Read When It Rains... Online

Authors: Angie Daniels

When It Rains... (25 page)

BOOK: When It Rains...
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oney could barely climb out of the bed on Saturday.Pain throbbed at her temples, while her body felt as if it had been run over by a truck. Moving on wobbly legs, she staggered to the bathroom where she swallowedthree ibuprofens. Bringing the bottle and a full glass of water with her, she made it back under the covers,feeling disgusted that something so natural as walking had exhausted her. With a full schedule at the shop, she hated to cancel. But by nine she didn't feel any better, and called into the salon.
“Love Your Hair, Candy speaking.”
She took a deep, shaky breath and said, “Candy, this is Honey.”
“Girlfriend, you sound terrible!” Candy exclaimed in a high-pitched voice sprinkled with concern.
“I feel terrible. I think I caught the flu from Marcus.”She paused to take a breath, then began again. “Can you reschedule my appointments for today and apologize for me?”
“No problem, boss. You know I got your back.”
Even in pain, Honey couldn't resist a smile, knowing that the job would be done as professionally as if she'd handled it herself. “Oh, and, Candy?”
“Offer them all the standard ten dollars off on their return visit.”
“I know, boss.”
Honey was preparing to say good-bye when she heard Mercedes's voice come across the line. “What's wrong with you?”
“Sick. Tired.” Honey gave a lifeless chuckle that ended with a groan. “Ready to sleep for the next week.”
“Poor baby! Don't you worry, I've got everything under control. We might even be able to work in a coupleof your appointments.”
Honey sighed with relief. “I'd 'preciate it.”
“Want me to bring you somethin' to eat later?” Mercedesoffered. After all, it was the least she could do. Honey had always gone beyond the call of duty for her.
“That would be nice. Use the key, 'cause I might be asleep.”
“I always do. Now get some rest.”
Honey dropped the phone and rolled onto her back. Shivering, she pulled the blanket over her head and immediatelyfell asleep.
When Jay entered the salon later that afternoon, it was buzzing with activity. All six workstations were occupied, and the waiting area was just as full.
Soul Train
was showing on the tube up front, while MAJIC 105 was blaring from the speaker mounted in the work area.
Jay removed his gloves and shoved them in the pockets of his leather jacket, then moved past the front desk, saying, “Good morning, Candy.”
“Hello, Jay,” she said, returning his warm smile.
As he moved through the lobby, admiring gazes followedhim across the work area.
“Hey, Jay,” Mercedes called. He acknowledged her and the others with either a smile or a wave.
Strolling across the tiled floor, he tilted his head towardthe back of the room. “Honey in her office?”
Sonya shook her head. “She ain't here.”
Jay turned, his brow raised. “How come?”
“She's under the weather,” Aisha answered.
While spraying a cloud of oil sheen, Mercedes noddedin confirmation. “She thinks she has the flu.” Glancing down at her watch, she added, “I'm 'posed to take her somethin' to eat as soon as I can get away.”
A light went off in Jay's head.
“You look busy. Why don't I take her somethin' to eat?”
Mercedes bobbed her head. “Sure, go right ahead.”
Who am I to stand in the way of true love?
Besides, her boss could use some dick in her life.
Jay found the spare key and let himself in. Standing in her living room, he was flooded with memories. The room was beige with a large wraparound cream Italian leather couch that Honey had complemented with burgundypillows, drapes, and a matching area rug.
They had spent several evenings curled up on that couch together watching television, or sitting around her cherry-wood coffee table playing Scrabble. Honey was a sports fan; several sports video games were sittingbeside the big-screen television. Jay's eyes traveled up to the second floor, where he knew Honey was lying in her room across a large iron-rod canopy bed.
He moved slowly up the stairs, trying to make as littlenoise as possible. Stopping at the first door to his left, he noticed she'd made an office of one of the spare rooms. Shelves lined one of the walls. A computer desk and file cabinets were to the left. A navy blue sleeper sofa was to the right, covered with a handmade afghan.
Curiosity got the better of him and he returned to the hallway. His gaze strayed toward the door in front of him. He moved the few feet, pushed the door open.
She hadn't changed a thing.
The room had once been a nursery for the previous owners. Everything was the same. The sky-blue room still had half-moons adorning the wall. She had added a twin bed where Marcus likely slept when he stayed over. There was a small white bookshelf in the corner filled with children's books and toys. A lump formed in his throat. Feeling like he was snooping, Jay returned to the hall, remembering his own child soon to be born.
Trying to be as quiet as possible, he slowly opened the door and entered her room. He found Honey lying on her stomach wrapped in a cocoon of blankets, sleepingsoundly, her hair spread around the pillow. She appearedat peace. His gaze wandered to her face, where beads of sweat were apparent across her forehead. She looked so beautiful and innocent. Every time he saw her, the pull was tighter. He contemplated leaning over and kissing her forehead; he even considered joining her under the covers, but fought the urge and went back downstairs to wait for her to wake up.
With great effort, Honey dragged her eyelids open. Pain still throbbed behind them. Following a long stretch, she rolled over in the bed to see that her clock read three
She couldn't believe she'd slept almost an entire day, yet still felt so damn tired she could have slept the rest of the week. Running the tip of her tongue around her mouth, she found her lips to be dry, chapped. She sat up and reached out a shaky hand for the glass of water and took a large gulp followed by three more ibuprofens. After returning the glass, she slid back onto the pillow and closed her eyes. She was hungry but too exhausted to walk down the flight of stairs to find something to eat. Hopefully, Mercedes would arrive soon. Honey sighed and pulled the covers over her shoulders again. It was then she felt someone watching her.
She opened one eye and rolled her head toward the door to find Jay standing in the doorway. He was here. At her home.
In my room.
She bolted upright, and a wave of dizziness hit her. A small moan escaped her lips when she lowered her head back to the pillow. Pressing a fingertip to her temples,she asked, “How did you get in?” Her heart pounded in her chest.
Jay pushed away from the door and entered, carryinga tray of food. “I used your spare key. Mercedes was swamped, so I volunteered to bring you somethin' to eat.”
Honey rolled to her left, suddenly self-conscious about her appearance.
Why the hell did he have to pick today of all days to come over?
She was certain her hair was fucked-up, and her face pale and haggard looking. Not to mention the bad taste in her mouth. She made a vain attempt to smooth down her hair, then opened her heavy eyelids again.
Jay walked around her bed and set the tray on top of the dresser. “I brought you some chicken soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.” He leaned across her for anotherpillow. Ignoring the spark of electricity as he brushed against her, he gently stuffed it behind her head, then reached for the bowl of soup and took a seat beside her. He glanced into her sleepy eyes with a look of concern. “Here, eat,” he ordered, holding the spoon in front of her mouth.
Honey hesitated, but the aroma caused her stomach to growl, and she opened her mouth and took a sip. “Mmmm, that's good.” She opened her mouth again, eager for more. Jay brought the spoon to her lips severalmore times, and she dutifully obliged him.
Jay smirked, pleased that for once she wasn't giving a brotha a hard time. “I picked this up at a little shop on the way over.” He fed her a few more spoons of soup. When Honey refused the sandwich he said, “Here, have some tea.”
He handed her a thermos full of lemon tea. Just the way he knew she liked it.
She eagerly accepted the thermos and brought it to her parched lips.
While she drank, Jay studied her face. Even with the sleepy look in her lovely eyes, she was still a heart-stopper.Her hair was in disarray, with several wisps draped across her forehead damp with perspiration.
Honey didn't miss his examination, and tried to keep her hand steady. Having him beside her, in her bed of all places, was jangling her insides.
“How are you feelin'?” he asked in a low voice.
She took another sip, then raised her eyes to meet his concerned gaze. “Tired.” Fatigue was settling in again, and she handed him the thermos. “And hot.”
Jay reached over and touched a palm to her cheek, then forehead. “You're burnin' up.” Sitting beside her, he stroked the damp curls away from her face as he noted the ibuprofen bottle and empty glass by her bed.
Honey swallowed. She never dreamed his hand would feel so gentle. Even in her sick state, her coochie vibratedwith want, her heart pounded with need.
“Back under the covers now,” he ordered, mistaking her reaction for a chill.
Honey didn't argue. She felt the heat from Jay's hand seeping into her skin before she lowered her head back onto the pillow.
Jay helped her settle beneath the cool sheet, then walked into the bathroom. Returning with a cold cloth, he placed it across her forehead.
Looking up at him, she smiled softly and muttered, “Thanks.”
“Get some rest.” He pulled the covers around her shoulders. “I'll be downstairs if you need me.” He dropped his lips to her cheek, then strode out of the room, pulling the bedroom door closed behind him.
Sighing with exhaustion, Honey continued to smile. Already feverish as she was, his lips had only added fuel to the fire.
While Jay washed up the few dishes in the sink, he gazed out the window into the backyard at a playgroundset. Images of his own son swinging out there danced before his eyes. If he ever did win Honey's love, what was she going to say about the baby? Would she be willing to raise the child with him?
Shit, nigga, you ain't even hit it yet and already you thinking about marriage and raisin' babies together.
Annoyed at his thoughts, he went into the living room to catch the news. He sat down on the couch and propped his feet up on the end of the coffee table, makinghimself at home, then reached for the remote control.After switching to several channels, he found nothing of interest.
He could barely contain himself about being here again. It had been so long. Too long. Being with Honey was what he had wanted and needed all those months. He reached for a pillow at the end of the couch and placed it behind his head. It smelled of her. A fruity, intoxicatingscent. The same scent that always made his dick stand to attention. He found himself looking up at the top of the stairs, wanting so badly to go back up, pull off his clothes, and lie beside her. Shit, he had just what the doctor ordered. Sex cured all things. But he knew Honey would kick his black ass if he did. He rubbed his palm several times across his bulging crotch while he contemplated his next move.
Mercedes removed the plastic cape from around the client's neck, then swiveled her around in front of the mirror. “All done.”
“Thank you,” the woman said, pleased at the transformation.“Thank you so much.” She handed Mercedesa check and sashayed out the door as another woman entered.
BOOK: When It Rains...
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