V.S.O.P.: A Very Special Love Story (4 page)

“I swear you’re slow ass is gone miss out on a lick. But, whatever. I bet I end up with Gotti’s baby.” Lil ratchet said, and I heard them stir a bit.

I eased off back outside to where Gotti was. I planned to warn him about what I heard, then I was out. This was why I didn’t trust these hoes anymore.

When I got back outside, Gotti had a little caramel cutie with a short cut sitting on his lap. I could tell that he was spitting game, I was about to cock block.

“Let me holla’ at you right quick.” I tapped Gotti on the shoulder, and crossed my arms.

He looked at me, and I knew that he knew something was up. He shooed the lady sitting on his lap away and stood up. “What’s up? Something wrong?” He asked with a slight slur.

I just noticed how messed up Gotti really was and I had to wonder if  that bitch had already drugged him. Excuse my French, I wasn’t the one to run around calling women bitches and disrespecting them, but, that bitch back there was on some other shit. 

“Hell yea something wrong. That yellow bitch in there trying to pull the okie doke on us.”

Gotti’s face creased in confusion. “Man what are you talking about?” He asked, as my eyes roamed to the two women coming from the house. Brownskin had my glass in her hand plus another glass, I assumed it was for herself. While that scandalous yellow broad had another Heineken in tow.

I gave her an ice grill before focusing back on Gotti. “ I walked in the house and heard her and ol’ girl arguing about slipping some shit in our drinks. I hope she ain’t already got you playboy.” I warned, just as they walked up.

“Hey boo, I saw that your beer was almost gone, so I brought you another.” Her sneaky ass had a nerve to smile, if I didn’t  know how scandalous she was, I wouldn’t have given her gesture a second thought.

Gotti’s face turned as cold as ice. Pure evil was etched into it, and I actually started to feel a certain way about the way that he was looking. I didn’t want to be involved in none of the bullshit that I know he was cooking up.

“Nah ma, you drink that shit.” He countered, a little too calm.

She let out a chuckle. “I got it for you though. I’m already buzzing.” She waved him off outstretching her hand for him to take the drink.

Gotti stepped towards her, and I stepped in front of him. I didn’t want him to do anything stupid in front of so many witnesses.

“I said drink that shit!” He boomed through clenched teeth.

Ol girl jumped a bit, then she looked from her friend, to me, then back to Gotti. I could tell that she was trying to come up with some excuse. I was waiting for her to drink that shit. Give her a taste of her own medicine.

“What happened? Why are you acting so mean now?” She changed the subject, not budging to bring the drink to her lips.

“Stop bullshitting and drink that rigged up ass drink and get it over with before you make it harder on yourself.” I stepped in, before Gotti got to whooping on her ass.

She cut her eyes to me, looking guilty as ever. “What are you talking about?”

“Man, cut that innocent act and drink that fucking drink! I heard you and baby girl in the kitchen.”

By now, ol’ girl looked like a deer caught in headlights, she was practically begging for her girl to step in with her eyes, but brownskin had a look that screamed ‘you’re on your own’.

“Yea now drink that shit.” Gotti leaped towards her and pushed the bottle to her mouth, forcing her to drink it.

She got to squirming and making crazy noises. The beer was spilling all over her and it was beginning to cause a scene. I looked around at people eyeing us and decided to stop him.

I had never been the scary type, nor have I been a punk. With age comes wisdom, and I was too old to get involved in the bullshit that was about to take place if I didn’t stop it. Gotti was usually on point with his shit and I knew that he wasn’t fully in his right mind.

“Now I suggest you get the fuck on before you lose your life tonight. And you need to get another hustle before you end up dead!” I mushed her in the head, pushing her towards the door. I know I may have been wrong for putting my hands on her, but in actuality I was saving her life, and my homeboy’s freedom all at the same time.

“What about my stuff.” She whined.

“ Fuck yo’ shit! You better get the fuck on before you end up dead in this backyard. You lucky as hell I don’t let this nigga off your ass!” I told her mushing her in the head again, attempting to get her the fuck on quicker.

I didn’t come for this bullshit. Gotti was still wild as hell. I had to shake my head as I watched Lil Ratchet practically run off.  Gotti’s wife was a decent woman and I couldn’t believe after all these years he hadn’t grown up and started to treat her how she was supposed to be treated.

That wasn’t for me to sit up and try to figure out. I still planned to hit up my boy’s bar, so I decided to cut our gathering short. I said my good byes and headed back to the hotel to freshen up and change.



Me and the girls are at our usual hangout spot, Chuck’s. They are getting pissy drunk, but I’m done drinking for the night. I don’t want my stomach cramps to start flaring up again, and I was already tipsy. I’m on the dance floor, gigging to Body Party by Ciara. I’m rocking my hips, dipping it low, and slow grinding to the beat as my eyes catch up to the finest man I have ever seen as he waltzed into the bar and walked straight behind the bar like he owned the place.

It was his confident swag… or maybe it was the way he dressed… shit it was him period! He was that dude and everything about him screamed it. I have never in my life been drawn to a man off sight like I am now. I forced myself to turn away and shake it off.

I continued with my slow grind to the beat. As much as I tried I couldn’t keep my eyes off of ol’ boy. I wound my hips and turned towards the bar where he was at. He was engaged in a conversation with Chuck, the owner, and I continued to stare at him as I sang along with Ciara, doing my freaky moves.

I got lost in the song for a minute. I don’t know, I thought I was Ciara or something, because I was putting on a show.

I'm doing this little dance for you (you, you, you)
You got me so excited
Now it's just me and you
You're body's my party, let's get it started…

I sang as my eyes made their way back to him yet again. This time he was staring at me too and we locked eyes, intensely staring at each other. I became lost in his eyes. Damn, this man was doing something to me. I couldn’t fully blame it on the liquor either because I wasn’t even buzzing that hard.

He smiled at me and my heart melted! Man he was gorgeous with his chocolate self.  I smiled back at him and he must have thought that was an invitation to come to talk to me because he said something to Chuck, then made his way towards me. Shit! What was I going to say?


I thought my mind was playing tricks on me when my eyes landed on this sexy ass cutie on the dance floor. Never mind the fact that she was putting down major moves, teasing niggas. It was her face. She resembled Tanya so much that it almost scared me. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She had me stuck. Then she smiled at me and it was over. I had to get to know her.

I was chopping it up with Chuck, but I excused myself and made my way to the dance floor where baby girl was at. She looked like she was getting a little nervous as I neared her and to tell you the truth I was too. It was like I was staring into Tonya’s face again and I didn’t know what I would say to her. I just knew that I had to say something.

I walked up on her and it was like the world had stopped for a second, like it was just me and her on the dance floor. Sparks were flying everywhere. I never in my life believed in love at first sight. But here I was wanting to know everything about this woman. I wanted to feel her skin on top of mine, and I wanted to kiss her and make love to her until her body got weak. Damn… that’s crazy. I was feeling like that and didn’t even know her name.

“Why you staring at me like that?” She spoke first, breaking our stare down.

I couldn’t help but to smile as I responded. “Because you gone be my wife one day and you don’t even know it.” I told her, watching her face scrunch up.

“How am I going to be your wife one day and you don’t even know my name?” She pressed her hands against her hips, and her lips curved into that breathtaking smile again.

“That’s cool. I know what your last name gone be.” I joked, but I was damn near serious. I had this feeling about this chick, it was deep in my core.

“Whatever.” She giggled.

I laughed too. “Nah, I’m just messing with you. Come have a drink with me and tell me your name.” I extended my hand for her to take it, and she did without a wavering thought, following me to the bar.


Our conversation went so smoothly as the night progressed. We talked about everything, we laughed, I did a little two step while she shook her ass on me, and when two o’clock came I wasn’t even ready to part ways with her. I hadn’t had this much fun with a lady since the days that me and Tanya used to be together.

I knew that Chuck would have let us chill for a little while, but, I wanted to get her all to myself. I wanted to hold her all night and never let her go. I didn’t even care about the sex.

The lights came on and the DJ turned the music off. Everyone began to exit the club and I grabbed her hand as she began to look around as if she was about to walk off.

“Where you going, baby?” I asked, pulling her closer to me. She tensed up a bit and I had to wonder if I did something wrong. “You okay?” I added, letting her go.

She paused for a second, scanning the room again. “I’m looking for my girls, I forgot I was with them.” She answered stepping back.

“You not about to leave me. Can I have you for tonight? I promise I won’t try nothing.” I smiled.

She didn’t respond. Something wasn’t right and I was completely boggled.


This man had me feeling every emotion there was to feel and I was scared to death. I know I was probably looking crazy as hell to him right now. But, I couldn’t help it. When he grabbed me and pulled me to him it gave me flashbacks. I hated for a man to grab on me.

“Did I do something wrong?” I heard him ask, snapping me out of my short lived trance.

“Not really. I enjoyed you.” I smiled, not wanting to even open up the can of worms that was brewing and threatening to spill over.

“Something’s wrong.” He declared, staring at me with concern etched in his forehead. “If I did anything to make you feel uncomfortable I’m sorry.” He added.

What was it about this man? I couldn’t quite pinpoint it. We had chemistry like crazy. His simple ‘I’m sorry’ put me at ease. I did my best to lighten up.

“Really you’re okay. I’ve just been through a lot that I don’t want to talk about. But, breakfast would be nice.” I smiled answering his previous question.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me what’s bothering you now. Before everything is said and done, I’m going to know everything about you.” He winked at me, holding out his hand for me to take it. I did and he guided me out of the bar and towards the parking lot.

“Where was you at all night with your fast ass!” Danetta’s squeaky voice sounded, completely coming out of nowhere.

When I turned to the direction of her voice and saw her and Niecy standing against Niecy’s beat up Honda Accord, I smiled at my girls.  I know that my friends weren’t the prettiest women in the world, and they may have been a little ratchet. But, so what, they were my friends never-the-less.

“Hold up a second. These are my friends that I came with. Let me tell them bye real quick.” I told Diesel, disconnecting our hands, and stepping closer to my friends.

“I’m about to go have breakfast with him. I’ll call y’all in the morning.” I let them know giving them each a hug. I held Niecy a few seconds longer and whispered in her ear for her to watch us to the car and take down his license plate number. I was almost sure that I was ok with him but you could never be too safe. Hell, I thought I was okay simply walking to the store and look what happened to me.

Diesel’s car was the shit! His seats were so soft and they were so comfortable. I wondered if it was his or a rental. I wouldn’t dare ask though.

I just sat back and enjoyed the soft sound of his Sade’ CD serenading the car. He seemed like such the thug/street type so him playing her music was funny to me. It was crazy, I had only known him for 2 hours tops, but it felt like I had known him a lifetime.

“What do you want to eat beautiful.” He smiled at me, as he cruised up Plymouth, driving with one hand, and his body leaned to the side, looking all sexy. I could stare at him forever.

“It doesn’t matter. There isn’t much to choose from this late. The only thing that’s open is I-hop and Coney Island.”

“Is that I-hop still on Jefferson? It’s been so long since I hung in the city. Or we can go to the casino and get something to eat. It’s whatever you want to do.” He told me, staring at me with those dark tantalizing black eyes.

I sensed the urgency in his voice. He didn’t want me to leave him. I could tell that I could have said let’s drive to Vegas and he would have said okay just to be near me. I was beginning to like that feeling. No man had ever showed me so much attention. Or maybe they had and I just never let my guard down enough to notice.

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