V.S.O.P.: A Very Special Love Story (9 page)

I looked around, attempting to get my barrens together. I had no idea where I was, so I called my backup plan, Lisa, to come pick me up. I let out a frustrated breath of air. I didn’t have time for the I told you so’s. I didn’t want to hear the flack that I know she was bound to give.

I looked around the parking lot, wondering if there was somewhere to sit until Lisa pulled up. I spotted Diesel’s car sitting in a space next to the door, looking all pretty and shiny. I thought about how he just did me and got a bright idea.

I pulled my keys out of my purse and went to town on that motherfucka’s car. I carved all type of white scratches into his custom paint job. I knew he was going to be pissed. But, I definitely wasn’t done with him yet.




I can’t lie, my feelings were hurt. Not only did I feel like Diesel played me, but, I realized I didn’t know shit about this man! Hell, I don’t even know his name. The heffa’ called him Davon and I was about to ask her who the hell is that.

I’m not beat for this type of shit. I allowed that man to build me up and get into my head and I hated the fact that I was still worried about losing him to that young girl. I hated the fact that my body still craved for his loving. He had me open and there was no getting around it.

“Let’s go!” I ordered after making my way to the dance floor where Diamond and Kita were pop, locking, and dropping it to Migo’s latest hit.

“What’s wrong, ma? What happened?” Diamond asked, worried etched into her forehead. “Did he do something to you?” She added eyeing Diesel as he made his way to us.

“No, let’s go, please.” I rushed her along, in an attempt to get gone before he reached us. I didn’t have nothing to say to him. I needed to get my emotions together.

“Something’s wrong! What did he do to you Renee?” Kita asked, stopping in her tracks. Her little feisty self was always  ready to go to war. She’s been my daughter’s best friend for years and now she was sort of like my daughter too.

I never got a chance to respond, because Diesel had made it to us and was all up in my personal space. “Why you just walk off like that?” He asked, grabbing my hand.

Just his touch did something to me. How could I stay mad at a man like him? I needed to get away before my emotions made me suffocate.

“Because I was clearly interrupting your date.” I spat, rolling my eyes, as I caught Diamond and Kita, staring, hanging on to our every word.

Diesel looked at them too. “Come holla’ at me.” He tugged at my hand, but I didn’t budge.  I kept my feet planted right where they were at.

“I’m not doing this with you, Diesel. I’m at a point in my life where I can’t afford to play the games. You’re the one that said you wanted to be my man. You’re the one that claimed you wasn’t for the games.”

“And I’m not. I don’t mess with that girl like that. She called herself liking me back in LA, and decided to pop up on me here in Detroit. Nothing is going on between us.” He tried explaining, but I wasn’t buying into that. I knew something was up with how that girl was tripping.

“Yea okay.” I shot sarcastically, then I turned to Diamond and Kita. “Let’s go. I’m tired.” We left and Diesel didn’t even try to stop me like I hoped he would. Maybe it was for the better.


ontop of me.
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The other night was a complete disaster. I don’t know how things had gotten so out of wack. I was past pissed at Tiana’s ass with the scene she made inside of the club, then I get outside and she keyed the hell out of my car!

How could she get so mad, though? I didn’t lead her on. I didn’t make her believe that we would be together in any way. She’s the one that popped up on me like everything was cool. If her feelings got hurt, then it was her own fault.

Now she had me and Renee beefing. I can’t front, I was sick as hell not being able to hold her at night. It’s been three days and she hasn’t bothered to call me or answer my calls. I was worried about her. I even tried stopping by her house, but, she wasn’t at home either times that I popped up.

I craved the feeling of being in love, and I genuinely missed it. I found that in Renee and all I wanted was to make her smile and erase all the pain that she had ever experienced. I’ve learned my lesson from my past mistakes. I know that I was wrong for even entertaining Tiana but I promise I had no intentions of doing anything with her. I was actually trying to get rid of her that whole day.

Truefully, I was kind of angry with Renee too now. I wasn’t doing anything with that girl and she should have believed me. That’s why I decided that I wasn’t going to call her and chase after her anymore. If we were meant to kick it, she’d be back.

I tried to push Renee to the back of my head, as I hopped up and got dressed. Mel had hit me back and told me that the owners had accepted my bid for the house in Farmington Hills. I was happy about that because living in a hotel for two months just wasn’t cutting it.

She hadn’t had much luck finding me a building to start the label yet, but, I wasn’t in a rush. I was undecided on if I even wanted to start one. I kind of wanted to play the back scenes and let someone else run things.

I thought about Renee’s daughter’s boyfriend, G. He’d given me his group’s cd and it was actually tight. I told him that I would be hitting him up to see what I could put together.

I liked the way that he moved. I could tell that he was a real stand up guy. It was just a hunch, but my hunches were always right. I pulled out my cell phone and hit him up, scheduling a meeting for next week to go over a few things. We agreed on the following Wednesday, and ended the conversation, with me hopping into my ride, in route to what I hoped would be my new house.


Everything actually went well. Mel and I ended up stopping at Champs and grabbing lunch to celebrate. It was her idea, but I rolled with it. At least, it would help to keep my mind off of Renee. I said that I was going to fall back, but, I just couldn’t stop thinking about her.

“So how has life been treating you Davon?” Mel asked, after we were seated. Mel never called me Diesel ever since we met a few years back.

“It’s been cool. You know it’s been a struggle getting over my ex’s death.” I swallowed the lump in my throat that had formed. That was the reason I was never able to commit to Mel. Tanya’s death was still fresh, and I felt guilty  trying to settle down with her right after losing Tanya. So I used to wild out a bit.

“Really? I couldn’t tell that it fazed you much. You were still a dog.” She chuckled, and I really couldn’t tell if she was joking or serious. There was a hint of contempt in her voice.

“Damn, that’s how you feel? I wasn’t a dog. I was just lost, trying to figure things out. I’m not that dude anymore.” I assured her. I met Mel after I moved to L.A. She had showed up at one of the label’s album release parties and she just so happened to be from Detroit too. We fooled around a time or two, but that was it. Like I said, it didn’t really go anywhere because my mind was too occupied on other things. Now we just settled on keeping it strictly business.

“Whatever. So, who’s your new boo? Are you guys serious? Oh wait, you said you got 5 or 6 of them.” She shot, just as a young Italian waitress came and took our order.

“You feeling some type of way today, huh? Why you going in on me? You want to be my boo or something.” I teased, reaching over to her side of the table and rubbing her hand.

“Ewwwe no!” She shrieked. “You got the cooties! Let me go wash my hands before I catch it too.” She chuckled, standing up.

My face twitched into a frown. “You got me fucked up!”

By now she was laughing hysterically. “Chill out play boy. I’m just messing with you. I really have to use the bathroom. I’ll be back.”

I watched her as she walked away. He ass did a dance with every step without her even trying. Mel was definitely a bad one. Back in the day I’d have her bent over in every position, and I’d have her hanging off my every word.

Hey, I’m still a man that was attracted to beautiful women. I know knew that everything that glitters ain’t gold. But, I wouldn’t be a real man if I didn’t at least look.

Shit, looking wasn’t good enough though. Damn, I missed my bae. I decided that I was going to go by her house just one more time to see what’s up after me and Mel wrapped things up.


I laid in my bed, clothed in only Diesel’s t-shirt. Traces of his True Religion cologne was still present and it only reminded me of how much I was digging him. I was pushing him away for my own good. The drama of a relationship wasn’t good for me. Especially if he wasn’t going to play his cards right.

I was proud of myself. I thought that with everything going on I would run back to the bottle. But that wasn’t the case. I’m going on four days sober and now it was a breeze. I didn’t stop drinking for nobody else. I did it because I wanted to. I did it for myself and my life that I was taking back charge of.

I wanted to be the mother to my daughter that she needed, I wanted to do something with my life. I wish my mother was here to see me finally getting myself together. It’s okay though. I know that she’s looking down on me with a smile.

I smiled too as I turned the light off from the lamp. It was just past eleven and I had to be at the boutique in the morning by 8 to open and help with inventory. I wished my pillow was Diesel’s firm chest, and that I could wrap my body inside of his arms. That clearly wasn’t going to happen, so settled for snuggling up with my pillow.


I had drifted off to sleep, and Diesel visited me in my dreams. He was there holding me and loving on me just the way I needed him to. It was so intense that I ended up waking up, breathing heavily. Forget this! I wanted my man back. Better yet, I needed him.

I peeled myself out of the bed and made my way to the kitchen, where I had left my cell phone, and picked it up to call Diesel. It was a quarter past midnight and I knew he should have still been up. I just hoped that I didn’t completely push him away, because he hadn’t called me all day.

He answered after the first ring. He didn’t speak and I didn’t either. We just held the phone listening to each other breath.

“You missed a nigga didn’t you?” His cocky ass finally broke the silence.

I let out a light laugh. “Not really. I was just calling to say hi.” I shot, lying my ass off.

“Yea right! Don’t front, I know you missed me just as much as I missed yo’ ass. Come open up the door.”

A smile a mile wide spread across my face. I got excited at the fact that I wouldn’t have to imagine him holding me. He would be right here. I calmed down a bit, and took a second to erase my Kool-Aid smile before opening the door.

It didn’t matter too much though, because, as soon as our eyes met, he gripped me up in the tightest, most secure hug. I melted in his arms and never wanted to let go. He smelled so good too, and I could feel his boy, rock hard, pressing against my leg. It made my body tingle all over. I swear that I was addicted to his dick.

“You the biggest fronter in the world.” He teased, releasing me from his embrace. He took a step back and looked me up and down, with a smile.

I gave him the side-eye, “How am I fronting?”

“Cause you all ignoring a nigga, making me sweat. But, you walking around in my shirt. What, did it make you feel like I was laying next to you?” He continued to tease me, tugging at the shirt.

I’m sure my cheeks became flushed. I was caught, but I kept my poker face. “Wasn’t nobody thinking about you. This was the first thing I saw after I got out of the tub so I grabbed it and put it on” I waved him off, attempting to walk off.

I didn’t get too far before he grabbed me from behind and wrapped those strong arms around me, caressing my body. “It ain’t nothing like the real thing though is it? It wasn’t touching yo’ body, and making you wet like I’m doing right now, was it?” He whispered in my ear, while allowing his finger to find its way inside of my love nest and massage it just a bit.

He pulled his finger out and put it to his mouth savoring the taste of my juices. Shit, he was turning me on. Diesel was a straight freak, but I loved every minute of it.

“Damn, my shit so hard it’s about to break. I want you!”

I wanted him too, but we needed to talk.  I was all for being with him, but, I needed him to know that what he did wasn’t cool. I needed him to know that if he didn’t plan on doing right by me, then he needed to walk away now.

“I want you too, but, I’m not doing nothing with you. Don’t think you’re off the hook just because I miss you.”

“I should have never been on the hook, though.” He shot, following me as we made our way to my room. “I wasn’t messing with that girl. I mean we kicked it a couple of times while I was in LA, but that’s about it.”

He looked so sincere, but, I still felt as if he was lying to me. With the way that she was acting, I knew that there had to be more to their story. “Diesel, I’m not even going to let you sit up here and lie to me. And if it’s nothing, then why is she here all the way from LA?”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Me and her never fucked, we was never in a relationship, nothing. She just popped up in the city on me and I didn’t want to be an asshole so I chilled with her. I think she crazy or something.”

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