V.S.O.P.: A Very Special Love Story (11 page)

“Nah, that nigga bet not pop up at all.” Diesel was still roused up. I never saw this side of him. He was always so calm and collected.

Wayne bit down on his bottom lip. I could tell that he was trying to suppress his anger. “I’m gone respect yo’ house tonight Renee and leave.” He leaned in a bit and whispered. “But, you better put that lil’ boy in his place. Holla’ at me when you ready to fuck with a grown ass man.” He made sure that he said the last part loud enough for Diesel to hear.

Why did he do that? Diesel charged at his ass so quick that I almost didn’t have time to react. I quickly stepped in front of the door, blocking his path. “Let it go, baby. It’s not even that serious!” I shrieked, hoping that Wayne got his old ass on somewhere.  I think that Diesel would mop the floors with his ass if he got to him.

“Naw fuck that. This nigga disrespectful.” He spat, as I struggled to hold him back. Wayne slowly glided off, cracking up. I couldn’t wait to call his ass and go the fuck off on him. Now I knew that I was going to have to explain some shit to Diesel.


I was pissed! This old Red Foxx, I was born in 1800 lookin’ ass nigga got me fucked up. I felt like Snoop Dogg in Baby Boy, ‘He coming to my boo house, bought my boo gifts.’ Aww hell naw!

I looked over to Renee with the card and balloons in her hand. Before I knew it, I had reached into my pocket, grabbed my lighter, and put fire to all four of them mothafuckas, causing them to pop. Renee jumped.

“So you was chilling with him the other night?” I gritted. The thought of another man getting close to her had me like fuck that! She made it seem like she had no other man so I was a little thrown off by this random nigga just popping up at her doorsteps.

“No!” She said, still looking at the deflated balloons.

I gave her the side-eye. “Then why he just sit up here and say he dropped you off the other night.” I asked, reminding her of what he said.

She waved me off. “He is talking about before we met two whole months ago. He took me to the hospital after the club and dropped me off and that’s it.” She explained, walking off and into the narrow hallway that led to her room.

“Yea, okay.” I spat. “Let me find out.”

She stopped and whirled around. “Find out what?”

“That you fucking with the daddy on Sandford and Son.” I tried to keep a straight face but I cracked a smile. She did too.

“Whatever Diesel,” She laughed “Yo’ ass is crazy.”

“Crazy about you.” I wrapped my arms around her waist. “You mines. Don’t be having niggas showing up at your door.”

“ I won’t baby.” She cooed.

We went back to her room and finished watching the movie. I was still a little tight about the situation. But, I had no choice but to believe her.


The next morning I was awakened out of my sleep by the sound of my cell phone ringing. I sat up and stretched, attempting to get my barrens together. I looked over to Renee’s empty side of the bed, then to the nightstand where my phone sat. It stopped ringing.

I peeled myself from the bed and snatched my phone up to check my missed calls. It was Mel. Killz’s comment from the day before replayed in my head about her being gay and crazy. Nah,  Killz was just talking out the side of his neck I concluded, dialing her back.

“What’s up.” I said, once she answered.

“Hey, I was calling because they accepted the offer on the house last night.”

That was like music to my ears. I was past ready to get my own place. Chilling at Renee’s crib or the hotel was cool, but I liked stability. There’s nothing like having your own shit.

“That’s what’s up! When you need me to sign the paperwork?” I asked as Renee came back into the room wrapped in a white cotton towel and slippers. She walked to the dresser and dropped the towel, exposing every inch of her sexy frame, then she had the nerve to bend over, allowing her pretty pink pearl to play peek-a-boo with me.

My dick jumped. She did that on purpose! I got so thrown off that I forgot that Mel was on the phone.

“Hello! I said did you want to meet up at the house and handle it this morning?!” She yelled into the phone.

“Ohh. Yea, yea.” I mumbled, “Set that up and let me know what’s up. And what about that other thing I asked you to do?” I was referring to the trip to Jamaica that she hadn’t gotten back to me about.

“I’m working on it.” She huffed. “I’ll text you the time to meet up in a second.”

She ended the call and I focused back on Renee. She had already slipped on her underwear and was wiggling into a pair of jeggings. I hopped up. “Unt uhh. Why you putting your clothes on.”

She pushed my hands away with a giggle as I grabbed her. “Stop Diesel, I’m not fooling with you today. I got to get up to the boutique.”

I liked the fact that she was making an effort to go to work. I like her ambition to get her life on track, and I appreciated her daughter for helping her. Honestly though, I know that she wasn’t going to be doing that for long. I had way bigger plans for her. Hell, there was no way in the world that I had as much money as I did and wasn’t going to make sure that she was sitting on the top with me.

“Fuck the boutique today. I’ll pay you whatever you would have made up there times ten.”

She folded her arms and shifted her weight to one foot, thinking about it. “Well, let’s see. I get five hundred a day. So that means five thousand dollars.” She held her hand out, calling my bluff.

I leaned over and grabbed my pants, pulling out a thick wad of cash. I had about three thousand on me, and it was nothing to go to the bank and get more. I knew that she was lying about her pay. But, five thousand was nothing to me.

She looked at me dumbfounded. “Here.” I said. “This three, we can go get the other two when I stop at the bank.”

Renee looked from the money in my hand then back towards me. “Yea right. I was only playing. I am not taking your money.” 

“Well, whether you take it or not I still want you to chill with me today.”

“Ok, I guess. You just can’t get enough of me hunh?”

I smiled at her. “Yea right. Yo’ ass can’t get enough of me either, bending over in front of me like you want me to stick something in you.”

“Whatever Diesel. Where are we going anyways?”

“I got to run and sign some paperwork for the house, then I wanted to set up a meeting with Diamond’s boyfriend so that we can move forward with everything because I got the go. Then it’s just me and you baby.”

She just nodded her head in approval and continued to get dressed. I went and called G and rescheduled our meeting from next Wednesday to tonight. I had only seen him a couple of times, but his vibe was humble and I like the way that he carried himself.


We’re at Diesel’s new house and I’m so not feeling this Mel bitch. It’s the way that she keeps looking at me. I don’t know if she wants to fuck me or slap the shit out of me. I want to ask her what the hell she looking at, but, I’m going to keep it professional because of Diesel. I’m definitely going to ask Diesel what’s up between them. Real Estate agent my ass. She’s too much in her feelings for me!

I took in her short, fitted pencil skirt with the button up that was unbuttoned enough to show off her cleavage. Then I looked to her face as she spoke to Diesel. The chick was definitely pretty. She came to this meeting hot and ready, but, I’ll cut her ass about my man.

“So what you think, baby?” Diesel’s voice interrupted my train of thought.

I looked at him and smiled. “This is really nice, I like it.” It really was a nice house, the inside was beautiful and spacious, and the neighborhood was well kept and quiet.

He walked over and wrapped his arms around me from behind. “Can you see yourself living here with me?”

I looked up just as ol’ girl rolled her eyes. I was reaching my breaking point now. This bitch just didn’t know. I’m that same chick that was born and raised on Joy road and Dexter and I had no problem dragging her ass.

I counted to ten in my head and released a breath of air. The chick excused herself, and she did it at the right time! After she walked off, I removed Diesel’s hands from around my waist and turned towards  him.

“Why is she acting like me being here is interrupting something? What’s going on between y’all that I don’t know about?”

Diesel looked caught off guard. His face portrayed guilt and I became even angrier that he would bring me here into all this messiness.

“Oh hell no.” I threw my hands up. I was about to go off but he stopped me.

“Chill! Me and that girl don’t have anything going on between us. It’s strictly business.” He assured me, as ol’ girl came prancing back into the room with a smirk on her face.

“What you smiling at?” I asked her, ready to go off on her ass too.

“Look, we’re here to conduct business. I am a professional woman and I do not have time to feed into your insecurity issues.” She had her nose turned up like she wasn’t the one who started it.

“Oh this bitch got me fucked up.” I cocked my head to the side in disbelief, as I rolled my sleeves up. I was about to pop her ass in her mouth and I think Diesel knew it because he stepped in front of me and began talking to Mel.

“Really?” He started. “Man, I signed the papers. You got the check. Just holla’ at me when everything finalized.” I could tell that he was irritated but so what. I was irritated too.

“Really what? You don’t need to bring your little chicks if you can’t control them.” She leaned over and looked around Diesel at me. “I already had him sweety. Trust me, he’s nothing that I want to fight over. So don’t worry.”

It took a second for the shock of what this heffa’ said to me to wear off, but once it did, I was ready for war. I charged at her ass so quick that Diesel almost wasn’t able to grab me up. He scooped me, lifting me in the air. I was kicking and screaming all type of obscenities.

“Yea, get your little hoodrat in check.” She called after us, giggling.

I tried my damnedest to get loose. This hoodrat was going to pop her uppity ass in her mouth a couple of good times. Diesel’s ass was lucky I didn’t pop him in the mouth too! I didn’t have to take this shit.

Once we got to the car. Diesel lowered me to the ground but he kept his arms around me and his body pressed firm against me. “Calm down baby. Chill, I know you mad. But chill.”

“Fuck that! Why you bring me out here making me look like a fool. I swear I’m going to pop that bitch in her mouth!”

“No you not. You’re going to be the bigger person baby. She just mad because she ain’t you. Let that bitch have that because at the end of the day, you know you got me 100.”

“Whatever! It ain’t too 100. You still doing business and being around bitches that you fucked, and you have the nerve to get mad because some random dude that doesn’t even have my number shows up.” My chest was heaving up and down. I was so mad that tears began to fall out of the corners of my eyes. I swear that girl was lucky that she didn’t step foot outside that door because I was going to drag her up and down the sidewalk.

“You’re right.” He agreed with me, wiping the tears from my eyes with the back of his hand. “My bad, me and Mel kicked it over 7 years ago. I thought we was way past that. But, I see she obviously still in her feeling so I promise I won’t fuck with her anymore on the business tip. I’m not even going to get this house.”

He caressed my face while staring into my eyes. “I know that you know you’re the only woman that matters. Don’t let her get you all worked up.” He kissed me and as much as I wanted to push him away, I couldn’t. I melted into his touch. He had me so open that I was almost afraid of the outcome.


I stood in the kitchen, looking out to the driveway at their display of affection. My blood began to boil. I let out a frustrated squeal. I hated Diesel for everything that he stood for. It was becoming harder and harder to even look into his face.

His little girlfriend was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was everything about her, her look, her voice, everything. It only reminded me of the fact that I would never be able to have my happiness with my soul mate.

I had been dealing with Diesel for seven years too long and now it was time to make my move. I had so much anger inside of me that I had to call my boo, T. I needed my boo to erase some of the aggression eating away at my heart. My boo was the only person who understood me, but, at the same time I still couldn’t fully put my trust in T. That motherfucka’ betrayed me too!

“Hey baby.” T answered.

“I’m so fucking mad!” I howled. “This motherfucka’ showed up with some fake ass wannabe ghetto broad. It took everything in me not to rip her face off.”

“Mel, babe, just let go and move on, please.” T sighed into the phone only pissing me off further.

“You would say that! Oh I forgot where your loyalty lies!”

“No, you know my loyalty lies with you. I’m here for you.”

“Whatever bye, T!” I hung up on my boo, still frustrated and past pissed.

I sat down on the ground Indian style and put my hands to my ear in an attempt to block out all the crazy thoughts in my head. I rocked my body back and forth as tears slid down my eyes. I was so fucking lost!

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