Read Toxic Online

Authors: Rachael Orman

Toxic (9 page)

I moved farther down on the bed so I was eye-level with her pussy. Using my hands, I pushed her thighs farther apart.

“Mmm, look at you. All wet and ready for me. I can’t wait to have you stretched around my dick. Feel you squeeze me so tight I want to fill you with come,” I said, not looking away from the tantalizing sight in front of me. I buried my nose between her swollen lips and breathed deep, taking her scent into my lungs. “You smell so good it’s intoxicating. I can’t get enough.”

I had to force myself to back away before I lost it and ate her pussy until my face was covered with her come. No, it wasn’t time for that yet.

Shaking my head, I took the wheel in my right hand and traced the crease where her thighs met her pussy.

Alix was making mewling noises, which only turned me on more. Hearing her cries of pleasure were almost as good as getting off myself.

Once I’d gone up and down both sides a few times to prepare her for more, I moved to let the wheel dig into her pussy lips lightly. No need to use too much pressure or it’d hurt too much and all the fun would have to stop. However, there was something hot as hell about seeing the little lines of dots all along the most tender spot on her body, so I pushed down a little harder.

When Alix was breathing so rapidly it was likely she’d pass out and her pussy was dripping wet, I finally set the wheel aside only to dive face first into her.

I licked, sucked, and nibbled on her until she was begging me to let her get off.

“Not yet, Precious,” I told her as I gave her pussy one long swipe with my tongue.

“Please. Please. Please, sir.
.” She spoke rapidly, but put extra emphasis on the last time she said the word.

“Needy, are we, Precious?” I asked as two of my fingers ghosted along her slit.

“Yes!” She shouted it to make sure I understood.

“Then come whenever you want,” I told her. “But…”

“But…” she gasped. “What?”

“That means you don’t get to come again tonight,” I said and she moaned in displeasure.

“No. No, I don’t want that,” she answered, shaking her head.

“Oh, but I can make this one so good and you need it so bad,” I taunted her.

“I can wait, sir,” she said, her voice much firmer than before.

“Very well,” I sighed as if it was a disappointment. It was. I loved to keep her on the edge when she knew she wouldn’t be getting off for a long time. She normally had so much control over her release that she didn’t often orgasm without permission, so it was a treat when she did.

Grabbing hold of the base of my cock, I nudged her opening with it.

“Yesssss.” She let the last sound drag out.

I teased her by only letting the head of it push into her before pulling it back out again.

She was growing more and more slick around my dick and it was sucking away my control to know how turned on she was. It was always my undoing. Knowing I was bringing her so much pleasure.

One thrust at a time, I sank deeper into her. It was the most painful and delicious torture to take her so slowly. I wanted to slam into her and make her scream for me, but I also enjoyed feeling her slowly part and stretch to accommodate me inside her tight channel.

“Precious, you are so perfect. That pussy is trying to suck me in like it can’t get enough of my dick. So damn wet too,” I groaned, because she really was too perfect for me. Lowering myself down onto my elbows, I brought our lips together as I started moving my hips in earnest. Sweat was rolling down my back as I struggled not to lose control while still fucking her good.

Our tongues dueled, sliding against one another in a hurried, hot dance of passion as our bodies slid against each other in the most primal of ways.

We had to separate because we were both struggling to breathe as we edged closer to release. I could feel Alix vibrating against me as she attempted to hold hers back until I told her it was okay.

“Come for me, Precious,” I said, locking eyes with her.

Every muscle in her body tightened and she arched so sharply against me that had I been a lesser man she might have bucked me off, but I wasn’t and she didn’t. A loud, long wail escaped as she clamped down tight around me and a wave of moisture ran down my balls.

I continued thrusting and rolling my hips until she’d caught her breath and was pushing up off the bed, encouraging me to go deeper and harder. Hooking my arms under her knees, I pulled her ass up so I could let loose and really slam into her. At that angle, I couldn’t last long. It was exhausting and simply felt good to just drop all pretenses and fuck with everything in me until pleasure tore through me and I spewed into her.

“Shit,” I gasped, dropping her legs and collapsing onto my locked arms so I didn’t fall on Alix.

“I agree,” she said, smiling broadly even though she still had the blindfold on and couldn’t see me.


Chapter Nine



I felt useless and was bored out of my mind without a job. The first week had been nice as I’d gotten caught up on all the housework that was constantly put aside because we were always tired after work. However, once all that was done, I found myself pacing the house looking for stuff to do. I’d already applied to a few places, but wasn’t holding my breath for any call-backs.

Finally, I decided I’d go for a walk to the nearby pet store to go look at the cats that were always there. Maybe I could convince John we needed a pet. I didn’t think he’d go for it, but it gave me something to do for a while.

It was a bit of a walk to the store, but it was nice to be out in the fresh air so I strolled at a casual pace and took in the neighborhood.

I sat and played with the two cats that were in the cages for as long as I could, but once my knees and butt started to protest from the hard floor where I’d knelt and sat to reach through the holes, I decided it was time to head back home.

However, when I walked outside the store I was surprised to see Mariah walking toward the door with a small dog in her arms.

“Oh. Hi there!” she said, surprised but friendly as she waved at me and headed in my direction.

“Uh, hi,” I said. She wasn’t being weird and it really looked like she hadn’t expected to see me, so I reached a hand out to let her dog sniff my fingers. “Who do you have here?”

“This is Fluffy.” She laughed as if she found the name as ridiculous as I did, but I only smiled in return. “Do you have a pet?”

“No. Why?”

“Well… you
just coming out of a pet store,” she said, flicking her eyes to the door she’d seen me exit from.

“Oh. Yeah. I was just playing with the cats in the adoption center,” I told her, shrugging.

“So are you going to get a cat?” she asked, readjusting her grip on the dog as it wiggled around.

“Probably not. I was just bored and thought it’d be something fun to do.” Boy, I sounded like such a loser. No friends to go out with or anything better to do than play with locked-up cats that I didn’t really want to take home.

“Well, if you ever get bored again, we could hang out. I volunteer at the pound just a couple miles from here a few days a week. They’d love more help if you’re interested.” She shuffled around a bit until she could reach a hand into her purse. She pulled out her phone before scrolling through a few pages and turning it so I could see it. “This is their number and location if you want to look them up on your own. Or you could call me and we can go together one day.”

I didn’t know that I trusted her enough to give her my phone number or make plans with her, but volunteering did sound like something good to do that’d help pass all the free time I had. Pulling out my own phone, I entered the name and number into my contacts before putting it away.

“Thanks. I’ll check them out,” I told her.

“Great! Maybe I’ll see you around. I have to get Fluffy to the groomer, so I have to go, but it was nice seeing you,” she said before taking a step away, then turning to head into the building.

I frowned and continued on my way home. Mariah didn’t seem at all like the crazy woman I’d met before. She actually seemed... nice. My mind ran through the encounter over and over as I walked, but no matter how I looked at it, I didn’t see how getting me to volunteer would help her get John. Hell, she hadn’t even brought him up at all.

Deciding to see if she was full of it, I sat down at the computer and looked up the shelter, and sure enough it was where she had said it would be and the phone number listed on their website was the one she’d had in her phone. I called and asked if they were looking for any help and they were. When I went one step further to ask if “my friend” Mariah helped them, they said they didn’t know if it was one and the same, but that there was a woman who helped out with that name.

After agreeing to stop by the next day for more information, I hung up and sat back in the chair.

What a strange turn of events. Maybe she really had gotten help and was over all the nutty behavior. Only time would tell, I guess.

I had to decide if I’d tell John that Mariah would be volunteering at the same place I was thinking of giving my time to. In the end I decided against it, since I was planning on finding out when she’d be there and working around it to not have to see her.

When John arrived home that evening, I felt better than I had in days. While I didn’t have a job, I at least had something to do besides sit around on my ass all day. I’d applied to a few more positions as well. 

It wasn’t until both of us were finishing up dinner that I brought up the volunteering.

“So, I walked to the pet store today,” I began.

“Oh yeah? What for?” he asked leaning back in his chair while taking a sip of water.

“I was bored and thought I could go play with the kitties they always have there. Then it made me think that I could do something with my time while I wait for a paying job,” I said.

“You want to work at the pet store?” He lifted an eyebrow curiously.

“No. No, I want to volunteer at the shelter. It won’t help with the bills, but it will give me something to do. Of course, I wanted to run it by you before I committed to anything or even went to see what it was all about.” I didn’t want him to feel left out of any life choices since I was his submissive. Plus, it was courteous anyway.

“If that’s what you want to do, I’m fine with it. I think it’d be good for you to get out and about a bit so you don’t feel so cooped up. As I’ve said a few times now, don’t worry about the money. What days were you thinking of volunteering?” he asked, setting his glass on the table.

“I’m not really sure. Do you have a preference?” I knew he liked having me home on the days he worked so that I could have dinner ready and make his time at home less stressful, but I hadn’t really thought about what days would be best except that I wanted to try to avoid Mariah.

“I’ll have to get back to you on that. However, I would like to have you free this weekend,” he stated before standing and collecting the plates.

“What’s this weekend?” I looked at him, curious. He hadn’t said anything about plans before.

“It’s a surprise, Precious.” He winked before disappearing into the kitchen.

I wanted to press. I didn’t care for surprises, not really. Okay, I liked them, I just hated waiting for the unveiling.

Together we both did the dishes and cleaned up from the meal before I planted myself on the couch while John went to change. He came back with his laptop.

“You have to work?” I tried not to sound upset, but I wanted to spend the time as just the two of us after he spent all day away from me.

“Just for a little bit. I can go in the office if you’d like. I just thought it’d be nice if I could at least sit in the same room as you.”

I pouted when he sat in the armchair instead of next to me like he normally did. It took me a minute to answer him.

“It’s okay. I just got spoiled, I guess. Plus, I can never have enough of you so I’ll have to learn to share you again,” I said. I hadn’t realized how much I’d taken him away from work when my own job had put me on edge. Never once had he let me down when I’d needed him there for me in any way. It made me feel incredibly selfish even if I didn’t realize it at the time. I just had to learn to be happy with the time he did have for me, and he always made sure there was at least an hour a night that was just me and him outside of the bedroom, plus whatever time we spent rolling around naked together.

“It’ll get better. I am still adjusting to having you living here.” He gave me a sad smile.

It was true. Apparently, before I moved in with him, he’d worked late into the night going through clients’ files and reading up on new articles from various medical journals, as well as being part of online group chats where he talked with other people in his field.

I didn’t know a lot about it, but it sounded like a lot of things to juggle to keep up with the changes that were constantly happening in the human psyche, which was vital for his job.

“I know. it’s even worse now that I’m here all the time instead of gone sometimes doing my own work stuff,” I admitted.

“I like having you here. It’s comforting to hear you moving around or simply smelling your perfume when I walk into a room after you have. I just have to figure out how to get everything done in less time so I have more to spend with you,” he said.

“Well, do your thing. I’m actually kind of tired from my walk today.” How sad was that? It showed why I needed to get out more when a short walk wore me out.

I zoned out and got lost in prime time television shows. One rolled into another, then another. Before I knew it I was struggling to keep my eyes open and John was still on his laptop.

Yawning, I stood and stretched my arms over my head.

“I’m gonna get a drink, then go to bed,” I informed John, heading for the kitchen.

“Okay…” He nodded absently, obviously drawn into whatever he was working on.

I turned quickly when my bladder screamed out that it needed to be emptied and soon. As I strolled behind John, my eyes naturally went to the screen of his laptop. Things seemed to slow to a snail’s pace. I’d expected to see one of the numerous sites I’d seen him looking at before. However, what I saw was the counseling site that I had used many times. Surprised by that, I stumbled and reached out for the back of the chair. My eyes focused on the user names on the screen and my heart stopped when I immediately recognized the counselor's name. Then just as quickly as things seemed to have slowed, they sped back up and John quickly changed screens to an article that looked boring as hell.

I couldn’t help but notice the worried expression that flashed across John’s face before he hid it away.

“Where are you going? I thought you were going to get a drink?” he asked before turning slightly in the chair to fully look at me.

My brain was spinning trying to comprehend what I’d seen.

“I… I, uh, have to go pee,” I sputtered before walking as fast as I could to the bathroom and closing the door. After locking the door, I leaned back against it. My heart thundered in my ears as I struggled to draw in a breath.

Why was he on that site? How was it he was talking to the counselor I always talked to? Was
the counselor? No, that couldn’t be. It just wasn’t possible, but why would he lie and tell me that he was working when he was talking to someone else? Did he need help? Or was he giving it?

All sorts of other questions whirled through my brain faster than I could even fully think them. No matter what the reason or explanation, I couldn’t help but feel hurt that he’d been lying about something. It wasn’t a white lie. It wasn’t a miscommunication. He’d blatantly told me he was working to my face. Is that what he was doing? Was he working for the counseling site?

I had told that person things I’d never told other people. It was supposed to be confidential, but if it had been John all along, he’d led me to tell him things he had no right to know. Not without me knowing it was him. Hell, it’d only been weeks since I’d been on the site needing help with issues that involved him. Had he used it to get me to do things he wanted me to do that weren’t necessarily for my benefit, mental or otherwise?

There was a knock on the door, bringing me out of my whirlwind of thoughts.

“Precious, are you okay?” John asked softly. “You’ve been in there for a while. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t fall asleep in there.”

“Uh, yeah. Just give me a minute,” I said before taking a few deep breaths. Flushing the toilet and then rinsing my hands, I pretended that I’d taken care of business when my bladder was still aching in the back of my mind. I opened the door and gave him a half-hearted smile. “Sorry. I must be sleepier than I realized.”

“Come on. Let’s get you to bed,” he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I turned in his arms and kissed his cheek.

“It’s okay. I can get there on my own. Just finish your work stuff so you aren’t up all night with it.” How I managed to keep my voice from cracking, I don’t know, but I did.

“Are you sure? It won’t take long to tuck you in.” John gave me a funny look.

“I’ll be fine,” I said, patting his chest softly before breaking his hold on me and walking away before he could say anything else.

Once in the room, I used our bathroom to finally relieve my bladder, then changed into pajamas before crawling into bed. I put my back to the door and John’s side of the bed.

When he finally came to bed, I pretended to be asleep even when he tried to rouse me for sex.

“Not tonight,” I murmured sleepily and he let it go.

He eventually fell asleep, and I lay there for another ten minutes to be sure he wouldn’t wake up before carefully extricating myself from the bedding and heading back to the living room.

I found his laptop plugged in on the kitchen counter where he normally left it. Opening it, I scanned the desktop. Not once in all the time we’d been together had I gone through anything of his, but I had to know. There were too many questions in my head for me to let it go.

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