had suddenly faded, and she didn't dare look into the future.
Now what the fuck is wrong?
Jay asked himself as he felt her body tense. Maybe she was regretting that she allowed him to make love to her. He'd tried to make it good for the both of them, and her actions told him she had enjoyed every minute of it.
So then what the hell was the problem?
He wrapped his arms tight around her and planted light kisses on the side of her neck, then whispered reassuringly near her ear, “I love you, boo.”
Honey awoke well after midnight and found her head still resting on his broad chest. She eased out of the covers and rushed into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. Looking on the back of the door for her robe, she cursed when she remembered she'd left it in the living room. Wrapped in only a towel, she decided to go downstairs before Jay rose. But he was waiting for her outside the door, standing before her with his dick sticking straight out.
“What're you doing?” he asked, leaning against the doorjamb.
“Getting dressed.”
He moved in closer, put his hands at her waist, and gazed into her eyes. “Why?”
Honey hesitated for a moment. “I thought I'd go down and watch a movie.”
“Stop running from us, Honey.”
She felt his dick rub against her thigh. “I—I'm not runnin'.”
“Yes, you are, boo,” he whispered against her hair. “I need you here with me.” Jay brought his lips to hers, then broke away. “Whatever's bothering you, we can work out together. Nothin' is gonna change the way I feel about you. Absolutely nothin'. Now that I've tasted you, sucked you, fucked you, I ain't going no-damn-where.” He captured her lips in another kiss, then dropped the towel to the floor, swung her into his arms, and carried her back to bed. “Are you sore?” he asked, staring down into her eyes as she lay beneath him.
“Good, 'cause I'm not done with you yet.” Spreadingher legs, he slipped into her pussy so easily it was as if he had never left.
atalia quickly added the figures for next month's extravaganza. The expenses were increasing by the minute. Traditionally, Diva Designs' fashion shows were held at the historic Fox Theater; however, an incompetentmarketing assistant booked the event on the wrong day, and Alicia Keys was scheduled to perform at the Fox on the same night. Now they were left with little choice: change the date or find another location. Luckily,Natalia had received a bid from the Black RepertoireTheater, located in the same vicinity. They were eager to bring the annual attraction to their location, and were willing to make all the accommodations needed.
All that was left was to find a master of ceremonies. Natalia tapped a pencil lightly on her desk, thinking. Normally they used one of the local radio personalities,but this time she wanted to do something a little different. Maybe even a stand-up comedian to entertain the audience during intermission. There was a lot of local talent in the area, but she wanted someone who wasn't only born in St. Louis but could also draw a large crowd. Someone like Cedric the Entertainer. She'd already assigned a competent team to work exclusivelyon the event, and trusted them to find the right person.
Natalia stretched her long legs underneath her desk, then moved her neck from side to side, releasing the tension. She'd been at it for hours now. Glancing down at her watch, she remembered she was scheduled to interviewa candidate that afternoon for the marketing position. She dropped the pencil she'd been holding and laced her fingers. She was still pissed off that Terrainewas determined to get the position filled before the spring season began, and although she'd stressed to him that now wasn't a good time, he refused to listen to shit she had to say. He was the boss, and what Terraine'spussy-whipped ass wanted, Terraine got. Nataliacould try talking to Sasha, who seemed to have her husband wrapped around her damn finger. However,after the two of them bumped heads last year, she'd be damned before she kissed that prissy bitch's ass. Instead,she would have to deal with the shit.
She had to admit, if there were a marketing director in place, she wouldn't have to work quite as hard. Even though the two departments worked hand in hand, if she could relinquish marketing, she could concentrate solely on fashion.
In the meantime, the dual role was helping keep her mind off Jacob's punk ass. Leaning back in her seat, she found herself wondering what he was doing. He'd sent her a postcard, but nowhere in the note did he indicatehe missed her, or provide a phone number. She gritted her teeth with renewed anger.
That bastard is gonna regret fuckin' with my emotions.
That thought strengthened her, and she shuffled through her in-box looking for the candidate's resume. She wanted to take a few minutes to review it for problemareas. The person had better be qualified, or Terrainewas going to hear from her. Maybe she could take the problem before their stockholders. Wouldn't he be pissed? She frowned. No, maybe that wouldn't be a good idea. If pushed, Terraine could be vindictive. He would look for any excuse to remove her from the positionher godfather had left her in control of in his will. And more than likely give her job to his wife. Nah, she wasn't having that.
Her eyes darted around her desk in frustration. After several more seconds with no success in locating the file, she buzzed her secretary.
Tiffany quickly entered the office, her dark brown eyes shining. She was young, and the daughter of a good friend of Terraine's. Initially, Natalia resented that she was forced to hire her, but as they continued to work together she realized Tiffany was quite qualified, and an asset to the office.
“You need something?”
“Yes,” Natalia said. “I have a candidate coming in this afternoon, and I can't seem to find his resume.”
“I'm sorry,” Tiffany said. “I forgot all about the interview.I'll call Geri right away and ask for one.”
“Thanks,” Natalia said, and gave her a forgiving smile.
After she left, Natalia's stomach began to growl. Now was a good time to escape for lunch.
Sterling Mann stopped at the security cage and gave his name before pulling his rental car into the lot and parking on the third level. He took a few minutes to relax before climbing out of the car, then strolled to the elevator.
He hadn't had much time to enjoy being back in St. Louis again. His plane from San Antonio had been delayed, leaving him just enough time to check into his room at the Ritz Carlton and quickly change for his two o'clock interview. As he moved through the double doors, he was stopped at a security desk where he had to show his ID again. He wasn't surprised; Terraine had warned him that security had been tightened in their building since someone attempted to sabotage the corporation last year.
Exiting the elevator on the fifth floor, he entered the plush hallway and allowed his eyes to travel around the office space. He grinned, impressed by what he saw. Diva Designs had changed quite a bit since he'd worked as a college intern for Richard Andrews. It was then he had had his first encounter with his goddaughter, Natalia Bonaparte.
He winced at the memory. “Bitch” was the best way to describe her. Born into money, she probably never lifted a finger in her life. Richard had also given Nataliaa job as an intern in the marketing department. She'd considered herself superior over everyone else, reveling in her position as the boss's goddaughter. Sterlinghad his concepts, she had hers, and the two never seemed to see eye to eye. They clashed on ideas with Natalia sulking, kicking, and screaming to her godfather. Richard had tried to be a mediator between the two, but nothing seemed to work. So Sterling worked as quickly as fuckin' possible to complete the project, and was relievedto take the next plane home.
Sterling sighed. He was back, and couldn't wait to see Natalia's face again. Their meeting would be a challenge, but he wanted this job and was willing to do anything to get it. Working for Diva Designs would finallyput him on the map, and even closer to starting his own design label. The only thing standing in his way of making it was Natalia.
Even with that test in front of him, Sterling smirked with confidence. He'd have to see about that.
As Honey stared at the sunny sky outside her office window, she felt her lips curl into a dreamy smile.
She was in love. Now that she could admit it, love bubbled in her laugh and shone in her eyes. There was no rain in her forecast, only sunshine and warm weather. Being in love felt so damn good.
After their weekend, they'd spent almost every evening together. Last night Jay took her dancing, then to his condo, where they made love until sunrise. Honey had been certain she'd be exhausted this morning, but insteadshe felt more alive than she had in years.
Jay was an excellent teacher and she tried to give as much as she took. When she held the reins, she rode him as if he were one of those mechanical bulls. And when she took his dick in her mouth, she sucked it like a fuckin' Blow-Pop.
Exhaling a long sigh of contentment, she moved to her desk and looked at the huge arrangement of long-stemmedroses that were delivered this morning. Her belly fluttered with delight. She felt whole, complete. Jay had fucked dozens of women in his life, but even with his experience, he never made her feel inadequate.Instead, he made her feel like their lovemaking was just as fulfilling for him as it was for her. Jay was a wonderfully compassionate man and a gentle lover. To think that she'd almost ended things between them becauseof her fear!
Her lips turned slightly downward; he still didn't know she couldn't have children.
Honey ignored the ringing phone, not wanting to lose her train of thought, and took a seat in her chair. She was scheduled to leave tomorrow evening for Minneapolis, where she was attending a two-day convention.
Bolstered by her newfound love, she had finally summonedenough courage this morning. She would tell him tonight. That way, he'd have time to think it over while she was away. The mixture of uncertainty and anxiety was driving her stir-crazy. But as soon as she bared her soul, she would finally be able to put the past to rest.
What would he say? The question stabbed at her heart. But she was tired of not knowing. She had to finallyknow. Despite her apprehension and no matter how he reacted, she needed closure.
“Honey, someone's out front to see you,” Candy said as she peeked inside the office.
Honey smoothed out her blue button-down blouse and khaki slacks and strolled out into the lobby. Standingat the front counter was a very pregnant woman. Honey felt a pang of envy as she admired her. Her skin glowed, and her hair, pulled back into a bun, was shiny and healthy.
Honey greeted her with a friendly smile. “May I help you?”
The lady turned malicious eyes on her and assessed her from head to toe. “Are you Honey?”
Puzzled by her expression, Honey raised a brow beforenodding. “Yes, I am.”
Kendra was fuming. She had hoped the petite beauty she watched sauntering gracefully from the back of the salon wasn't Honey. But as soon as she saw her long brown curls and large gray eyes, she knew it couldn't be anyone else. Her lips curled in a sneer as she stood face-to-face with the woman who was fuckin' her baby's daddy.
“I would appreciate it if you'd leave my man the fuck alone!” she spat.
“Excuse me?” Honey gasped with surprise. Who the hell was this woman?
“You heard me, bitch!” Kendra said, loud enough to draw the ears of all the patrons in the waiting area. “I'm tired of you runnin' after my man.”
Honey blew out a ragged breath, trying to keep her composure. Sista girl was obviously trippin'. But in her pregnant state, she was drawing sympathy from her audience—Honey's staff and clients. “I have no idea what you're talking about,” she said. “But if you'd like to go into my office, we can discuss this in private.”
“Don't play dumb with me,” Kendra hissed. Glancingaround, she made sure there were plenty of listeners,then rubbed her hand across her stomach for added emphasis. “My name is Kendra Johnson, and I want you to stay the fuck away from my fiancé!” Kendra chuckled inwardly when she saw Honey's gaze fall to the diamond sparkling on her finger. Thank goodness she'd been smart enough not to send Lawrence's engagementring back to his bitch ass! It had definitely come in handy.
Honey was growing irritated. “Like I said before,” she said, working to keep her tone even, “I have no idea who your fiancé is. And unless you want to discuss this like two adults, I advise you to get the hell out of my salon.”
No, that bitch didn't try to make me look like a fool.
Kendra's expression suddenly saddened as she pretendedto be choking over tears. “Stay away from Jay! I love him,” she begged between sniffles. “My baby needs her daddy.” She then turned to walk away. Once she reached the door, she swung around and grinned wickedly before retreating from the building.
Hearing his name fall from the woman's lips, Honey gripped the counter for support; her legs felt like they would give out. One quick glance told her that several customers were whispering among themselves. She turned and headed toward the back, with Mercedes close on her tail.
“Girl, you need me to get you anything?”
Honey shook her head, still in shock. “No. I just need to be alone.”
Mercedes squeezed her shoulder, then went back out to try and clear the air. “Damn!” she mumbled under her breath. “And I thought I had drama in my own life!”
Terraine completed his interview with Sterling and was very impressed with his credentials. He was definitelya top pick. Even though he was sure he'd found their man, he would wait until he received the opinions of his managers before making a definite decision.
He dropped Sterling's file in his out-box. When Geri returned from escorting him down to Natalia's office, he would have her schedule an appointment for him with personnel.
Terraine rose, smiling with satisfaction. He knew Natalia was against hiring someone, but she really didn't have much say in the matter. He was the CEO, after all. Natalia was very territorial, and even though she would never admit it, he knew she was overworked. She would thank him later.
He moved to stare out of the floor-to-ceiling windowat the overcast sky. His grandfather was probably turning over in his grave. Richard Andrews would never have agreed to Natalia taking on such a load. He never could understand the relationship between the two. Terraine had even learned to love her over the years despiteall her flaws, and even forgiven her after she had tried to destroy his relationship with Sasha. Terraine grimaced at the memory of that.
Yet despite their differences over the years, he had to admit Natalia was good at what she did. The fashion world was in her blood. Nonetheless, he needed to hire someone dominant enough not to be easily intimidated by her. Terraine knew Natalia had a tendency to act like a spoiled-ass brat, but he could handle her. Years of knowing her and the bullshit she pulled made that possible.Chuckling, he returned to his desk. He had a strong suspicion Sterling would know how to deal with her, too.
BOOK: When It Rains...
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