Read Toxic Online

Authors: Rachael Orman

Toxic (11 page)

“You are so fucking perfect,” I said against her skin while thrusting my hips against her ass. My cock slid between her pert, round cheeks.

“Thank you, sir,” she replied, tilting her head to give me more access to her neck.

Sighing, I let go of her and picked up a spoon sitting in a crockpot filled with melted chocolate that I’d arranged to have waiting for us.

I pressed the back of the spoon to her nipple and she gasped at the heat, then I took it away leaving behind a thick smudge of chocolate. Grabbing another spoon, I replaced the first one and traced the outer edge of her clean, puckered nipple before smashing the chocolate-filled side against it.

“It’s so hot, sir,” Alix gasped, but held still.

The chocolate would cool quickly, giving an intense change in temperature on her nipples, which was exactly why I liked using the hot spoons to apply it.

“Do you want me to stop?” I asked even as I traded spoons again. Before she could answer I drizzled chocolate over her neck and lips, then licked and sucked along the path I’d made.

“No, sir,” she said, shaking her head.

“Good.” I smiled against her lips. “Turns out I want dessert after all.”

She simply moaned because I dropped my head to suck her nipple into my mouth and flicked my tongue repeatedly over it, making sure it was clean.

I did the same to the other coated peak, then reached up to unhook her wrists.

Alix dropped her wrists in front of her as a pained groan slipped from her parted lips.

“Knees,” I told her, ignoring the sound.

While she lowered herself, I took a moment to cover my dick with the thick substance, then stood in front of her. I nudged her lips with my coated tip and she sucked me in.

“Oh…” She managed to moan the word around my length as she took more of me into her mouth.

It didn’t take her long to have a smooth, bobbing rhythm as she practically inhaled every inch of me.

I let her continue as long as I could until I had to stop or come.

“Stop. Get on the bed,” I told her as I stepped back, forcing her to stop whether she wanted to listen or not.

“Yes, sir,” Alix said and quickly climbed onto the bed.

I unplugged the little pot of chocolate and moved it to the bedside so it was closer. Picking up one of the spoons, I knelt on the bed next to her. I drew patterns all over her abdomen before moving to include her breasts in the action. Finally, I dipped lower and let a whole spoonful run down between her spread thighs.

It was time to satisfy my sweet tooth; I smiled to myself and went to town cleaning off the most sexy body I’d ever seen. The more I licked the more she moaned and wiggled under me. Until I got to her pussy. As soon as my mouth was on her, she got much louder and was on the edge of coming almost immediately.

“Oh, sir, please. Let me come. It hurts, I need it so bad,” she whined.

“Not yet, Precious,” I said, shaking my head between her thighs, which only made her cry out again and an evil smile tug at my lips.

Once I thought she was clean enough, I knelt between her thighs and lined my cock up before thrusting into her in one swift motion. I lowered myself down onto my elbow so we were inches apart as I held completely still while filling her.

“Precious?” I asked and waited until her eyes met mine, all the haze of lust fading away slowly when she saw I was serious. “Will you wear my collar? Will you forever be my submissive while letting me take care of you as your dom? Let me give you everything you need in the bedroom and outside. Wear a sign of my ownership of you. Commit yourself only to me for the foreseeable future.”

“Absolutely, sir.” Alix didn’t even hesitate in her answer.

I had the collar under the pillow, but it’d have to wait to be put on because the only thing I could think of was keeping my dick as deep inside her as I could until I spilled my seed there and forced her to keep it inside her.

My hips automatically snapped forward when I tried to withdraw from her and both of us groaned out. Alix’s bound hands came down to wrap around my neck and pull me into a kiss before moving back over her head.

We kept kissing, passionate, deep, wet until she came around me, moaning into my mouth as she did so. Then even though we were both struggling to breathe, she kept kissing me so I kept kissing her until I couldn’t control my body anymore and my release exploded from within and I tore my lips from her to grunt loudly. With each spurt of come, I bucked against her harder than the time before, shoving her up the bed as I did so.

When I finally stopped spewing and collapsed on my side next to her, I had to close my eyes because I was dizzy.

The back of her hand ran down my cheek and I opened my eyes again.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you too,” I whispered back as I reached under my pillow to retrieve the collar I’d meant to give her earlier. I sat up and helped Alix up as well. Pushing her hair over her shoulders, I wrapped the thick silver band around her neck and fastened it in the back. There was a large pearl that dangled from the front and one from the chain in the back. A tiny lock kept the collar from being taken off without my consent.

“It’s beautiful,” Alix said, her voice breaking.

“Nothing less for the most precious person in the world,” I told her as I slowly unwrapped her wrists. “Let’s go home. I have one more surprise for you?”

“Another surprise? I don’t think anything gets better than this,” she said, running her hand over the band around her neck.

“I didn’t say it was better, just that it was another one.” I smiled and started redressing.

Once we were both as presentable as we were going to get, we drove back to our house.

“I love my collar, sir,” Alix said, breaking the silence in the car just as we pulled into the drive.

“I’m glad.” I looked at her in the dark space. “Are you ready for the final surprise?”

“I don’t know. After the last one I’m sticky, smell like dessert and still worn out from the amazing orgasms you gave me, but I think I can stand a bit more.” She smiled as she fingered the pearl hanging from the choker. “For you I can do anything.”

“We shall see,” I said before climbing from the car, then helping her out. My palm rested against her lower back as I led her to the front door. I held out the keys for her. “Here, you open it.”

She gave me an odd look but took the keys from my hand. It took her a moment to find the right key to open the door, then push it open as if expecting something to happen.

Nothing did.


Chapter Eleven



It had been an interesting night. After the romantic dinner followed by someone else’s engagement ring on the dessert tray, I was upset. Yes, John had proposed, but I still didn’t have a ring and he’d stopped offering to take me to look so I was wondering if he’d changed his mind. Then he’d mentioned that the ring was completely wrong for us and I had to agree.

We hadn’t been to The Scene in a long time since most of what we needed was at the house and we didn’t play in public often; however, there was something incredibly sexy about being there that only added to our time together.

I still couldn’t believe he’d given me an actual collar and claimed me as his own forever in the BDSM world. It was beautiful from what I’d seen of it, and I could feel the large pearl hanging down from the front which completely fit us.

Sadly, even though I’d completely enjoyed the evening, I was ready for a shower and bed. I highly doubted after everything I’d be getting the ring I so craved anytime soon. Not from the way his face had paled at dinner.

There was one surprise left, though and I tried to keep my energy and smile for him instead of feeling let down. It’s funny how I hadn’t even expected him to propose or get a ring, but it was like now that he’d asked and said he’d do it right I couldn’t get it out of my head.

When I opened the door, I expected there to be something right there as the final surprise, but the living room looked exactly as we’d left it. I frowned; I couldn’t help it. Why did he have me open the door if it wasn’t right there?

I set the keys on the side table with my purse and started a path to the bedroom. John was following after, adding his wallet to the other items.

“Am I supposed to be looking somewhere special for this surprise?” I asked as I went. My feet were starting to hurt from my tall heels and I wanted to get out of them before I went on this scavenger hunt or whatever would lead me to the last thing.

“Nope,” John said, making me jump. He was right behind me. His warm breath glided over my bare shoulder as his arms wrapped around my waist. “You okay, Precious? You seem tense all of a sudden.”

“Yeah, I’m just tired. You worked me hard tonight,” I admitted. At least that part was true.

“Well, then let’s get you into the shower. We can forget about the rest of what I had planned.” He ran the stubble on his jaw over my shoulder until his nose nudged my neck and I tilted my head to the opposite side.

“I’ll just feel bad, since you planned everything and now I’m ruining it.” I frowned but closed my eyes, leaning back against his hard body.

“It’ll hold. Let’s get you undressed.” He slid his hands down from my waist to the hem of the dress to dip his hands under it. His hands moved upward until he found my garter belt, which he unsnapped, then he worked on undoing the clasps which held up my stockings. I hadn’t put my panties back on when we’d left The Scene because I couldn’t find where they’d been thrown.

John knelt behind me and helped roll down each stocking then removed them and my heels along with the garter belt before standing once more.

“Let me turn off the light before we go to the bathroom,” he said, leaving me in the middle of the room.

When he flipped off the light, I gasped. In bright green letters that were stuck on the wall behind our bed was “Will You Marry Me?” I spun around where John had turned off the light to find him right behind me on one knee with a ring box in his hand.

“So, will you marry me? Will you be my wife? Not just my submissive, but the woman who makes me laugh, who challenges me in every aspect of life, the woman who makes me happier than any man has the right to be. Let me cherish you and give you all that I am. Say that you’ll spend the rest of your life with me and allow me to spend the rest of mine with you,” John said. The hand holding the box trembled.

“Yes. Like I could ever be happy with anyone else,” I said as tears ran down my face. This was the proposal I’d been waiting for and the platinum ring was absolutely perfect. A pearl sat in the middle of the ring with a silver band diagonally across it and small diamonds on either side.

John slid the ring onto my finger and stood to pull me into his arms.

“How was that?” he asked with a shaky smile.

“I couldn’t have dreamed of a better proposal,” I said before kissing him, sliding my tongue into his mouth and grinding my body against his to show him just how wonderful it was and how turned on it made me to see this soft, unsure side of the man who was always so secure in all that he did.

“Make love to me, John,” I breathed against his lips.

His hands grabbed my thighs and he hiked me up until I had no other option but to wrap my legs around his waist.

I laughed as he walked us to the bed and tenderly laid me down before climbing between my thighs.

After long, passionate kisses, John finally shed his pants and made slow, sweet love to me until both of us passed out from exhaustion.

The next couple of weeks passed in a blur as I got used to volunteering at the shelter. Initially I’d only planned to spend a day or two a week there, but once I found out how short-staffed and funded they were, I ended up spending a few hours a day there. While I never worked with Mariah, I usually passed her on my way in or out.

She was always friendly and would stop to chat for a minute or two, but then would excuse herself without once giving me a creepy vibe or making any signs that made me doubt her path to recovery.

One day she stopped me as I was coming in and looked around to make sure there wasn’t anyone else there.

“So, I’ve been wondering if maybe you would be interested in joining me for a coffee or something. You know, put all this craziness behind us. I’d really like to get to know you better,” she said.

I tried not to grimace. While I knew she was trying to be nice, I just didn’t know that I was ready to be meeting her when it was just us.

“Look, you can bring a friend or something if that makes you feel better,” she said with a hopeful smile on her face.

“I’ll have to see when my friend is available and let you know,” I told her and was saved from having to say anything else because my phone started ringing. Looking at the screen, I smiled. “Speak of the devil. I’ll catch you later.”

“Okay. Let me know,” she said, then with a small wave she walked away.

While I watched her go, the phone rang again and I answered it.

“Jennifer?” I asked.

“Hi! What are you up to? Want to go out today? I’m
bored,” she replied in her high-energy tone of voice.

“Sure. I need to go home, shower and change first but I could use some girl time.” I knew John would be busy with work and I hadn’t seen her in quite a while.

She told me she’d be by in an hour to get me so I hurried home to get ready. When she rang the bell, I was waiting in a pair of jeans and a tank top with my hair pulled back in a ponytail.

“Oh, look at you looking all housewife-ish,” she said, laughing when I opened the door to find her wearing a short pair of shorts and a tight top.

“Well… That’s pretty much what I am now.” I shrugged.

“Wait. WHAT. IS. THAT?” Jennifer screeched in a high-pitched squeal as she grabbed my left hand to examine my engagement ring. “You didn’t tell me!”

“Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry about that.” I smiled shyly. It hadn’t really occurred to me to call anyone to tell them about it. Not like we were planning on having an engagement party or even the wedding yet. As far as I knew, the wedding wasn’t even going to be an event, just a courtroom with the two of us and whatever witnesses we needed. Neither of us had family we wanted there and not many friends either. We weren’t getting married for any of them, anyway — it was for us and us alone.

“And is that a
? What is going
with you? I feel like you leave out all the good stuff when you talk to me,” she said, exasperated, as she flicked the pearl hanging from my choker.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I sighed. “It all just happened a little while ago. I didn’t realize it was such a big deal.”

I didn’t, either. I wasn’t a girly girl and didn’t really share private details of my life with anyone. While I talked with Jennifer every few days it was usually her talking while I listened since I didn’t have much to share or would talk about my time volunteering.

“Well, it is a big deal. A
deal. I forgive you though. But I can’t say I’m not a bit jealous because, damn, girl, your man is fine and the female population will be weeping the day he is completely off the market.” She smiled even as I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the house with her on my heels.

“I hate to be the one to tell you, but he’s completely off the market now,” I admitted.

“Sure. I know that, but there are some out there that think he’s still an option until he is married and it’s legal.”

I shook my head as we both climbed into her car. Some women were just crazy and that’s all there was to it.

We spent the next couple of hours shopping, or more like Jennifer shopped and I kept her company. Since I didn’t have a job I wasn’t spending what little money I had saved. I did pick up a couple new bras and matching panties since John liked to destroy them on a fairly regular basis, but I charged that to the credit card he’d gotten in my name.

By the time Jennifer dropped me back at the house, I was exhausted and had remembered why I could only take her in small doses. She was a blast to be around, but she had so much more energy than I did.

“Those are some sexy panties you bought,” she had said on the drive back. “I was going to suggest you pick up something naughty to surprise John with, but if that’s what you’re wearing on a regular basis…”

I laughed as she trailed off.

“What can I say, he inspires me to wear the sexiest panties I can find. Not like it matters. I could wear nothing or granny panties and he’d still have a hard time keeping his hands off me. That’s just how he is,” I sighed wistfully while shaking my head.

“Damn! As if I wasn’t already jealous of you,” Jennifer said, wiping a fake tear from her cheek. “I swear the man is too perfect.”

“Oh, no. He’s not perfect. There are definitely things that require work and understanding in order to make our relationship work, but that’s how every relationship is, right?” I said with a shrug. I wasn’t going to disclose either of our issues as it was none of her business.

She didn’t say anything after that and I knew I’d won the discussion. John might be the most exquisite man in the world, but he wasn’t without faults and no relationship was without its hiccups and bumps.

I had asked her about going out with me and Mariah for coffee while we’d been shopping and as expected, she’d agreed to be there for me. She was curious to set her eyes on John’s ex more than anything.

A week later, all three of us met at a small café late in the morning. I hadn’t told John where I was going and with whom, or rather I’d left out the part where Mariah would be there and was the main reason behind the gathering. For some reason, I still hadn’t told him that Mariah was at the shelter, either. I suppose it was because she’d seemed as normal as any other person and I didn’t want him to make me stop volunteering simply due to her being there.

Jennifer and I were seated by a window in the shop when Mariah joined us. Of course she looked like the perfect specimen of beauty that I’d come to expect from her. Her long blonde hair flowed around her in waves and seemed to blow in a non-existent breeze. Her jeans showed off her narrow hips and slim thighs while her top emphasized her perky, full breasts and flat stomach.

“There’s Mariah,” I said, pointing her out with a small wave when I caught her eye.

Jennifer scoffed under her breath and it made me smile to know I wasn’t the only one irritated by her perfection.

“John dated that woman? They’d make pretty babies, that’s for sure,” Jennifer said in a hushed voice.

“Uh…” I frowned and flashed her a look that made sure she knew that wasn’t the correct response.

“It’s too bad for her that he’s over his head in love with you,” she quickly added.

I held in a laugh as Mariah sat across the table from us.

“Good morning ladies,” Mariah said, flipping her hair over one shoulder. Her smile seemed genuine as she held a hand out to Jennifer. “I’m Mariah.”

“Jennifer,” my friend responded, extending her own hand.

“I’m so happy we could all get together,” Mariah said as the waiter stopped by to take her order. She ordered something that made my teeth hurt from how sweet it sounded. Once the waiter moved on, she turned her attention back to us. “This year has been so... interesting. I’m just glad I didn’t hurt anyone before I got help.”

“Yes, that’s a good thing,” Jennifer spoke up before I could. “Not that you didn’t try.”

Mariah lowered her head and nodded slowly.

“Yes, I did. I’ve already apologized to Alix, but I know I still owe Alix and John for forcing me to see what I was doing was wrong. And I really, truly feel sorry for the way I behaved. It’s so embarrassing when I think about it,” Mariah admitted as she picked at the napkin on the table. “However, that’s not why I wanted to meet today. Well, sort of. I wanted to show you that I’m not the same person and I want to be friends.”

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